Hsslive XI IMP July 2018 Physics
Hsslive XI IMP July 2018 Physics
Hsslive XI IMP July 2018 Physics
B 1b
.i't. tl. ..iiiili
JulY 2018 Name
iq'llili]l: :{.ii}}!
true for one fundamental force. eJcrn -eli el ffD o o&:! 6r,1 cni ol o euB(i
but not for the others". o BJggoJ coJ"eo" cn rol co; c aer-n et a r, nlg . "
a) 454 a) r;',
b) go{) b) 90r
c) 6oi' c) 60'
d) 1 8oo d) iso
3. l'hree objects with a mass of 3. .J
,-n )
straight line 50 cn.r apalt. What '6'
two? -_=.ri
d) o -10013
d) o-10013
a) Y l2 a) Y l2
b) 2Y b) zY
c) \' c)Y
d) 4Y d) 4Y
question numbers 6 to 10. Each o63oro o,1 aJo 4 oo6movol cry g(drDoo o eJ(6)Jer.
(4 x o-llcoo' (4 x 2 = tt)
carries 2 scores. 2 =g) occoccrn'l mp 2 ml"eacd
GJoo e6'nB3Jdlae3,+.
cn''.1 co a cg c [(n co
find the resultant of two vectors' aene3o-fl sl aei3cmoil
10. According to the kinetic theory 10. oelacn$al oilmrol ralom3cr-odig cnjccru"
of gases, gas molecules are cl c.,lo c lror a r,0 ne c
c 9J c n: ai ql
always in random motion. oacenclcildoJc"nj.
questioh numbers 11 to 15. Each o63o ro e,11 al" 4 €)5monDl crt golT)oo oeJ(6)]o,.
11. Two parallel rail tracks run 11. o6'nc" oocoJlcflolcaourrcfi oco&o" olsao
KR-7 6
13. A car arid a truck have the same 13. CI61re" crDoccroCI cocol3aglcfl a3sT
rnollentutr? (1) pggo) ?
b) lf' the jlrrss oi' tnrcl< is 100 b) paeilerc! occnj' acdocf, ocmjlert{
i'iir. finci Li:i: ratio of veiocitv It-r rGCrJ f)CrrJo 6COlOcQ l,ttcO-c.nOt3o
o{'ihc ti.r:r'l< to ti}at of'the car. (2) or ool P-., jg g G'CI cnJo-l c crr c
aene3Jsraoj6. (2)
L4. A girl rotates on a swivcl chair L4. 8CIJ sl,.l-.] enaa3d coJ au-ri cr-] afl
as shown below. acmocolcfl prolao3cm -oJllroo o)coe
o a c s3ru'rrr1 ol ao3crn3.
15. A solid sphere of mass m and 15. '/ir' ror''r3c /? croooiJgJgg cdosccll
raciiris ,R starts from rest and cnj:e)idao3crn 8(0J oAcnGcnCpo 5l{0j
plane of height h wit horrt ro 3 c i au." cnl co s_un c ei cl n_.1 1ot o:l,ti ctf,
a) Calculate the kinetic energy pTO
16. A rnan jumPing out of a slow 16. ero.lcrlcol colcncoco/lafl ncs3crn erum-flcfl
og,lcrorccojirolaer3o ? (1 )
L7. To reduce friction and accidetrt 17 . .et 0, oe, 5Tf c a iO O,-eer; Cm Ol'i fnSc
c) Derive an expression for c) 6ilcF,1aJJ" G',..,J(ii,/ttrl g.tt)rf,
18. For a liquid-gas interface, the 18. noJ iBcclaclio clccDd:[l,3o o:of :f,
.c:Jsigg coi-rcgi e
agJejcrn('ccsrDo ngrn.
o€)crDJO,sc6IB ? (1)
KR-7 10
eio3 otm-l:toacrJle,€ cn"lgo colcoloro'Jlmcn3
19. Linear exPansion is change in 19.
cYoeJcmj ( 1)
21. a) The centripetal force 2L. a) oo3 cr-i al."co3ctnoQ orce'i calcn 6'Dl ejo
22. Satellites are objects which 22. g"- i.'.n.neunc0 lcnooorolco ,lJBJo
KR-7 72
k\ aoeoBletacenelrolao3crn 80.,
b) Derive an expression for
go lcnnoorolocfl G]OOA Prcaeeo
total energv of an orbiting
aene3nJslao3crnrnlm3gg cruo
satellite. (3)
ojceJo o3nJlaroloer3a. (3)
c) What is the magnitude of the
elcfi rooa3elcd
angular velocitY for a c) cacn:.nl ro go-l icnooorail
23. The flow of an ideal fluid in a 23. nCIJ oo€)mlao.rafl .1g3co.llm1ercQ oXoJitlt
ip- --Tl\,4.,
(- -t/
V2 At --'-_Mp
lv,n t
AB<K--,.-' A1
' | \ >' h^z Pl
o0eJoJdb (1)
b) F ind ther speed of'efflux using
RernouLii's PrinciPle. (3) b) ea6eerlc$cru" c-ralo p"-Lcolccnlg
c) cscoiotruglcoJJoS cniotoc
24. The basic features of a device are 24. nCIj gci6(06ltlcarolocf, LoJo-lCIommo
schematically represented in the acomjaoJcm atQU[cno CIcoy
i iol I oltl
[{crt-r.r,.tr ir. Itrr:sst'rrtt iI'
J, I
slc-DJ6. (2)
c) A stem engine delivers
5.4 x 108 J of work per minute c) ooi cOjlo ogc0dlc0 cerucaojlelcjloo:
heat is wasted per minute? (2) og(cococo-r o ngc6di cCI, 5roe ol 0d glru1
rrrcecdoJcmJ. Q)
KR.7 I4
25. A transverse harmonic wave on 25. 6oe amJloleLJosarJgg GlomJtorcrun
y (x, t) : 3.0 Slru (361+ o.o18r + tr | 4) y(*, t) - g.o Srn (sat + o.o18r + n I a)
where .r' and 'y' are in cm and o€)crn" m:3-o-flgfaei3crn3. 'x' go 'y' o4o
aene3o-fldlaoJa. (2)
b) What are its amplitude and
frequencv? b) tinoocooml etcfr eorg ocol co.rgo
aene3oJlsl6oJ6. (1)
KIt-'i 15