Hsslive XI IMP July 2018 Physics

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F.Y. Res.No. ......

B 1b
.i't. tl. ..iiiili
JulY 2018 Name
iq'llili]l: :{.ii}}!

First Year Higher Secondary Irnprovennent Examination

Part - III
Maximum : 60 Scores
Time : 2 Hours
Cool off time : 15 Minutes
General Instructions to Candidates :
a There is a 'Cool off time' of 15 minutes in addition to the writing time.
o Use the 'Cooi off time' to get familiar with questions and to plan your
o Read the instructions carefully.
O Read the questions carefully before answeling.
o Calculations, figures and graphs shpuld be shown in the answer sheet itseif.
o Malayaiam version of the questions is also provided.
O Give equations wherever necessary.
o Illectronic devict:s cxcept nonilrogramrnablc calculators are not allowcd in
the Examinat"ion Hali.
nll uJ cd ran?a,ctnaoJgg acLtc@J m? 6 eg cn org crA :

o rnlOg1ov"s mloco,romjim" o-i3ooro 15 ,l.nl6 '43c0 oco.,r o6)so' goneccolroioo3o.

o 'eJU? GCO.O" 06)5o' GeICGJ6UB(i o-]c-oteQ)o(,ir- rSCCDjo pcor0r05u8(n G'@{rujiCI6rDo

OrJ I ccDJo pol cco.rccnl aet3A.

C co16egc,'acoBd aJeJoJcnJo r@Gtcot36gto ruccoJloroeDo.

o goroo6oBc6 o6;v3cl3croadlcn oJcn-'G-a-.jcGJB0Bcfi @errcn--l36qo cl-loar6o6lDo.

o €)er6o" el3elj6(h, oJ1nrsunc,a, l(,corJ6.(h,r.{)a11tu po-ef0Gr,--otc.ilrc oocr^n


a c-e-rccJ60Bc6 oetcotcgo"orla3o mrdo,1oJlg".e".

a croolcoJoJgg crucetcrm cruocrlceJ6mc6 oecsJeo6yto.

o c[olclcnco3acfi orrgccnc&corD eccfl6CIjca3o3ac6 o:elera,aJJgg EOj

p a a c c sml a p -r 6r 6rD tuJo
1s r t0 6)s 3 oo c g nfl g - e col c sjl eo3ru c oi .'-r c slg
o-.l 01 .

KR-7 Turn Over

I 315

Answer any 4 questions from 1 o3roafr 5 rueocqrJgg e-o.rcrelmng1cf,

question numbers 1 to 5. Each o61erore,11 erlo 4

5slotufl cri gorooooei(o)Ja.

carry 1 score. (4x1=4) aceoccrn'lcnjo 1 cru'ea,cd crllru:o. (4 x 1 = 4)

1. State TRUE or FALSE. 1. cno'leorc oro€Fc o{)6iiln9j(tle.

"Some conservation laws are "BoJ cledcmocm enretomicl Lroolcolo

true for one fundamental force. eJcrn -eli el ffD o o&:! 6r,1 cni ol o euB(i

but not for the others". o BJggoJ coJ"eo" cn rol co; c aer-n et a r, nlg . "

2. The angle between A:i*j and 2. A=; - j cjo B =;-j o,ioocoler3

B= L-1Is........ gg GdDcff"]gru oetcoeQ]c6Jcfni

a) 454 a) r;',

b) go{) b) 90r

c) 6oi' c) 60'

d) 1 8oo d) iso

3. l'hree objects with a mass of 3. .J

40 kg each are placed ir-r a cn'l

,-n )
straight line 50 cn.r apalt. What '6'

is thc net gravitatjonal foi"ce at 2Q

the centre object due to the other j , ii.q

two? -_=.ri


4. Which" one of the following 4. cocog eiacs3ooi rolao3crn CIlo6nto-.lJo

relationships between the crunccncooooJJo ccrool elJgg o€l(df

acceleration a and the
m o oJ ceJoc6TD" cntl oJki ncc0c ocernlai
displacement r of a Particle

involve simple harmonic eJ elcnoonD al3-o-ll g|lao3cmo".

