FEMINISM (GROUP 7) - (Edited)

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What is Feminism

Feminism is an ideology that emerged when

women demanded equal rights with men. It
comes from women's instincts, which
believe that the position or condition of
women in society can be changed and equal
to that of men in the social sphere.
Founder of the Theory
Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797)
Was a British writer, philosopher, and
advocate of women's rights, in 1792 when “A
Vindication of the Rights of Woman” entered
the public sphere, Mary Wollstonecraft was
projected into renown as a radical reformer
and champion of women’s rights, and her place
as the founder of feminism was cemented.
How Feminism Exist?

After the French revolution (18th centuries),

women were still mistreated just like post
revolution. Then came works that voiced women's
rights such as A Vindication of the Rights of
Woman by Mary Wollstonecraft
and The Subjection of Women by John Stuart
Mill that evoked thoughts about women's
The Origin of Feminism

Equality and Political Advocacy


The Theory Works
• Gender Differences:
Analyzing how women's experiences differ from men's, focusing
on cultural values associated with womanhood and femininity,
such as economic, social, and political.
• Objectification:
Examining how women are objectified in literature, whether
reducing them to stereotypes of roles that reinforce
patriarchal norms or show resistance.
• Intersectionality:
Examines how overlapping identities—such as race, gender,
class, sexual orientation, and more—interact to shape
individual experiences and perspectives.
Analisis Teori Feminis dalam Novel Secuil Hati Wanita
di Teluk Eden"
"Secuil Hati Wanita di Teluk Eden" adalah novel yang
mengisahkan tentang Dela Eden, seorang perempuan yang
menghadapi berbagai bentuk penindasan dan ketidakadilan
gender dalam kehidupannya. Pendekatan kritik sastra feminis
yang digunakan bertujuan mengupas tentang ketidakadilan
gender yang dihadapi oleh tokoh utama serta perjuangan
mereka melawan penindasan. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan
kritik sastra feminis, kajian ini memberikan wawasan
mendalam tentang stereotipe, kekerasan domestik, dan usaha
tokoh utama dalam menyuarakan pendapat mereka.
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