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Dr. BaBasaheB amBeDkar Technological UniversiTy lonere.


Structure and syllabus

Third year B. Tech. Electrical Engineering / Electrical
Engineering (Electronics and Power)/ Electrical &
Electronics Engg / Electrical & Power Engineering
With effect from January 2019
Teaching & Evaluation scheme of Third year B. Tech. Electrical Engineering / Electrical Engineering
(Electronics and Power)/ Electrical & Electronics Engg / Electrical & Power Engg .

V Semester

Course Course Name Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme

L P T Int MSE ESE Total Credits

BTEEC501 Electrical Machine-II 3 0 1 20 20 60 100 4

BTEEC502 Power System-II 3 0 1 20 20 60 100 4

BTEEL503 Microprocessor and 3 0 0 20 20 60 100 3

micro Controller
BTHM504 Value Education, Human 2 0 0 - - - Audit 0
Rights and Legislative course
BTEEE505 Elective-IV 3 0 0 20 20 60 100 3

BTEEOE506 Elective-V 3 0 0 20 20 60 100 3

BTEEL507 Electrical Machine-II Lab 0 4 0 60 - 40 100 2

BTEEL508 Power System-II Lab 0 2 0 30 - 20 50 1

BTEEL509 Microprocessor and 0 2 0 30 - 20 50 1

micro Controller Lab
BTEEF510 Industrial Training - - - 50 - - 50 1

Total 17 08 02 270 100 380 750 22

Elective- IV: 1.Illumination engineering 2. Advances in Renewable Energy Sources. 3. Testing and Maintenance of Electrical
Elective-V: 1.Electrical Mobility. 2 Power Plant Engineering. 3. Design and Analysis of Algorithms
VI semester

Course Course Name Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme

L P T Int MSE ESE Total Credits

Control System 3 0 1 20 20 60 100 4


Principles of Electrical 3 0 0 20 20 60 100 3

Machine Design
Power Electronics 3 0 1 20 20 60 100 4

Elective-VI 3 0 0 20 20 60 100 3

Elective-VII 3 0 0 20 20 60 100 3

Elective-VIII 3 0 0 20 20 60 100 3
Control System- Lab 0 2 0 30 - 20 50 1

Principles of Electrical 0 2 0 30 - 20 50 1
Machine Design Lab
Power Electronics Lab 0 4 0 60 - 40 100 2

Total 18 08 02 240 120 440 800 24

Elective-VI Industrial automation and Control 2. Design of Experiments 3. Artificial neural network.
Elective-VII 1. Switch Gear and Protection 2. Computer aided analysis and design 3. Mechatronics
Elective- VIII. 1. Rural Technology and Community Development. 2. Project Management 3. Knowledge Management
Semester: V
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory: 3 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Tutorial: 1 hr Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
Total credit: 4 End semester exam: 60 Marks

Prerequisite Electrical machine I

Course To study different methods of speed control of AC and DC motor

outcome To study importance and procedure of different performance test on AC and DC motor.
To determine different operating characteristics of AC and DC machines
Unit Contents Contact
1 Basic Concepts in A.C. Machines: Classification of A.C. Machines, principle of 8
operation and constructional features of synchronous and induction machines, rotating
mmf waves in A.C. Machines
2 Armature windings: Introduction, ac machine windings, winding factors, the emf 6
equation, harmonics in generated emf, causes of harmonics and their suppressions.
3 Synchronous Machines : Construction, types, armature reaction, circuit model of 10
synchronous machine, determination of synchronous reactance, phasor diagram, power
angle characteristics, parallel operation of synchronous generators, synchronizing to
infinite bus bars, two axis theory, synchronous motor operation, characteristic curves,
synchronous condenser, dynamics.
4 Three phase Induction (Asynchronous) Motor: Types of induction motor, flux and mmf 10
waves, development of circuit model, power across air gap, torque and power output, oc
and sc tests, circle diagram, starting methods, cogging and crawling, speed control, deep
bar/ double cage rotor, induction generator, induction machine dynamics, high efficiency
induction motors
5 Fractional Kilowatt Motors: Introduction, single phase induction motors, double 5
revolving field theory, circuit model of single
phase induction motor, determination of circuit parameters.
6 Special A.C. Machines: Single phase synchronous motors, permanent magnet ac motors, 5
ac servomotors

Ref Books:
1.Say M. G., “Design & performance of A.C. Machines”, (Book Publications,3rd edition)
2..Bhimra P. S., “Electric Machines”, (South Ex Publications, New Delhi)
3. D. P. Kothari, I. J. Nagrath,”Electric Machines “, Tata McGraw Hill Publication,
Fourth edition, reprint 2012.
4. A. F. Puchstein, T.C. Lloyd, A.G. Conrad, “Alternating current machines”, John Wiley
and Sons, New York 1954.
5.• A.E. Fitzgerald, Charles Kingsley Jr., Stephen D. Umans ,”Electric Machinery “, Tata
McGraw Hill Publication, sixth edition 2002
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory: 3 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Tutorial: 1hr Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
Total credit: 4 End semester exam: 60 Marks

Prerequisite Power system I

Course To study different parameters of power system operation and control
outcome To study load flow and Diff. methods of reactive power control.
To understand diff. methods of fault analysis and stability study
Unit Contents Contact
1 Economic Operation of Power Systems: Distribution of loads between units within a 8
plant, Economic division of load between units in a plant, Transmission loss as a
function of plant generation, Calculation of loss co-efficient, Distribution of load
between plants, Introduction to unit commitment, Numerical examples
2 Load Flow Studies: Network model formulation, (Applications of iterative techniques 6
like Gauss-Siedal method, and Newton-Rap son method, etc.) Numerical. Active Power
Control Basic generator control, Load frequency control. Load, prime mover and
governor model, Numerical examples
3 Reactive Power Control: System voltage and reactive power, Reactive power generation 6
by synchronous machine, Excitation control, Automatic voltage regulator for alternator,
Reactive power generation by turbo-generator, Synchronous compensators, Reactors,
Capacitors, Static compensators. Introduction to power flow control, HVDC and Facts.
4 Symmetrical and unsymmetrical fault analysis: Symmetrical Components 6
transformation analysis for, transformers, transmission lines and synchronous
machines, Numerical examples. Fault analysis and evaluation of faults on loaded
unloaded synchronous generator, Selection of circuit breakers, asymmetrical fault-
evaluation of a) Line to ground b) Line to line c) Double line to ground d) single &
double conductor open faults, Numerical examples
5 Stability: Dynamics of a synchronous machine, Power angle equation, Steady state 6
stability, Equal area criterion, Numerical solution of swing equation, Factors affecting
transient stability, Critical clearance angle, Numerical
6 Load dispatch center functions, Contingency analysis, preventive, emergency and 7
restorative Control. power quality: def., causes, affects, slandered and mitigation
Ref Books:
1. Stevension .W. D– Power System Analysis. (Tata Mcgraw Hill).
2. Ashfaq Hussian - Power System Analysis. (Tata Mcgraw Hill).
3. Nagrath & Kothari – Modern Power System Analysis.(Tata Mcgraw Hill).
4. Hadi Sadat- Power System Analysis (Tata Mcgraw Hill).
5. Prof A M Kulkarni IIT “Bombay Web Course on Power System Operation and

Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:

Theory: 3 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Tutorial: 0 hr Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
Total credit: 3 End semester exam: 60 Marks

Prerequisite Digital electronics, electronics devices and circuits

Course To know the architecture of 8085 and 8051.
outcome To understand interfacing and interrupt features of 8085 and 8051.
To develop program for basic applications.
Unit Contents Contact
1 Architecture of 8085 Microprocessor and Programming: Functional Block Diagram, 7
Registers, ALU, Bus systems, Timing and control signals, Machine cycles and timing
diagrams. Instruction formats, Addressing modes, Instruction set, Need for Assembly
language, Development of Assembly language programs.
2 Interfacing: Memory Interfacing: Interface requirements, Address space partitioning, 5
Buffering of Buses, timing constraints, Memory control signals, Read and write cycles,
interfacing SRAM, EPROM and DRAM sections. I/O Interfacing: Memory mapped I/O
Scheme, I/O mapped I/O scheme, Input and Output cycles, Simple I/O ports,
Programmable peripheral interface (8255). Data transfer schemes: Programmable data
transfer, DMA data transfer, Synchronous, Asynchronous and interrupt driven data
transfer schemes, Interfacing, Simple keyboards and LED displays.
3 Interrupts and DMA: Interrupt feature, Need for interrupts, Characteristics of Interrupts, 5
Types of Interrupts, Interrupt structure, Methods of servicing interrupts, Development
of Interrupt service subroutines, Multiple interrupt request and their handling, need for
direct memory access, Devices for Handling DMA, Programmable DMA controller
4 Applications: Interfacing of A/D converters (ADC 0800/ADC 0808/ADC 0809), 5
Interfacing of D/A converters (DAC 0800), Waveform generators, Multiplexed seven
segment LED display systems, Measurement of frequency, phase angle and power
factor-Traffic light controller, Stepper motor control
5 Intel 8051 Microcontroller : Architecture of 8051, Memory Organization, Addressing 6
modes, Instruction set, Boolean processing, Simple programs
6 8051 Peripheral Functions : 8051 interrupt structures, Timer and serial functions, parallel 6
port features : Modes of operation, Power control, features, Interfacing of 8051, Typical
applications, MCS 51 family features
Ref Books:
1. Goankar, R.S., “Microprocessor Architecture Programming and Applications with the
8085/8080A‟, 3rd Edition, Penram International Publishing House, 1997.
2. Singh. I.P., “Microprocessor Systems”, Module 9: Microcontrollers and their
Applications”, IMPACT Learning Material Series IIT, New Delhi, 1997.
3. Douglas, V.Hall. “Microprocessor and Interfacing Programming and Hardware”,
2ndEdition, McGraw Hill Inc., 1992.
4. Kenneth, L.Short., “Microprocessors and Programmed Logic”, Prentice Hall of India,
2nd Edition, 1987
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory: 2 hrs Mid-term test: --
Total credit: 0 ( Audit course) Internal Assessment: --
End semester exam:---

