Legal Metrology

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This application note is meant to provide the user with a reasonably quick reference to a fairly complex
subject; the load cell requirements for -legal for trade- non automatic weighing instruments, according
to section 4.12 of OIML Recommendation R76 ( EN45501 ).
Every effort has been made to include most of the important topics and to enable the user to select load
cells for a particular approved non automatic weighing instrument. The type of weighing instruments
covered are; single range instruments, multiple range instruments and multi-interval instruments.
The first pages cover the metrological terms, used to describe load cell features according to OIML
Recommendation R60. These terms are implemented in section 4.12, and should therefore be explained.


The establishment of a worldwide standardised metrology or measurement system has two main function-
s. One related to scientific activities assuring world-wide consistency and repeatability of critical
scientific units, while the other is concerned with legal metrology which is the name given to all applied
metrology or measurement subjected to regulations by law or governmental degree. In most countries,
legal metrology covers measurements in protection of individuals from a financial, health and
environmental point of view.
In order to harmonise and standardise on an international basis, a convention was held in Paris on
October 12th, 1955, and the participating States ( countries ) agreed to set up an International
Organisation of Legal Metrology - the OIML was born. Because the official language of the OIML was
French, the name of the organisation is Organisation Internationale de Metrologie Legale.
The OIML is a worldwide inter-governmental organisation whose main task is that of harmonizing the
regulations and metrological controls applied by the Weights and Measures of its Member States.
Because it is a Treaty Organisation, membership of a country is subject to the signature of a convention
through diplomatic channels. Once a member, a country has moral and ethical obligations to harmonise
with the beliefs and output of the OIML.
The aims of such harmonisation is to facilitate free trade and commerce between countries not only for
measuring instruments, but for all commodities and services whose value is determined by measurements.
OIML Recommendations and Documents relate to specific measuring instruments and technology.
International Recommendations ( OIML R ) are model regulations generally establishing the metrological
characteristics required of the measuring instruments concerned and specifying methods and equipment
for checking their conformity. OIML member states are expected to implement these Recommendations
as far as possible.


The metrological terms most frequently used in the load cell field can be divided into two main
categories; load related terms or accuracy related terms.



Minimum dead load (Emin):

The smallest value of a quantity ( mass ) which may be applied to a load cell without exceeding the
maximum permissible error. Specified as a percentage of Emax.

Maximum capacity (Emax):

The largest value of a quantity ( mass ) which may be applied to a load cell without exceeding the
maximum permissible error.

Load cell measuring range:

The range of values of the measured quantity ( mass ) for which the result of measurement should not be
affected by an error exceeding the maximum permissible error.

Safe load limit:

The maximum load that can be applied without producing a permanent shift in the performance
characteristics beyond those specified. Specified as a percentage of Emax.

Ultimate load limit:

The maximum load that can be applied without physical destruction of the load cell. Specified as a
percentage of Emax.

No Load E min Maximum Measuring Range E max Safe Load Ultimate Load

D min Measuring Range D max

The terms that appear above the central horizontal line are parameters that are fixed by the design of the
load cell. The terms that appear below that line are parameters that are variable, depending on the
conditions of use and the quality of the load cell as measured during tests.

For example, a BSP type load cell with a capacity of 500kg is used to weigh a hopper with a dead load
of 100kg ( Dmin ) and a live load of 300kg ( Dmax = Dmin + 300 = 400kg ). Emin = 0% of Emax, the safe load
limit is 150% of Emax and the ultimate load limit is 300% of Emax.

0kg Maximum Measuring Range 500kg 750kg 1500kg

Measuring Range
100kg 400kg

Note: Lines in italics refer to RTE specifications only



Load cell interval:

Part of the load cell measuring range into which that range is divided.

Load cell verification interval (v):

The load cell interval, expressed in units of mass, used in the test of the load cell for accuracy

Number of verification intervals (n):

The number of verification intervals, used in the test of the load cell for accuracy classification.

Accuracy class:
A class of load cells which are subjected to the same conditions of accuracy.
Load cells are ranked, according to their overall performance capabilities, into four classes whose
designations are "Class A", "Class B", "Class C" and "Class D". A load cell is classified by the
alphabetical classification and the maximum number of load cell intervals stated in units of 1000; for
example C3 represents class C, 3000v.
The number of verification intervals (n) into which the measuring range of a class C load cell can be
divided is fixed between 500 and 10000. Revere Transducers offers a wide range of class C industrial
load cells from 1000v to 6000v. Class C load cells are suited for class and weighing systems.