a) a -5x
a) a:Sx
b) o--200x2
b) 0--200x2
c) a--5x
c) a:-5 x

d) o -10013
d) o-10013

5. The stress required to double 5. coroofcro" coccu3acru" 'Y' pgg nCIJ

rhe length of a wire of Young's amJlcor3os m1 go po$corcael3cnoo'rlca

modulus Y is . @rooJ coJo ccor m"o is.N "ot.aJcrnJ.

a) Y l2 a) Y l2

b) 2Y b) zY

c) \' c)Y
d) 4Y d) 4Y

Answer any 4 questions from 6 o;ronfl 10 ruooaoigg ealce;arngi'lnfl

question numbers 6 to 10. Each o63oro o,1 aJo 4 oo6movol cry g(drDoo o eJ(6)Jer.

(4 x o-llcoo' (4 x 2 = tt)
carries 2 scores. 2 =g) occoccrn'l mp 2 ml"eacd

6. A'car travelling at a sPeed 6. 54 km/hr crucnocolafl m)6'rqCI1-i

54 km/iu is brought to rest in eiacorelolaoJc'^o orl3,ooci oro! co-.] clto

90s. F'ind the distance travelled 90s 5)6C5rE" colr.olP-roc6Jcrn3. ocCI

bv the car before coming to rest. cnlusl a oceJfl"nrillcr,r oim-," cruaol ol 4;

GJoo e6'nB3Jdlae3,+.

KR-7 Turn Over


7. The parallelogram law is used to l. CIGre" melcnmegJos o-tolernal o-0€'lo

cn''.1 co a cg c [(n co
find the resultant of two vectors' aene3o-fl sl aei3cmoil

Find the magnitude of the cnlcotoo' po-.tcco.tccn1ao3crn3. oene"

resultant of two vectors in terms mlral coamg3os ololemro "neLru'rufl


of their magnitudes and angle or algo, clooJQ)Jos cl algol3o

between them. ororuroool el3gg G,&c6rrrJo 9r6ergs3oruj1


8. cntdlco,rccol pomroo ocooo6'lTnt)sJeo36'

8. Select the CORRE CT
a) ao3 clml"turSo-fd affim-i6ccl61ru
6D.l Plo co-JCmJlBloJ to-lcr-r"f fnrOl
a) When a conservative
o 4J gJa co.r c o ern sl nfl cnm c ml
does positive work on a bodY,
the potential energy of the
body i) eJsicrnJ

i) increases ii) aioaiJcmJ

ii) decreases iii ) o cR o3e,^reca3crn'ig

iii) remains unaitered

b) Work done by a bod,v against b) cea clndco3 "er6oc6rn6!iercnoi.l

friction alwaSts results in a :6o occol 1"-ro-l;oi'o'1 odg4JecCIc

loss of its .. e en si cf, oorfs0J6lrace3crner

i) kinetic energy
i) cnco-icac6eao
ii) potential energY
ii) cmoccnlcocdwo


c) The late of change of total crgorocorutlao orornlaag;gg Goj

momentum of a system of crui ocrfl clodoolJftDJccro

many particle system is eorolocf, cnlooo" m
proportional to the .. on
Gro cnScLJ c (Domjl er c coJl ro1 ao3o.
the system.
i) external force i) e'olcooJ Gl')leio

ii) sum of the internal forces ii) rsroerolrola 6tuer60BgJos coJe

d) The quantity which is d) pcflpercmlld oacg]ovcnlrtfl

conserved in an inelastic m;ooor{l aoo(t sJcm GYo goj
collision of two bod.ies is .... Gto)6m".

i) total kinetic energy i) Groo6 cnrolcac6sao

ii) total linear momentum ii) Gloo6 croaoo

9. A steel wire of length 1.5 m and 9. 1.5 m cnlgcl3o 0.25 cm oJ)ccrucrJJo

diameter A.25 cm is ioaded with ggg ECIj S116'1 am.lcoJlro? 98 N 6rrroo

a force of 98 N. The increase in oecsJdoJcrn3. amJloJos m'lgo 1.5 x

length of the wire is 10-a m eJsJcmJ. oscfrererm;ro? crlpcp;o

1.5 x 10-a m. Calculate the tensiie acruloiJos cnlgorolcnJ6r'eceJcm

stress and the fractional change L"n caiov emcfl c!)corJccrucr-lJo

in iength of the wire. aerre3"Jlsleo]a.