Prerequisite Human Values and engg ethics

Course To understand value of education and self-development
outcome To develop good values and character
To know Human right and legislative procedure
Unit Contents Contact
1 Values and Self Development-Social values and individual attitudes, Work ethics, 5
Indian vision of humanism, Moral and non-moral valuation, Standards and principles,
Value judgments.
2 Importance of cultivation of values, Sense of duty, Devotion, Self-reliance, 4
Confidence, Concentration, Truthfulness, Cleanliness, Honesty, Humanity, Power of
faith, National unity, Patriotism, Love for nature, Discipline.
3 Personality and Behavior Development- Soul and scientific attitude, God and scientific 5
attitude, Positive thinking, Integrity and discipline, Punctuality, Love and kindness,
Avoiding fault finding, Free from anger, Dignity of labor, Universal brotherhood and
religious tolerance, True friendship, Happiness vs. suffering love for truth, Aware of
self-destructive habits, Association and cooperation, Doing best, Saving nature.
4 Character and Competence- Science vs. God, Holy books vs. blind faith, Self- 5
management and good health, Science of reincarnation, Equality, Nonviolence,
Humility, Role of women, All religions and same message, Mind your mind, Self-
control, Honesty, Studying effectively.
5 Human Rights- Jurisprudence of human rights nature and definition, Universal 5
protection of human rights, Regional protection of human rights, National level
protection of human rights, Human rights and vulnerable groups.
6 Legislative Procedures- Indian constitution, Philosophy, fundamental rights and 4
duties, Legislature, Executive and Judiciary, Constitution and function of parliament,
Composition of council of states and house of people, Speaker, Passing of bills,
Vigilance, Lokpal and functionaries
Ref Books:
1. Chakraborty, S.K., Values and Ethics for Organizations Theory and Practice, Oxford
University Press, New Delhi, 2001.
2. Kapoor, S.K., Human rights under International Law and Indian Law, Prentice Hall
of India, New Delhi, 2002.
3. Basu, D.D., Indian Constitution, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2002.
4. Frankena, W.K., Ethics, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1990.
5. Meron Theodor, Human Rights and International Law Legal Policy Issues, Vol. 1
and 2, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2000.
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory: 3 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Total credit: 3 Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
End semester exam: 60 Marks
Prerequisite Basic electrical engineering , physics.
Course To get the detailed information about modern lamps and their accessories.
outcome To get detailed insight of indoor and outdoor illumination system components, its controls and design
To know the requirements of energy efficient lighting.
To introduce the modern trends in the lighting
Unit Contents Contact
1 Importance of Lighting in Human Life:Optical systems of human eye ,Dependence of human activities 8
on light, performance characteristics of human visual system, External factors of vision-visual acuity,
contrast, sensitivity, time illuminance, colour, visual perception, optical radiation hazards, Good and bad
effects of lighting & perfect level of illumination, Artificial lighting as substitute to natural light, Ability
to control natural light, Production of light, physics of generation of light, Properties of light,
Quantification & Measurement of Light.
2 Light Sources: Lamp materials: Filament, glass, ceramics, gases, phosphors and other metals and non- 6
metals. Discharge Lamps: Theory of gas Discharge phenomena, lamp design considerations,
characteristics of low and high mercury and Sodium vapour lamps, Low Vapour Pressure discharge lamps
– Mercury Vapour lamp, Fluorescent Lamp, Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) High Vapour Pressure
discharge lamps - Mercury Vapour lamp, Sodium Vapour lamp, Metal halide Lamps, Solid Sodium Argon
Neon lamps, SOX lamps, Electro luminescent lamps, Induction lamps.
3 Electrical Control of Light Sources: Ballast, igniters and dimmers for different types of lamps, 6
Photometric Control of Light Sources and their Quantification: Types of Luminaries, factors to be
considered for designing luminaries Types of lighting fixtures. Optical control schemes, design
procedure of reflecting and refracting type of luminaries. Lighting Fixture types, use of reflectors and
refractors, physical protection of lighting fixtures, types of lighting fixtures according to installation
type, types of lighting fixtures according to photometric usages, luminaries standard (IEC-598-Part I).
4 Zonal cavity method for general lighting design, determination for zonal cavities and different shaped 6
ceilings using COU (coefficient of utilization), beam angles and polar diagrams. Factors to be considered
for design of indoor illumination scheme
Indoor illumination design for following installations: Residential (Numerical),Educational institute,
Commercial installation, Hospitals, Industrial lighting, Special purpose lighting schemes Decorative
lighting, Theatre lighting, Aquarium, swimming pool lighting
5 Factors to be considered for design of outdoor illumination scheme, Outdoor Lighting Design: Road 6
classifications according to BIS, pole arrangement, terminology, lamp and luminaire selection, different
design procedures, beam lumen method, point by point method, isolux diagram, problems on point by
point method. Outdoor illumination design for following installations; Road lighting (Numerical),
Flood lighting (Numerical), Stadium and sports complex, Lighting for advertisement/hoardings
6 Modern trends in illumination; LED luminary designs, Intelligent LED fixtures, Natural light 7
conduiting, Organic lighting system, LASERS, characteristics, features and applications, non-
lighting lamps, Optical fiber, its construction as a light guide, features and applications
Ref Books:
1 H. S. Mamak, “Book on Lighting”, Publisher International lighting Academy
2. Joseph B. Murdoch, “Illumination Engineering from Edison’s Lamp to Lasers” Publisher -
York, PA: Visions Communications
3. M. A. Cayless, A. M. Marsden, “Lamps and Lighting”, Publisher-Butterworth-
4. Designing with light: Lighting Handbook., Anil Valia; Lighting System 2002
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory: 3 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Total credit: 3 Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
End semester exam: 60 Marks

Prerequisite Introduction to Non-Conventional energy sources

Course To know the principle of energy conversion technique from biomass, geothermal and
outcome hybrid energy systems.
To understand effects of air pollution and ecosystems
Unit Contents Contact
1 Biomass Energy: Introduction, Biomass conversion technologies, Biogas generation, 8
classification of biogas plants and their Operating system. Biomass as a source of
energy, methods of obtaining energy from biomass, thermal gasification of biomass,
2 Geothermal Energy : Introduction, Geothermal sources , hydrothermal resources, 6
Vapor dominated systems, Liquid dominated systems, hot water fields, Geo pressure
resources, hot dry rocks, magma resources, volcanoes. Interconnection of geothermal
fossil systems, geothermal energy conversion and applications
3 Hybrid energy systems : Need for hybrid systems, types of hybrid systems site specific 6
examples; PV–Diesel and battery systems, PV–Gas Hybrid system, Biomass gasifier
based thermal back up for Solar systems, natural convection solar driers in combination
with biomass back up heater. Biogas and solar energy hybrid system, .typical
4 Air pollution-primary, secondary, chemical and photochemical reactions, effects of 6
CO, NO, CH and particulates, acid rain, global warming and Ozone depletion;
monitoring and control of pollutants; noise pollution-sources and control measures;
thermal-, heavy metals- and nuclear pollutions; industrial pollution from paper,
pharmacy, distillery, tannery, fertilizer, food processing and small scale industries.
5 Environment impact assessment policies and auditing, conflicting worldviews and 6
environmentally sustainable economic growth, introduction to Design For
Environment (DFE), product lifecycle assessment for environment and ISO 14000;
triple bottom line of economic, environment and social performance.
6 Ecosystem definition, concepts, structure, realm of ecology, lithosphere, hydrosphere, 7
biosphere, atmosphere-troposphere-stratosphere; Nonrandom high quality solar energy
flow/ balance to earth, greenhouse effect, matter and nutrient recycling in ecosystems;
nitrogen, oxygen, carbon and water cycles, food producers, consumers and
decomposers, food chains; biodiversity, threat and conservation of biodiversity.
Ref Books:
1. NPTEL courses
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory: 3 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Total credit: 3 Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
End semester exam: 60 Marks
Prerequisite Digital electronics, network analysis and synthesis
Unit Contents Contact Hrs
1 Electric mobility introduction: 8
Introduction to electrical mobility, classification, need of electrical mobility,
operating principle.
2 Energy sources and storage systems: 7
Conventional energy sources and non-conventional energy sources, different
types of energy storage schemes and energy storage devices
3 Electric machines in electric mobility: 8
Diff. types of electrical machines used in electric mobility: induction machine , dc machine,
synchronous machine,
4 Power converters: 7
Introduction to power converters, different types of power converters,
construction, working, applications, advantages, disadvantages.
5 Applications, Modeling: 8