Minimum verification interval (vmin):

The smallest value of a quantity ( mass ) which may be applied to a load cell without exceeding the
maximum permissible error. Specified as Emax/γ or as a percentage of the measuring range.
The minimum verification interval is inextricably linked to the utilisation of the load cell. The utilisation
can be defined as the minimum measuring range (MMR) for a particular load cell over which full
specification will be maintained. The following formulas can be applied:

MMR(kg)=vmin*nmax or MMR(%)=nmax*100 / γ

For example a 953-C4-1t load cell, with vmin= Emax/10000 has a minimum measuring range of

1000*4000 / 10000=400kg or 4000*100 / 10000=40%

The minimum measuring range can apply over any part of the measuring range between Emin and Emax. In
practice, certain accuracy parameters ( linearity, hysteresis ) can ( and will! ) improve when a smaller
part of the load cell rated capacity is utilised. However, temperature effect on zero load output is a fixed
error percentage of the rated output, and must be tightly controlled to achieve lower vmin values for a
particular grade of load cells.
The effect of the utilisation factor on creep will depend on which part of the load cell range is being used
for the scale. For example, creep will be more significant in a scale where its working range is at the top
end of the load cell's rated capacity than when it is at the bottom.
Load cells having a small value for vmin are most suitable for applications with a relatively high dead
load. The above calculation applies to a single load cell when used on its own. The requirements for
multiple load cell weighing instruments are specified further on.


The deviation of the increasing load cell calibration curve from a straight line which passes through mini-
mum load output and the load cell output at 75% of the measuring range, at 20EC.

Hysteresis error:
The difference between load cell output readings for the same applied load, one reading obtained by
increasing the load from minimum load and the other by decreasing the load from maximum load.

The change in load cell output occurring with time while under constant load ( >90% of the load cell
capacity ) and with all environmental conditions and other variables also remaining constant.

Minimum dead load output return:

The difference in load cell output at minimum dead load, measured before and after load application.

Temperature effect on minimum dead load output:

The change in minimum dead load output due to a change in ambient temperature.

Temperature effect on sensitivity:

The change in sensitivity due to a change in ambient temperature.

Combined error:
The approach taken by R60 recognises that several load cell errors must be considered together when
fitting load cell performance characteristics to the error envelope permitted. It is possible to have low
non-linearity and hysteresis and moderate temperature errors or, conversely, to have moderate non-
linearity and hysteresis errors and low temperature errors.
Thus, it is not considered appropriate to specify individual error limits for given characteristics (non-
linearity, hysteresis and temperature effect on sensitivity ), but rather to consider the total error
envelope allowed for a load cell as the limiting factor. The use of an error envelope concept allows
balancing individual contributions to the total error of measurement while still achieving the intended

Maximum permissible load cell errors

The maximum permissible load cell errors for each accuracy class, the indicated load cell output having
been adjusted to zero at minimum dead load, are related to the maximum number of verification intervals.
The table below shows the error limits as represented on the Revere Transducers datasheets.
"Temperature effect on Sensitivity" and "Combined error" are combined in such a way that the load cells
meet the OIML R60 tolerance envelope. S=Rated output and corresponds directly with Emax.
Accuracy Designation C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
Combined Error %S #" 0.0300 #" 0.0230 #" 0.0200 #" 0.0150 #" 0.0100
Non-Repeatability %S #" 0.0200 #" 0.0100 #" 0.0100 #" 0.0090 #" 0.0070
Minimum Dead Load Output Return %S #" 0.0500 #" 0.0250 #" 0.0167 #" 0.0125 #" 0.0100
Creep Error (30 Minutes) %S #" 0.0490 #" 0.0245 #" 0.0245 #" 0.0184 #" 0.0147
Creep Error (20-30 Minutes) %S #" 0.0105 #" 0.0053 #" 0.0053 #" 0.0039 #" 0.0032
Temp. Effect on Sensitivity %S/5EC #" 0.0085 #" 0.0060 #" 0.0055 #" 0.0045 #" 0.0035

Note: OIML recommendation R60 specifies the maximum permissible errors in terms of verification intervals or minimum verification intervals. The
maximum permissible errors for combined error are similar to those of non automatic weighing instruments, when a factor of 0.7 (pi-factor) is used.
A copy of the recommendation is available on request.


Section 4.12 of EN 45501 ( OIML R76 ) requires that load cells have been tested in conformity with
International Recommendation OIML R60. These load cells can be applied in three groups of weighing
1) Single interval instruments:
Instrument having one weighing range.
2) Multiple range instruments:
Instrument having two or more weighing ranges with different maximum capacities and different
scale intervals for the same load receptor, each range extending from zero to its maximum
3) Multi-interval instruments:
Instrument having one weighing range which is divided into partial weighing ranges, each with
different scale intervals, with the weighing range determined automatically according to the load
applied, both on increasing and decreasing loads.

