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Analysis of Section
(Examples and Tutorials)
Dr. Sharifah Maszura Syed Mohsin
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources
[email protected]

Analysis of Section (Example and Tutorials) by Sharifah Maszura Syed Mohsin

Example 1: Singly reinforced rectangular
A rectangular reinforced concrete beam has to support a
design moment of 45 kNm. Determine the area of
reinforcement required if the beam dimension is 150 x 315
mm (bxd), concrete strength fck = 25 kN/mm2 and steel
strength fyk = 500 N/mm2

K = M/fckbd2 = 45x106/(25x150x3152) = 0.121

Redistribution = 0% Redistribution ratio,  -1.0

Kbal = 0.454( - k1)/k2 – 0.182 [(- k1)/k2]2

= 0.167

Analysis of Section(Examples and Tutorials) by Sharifah Maszura Syed Mohsin

K < Kbal : Compression reinforcement not required

z = d[ 0.5 + (0.25 –K/1.134) 1/2]

= 0.88 d

As,req = M/0.87fykz
= 45x106/(0.87x500x0.88x315)
= 373 mm2

Thus provide : 2H16

(As = 402 mm2)

Analysis of Section(Examples and Tutorials) by Sharifah Maszura Syed Mohsin

Example 2: Singly reinforced rectangular
Determine the ultimate moment of resistance of a rectangular
beam if the beam dimension is 150 x 315 mm (bxd), concrete
strength fck = 25 kN/mm2 and steel strength fyk = 500 N/mm2.
2H16 (As = 402 mm2) of tension reinforcement bar are provided.

Fcc = 0.567fckb(0.8)x = 0.454fckbx
= 1702.5 x

Fst = 0.87 fykAs

= 174870

Analysis of Section(Examples and Tutorials) by Sharifah Maszura Syed Mohsin

Example 2: Singly reinforced rectangular
Equilibrium of forces
Fst = Fcc
174870 = 1702.5 x
x = 102.7 mm

Moment of resistance
M = Fcc . z
= (1702.5 x 102.7)(315 – 0.4(102.7))
= 47.9 kNm

Analysis of Section(Examples and Tutorials) by Sharifah Maszura Syed Mohsin

Example 3: Doubly reinforced rectangular
A rectangular reinforced concrete beam has to support a
design moment of 60 kNm. Determine the area of
reinforcement required if the beam dimension is 150 x 315
mm (bxd), concrete strength fck = 25 kN/mm2 and steel
strength fyk = 500 N/mm2. The effective depth of
compression bar (d’) is taken as 37 mm.

K = M/fckbd2 = 70x106/(25x150x3152) = 0.188

K > Kbal = 0.167 : Compression reinforcement is required

z = d[ 0.5 + (0.25 –Kbal/1.134) 1/2]

= 0.82 d
Analysis of Section(Examples and Tutorials) by Sharifah Maszura Syed Mohsin
Example 3: Doubly reinforced rectangular
x = (d – z) / 0.4 = 141.8 mm

d’/x = 37 / 141.8 = 0.261 < 0.35

As’,req = (K – Kbal)fckbd2/0.87fyk(d – d’)

= (0.188 – 0.167)(25)(150)(3152)/
(0.87x500x(315 - 37))
= 65 mm2

Thus provide : 2H12 (As = 226 mm2)

Analysis of Section(Examples and Tutorials) by Sharifah Maszura Syed Mohsin

Example 3: Doubly reinforced rectangular
As,req = Kbalfckbd2/0.87fykzbal + As’,req
= 0.167(25)(150)(3152)/(0.87x500x0.82x315) +
= 618 mm2

Thus provide : 2H20 (As = 628 mm2)

Analysis of Section(Examples and Tutorials) by Sharifah Maszura Syed Mohsin

Example 4: Doubly reinforced rectangular
Determine the ultimate moment of resistance of a
rectangular beam if the beam dimension is 150 x 315
mm (bxd), compression effective depth (d’) = 37 mm,
concrete strength fck = 25 kN/mm2 and steel strength fyk
= 500 N/mm2. 2H12 and 2H20 are provided for
compression and tension reinforcement bar,