6 Electric vehicles and the environment; 7

Ref Books:
1. Nptel
2. Larminie, J.; Lowry, J. Electric vehicle technology explained [on line]. Chichester,
West Sussex: J. Wiley, cop. 2003Available
3. on: <http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/book/10.1002/0470090707>. ISBN 0470851635.
4. Miller, J. M. Propulsion systems for hybrid vehicles. 2nd ed. The Institution of
Engineering and Technology, 2010. ISBN 978-
5. 1-84919-147-0.
6. Husain, I. Electric and hybrid vehicles : design fundamentals [on line]. 2nd ed. Boca
Raton: CRC Press, cop. 2011
7. [Consultation: 07/03/2012]. Available on:
<http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780444535658>. ISBN
8. 9781439811757.
9. Ehsani, M.; Gao, Y.; Emadi, A. Modern electric, hybrid electric, and fuel cell vehicles
: fundamentals, theory and design. 2nd

Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:

Theory: 3 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Total credit: 3 Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
End semester exam: 60 Marks
Prerequisite Power system I, power system II, machine I and II
Course To review basic components of power system, energy sources.
outcome To understand principle of construction and operation of different conventional power
Unit Contents Contact
1 Load and Energy survey, load duration curve, plant factor and plant economics, Introduction 8
to conventional energy sources, different sources of non-conventional energy like solar, wind,
tidal, geothermal biomass, MHD plants, their applications and site selection, Indian energy
2 Thermal Power Station: Introduction, selection of sites, main parts of thermal power station 6
and their working, simple numerical examples.
Nuclear Power Plant: Review of atomic physics (atomic number, mass number, isotopes,
atomic mass, unit rate of radioactivity, mass equivalent number, binding energy and mass
defects), main parts of nuclear power station, types of reactors (pressurized water reactor
(PWR), boiling water reactor, gas cooled reactor, liquid metal tank feeder reactor, heavy
water reactor, plant layout and working, simple numerical, India’s nuclear power program.
3 Hydroelectric Power Plant: Advantages and limitations, selection of site, hydrological cycles 6
and hydrographs, storage and pondage, essential elements of hydroelectric plant,
classification, different types of turbines and their selection, governing of hydraulic turbines,
surge tanks, draft tube, layout of hydro-station, simple numerical.
4 Diesel Engine & Gas Power Plant: Advantage and limitations, types of diesel plants, general 6
layout, IC engines and their performance characteristics, layout of diesel engine power plant
and applications. Components of gas power plant, gas turbine fuels, turbine fuels, turbine
materials, working, improvement of thermal efficiency of gas power plant and applications,
simple numerical examples.
5 Combined working of power plants: Economics of combined working power plants, base 6
load and peak load stations, pumped storage plants, inter- connections of power stations.
Tariff: Fixed cost, running cost and their interrelation for all types of conventional power
plants, depreciable cost, different types of tariffs, numerical example based on above, effect
of deregulation on pricing.
6 Grid interface of different power plants: Concept of parallel operation of various generating 7
sources and load sharing, need of interconnection between different power plants, concept of
Grid, importance of grid, requirement of grid, types of grid (in transmission and distribution
system), conditions to interface different power plants to grid.
Ref Books:
1.Gupta B. R. ” Power Plant Engineering”.(Eurasia publications)
2.Nag P. K. “ Power Plant Engineering”,(Tata McGraw Hill Publications)
3.Deshpande M. V. “ Elements of Electrical Power Station Design” (Wheeler publications)
4.Arora and Domkundwar, “A course in Power Plant Engineering” (Dhanpat Rai & co., 5/e)
5.R. K. Rajput, “Power Plant Engineering”
6.V. K. Mehta, “Power System”, S. Chand Pub.
7.J. B. Gupta, “A course in Power System Engineering”,
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory: 3 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Total credit: 3 Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
End semester exam: 60 Marks

Prerequisite Numerical methods and C programming, control system I,

Course To know fundamental characteristic of an algorithm.
outcome To understand strategy of algorithm formation,
To develop different algorithm.
Unit Contents Contact Hrs
1 Introduction- Fundamental characteristics of an algorithm. Basic algorithm analysis – 8
Asymptotic analysis of complexity bounds – best, average and worst-case behaviour,
standard notations for expressing algorithmic complexity. Empirical measurements of
performance, time and space trade-offs in algorithms. Using recurrence relations to
analyze recursive algorithms – illustrations using recursive algorithms.
2 Fundamental Algorithmic Strategies: Brute-Force, Greedy, Branch-and-Bound, 6
Backtracking and Dynamic Programming methodologies as techniques for design of
algorithms – Illustrations of these techniques for Problem-Solving. Heuristics –
characteristics and their domains of applicability. Design of algorithms for String/
Texmatching problems, Huffman Code and Data compression problems, Subset-sum
and Knapsack problems.
3 Graph and Tree Algorithms: Depth- and Breadth- First traversals. Shortest path 6
algorithms, Transitive closure, Minimum Spanning Tree, Topological sort, Network
Flow problems
4 Tractable and Intractable Problems: Computability.The Halting problem. Computability 6
classes – P, NP, NP-complete and NP-hard. Cook‟s theorem. Standard NP-complete
problems Reduction techniques.
5 Advanced Topics: Approximation algorithms, Randomized algorithms, Class of 6
problems beyond NP – PSPACE.
6 7
1. Algorithm Design – Jon Kleinberg and Eva Tardos
2. Introduction to Algorithms – T.H. Corman et. al.
3. Fundamentals of Algorithms – E. Horowitz et al.
4. Combinatorial Optimization: Algorithms and Complexity – C.H. Papadimitriou et al
BTEEL507. Electrical Machine-II Lab
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Lab work : 4 hrs Continuous Assessment (T/W): 60 Marks
Total credit: 2 Pr/oral: 40 Marks

Pre Basic electrical engineering, electrical machine I

Expt No Title of Expt
1 Determination of sequence impedances of salient pole synchronous machine
2 Determination of Xd and Xq of a salient pole synchronous machine from slip test.
3 V and inverted V curves of a3-phasesynchronous motor
4 Regulation of alternator by synchronous impedance method and MMF method.
5 Parallel operation of Synchronous generator
6 To study different types of starters for three phase Squirrel cage induction motor
7 Rotor resistance starter for slip ring induction motor.
8 To conduct no load and blocked rotor test and to determine performance characteristics of
three phase induction motor from circle diagram
9 Load and block rotor tests on squirrel cage induction motor
10 Brake test on slip ring induction motor
11 To control speed of wound rotor induction motor by rotor resistance control method
12 To control speed of induction motor by V/F
13 To control speed of induction motor by i) star-delta ii) autotransformer
BTEEL508. Power System-II Lab
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Lab work : 2 hrs Continuous Assessment (T/W): 30 Marks
Total credit: 1 Pr/oral: 20 Marks