10. According to the kinetic theory 10. oelacn$al oilmrol ralom3cr-odig cnjccru"
of gases, gas molecules are cl c.,lo c lror a r,0 ne c
c 9J c n: ai ql
always in random motion. oacenclcildoJc"nj.

a) State the law of equipartition a) 'g)eJJo-lcdqloslod eicnr ogmdC'

of energy. (1) .4)Cm CnlOOo 1o:mjCOrCO-,,'16OJe. (1 )

b) Write the average value of b) ncearc OO Oj C (.5n-l .rg 6'/^n Cfi

energy of a molecule for each cocouleljgg ptrteaorur'letoB

vibrational mode. (1) coocuool CIJeJo nCIcf""? (1)

KR.7 'lurn Over


Answer any 4 questions frorn 11 o3ronfl 1 5 ru6,oaDJgg carce;arnglnfr

questioh numbers 11 to 15. Each o63o ro e,11 al" 4 €)5monDl crt golT)oo oeJ(6)]o,.

carries 3 scores. (4x3=12) eiceoccrn'lcnJo 3 mr"cacd o-llroo. (4 x 3 = 12)

11. Two parallel rail tracks run 11. o6'nc" oocoJlcflolcaourrcfi oco&o" olsao

north-south. Train A moves r:lc.omjl<rfl m)occrooocco.r3erre". Train A

north with a speed of 15 m/s and ors6o" elcocojlcetao" 15 m/s Grucocd)

train B moves south with a coJla3o Train B oo)€o" elcooJlcelaer"

speed of 25 m/s. 25 ml s ccr-tcllrolcoraJo crDdalolao3crn3.

a) What is the velocity of B with a) Train B cot3ers [oJGcrJOo A or3els

(1) 1o-L C CU Cn Oml,1 Cr" re"ro c o-.1 o'g'l a o col
respect to A? f
oge^cl66 ( 1)
b) What is the velocity of
b) rlloalJos (oJcoJCDo B eorJos
ground with respect to B? (1)
lo-- G Or (' OIDI Cn" (orocdddl ao ccol

c) What is the velocity of a

€ejnlAa (1)
monkey running on the roof
c) Train A o/J6ls CIieglaJos
of the train A against its
eo al1 etcr! ogrol 6 r:'l co co.rl G a ao"
rnotion (with a velocity of'
5l3ston co3 a3oeo.t:elcr! r.oJcoJCDc
5 mis with respect to the
oociol cd'lo?aet3o"n co3 ocngo:u;cn
train A) as observed by a man
€P G :u og! .g o c coi o{) glcOJA .

standing on the grouncl? (1)

a;eeueocp {.nJGolc,oo 'frain A

oia'el- G'Occud'silaoccof 5 m/s

coeJm"' (1)

KR-7 6

12. An inscct trrippeC jn a r:ircular L2. o-rJcolocao\roilcoila3gg 12 cm c@loCIJgg

gro0..-l; o{' ,"adius 12 cm moves noJ icn3crlro? cneooisJcrn ooJ ,,,

aic,ng the groor,'e steadiiy and ogftil-olGo 1 00 ermacrtru,l" oAcGrE"

conrplctes 7 revolutions in 100s. 7 orrol 1ao6'fDo cDSofoJcroj.

a) What is the linear speed of a) oramo'rolerQ Gcl-irll6)

the motion? (1) aene3n-tlsl€oJe. ( 1)

b) ls Lhe acceleration vector a b) coJ(06'rDo o:ro3 cmolo m;elcocccernc?

