Geophysics Gravity
Geophysics Gravity
Geophysics Gravity
• Medium scale: location of salt domes in oil exploration (low density salt
relative to sediments)
• Large scale: estimation of crustal thickness (low density crust over higher
density mantle)
The force of attraction between two bodies of known mass is directly proportional to
the product of the two masses and inversely proportional to the square of the
distance between them.
where M and m are the masses of the two bodies, r the distance separating them,
and G=6.67 x 10-11 Nm2kg-2 is the gravitational constant.
On the Earth:
For a mass on the surface of a uniform spherical Earth of mass M and radius R, the
gravitational attraction on a small mass m is given by:
g m is the weight of the mass, and g is the acceleration due to gravity, or just
gravity. g = 9.80 ms-2 on average.
Units of Gravity
Galileo made the first measurement of the acceleration due to gravity by dropping
objects from the leaning tower of Pisa.
1 Gal = 1 cm s-2
Modern gravity meters are extremely sensitive and can measure g to within 1 part in
109. (Equivalent to measuring the distance from the Earth to the Moon to within 1
10 g.u. = 1 mGal
= 980,000 mGal
If the Earth were a uniform sphere g would be constant. However, gravity varies
because the density varies within the Earth and the Earth is not a perfect sphere.
• The Earth has the shape of a flattened sphere because of its rotation.
• The radius is greater at the equator because the greater centrifugal force
tends to pull material outward.
The Geoid
• On land, the geoid is the surface that would correspond to the water level in
imaginary canals cut through the continents.
• The geoid represents a surface on which the gravitational field has the same
value, and so is called an equipotential surface. [If the gravity value varied,
there would be a gravitational force that would force water to flow from one
place to another.]
• The direction of gravity deviates from the vertical due to long wavelength
features such as the continents and to short wavelength features such as a
sulphide ore body.
The difference between the average geoid at a latitude around the earth shows the
effect of the long wavelength variations.
There are also extremes in the geoid over India, -80 m, and the western Pacific, +60
m, relative to ellipse of rotation.
Gravity is 51860 g.u. greater at the poles than at the equator. The acceleration due
to gravity varies with latitude due to two effects:
For a uniform ellipse of rotation, the measured gravity is the resultant of the
gravitational attraction vector and the centrifugal acceleration vector.
In 1743, Clairaut deduced a formula that expressed the variation of gravity with
where g0 is the gravity at sea level at the equator and φ the latitude.
The most recent standard derived from the IGF is the 1967 Geodetic Reference
System (GRS67), given by:
g0 = 9.78031846 m s-2
a = 0.005278895
b = 0.000023462
Note that there is an older 1930 standard, and surveys that use this will exhibit
differences from the 1967 standard unless corrected (see Reynolds Box 2.4).
We must know the density of typical subsurface rocks accurately to interpret gravity
data. The table below gives common ranges and avergae values for density in Mg
Sedimentary rocks exhibit the greatest range of density variation due to factors such
• Mineral composition
• Cementation
• Porosity
• Pore fluid type
Typically the contrast between adjacent sedimentary layers is less than 0.25 Mg m-
Igneous rocks tend to be denser than sedimentary rocks, with the density controlled
primarily by silica content:
The range of density variation tends to be less than in sediments as porosities are
typically lower.
Measurement of Gravity
Absolute Gravity
• Falling body
• Swinging Pendulum
Relative Gravity
In most applications, only the variation of gravity relative to a base station (which
can often be related to IGSN 71) is necessary.
Gravity readings are recorded at secondary stations such that the difference relative
to the base station is well known.
Period of a Pendulum
Spring-Based Gravimeters
Hooke’s Law
Variations in g are small, so need to measure very small values of extension. For 30
cm long spring, change in length is ~3x10-8m (30 nm, which is less than wavelength
of light at ~500 nm).
Stable Gravimeters
Askania Gravimeter
Beam is pivoted on main spring. A beam of light is reflected from the mass to a
photoelectric cell. Deflection of mass, displaces light beam and changes voltage in
Retensioning auxiliary spring restores beam to null position, i.e. same position at
which all measurements made.
Some gravimeters, including the common Scintrex CG-3, use the small extension of
the mass to change the capcitance in an electric circuit.
Boliden Gravimeter
Mass is in form of a bobbin with two metal plates suspended between two other
metal plates.
CG-3 operates on same principle, but uses feedback circuit to control current to
plates that restores mass to null position.
In a stable system, mass will return to equilibrium position after small disturbance. In
unstable system, mass continues to move.
• Stable: pencil lying flat on table. Lift up one end; it falls back flat
• Horizontal hinged beam supports mass at end. Turning moment due to mass
is mglcosθ.
• Mass is large.
