ORTHO - Space Analysis

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Lecture outline:
1. Aims of space analysis
2. Features of malocclusion to be considered in space analysis
3. Total space requirement
4. Determining anchorage requirements
5. How space will be created?

Aims of space analysis

→ To determine the space and anchorage requirements for orthodontic treatment.

Features of malocclusion to be considered in space analysis

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i. Crowding and spacing

˗ Is quantified as
o Mild < 4mm
o Moderate 4-8mm
o Severe > 8mm

˗ Example:
o Measure the mesiodistal width of crowded teeth
 9mm + 10mm + 7mm = 25mm
o Measure the space available
 11mm + 2mm = 13mm
o Total arch crowding
 26mm -13mm = 13mm

˗ If second molar/s retained/ following extraction and eruption of premolar

o 1mm of space per quadrant will be available in the upper arch
o 2mm of space per quadrant will be available in lower
o It is conventional to use……….

ii. Incisor anteroposterior movement

˗ The lower incisor anteroposterior position should be accepted to maximize
˗ In Class II malocclusion, upper incisors teeth retracted to reduce the overjet.
˗ In Class III malocclusion, upper incisors advance to correct everse overjet.
˗ For all incisors,
o 1mm retraction need 2mm space (1mm/quadrant)
o 2mm advancement created 2mm space.
iii. Changing inclination
˗ When the incisors has space inclination:
o In proclined incisor – overjet increased and space required to normalize
this increase
o For all 4 upper incisors
 To proclined 5˚ need 1mm
 Every 5˚ retroclination – 0.5mm
Reduction in overjet reduce the space required for retraction of
upper incisor

iv. Leveling the curves of spee

˗ A deep overbite can reduced by leveling od the curve of spee.
˗ Leveling requires alignment of the contacts and has space implication
˗ The depth is measured at the greatest point from line drawn between the distal
cusps of sixes and incisal edges
˗ Point to consider >> space required to level the curves of spee only if:
o Premolar not been considered crowded
o Deep over bite

v. Arch expansion
˗ Upper arch expansion is undertaken for crossbite correction
˗ Useful to provide space for relief of crowding and overjet reduction
˗ Every 1mm expansion- 0.5mm space within the arch

vi. Tooth enlagement or replacement

˗ Space is required in:
• The mesiodistal enlargement of microdont tooth
• Replacement of missing teeth
˗ In such cases it needed determine the total arch space requirement
˗ Opinion of restorative specialist. I must be considered on how much space
is required as this depends on the final restoration planned.
˗ Eg; crown and bridge, implant…..

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