corrSt&nt vector? What is its cot(o6fDo aene3oJ1s16oJe. (2)

magnitucie? (2)

13. A car arid a truck have the same 13. CI61re" crDoccroCI cocol3aglcfl a3sT

kineti<' 0n('rgrt:s at a cety'tain meroldaoJer nCI/ acoicl3c lsaeilcngo

insta:ri lvllile they are moving noJ [olcalr)a cn)CIQJoYD" oJerJ

along l$,'o Iliifailei roads. cnrirri cac0 geo g6l"c".

a) \\'hich une will have greater a) n€lCItcnc6rD" a3s3orrfl G'@6oo

rnollentutr? (1) pggo) ?

b) lf' the jlrrss oi' tnrcl< is 100 b) paeilerc! occnj' acdocf, ocmjlert{

1-irn,.'s grcatL,t' t lian Lhat of'titr: 1 00 po3ccrcerecnslcfl gsoeierQ

i'iir. finci Li:i: ratio of veiocitv It-r rGCrJ f)CrrJo 6COlOcQ l,ttcO-c.nOt3o

o{'ihc ti.r:r'l< to ti}at of'the car. (2) or ool P-., jg g G'CI cnJo-l c crr c

aene3Jsraoj6. (2)

KR-7 Turn Ov€r


L4. A girl rotates on a swivcl chair L4. 8CIJ sl,.l-.] enaa3d coJ au-ri cr-] afl
as shown below. acmocolcfl prolao3cm -oJllroo o)coe
o a c s3ru'rrr1 ol ao3crn3.

a) What happens to her angular a) ramcrcfi ooaaci mlql

speed when she stretches her oJislao3aco,rceremslcfl cmo gjos

arms? (1) o'On3ac6 ol".'-floulcri ogcro"

b) Name and state the fi])nr?ff l.eSrrfn nJ'
- --'o' (1)

conservation law applied for b) o{lor fl)o06,fl51D mlcol0ocsrr)"

vorlr justification. (2) pc-" os pcl GQlc(,lqlC aolemro'r .

tg crlcorco loci'u"nDcoJae3a. (2)

15. A solid sphere of mass m and 15. '/ir' ror''r3c /? croooiJgJgg cdosccll
raciiris ,R starts from rest and cnj:e)idao3crn 8(0J oAcnGcnCpo 5l{0j

roils down along an inclincd _c"-rl-.-:^ caoro"locfl o3aglcfl cderl3o

plane of height h wit horrt ro 3 c i au." cnl co s_un c ei cl n_.1 1ot o:l,ti ctf,

siipping as shown below : &3r, ;="C,ael3rrncol Go--c5're.l go3end

O:1e.9 aL{XjaYll/.


a) Calculate the kinetic energy pTO

of the sphere when it reaches o0orDJccru caigg (D(olcac6sao

the ground. (2) aene3oJldlaoJe. (2)

b) Find the veloci.tY when it b) pctn" cDcoe ogoroicrucaagg

reaches the base. (1) [oJGCUOo ogcnnceoflolaer3o. (1)

Answer any 4 questions from 16 ojroail 2 0 ruooa,Jgg oorce;ongil<til

question numbers 16 to 20' Each o6proa,1l alo 4 noqmorDl crt 9(UYU)oooeJ(oJ6'

(4x4=16) eiccoccrrilcrrJo4ml"ae,c6oJlcoo. (4 x 4 = 16)

carries 4 scores.