• Long length of screw means meter can read over range of 50,000 g.u.; used
for worldwide surveys. Accurate to 0.03 g.u.
• For thermal problem, made of quartz glass springs, rods, and fibres. (Quartz
less sensitive to heat than metal).
• Range of instrument is 20,000 g.u. with accuracy up to 0.1 g.u., but 1 g.u.
more usual.
• Lower range means it is more commonly used for local surveys, over which g
changes less.
Shipborne Gravimeters
Static Measurement
Continuous Measurement
Reduction to Geoid
Gravity Anomaly
Difference between the observed anomaly and the value of the International Gravity
Formula, e.g. GRS67, at the same location is the Gravity Anomaly with which we
Instrumental Drift
Gravimeters are very sensitive instruments. Temperature changes and elastic creep
in springs cause reading to change gradually with time.
Instrument drift correction for each station can be estimated from drift curve.
Drift curve for survey shown above. For reading taken at 12:30 hrs, observed gravity
reading should be reduced by d.
Drift values are typically < 10 gu per hour. Larger values indicate an instrument
Earth Tides
Solid Earth responds to pull of Sun and Moon just like oceans, but movement is
much less.
Pull of Sun and Moon large enough to affect gravity reading. Changes gobs with
period of 12 hours or so.
Correction can also be made using published tables, e.g. Tidal Gravity Corerctions
for 1991.
Latitude Correction
Approximate correction can be applied to small-scale surveys (<100 km), not tied in
to absolute gravity network through base station readings.
gu per km
Free-air Correction
Corrects for reduction in gravity with height above geoid, irrespective of nature of
rock below.
• Varies slightly with latitude from 3.083 g.u./m at equator to 3.088 g.u./m at
Bouguer Correction
Bouguer correction, δgB, accounts for effect of rock mass by calculating extra
gravitational pull exerted by rock slab of thickness h and mean density ρ.
On land:
At sea:
Bouguer Anomaly
Nettleton’s method
With 250 m elevation, an 0.1 Mg m-3 error in density will produce an error of 10gu.
The Bouguer Anomaly should show no correlation with topography, but an incorrect
choice of density will reflect the topography.
Terrain Corrections
Hammer Charts
• Chart is centred on gravity station and topography read off at centre of each
Eötvös Correction
Two components:
Isostatic Correction
If no lateral density variations in Earth’s crust, Bouguer Anomaly would be the same,
i.e. Earth’s gravity at the equator at geoid.
If crust is floating on mantle like an iceberg in ocean, total mass summed over any
vertical column is the same. (Isostasy)
Airy Isostasy
Airy proposed that crust is thicker beneath mountains and thinner beneath the
Excess mass under the oceans from a shallower, high density mantle. Mass
deficiency beneath mountains due to crustal root.
Pratt Isostasy
Residual anomaly from a 600m radius sphere of 1.0 Mg m-3 at 3 km depth also be
produced by each of the bodies shown.
Since attraction due to sphere is same as that of same mass at centre, this is
formula for anomaly of buried sphere. (3-D case)
Horizontal Cylinder
Can integrate above formula to get result for horizontal cylinder(2-D case):
Anomaly shape can be plotted using formula. Anomaly from sphere decays more
quickly than that of horizontal cylinder.
Using the formulae for the anomalies due to various bodies, it is posible to estimate
the limiting depth of a body.
Limiting depth is maximum depth at which top of body could occur to produce
anomaly. (Body could be shallower).
Half-Width Method
Half-width, X1/2 , is the distance from the centre of an anomaly at which amplitude
has decreased to half its peak value.
If anomaly is spherical:
Mass Estimation
Anomalous Mass is difference between mass of anomalous body and mass of body
replaced with host rock.
• Anomaly divided into series of rings, each of which is divided into further
segments, δAi.
• If body less dense than surrounding rock, anomalous mass will be negative,
mass deficiency.
Average density of salt, 2.2 Mg m-3, is less than most sediments in a basin, so salt
often rises in diapir due to its bouyancy.
Makes good target for gravity surveys, and will show up as a bullseye anomaly.
Assuming salt dome represented by sphere, limiting depth, i.e. depth to centre of
mass = 4.8 km
Assuming density contrast of –0.25 Mg m-3, radius of sphere estimated at 3.8 km.
So top of salt at 1 km depth.
Compare inferences from gravity with best model derived from all methods,
including seismic reflection and drilling.
Massive sulphide ore bodies have high densities due to minerals present.
Tonnage of 44.7 million estimated from gravity, which compares with drilling
estimate of 46.7 million.
Cavities can be good target for micro-gravity due to high density contrast between a
void, or rubble-filled void, and host rock.
Density contrasts are around -1.8 Mg m-3 and -1.0 Mg m-3 for void and rubble-filled
Rubble-filled void should not have been detectable from calculated anomaly.