Compression : 2H12 As’= 226 mm2

Tension : 2H20 As = 628 mm2

Analysis of Section(Examples and Tutorials) by Sharifah Maszura Syed Mohsin

Example 4: Doubly reinforced rectangular
Assuming initially that the steel stresses fst and fsc are the
design yield value 0.87 fyk

Fcc = 0.567fckb(0.8)x = 0.454fckbx
= 1702.5 x

Fsc = 0.87fykAs’
= 98310

Fst = 0.87 fykAs

= 273180

Analysis of Section(Examples and Tutorials) by Sharifah Maszura Syed Mohsin

Example 4: Doubly reinforced rectangular
Equilibrium of forces
Fst = Fcc + Fsc
273180 = 1702.5 x + 98310
x = 102.7 mm < 0.617d = 194 mm

Thus, tension steel has been yield as assumed

d’/x = 37/102.7
= 0.36 < 0.38

Thus, compression steel has yield as assumed

Analysis of Section(Examples and Tutorials) by Sharifah Maszura Syed Mohsin

Example 4: Doubly reinforced rectangular
Lever arm
z = d – 0.4x = 273.9 mm
z1 = d – d’ = 278 mm

Moment of resistance
M = Fcc . z + Fsc . z1
= (1702.5 x 102.7 x 273.9) + (98310 x 278)
= 75.2 kNm

Analysis of Section(Examples and Tutorials) by Sharifah Maszura Syed Mohsin

Example 5: Singly reinforced flanged section

Determine the area of reinforcement required in a T

beam with the following dimension for an applied
moment of 250 kNm. Depth of slab 100 mm, width of
flange 800 m, width of web 200 mm, effective depth 400
mm. Use fck = 25 N/mm2 and fyk = 500 N/mm2.

Mf = 0.567fckbhf(d – 0.5 hf)

= 0.567 x 25 x 800 x 100 (400 – 0.5 x 100)
= 396 kNm

M < Mf Thus, Neutral axis lies in flange

Analysis of Section(Examples and Tutorials) by Sharifah Maszura Syed Mohsin

Example 5: Singly reinforced flanged section

K = M/fckbd2
= 250 x 106 / (25 x 800 x 4002)
= 0.078

Kbal = 0.167

K < Kbal : Thus, Compression reinforcement is not


z = d[ 0.5 + (0.25 –K/1.134) 1/2]

= 0.93 d

Analysis of Section(Examples and Tutorials) by Sharifah Maszura Syed Mohsin

Example 6: Singly reinforced flanged section

As = M/0.87fykz
= 250x106/(0.87 x 500 x 0.93 x 400)
= 1545 mm2

Thus provide : 5H20 (As = 1571 mm2)

Analysis of Section(Examples and Tutorials) by Sharifah Maszura Syed Mohsin

Example 6: Singly reinforced flanged section

Determine the area of reinforcement required in a T beam

with the following dimension for an applied moment of 250
kNm. Depth of slab 100 mm, width of flange 500 m, width
of web 200 mm, effective depth 400 mm. Use fck = 25
N/mm2 and fyk = 500 N/mm2.

Mf = 0.567fckbhf(d – 0.5 hf)

= 0.567 x 25 x 500 x 100 (400 – 0.5 x 100)
= 248 kNm

M < Mf Thus, neutral axis lies in web

Analysis of Section(Examples and Tutorials) by Sharifah Maszura Syed Mohsin

Example 6: Singly reinforced flanged section

f = 0.167(bw/b) + 0.567(hf/d)(1-bw/b)(1-hf/2d)
= 0.167 x 0.4 + 0.567 x 0.25 x (1 -0.4) (1 – 0.125)
= 0.141

Mbal = ffckbd2
= 0.141 x 25 x 500 x 4002
= 282 kNm

M < Mbal Thus, compression reinforcement is not


Analysis of Section(Examples and Tutorials) by Sharifah Maszura Syed Mohsin

Example 6: Singly reinforced flanged section

Area of tension reinforcement

As = [M + 0.1fckbwd(0.36d – hf)]/ 0.87fyk(d- 0.5hf)