16. A rnan jumPing out of a slow 16. ero.lcrlcol colcncoco/lafl ncs3crn erum-flcfl

moving bus falls forward' mlcrn3o ,-rcsJcrn) 6(0J om3ov;c6

o3cfr .-ii ca ael" cilv3rrn3.

a) This is due to ......... (1)

a) polnd &com^ro raroa,JcrnJ' ( 1)
b) Which Newt'on's law gives
the above concept? State the b) mJJ56,Q o€l(of cnlco'roCIc6rD"

(2) pro3o c co/l e'al cnlog5i o1 aei3cmoi

org cnlco;oo io:m:-cocoJlaer3a' Q)
c) What is the net force acting
on a book aL rest on t'he c) aCIJ GCIuocorJos cn3agjafl

(1) ml uei ei ccl-i cmccq, a1 ol ao3crn 5lCIJ

e,l3aoirtf, relocoJeoiog1sicm 62Jolo

og,lcrorccojirolaer3o ? (1 )

KR-7 9 Turn Over

3r 5

L7. To reduce friction and accidetrt 17 . .et 0, oe, 5Tf c a iO O,-eer; Cm Ol'i fnSc

dy skidding the roads are {oOo..l&3o pRCCIC6o6crnrznicnlc

banked at curves. orgo-;aglro? GoccLD" erucnicuf

a) What is meant by banking of
roads? (1) a) coccru3aglleiel en:cealeri og;cnnceni'? ( 1)

b) Sketch the schematic b) "elaogsrn 9gg 6ucF,it'uf


diagram of a vehicie on a cocru-l'le.lJos c.rJcaJcrn 6jCId

banked road with friction rucoomoral5)a crl cltlo ealatoilBCA

and mark the various forces. (1) acernlaetJffD cCIco,'{.L,oo aloaD"*ol,&. ( 1)

c) Derive an expression for c) 6ilcF,1aJJ" G',..,J(ii,/ttrl g.tt)rf,

maximum safe speed of a roroo:asolgcee ccrSAlcfr d61q,

vehicle on a banked road o6]EClac ACOOcrn .::'GO-.lC,lo

with friction. (2) 6ene3<-- 11 slael3cnol clig-g'1 2

o.lc6)o ro3"Jlarolao3a. (2)

18. For a liquid-gas interface, the 18. noJ iBcclaclio clccDd:[l,3o o:of :f,

cot 6 arfl rd oe;icrn G'JcnGIID'' cacerfr elr.- -

convex side has a higlt Pressure
A"ru" O-lC'Dc C)iCIecrn ffungo(srD caqc
than the concave side.
c&ce'.tcao-t c)-o?c (L-\L(c^(i'Y)

a) Derive an expression for

€c c?c c'l)aocd a;3sirn P-i cC: d' aeiio.
excess pressure insicle a
drop. (3) a) nCIj icc.L& ctjgg_,cu'dCIcl:nrn,ii}91

ro.locia or6 gc srfirB5:r-ii sioelSir';

b) Which is better, washing of'
oicnJgg cruolo,3dlic o;o-l,soi"eo3,+i.. (3)
cloth in cool soap wafer or
. warm soap water? Wh5'? (1) b) nCIj aoSa-rri coe.rDtelo Gcrui;cii

ocl ggar,'o'iaft a9i6)lcrn to)c G 6r',11

.c:Jsigg coi-rcgi e

agJejcrn('ccsrDo ngrn.
o€)crDJO,sc6IB ? (1)

KR-7 10
eio3 otm-l:toacrJle,€ cn"lgo colcoloro'Jlmcn3
19. Linear exPansion is change in 19.

length'of an object with oDol g o{oJccrDog s3crnoii em ell cnl o16

ogla"oru:": cc6og c6 o$crnJ oloa)ecrnJ'


a) Write the equati'on for a) caco6;nnl"sJ€ s:c.,-0" eflmlcol0

eo e fficie nt of line ar ogeicrl""-lccfr ov elcfl m)oolceJo

expansion. (1) o€)eJrnrJa' ( 1)

b) Show that the coefficient of b) caco4;n-o1"siJ€ oc"n" cclcgilco'to

volume exPansion is thrice og;AiaL ol cc6osl c6 c aco6;o-01

cofi oga"cruYo:co1"v ocfl 3
its coefficient of linear acnri ell cnl

expansion. (2) po$cotco6rncrn" octn$coJlao3a. (2)

c) The absolute zeto is ....."" (1) c) rorooo"crl etgi ml"l coc

cYoeJcmj ( 1)