Pre Basic electrical engineering, Power system I

Expt No Title of Expt
1 Measurement of sequence reactance of salient pole synchronous machine
2 Measurement of sub transient reactance of salient pole synchronous machine
3 Steady state stability of synchronous motor
4 Steady sate power limit of transmission line
5 Study of AC network analyzer
6 Load flow study on AC network analyzer
7 Fault study on AC network analyzer
8 Use of computers for load flow study
9 Use of computers for stability study
BTEEL509. Microprocessor Lab
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Lab work : 2 hrs Continuous Assessment (T/W): 30 Marks
Total credit: 1 Pr/oral: 20 Marks

Pre Basic electrical engineering, analog and digital electronics

Expt No Title of Expt
1 Study of architecture of 8085
2 Assembly language programmes for determination of smaller and larger no
3 Assembly language programmes for ascending and descending order
4 Assembly language programmes for rolling/flash display
5 Assembly language programmes for led flashing
6 Programming for speed and direction control of dc motor
7 Programming for speed and direction of stepper motor
8 Assembly language programming base on lockup table concept
9 Study of hexadecimal, modulo-9, BCD counter
10 Assembly language programme for real time clock
11 Multiplication/division of numbers
Semester: VI
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory: 3 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Tutorial: 1 hr Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
Total credit: 4 End semester exam: 60 Marks

Prerequisite Control system I

Course To understand the behavior of nonlinear control system.

outcome To design and analyze PID controller.
To understand and analyze state variable technique.
To design and analyze suitable control system for engineering application.
Unit Contents Contact Hrs

1 Non-linear Control Systems: Peculiar behavior of non-linear systems such as sub 8

harmonics, jump resonance, limit cycle, Different types of non-linearities, Phase
plane method, Singular Points, Methods of isoclines, Limit Lines & dividing lines
on phase plane, Construction of phase plane, Obtaining time domain response from
phase plane plots, merits & demerits.
Describing function (DF) method, definition & assumptions, Derivation for
describing function for different non- linearities, Stability analysis using DF
2 PID controllers: Introduction to Proportional (P), Integral (I) & Derivative (D) 6
controller, individual effect on overall system performance, P-PI & PID control
and effect on overall system performance, Numerical examples.

3 State Variable Technique: Concept of state & state variable, General form of state 6
equations, formulation of state equations for the physical system, (RLC network,
Armature controlled & Field controlled DC servo motor, mechanical systems).
4 State Variable Analysis: Different forms of state variable representations (Phase, 6
physical & canonical form), Concept of diagonalization, Obtaining state equations
from transfer function representation and vice versa, solution of state equations,
State transition matrix (STM), Methods of finding STM, Power series method,
Laplace transform method, Calay Hamilton method, Controllability &
observability of linear system, Kalman’s test.
5 Discrete Data Control System: Methods of representation, Z-transform, Inverse 6
Z-transforms, Pulse transfer function of closed loop system, Response between
sampling instants, Concept of stability of discrete time systems, Stability by Jury’s
6 Introduction to control system design, Compensation technique-Cascade & 7
Feedback, Compensation network (lag, lead & lag-lead), Design by reshaping of
Bode plots & Root locus technique.
1.Ogata K., ‘Modem control Engineering’, Prentice Hall
2.Kuo B. C., ‘Automatic Control System’ Prentice Hall
3. Nagarath I. J., Gopal M., ‘Control System Engineering’ Willey Eastern.
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory: 3 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Tutorial: 0 hr Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
Total credit: 3 End semester exam: 60 Marks

Prerequisite Machine I and II,

Course To understand principles of electric machine design.
outcome To design different components of electric machine.
To design Transformer
To understand CAD and use it for transformer design
Unit Contents Contact
1 Principles and design of Electrical machines: Design of Electrical machines along with 6
their parts and special features, rating, Specifications, Standards, Performance and other
criteria to be considered, Brief study of magnetic, electric, dielectric and other materials,
Introduction to machine design.
2 Design of Electrical Apparatus: Detailed design of heating coils, starters and regulators. 6
Design of Electrical Devices Field coils, Chokes and lifting magnets.
3 AC and DC Winding: Types of dc windings, Pitches, Choice and design of simple/ duplex 6
lap and wave winding, Concept of multiplex windings and reasons for choosing them,
Single and double layer single phase AC winding with integral and fractional slots, Single
and double layer integral and fractional slot windings of three phase. AC winding factors,
Tests for fault finding in windings, Numerical examples.
4 Heating, Cooling and Ventilation: Study of different modes of heat generation, 6
Temperature rise and heat dissipation, Heating and Cooling cycles, heating and cooling
time constants, their estimation, dependence and applications, Methods of cooling /
ventilation of electrical apparatus, Thermal resistance, radiated heat quantity of cooling
medium (Coolant) Numerical.
5 Design of Transformer: Design of distribution and power transformers, Types, 6
Classification and specifications, Design and main dimensions of core, yoke, winding,
tank (with or without cooling tubes) and cooling tubes, Estimation of leakage reactance,
resistance of winding, No load current, Losses, Voltage regulation and efficiency,
Mechanical force developed during short circuits, Their estimation and measures to
counteract them, Testing of transformers as per I.S.S., Numerical examples.
6 Computer aided Design of Electrical machine: Introduction, advantages various 6
approaches of Computer Aided Designing, Computer Aided Designing of transformer,
Winding of rotating Electrical Machines. Optimization of Design.
1. Siskind – Electrical Machine Design (Mcgraw Hill).
2. Sawhaney. A. K– A Course in Electrical Machine Design (Dhanpat Rai).
3. Deshpande. M. V- A Course in Electrical Machine Design (Prentice Hall Of
India).(Design And Testing Of Electrical Machines).
4. Sen .S. K– Computer aided design of Electrical Machines

Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:

Theory: 3 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Tutorial: 1 hr Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
Total credit: 4 End semester exam: 60 Marks

