Feminism Criticism
Feminism Criticism
Feminism Criticism
What is it?
• A concern with:
• Women's’ role in
society as portrayed
through texts
• Woman as a construct
through literature
Mary Wollstonecraft
• A Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792)
• formed the basis of modern thoughts of equality
• Called for the right for women to
– Woman as a social
– No “natural” distinction
between the sexes
“If the definition provided for this concept [of the eternal
feminine] is contradicted by the behavior of flesh-and-
blood women, it is the latter who are wrong: we are told
not that Femininity is a false entity, but that the women
concerned are not feminine.”
• What does this
advert mean?
• What is the
Men's contributions?
• Freidrich Engels
– The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State