20. crulo.Jki o.,-Lc6cru3ao o{;crn6i cnjloJri

20. The simplest example of simple

harmonic motion is the oocOcocernlai coc"veln! elo.lolcol

oscill ations of a simPie gGCof)(OsrDoCern-.

pendulum. a) aulooJld oG- rolc\DJeo-oQ


a sl ael3crn ol'l c0ig9- m) CI

a) I)erive an expiression for Lhe onre3,rJ

period of oscillation of a QlCaJo rcac'fl Att raer3"A' (3)

sirnple pendulurn. (3) b) gtnv"ocoi o-l0edao3cm-lcr'0

b) ln a simple ml o o-ll ri o o-l c6 ol3el rarol o cf,

Pendulum made
all rolcu:icn o6cro" cruoreo,Q eoicrnJ'
of a metailic wire, what will
&c(06IDo OJ CrOeOcael3a' (1)
happen to the Period when
temperature increases? Give
a reason. (1)

KR-7 11 Turn Over


Answpr any 4 questions from 2L o3ronf, 25 cuooaoJgg €^alce;amg'lafl

question numbers 21 to 25- Each o6oora,11 alo 4 €)motu,lcrf goYooooel(d)]e,.
carries 5 scores. (4x5=20) oceoccrn'lcn3o 5 ml"aa,c6 ollroo. (4 x 5 = 20)

21. a) The centripetal force 2L. a) oo3 cr-i al."co3ctnoQ orce'i calcn 6'Dl ejo

depends on mass of the bodY, ocrulcCIa)Jo [oJGo]{ncoroa)Jo

velocity and radius of o0oro3g olccocoJJos G'@CIGotoeo)Jo

circular path. Find the (llo@ordl o1 ao3crn3. erercu-loa?,'s -

expression for the emafl onmceJlm,flcrd go-lcco' cutu

centripetal force acting on oo relcalcr: 6il eJ carol m 5loJ

the body using the PrinciP1e m)oc)lceJo o3oJladl6oJ6. (crunlo

of dimensional analYsis. ffDocr[ k=I o6eicrns3ao3a) (3)

(Take constantk= 1) (3)
b) sJdBA o6crn lcDooo e3olcolafl

b) When the planet JuPiter is at cnlcrn" 824.7 CFU*0 a,1carco160

a distance of 824.7 million cro&oei aJccrn". panloQ rc"rqn3ac6

kilorneters from the Earth. o-.];ccrDo 35.7 2" croeicmi.

its angular diameter is njgl6olercfr cx;ccfuo

measured to be 35.72" of arc. aere3oJlsleoJe.


Calculate the diameter of a

J upiter.

22. Satellites are objects which 22. g"- i.'.n.neunc0 lcnooorolco ,lJBJo

revolve around the earth. n- e'.AOerno elc-j$.[Cl..l^tJ.

a) The direction of revolution of a) e3cmolro pcu lcrlooCa'Oi olcfl

geosynchronous satellite is ,,-eilL6oern rilco . .... cloajcrnJ.

from i) a;voei cjlrn" o-dmreco

i) east to west ii) otsjleromrco cdlcrn" alsaer'

ii) west to east iii) o:sao" cnlcrn" 6fc0&o"

iii) north to south iv) ooaet- crjlcrn" clsoei (1)

iv) south to north (1)

KR-7 72
k\ aoeoBletacenelrolao3crn 80.,
b) Derive an expression for
go lcnnoorolocfl G]OOA Prcaeeo
total energv of an orbiting
aene3nJslao3crnrnlm3gg cruo
satellite. (3)
ojceJo o3nJlaroloer3a. (3)
c) What is the magnitude of the
elcfi rooa3elcd
angular velocitY for a c) cacn:.nl ro go-l icnooorail

LoJcQJolomlocfl o-l ol ocsrno

geosynchronous sateiiite? (1)
og;LocorceoIlCao3o. (1)