Prerequisite Electronic Devices And Circuits

Course To review principle of construction, operation and characteristics of basic
outcome semiconductor devices.
To understand and analyze performance of controlled and uncontrolled converters.
To understand and analyze performance of DC to DC converters. Dc to AC converters.
To understand and analyze performance of AC voltage controllers.
Unit Contents Contact
1 Power semiconductor devices & their characteristics : Characteristics and operation of 8
power diodes, Thyristors, power transistors (BJTs, MOSFETs, IGBTs, SITs), Ratings of
power semiconductor devices, typical applications of power semiconductor devices,
Introduction to types of power electronic circuits: diode rectifiers, AC-DC converters,
AC-AC converters, DC-DC converters, DC-AC converters
2 Turn on and Turn off circuits for power semiconductor devices; BJT base drive 7
requirements and drive circuit, MOSFET & IGBT gate drive circuits, Isolation of
gate/base drives: Pulse transformers, optocouplers Thyristor firing schemes, Gate drive
3 Diode Rectifiers and AC-DC converters : 7
Diode Rectifiers: Single phase half wave, full wave rectifiers with R and RL load, Three
phase bridge rectifier with R and RL load, Effect of source inductance
Controlled Rectifiers : Principle of phase controlled rectification, single phase semi and
full converter with R and RL load, power factor improvement in controlled rectifiers, three
phase semi and full converter with R and RL load.
4 AC voltage controllers (AC-AC converters) : Principle of on-off control, principle of 6
phase control in single phase and three phase circuits, Cycloconverters: single phase
cycloconverter operation, three phase cycloconverter operation.
5 DC-DC converters : Classification of DC-DC converters, Buck converter, Boost 6
converter, Buck-Boost converter, Cuk converter
6 DC-AC converters : Principle of operation and performance parameters, single phase 7
bridge inverter, Three phase inverters: 180 degree and 120 degree conduction modes of
1.RashidM. H – Power Electronics circuits, devices and applications-(New Delhi Pearson
2.Murthi.V. R- Power Electonics Devices, circuits and Industrial Applications.(Oxford).
3. Bimbhra.P. S- Power Electronics.(Khanna Publication).
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory: 3 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Total credit: 3 Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
End semester exam: 60 Marks

Prerequisite Control system I, industrial automation

Course To understand construction and working principle of different industrial measurement
outcome systems.
To understand new trends in industrial process control.
Unit Contents Contact
1 Introduction to Industrial Automation and Control: Architecture of Industrial Automation 8
Systems. Introduction to sensors and measurement systems.
2 measurement: Temperature measurement, Pressure and Force measurements, 6
Displacement and speed measurement, Flow measurement techniques, Measurement of
level, humidity, pH etc, Signal Conditioning and Processing, Estimation of errors and
3 Process Control: Introduction to Process Control P I D Control, Controller Tuning. 6
Implementation of PID Controllers.
Special Control Structures: Feed forward and Ratio Control. Predictive Control, Control
of Systems with Inverse Response, Cascade Control, Overriding Control, Selective
Control, Split Range Control.
4 Sequence Control: Introduction to Sequence Control PLCs and Relay Ladder Logic 6
Sequence Control, Scan Cycle, RLL Syntax Sequence Control, Structured Design
Approach Sequence Control, Advanced RLL Programming Sequence Control : The
Hardware environment
5 Control of Machine tools: Introduction to CNC Machines Control of Machine Tools, 6
Analysis of a control loop, Introduction to Actuators, Flow Control Valves. Hydraulic
Actuator Systems,: Principles, Components and Symbols, Hydraulic Actuator Systems:
Pumps and Motors, Proportional and Servo Valves.
6 Pneumatic Control Systems: System Components Pneumatic Control Systems, 7
Controllers and Integrated Control Systems. Networking of Sensors, Actuators and
Controllers: The Fieldbus, The Fieldbus Communication Protocol, Introduction to
Production Control Systems
References NPTEL course

Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory: 3 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Total credit: 3 Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
End semester exam: 60 Marks

Course To understand experimental design principles.
outcome To understand different experimental design used in industry.
To deign computer experiments to use with engineering problems.
Unit Contents Contact
1 Introduction to experimental design principles, simple comparative experiments, 8
introduction to R language and its applications in DOE problems
2 Single factor experiments, randomized blocks, Latin square designs and extensions, 6
introduction to R language Introduction to factorial designs, two levels, 2k factorial
designs, confounding and blocking in factorial designs, applications to manufacturing
3 Fractional factorial designs, two-level, three-level and mixed-level factorials and 6
fractional factorials, applications to quality control problems. Regression models
including multiple regression models and its application to transportation scheduling
4 Response surface methodology, parameter optimization, robust parameter design and its 6
application to control of processes with high variability
5 Random and mixed effects models, nested and split plot and strip plot designs and its 6
application to semiconductor manufacturing problem. Repeated measures design, analysis
of covariance and its applications in comparing alternatives
6 Design of computer experiments and the applications in industrial engineering problems 7
NPTEL course

Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:

Theory: 3 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Total credit: 3 Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
End semester exam: 60 Marks
Course To review basic principles of neuron structure.
outcome To understand building blocks artificial neural network.
To understand different networks of ANN
To develop different algorithm for learning.
To study and understand Fuzzy neural networks.
Unit Contents Contact
1 Introduction and ANN Structure : Biological neurons and artificial neurons. Model of an 8
ANN. Activation functions used in ANNs. Typical classes of network architectures.
Mathematical Foundations and Learning mechanisms : Re-visiting vector and matrix
algebra. State-space concepts. Concepts of optimization. Error-correction learning.
Memory-based learning. Hebbian learning. Competitive learning.
2 Single layer perceptrons : Structure and learning of perceptrons. Pattern classifier - 6
introduction and Bayes' classifiers. Perceptron as a pattern classifier. Perceptron
convergence. Limitations of a perceptrons.
3 Feedforward ANN : Structures of Multi-layer feedforward networks. Back propagation 6
algorithm. Back propagation - training and convergence. Functional approximation with
back propagation. Practical and design issues of back propagation learning.
4 Radial Basis Function Networks : Pattern separability and interpolation. Regularization 6
Theory.Regularization and RBF networks.RBF network design and training.
Approximation properties of RBF
5 Competitive Learning and Self organizing ANN : General clustering procedures. Learning 6
Vector Quantization (LVQ). Competitive learning algorithms and architectures. Self
organizing feature maps. Properties of feature maps.
6 Fuzzy Neural Networks : Neuro-fuzzy systems. Background of fuzzy sets and logic. 7
Design of fuzzy stems. Design of fuzzy ANNs
References NPTEL course
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory: 3 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Total credit: 3 Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
End semester exam: 60 Marks