= 250x106 + 0.1 x 25 x 200 x 400 x (0.36 x 400 – 100)
0.87 x 500 (400 – 0.5 x100)
= 1699 mm2

Thus provide : 6H20 (As = 1885 mm2)

Analysis of Section(Examples and Tutorials) by Sharifah Maszura Syed Mohsin

Example 7: Doubly reinforced flanged
Determine the ultimate moment resistance of the
following T beam: hf = 100 mm, b = 700 mm, bw = 225
mm, d = 500 mm and d’= 50 mm. The tension
reinforcement provided is 6H25 and the compression
reinforcement is 3H12. Used fck = 25 N/mm2 and fyk =
500 N/mm2

Compr. reinforcement = 3H12 As = 339 mm2

Tension reinforcement = 6H25 As’ = 2946 mm2

Analysis of Section(Examples and Tutorials) by Sharifah Maszura Syed Mohsin

Example 7: Doubly reinforced flanged
Assuming initially that steel stress fst is the design yield
value 0.87fyk and neutral axis in the web

Analysis of Section(Examples and Tutorials) by Sharifah Maszura Syed Mohsin

Example 7: Doubly reinforced flanged
Fcc1 = 0.454fckbwx = 2554 x
Fcc2 = 0.567fck(b-bw)hf = 673313
Fsc = 0.87fykAs’ = 147465
Fst = 0.87 fykAs = 1281510

Equilibrium of forces
Fst = Fcc1 + Fcc2 + Fsc
1281510= 2554 x + 673313 + 147465
x = 180 mm > 100 mm
= Neutral axis in the web as assumed

Analysis of Section(Examples and Tutorials) by Sharifah Maszura Syed Mohsin

Example 7: Doubly reinforced flanged
Lever Arm
z = d – 0.4x = 500 – 0.4 x 180 = 428 mm
z1 = d – d’ = 500 – 50 = 450 mm
z2 = d – 0.5hf = 500 – 0.5 x 100 = 450 mm

Moment of resistance
M = Fcc1 . z + Fsc. z1 + Fcc2 . z2
= (2554 x 180 x 428) + (673313 x 450) +
(1281510 x 450)
= 506 kNm

Analysis of Section(Examples and Tutorials) by Sharifah Maszura Syed Mohsin

Tutorial: Rectangular section

1. A reinforced concrete beam has breadth of 300 mm

and effective depth of 500 mm. Tension and
compression reinforcement provided are 6H25 and
3H12 respectively. Determine the ultimate moment
capacity of the section, if fck = 25 N/mm2 and fyk =
500 N/mm2. The effective depth to compression
reinforcement is 55 mm.

Analysis of Section(Examples and Tutorials) by Sharifah Maszura Syed Mohsin

Tutorial: Flanged Section

1. Determine the area of steel required in a T beam with the

following dimensions for an applied moment of 250 kNm;
depth of slab = 110 mm, width of flange = 650 mm, width
of web =200 mm, effective depth = 400 mm. Consider
concrete class 25/30 and high yield steel.

2. Determine the area of steel required in a T beam with the

following dimensions for an applied moment of 400 kNm;
depth of slab = 110 mm, width of flange = 650 mm, width
of web =200 mm, effective depth = 400 mm, effective
depth of compression reinforcement = 50 mm. Consider
concrete class 25/30 and high yield steel.

Analysis of Section(Examples and Tutorials) by Sharifah Maszura Syed Mohsin

Tutorial: Flanged Section
An L-section beam as shown below is required to resist an ultimate
design moment of 380 kNm and design shear of 285 kN. Determine
the area of steel required for longitudinal reinforcement. Use
characteristic strength of concrete and steel reinforcement of 25
N/mm2 and 500 N/mm2, respectively.

Analysis of Section(Examples and Tutorials) by Sharifah Maszura Syed Mohsin

End of Tutorial

Analysis of Section (Example and Tutorials) by Sharifah Maszura Syed Mohsin

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