23. The flow of an ideal fluid in a 23. nCIJ oo€)mlao.rafl .1g3co.llm1ercQ oXoJitlt

pipe of varYing cross section is G eCI G cd) ei d ml"rol"l 6 nS

shown below. s;3erulerJosco,Jgg neJeCI" c0coe

ip- --Tl\,4.,
(- -t/
V2 At --'-_Mp
lv,n t
AB<K--,.-' A1
' | \ >' h^z Pl


a) Write Bernoulli's equation' (1) a) ar dcerrcgf ot-r" ffDoCriCe)o

o0eJoJdb (1)
b) F ind ther speed of'efflux using
RernouLii's PrinciPle. (3) b) ea6eerlc$cru" c-ralo p"-Lcolccnlg

mi.'l m-1" ncor' PeS a, cr^i

c) State Torricelii.'s 1aw. (1)

aore3o_jidlaoJ6. (3)

c) cscoiotruglcoJJoS cniotoc


KR-7 13 Turn Over


24. The basic features of a device are 24. nCIj gci6(06ltlcarolocf, LoJo-lCIommo
schematically represented in the acomjaoJcm atQU[cno CIcoy

figure below. - eracs3o'ml1Cao3cm3.

i iol I oltl
[{crt-r.r,.tr ir. Itrr:sst'rrtt iI'
J, I

a) Which type of device is this, a) B 0f "o1 B og crt *1 c0 rsIO G 6rn c

a heat engine or a olonl aco66 GYOc6rDc

refrigerator? (1) .€ocrneJrul3e. ( 1)

hi potn-ulcoo66 aJca)lcoc crjrc4-

b) Drarv the indicator diagram
and label the foui" processes acdccocg oerm:aoldta cncei

in the Carnot cycle. (2) oio-icoDcsiSeta cTosa)cgoo-l

slc-DJ6. (2)
c) A stem engine delivers
5.4 x 108 J of work per minute c) ooi cOjlo ogc0dlc0 cerucaojlelcjloo:

and services 3.6 x 10e J of 3.6 x 10e J cl)coto go-tccorccdgi

heat per minuLe from its 1 Cc,tSr6fl 5.4 x IQF J 1r-ro-tj(6'rull

boiler. Whaf is the efficienc5' otr 9Jrrnj. ogc6aietcf,

of the engine? H ow much n6),rNt ol;<r0 crul 6 f,ne3,-- ri sl aeJa.

heat is wasted per minute? (2) og(cococo-r o ngc6di cCI, 5roe ol 0d glru1

rrrcecdoJcmJ. Q)

KR.7 I4
25. A transverse harmonic wave on 25. 6oe amJloleLJosarJgg GlomJtorcrun

a string is described by oocOcocemlai (DOoo)C6'rO1ocn

y (x, t) : 3.0 Slru (361+ o.o18r + tr | 4) y(*, t) - g.o Srn (sat + o.o18r + n I a)
where .r' and 'y' are in cm and o€)crn" m:3-o-flgfaei3crn3. 'x' go 'y' o4o

'f' is in s. The positive direction c fn - eJJo 't' omlacr?nul aJoc6rn'.

of h'is from left to right. co:cm"fl61oi 'Jc' rslcro nslcrnoi pstr.r"

cnlcrn3o or erGC6nDc5 roOa3crn3

a) Is this a travelling wave or a
stationary wave? If it is a) prur" ao3 lscorellori cooooocG6rDc

travelling, what are the cpSovmol cdroo(/)occemc ? .

speed and direction of its [sccualeB" cooocn0coernsld

propagation? (2) GCU(/)C6)@Jo ffDoorO6'rD r:1CnCOr3o

aene3o-fldlaoJa. (2)
b) What are its amplitude and
frequencv? b) tinoocooml etcfr eorg ocol co.rgo

rorgo:;camrloJo 66re3o-fls1ao3a (2)

c') What is the least distance
bctween trlo sr.iccessive c) cCIsJcdrosJo"rDJgg [6CIoca0J CI6rl3"

cl'esis in the wave? (1) {/oJocD6dBr.0 curooT erJgg cJoo

aene3oJlsl6oJ6. (1)

KIt-'i 15

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