Prerequisite Power system I and II, control system I and II, machine I and II
Course To understand principles of protective relaying.
outcome To understand principle of construction, operation and selection of different type of
circuit breaker used in power system.
To understand different protection schemes used in power system operation
Unit Contents Contact
1 Switchgear and protection: Different types of switchgear, modes of classification, ratings 8
and specifications.
Protective Relaying: Need of protective relaying in power system, General idea about
protective zone, Primary and backup protection, Desirable qualities of protective relaying,
Classification of relays, Principle of working and characteristics of attracted armature,
balanced beam, induction, disc and cup type relays, induction relays, Setting
characteristics of over current; directional, differential, percentage differential and
distance (impedance, reactance, mho) relays, introduction to static relays, advantages &
2 Circuit interruption: Principles of circuit interruption, arc phenomenon, A.C. and D. C. 6
circuit breaker, Restricting and recovery voltage. Arc quenching methods. Capacitive,
inductive current breaking, resistance switching, Auto reclosing
Circuit Breakers: Construction, working and application of Air blast, Bulk oil, Minimum
oil, SF6 and vacuum circuit breakers, Circuit breaker ratings, Rewritable and H. R. C.
fuses, their characteristics and applications..
3 Digital And Numerical Protection: Introduction, working principle , Diff. methods of 6
Digital and Numerical protection,
4 Bus bar: Feeder and Transmission line protection. Bus bar protection, Frame leakage 6
protection circulating current protection and Transmission line protection using over
current relays. Principles of distance relaying, choice between impedance, reactance and
mho types, pilot wire and carrier pilot protection.
5 Protection of Alternators and Transformers: 6
Alternators – Stator fault, stator inter turn protection. Unbalanced load, protection
(Negative phase sequence [NPS] protection)
Transformer – Use of Buccholz relay, differential protection, connection of C. T. and
calculation of C.T. ratio needed for differential relaying, balanced and unbalanced
restricted earth fault protection, frame leakage protection.
Generator-Transformer unit protection
6 Insulation co-ordination and over current protection: 7
Definitions (Dry flashover voltage FOV), WEF FOV, Impulse FOV, insulation,
coordinating insulation and protective devices. Basic impulse insulation (BIL),
Determination of line insulation. Insulation levels of substation equipment. Lightning
arrester selection and location. Modern surge diverters and Necessity of power system
earthing, Method of earthing the neutral, Peterson coil, earthing of transformer.
1. Patara Basu & Chaudhary – Power System Protection.(New Delhi Oxford And IBH).
2. Sunil S. Rao – Switchgear & Protection.(Tata Mcgraw Hill).
3. Madhavrao .T. S– Static relay.
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory: 3 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Total credit: 3 Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
End semester exam: 60 Marks

Prerequisite Numerical methods and C programming, control system I and II

Course To study different computer aided tools in engineering application.
outcome To understand the functionality of different engineering software.
To apply different software in engineering design.
Unit Contents Contact
1 Introduction to computer aided tools for analysis and design- software and hardware 8
2 PSPICE /PSIM / MATLAB-SIMULINK/ (description as per choice/ availability) 6
3 MATHEMATICA/ PSIM / LABVIEW / DSPACE(description as per choice/ availability) 6
4 Modelling of Electrical/Electronic components and systems, Time and Frequency domain 6
analysis, parameter variations, response representation storage/import/export.
5 Optimization methods: parametric optimization and functional optimization. Design 6
issues of Electrical/Electronic components and systems.
6 Applications for control systems, power systems and electrical machines 7
Text/Reference Books:
1. L.P.Singh, „Advanced Power System Analysis and Dynamics‟, New Age International.
2. M.Gopal, „Control Systems: Principles and Design‟, TMH
3. Vlado Ostovic „Computer-Aided Analysis of Electric Machines: A Mathematical
Approach‟, Prentice Hall.
4. Singiresu S. Rao, „ Engineering optimization: theory and practice‟, John Wiley & Sons.
5. Paul W. Tuinenga, “SPICE: A guide to circuit Simulation and Analysis Using
PSPICE”, Prentice Hall, 1992.
6. M.H. Rashid, “SPICE for Circuits and Electronics Using PSPICE” Prentice Hall of
India, 2000

Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:

Theory: 3 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Total credit: 3 Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
End semester exam: 60 Marks
Prerequisite Digital electronics, basic mechanical engineering
Course To understand concept of mechatronics.
outcome To understand sensor and transducer construction and operation.
To understand microprocessor architecture and operation.
To understand principle of construction and operation of PLC
To design a robo for engineering application.
Unit Contents Contact
1 Introduction to Mechatronics and its Systems; Evolution, Scope, Measurement Systems, 8
Control Systems, open and close loop systems, sequential controllers, microprocessor
based controllers, mechatronics approach. Basics of Digital Technology Number System,
Boolean algebra, Logic Functions, Karnaugh Maps, Timing Diagrams, Flip-Flops,
2 Sensors and transducers -Introduction, performance terminology-Displacement, Position 6
and Proximity, Velocity and motion, force, Fluid Pressure-Temperature sensors Light
Sensors-Selection of Sensors-Signal Processing Pneumatic and Hydraulic actuation
systems: actuation systems, Pneumatic and hydraulic systems, directional control valves,
pressure control valves, cylinders, process control valves, rotary actuators.
3 Mechanical actuation systems -Mechanical systems, types of motion, kinematics chains, 6
cams, gear trains, ratchet and pawl, belt and chain drives, bearings, mechanical aspects
of motor selection.
4 Microprocessors-Introduction, Architecture, Pin Configuration, Instruction set, 6
Programming of Microprocessors using 8085 instructions-Interfacing input and output
devices-Interfacing D/A converters and A/D converters, Applications, Temperature
control, Stepper motor control, Traffic light controller
5 Programmable Logic Controller- Introduction, Basic structure, Input/ Output Processing, 6
Programming, Mnemonics, Timers, Internal relays and counters, Data handling, Analog
Input/Output, Selection of a PLC.
6 Robotics- Introduction, types of robots, Robotic control, Robot drive systems Robot end 7
effectors, selection parameters of a robot, applications.
Text/Reference Books:
1. Bolton W., “Mechatronics”, Longman, Second Edition, 2004.
2. Histand Michael B.& Alciatore David G., “Introduction to Mechatronics &
Measurement Systems”, McGraw Hill, 2003.
3. HMT Ltd., “Mechatronics”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 1998.
4. Nitaigour Premchand Mahalik, “Mechatronics Principles, Concepts * Applications”,
TMH 2003

Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:

Theory: 3 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Total credit: 3 Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
End semester exam: 60 Marks
Prerequisite Communication skills
Course To analysis data, information and knowledge.
outcome To understand concepts of marketing.
To identify projects and work for community development
To understand and analyze business model.
Unit Contents Contact
1 Data Analysis and Measures of Central Tendency- Meaning, nature, scope and limitations 8
of statistics, collection of statistical data, classification, tabulation and diagrammatic
representation of data, Measures of central tendency : Statistical averages Mean, Median,
2 Data, Information and Knowledge; concept of information, need of information 6
(professional, educational, research), qualities of information, value of information,
difference between data and information, properties of the needed information.
Information and Management; planning, organizing, co-ordinating and controlling,
3 Concepts of marketing; difference between marketing selling and retailing; marketing 6
mix, market-segmentation, marketing planning. Strategy and Approaches; modern
concept of marketing.
4 Community development; concept, definition, meaning, need, history, principles, 6
objectives and scope. Community Building: Coming of Age, Regenerating Community,
Community Model
5 Consensus Organizing Model, What's Behind Building Healthy Communities? 6
Participatory Democracy, The Role of various NGOs in Community Development.
6 The Role of Business and Government in Community Development Initiatives How to 7
Form a Non-profit Corporation Fund Raising and Grant Writing.
References; NPTEL
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory: 3 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Total credit: 3 Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
End semester exam: 60 Marks

Prerequisite Communication skills.

Course To understand concepts of project management.
outcome To develop a project plan.
To understand the project implementation strategy.
To analyze post project affects.
Unit Contents Contact
1 Introduction to Project management: Characteristics of projects, Definition and objectives 8
of Project Management, Stages of Project Management, Project Planning Process,
Establishing Project organization.
2 Work definition: Defining work content, Time Estimation Method, Project Cost 6
Estimation and budgeting, Project Risk Management,
3 Project scheduling and Planning Tools: Work Breakdown structure, LRC, Gantt charts, 6
CPM/PERT Networks
4 Developing Project Plan (Baseline), Project cash flow analysis, Project scheduling with 6
resource constraints: Resource Levelling and Resource Allocation. Time Cost Trade off:
Crashing Heuristic.
5 Project Implementation: Project Monitoring and Control with PERT/Cost, Computers 6
applications in Project Management, Contract Management, Project Procurement
6 Post-Project Analysis 7
Text/Reference Books:
1. Shtub, Bard and Globerson, Project Management: Engineering, Technology, and
Implementation, Prentice Hall, India
2. Lock, Gower, Project Management Handbook.
3. Cleland and King, VNR Project Management Handbook.
4. Wiest and Levy, Management guide to PERT/CPM, Prentice Hall. Ibdia
5. Horald Kerzner, Project Management: A Systemic Approach to Planning, Scheduling
and Controlling, CBS Publishers, 2002.
6. S. Choudhury, Project Scheduling and Monitoring in Practice.
7. P. K. Joy, Total Project Management: The Indian Context, Macmillan India Ltd.

Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:

Theory: 3 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Total credit: 3 Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
End semester exam: 60 Marks
Prerequisite Communication skills
Course To understand different components knowledge management.
outcome To conduct knowledge audit and knowledge management practices in organization.
Unit Contents Contact
1 Introduction: Definition, evolution, need, drivers, scope, approaches in Organizations, 8
strategies in organizations, components and functions, understanding knowledge;
Learning organization: five components of learning organization, knowledge sources, and
2 Essentials of Knowledge Management; knowledge creation process, knowledge 6
management techniques, systems and tools
3 Organizational knowledge management; architecture and implementation strategies, 6
building the knowledge corporation and implementing knowledge management in
4 Knowledge management system life cycle, managing knowledge workers, 6
5 knowledge audit, and knowledge management practices in organizations, few case 6
6 Futuristic KM: Knowledge Engineering, Theory of Computation, Data Structure 7
Reference Books :
1. Knowledge Management – a resource book – A Thohothathri Raman, Excel, 2004.
2. Knowledge Management- Elias M. Awad Hasan M. Ghazri, Pearson Education
3. The KM Toolkit – Orchestrating IT, Strategy & Knowledge Platforms, Amrit Tiwana,
Pearson, PHI, II Edn.
4. The Fifth Discipline Field Book – Strategies & Tools For Building A learning
Organization – PeterSenge et al. Nicholas Brealey 1994
5. Knowledge Management – Sudhir Warier, Vikas publications
6. Leading with Knowledge, Madanmohan Rao, Tata Mc-Graw Hill
BTEEL607. Control System Lab
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Lab work : 2 hrs Continuous Assessment (T/W): 30 Marks
Total credit: 1 Pr/oral: 20 Marks

Pre Basic electrical engineering, control system I

Expt No Title of Expt
1 Study of analog computer components
2 Simulation of first order differential equation on the analog computer
3 Simulation of second order differential equations and sine waveform
4 Simulation of non linear equations
5 Non linear system analysis by DF method
6 Non linear system analysis by phase method
7 Finding transfer function from frequency response plots
8 Analysis of control system using digital computer matlab and basic command
9 MATLAB programming
10 MATLAB simulation program
11 MATLAB and its basic command
12 Solution of state space equation using MATLAB
BTEEL608. Principles of Electrical Machine Design Lab
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Lab work : 2 hrs Continuous Assessment (T/W): 25 Marks
Total credit: 1 Pr/oral: 25 Marks

Pre Basic electrical engineering, electrical machine I and II

Expt No Title of Expt
1 To study General electrical symbol
2 To study Electrical installation for residential building
3 To study Design of Dc shunt motor starter
4 To study Design of simplex lap winding
5 To study Design of wave winding
6 To study Design of ac lap winding
7 To study Design of transformer
BTEEL609. Power Electronics Lab
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Lab work : 4 hrs Continuous Assessment (T/W): 60 Marks
Total credit: 2 Pr/oral: 40 Marks

Pre Basic electrical engineering , basic electronics engineering

Expt No Title of Expt
1 To study Gate drive circuit
2 To study Reverse recovery time of diode
3 To study Single phase half wave controlled converter
4 To study Characteristics of junction gate fet
5 To study Unsymmetrical half wave bridge rectifier
6 To study SCR parallel inverter
7 To study Lamp dimmer using DIAC and TRIAC
8 To study Simulation of 3 phase full wave controlled rectifier
9 To study Simulation of 3 phase inverter
10 To study Simulation of buck converter

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