The most important metrological terms for weighing instruments are:

Reduction ratio:
The reduction ratio of a load transmitting device is given by:

FM is the load acting on the load measuring device ( total number of load cells ).
FL is the load acting on the load receptor ( scale ).

Maximum capacity (Max):

Maximum weighing capacity, not taking into account the additive tare capacity.

Minimum capacity (Min):

Value of the load below which the weighing results may be subject to an excessive relative error.

Actual scale interval (d):

Value expressed in units of mass of:
- The difference between the values corresponding to two consecutive scale marks, for analogue
indication, or
- the difference between two consecutive indicated values, for digital indication.

Verification scale interval (e):

Value, expressed in units of mass, used for the classification and verification of an instrument.
Note: "e" equals "d" in the majority of digital weighing instruments. A scale interval should be
numbered in the form 1*10k , 2*10k or 5*10k , k being a positive or negative whole number or equal
to zero.

Number of verification scale intervals (n):

Quotient of the maximum capacity and the verification scale interval, for a single-interval instrument:

n=Max / e



1.1 The maximum capacity of the load cell shall satisfy the condition:

Emax≥ Q*Max*R / N

Emax : maximum capacity of the load cell
N : Number of load cells
R : Reduction ratio
Q : Correction factor
The correction factor Q>1 considers the possible effects of eccentric loading, dead load of the load
receptor (scale), initial zero setting range and non uniform distribution of the load.
To be precise; the total capacity of all load cells should be larger or equal to the maximum capacity of
the scale, the dead weight of the construction and the overall effect on zero-setting and zero-tracking
devices. The overall effect of zero-setting and zero-tracking devices shall be not more than 4% and of
the initial zero-setting device not more than 20%, of the maximum capacity. Further to this, the following
eccentric loading conditions should be considered:
- On an instrument with a load receptor having n points of support, with n$4, the fraction 1/(n-1)
of the sum of the maximum capacity and the maximum additive tare effect shall be applied to each
point of support.
- On an instrument with a load receptor subject to minimal off-centre loading (e.g. tank, hopper)
a test load corresponding to one-tenth of the sum of the maximum capacity and the maximum
additive tare effect shall be applied to each point of support.
If the above considerations are applied on a platform scale with a capacity of 1500 kg and a dead load
of 100kg, the individual load cell capacity if four load cells are used can be calculated by:
Eccentricity behaviour tested with 1/(n-1)*Max = 1/3*1500 = 500kg.
Dead load weight distribution equals 100/n = 100/4 = 25kg.
Zero-setting/tracking: (24% of 1500)/n = 360/4 = 90kg.
Hence, the load cell capacity (Emax) should at least be 500+25+90 = 615kg.

1.2 The maximum number of load cell intervals shall satisfy the condition:
nlc≥ n

For each load cell, the maximum number of load cell intervals nlc shall not be less than the number of
verification scale intervals n of the instrument, e.g. a 3000d class weighing instrument should have
at least class C3 load cells.

1.3 The minimum load cell verification interval shall satisfy the condition:

vmin≤ e*R / √N

The minimum load cell verification interval vmin shall not be greater than the verification scale interval
e multiplied by the reduction ratio R of the load transmitting device and divided by the square root of the
number N of load cells. This formula can be rewritten as:

e≥ vmin*√N / R

For example, a platform scale with a capacity of 1500 kg is built with four load cells, type SSB-C3-1t,


with vmin= Emax/8333.
1) The load cell capacity is in agreement with point 1.1 ( see calculation example ).
2) The maximum number of scale intervals should be smaller or equal to the maximum number of
load cell verification intervals. Hence, the maximum number of scale intervals is 3000.
3) By applying the formula given at point 1.3, the minimum value for e can be calculated:

e≥ vmin*√N / R Y e≥ 1000*2 / 8333*1 Y e≥ 0.240 Y e=0.5kg

It is important to verify the output per scale division with the required minimum signal level for the
measuring device to ensure compatibility. The output per scale division (in µV) can be calculated by:

UE*S*Max*1000 / (N*Emax*n)

UE : Excitation voltage
S : Rated output load cell
N : Number of load cells
n : Number of scale divisions

The SSB load cell has a rated output of 2 mV/V. The output per verification scale interval at an
excitation voltage of 10 V for the example above will be:

10*2*1500*1000 / (4*1000*3000) =2.5µV

The graph below represents the minimum value for e, in relation to the load cell capacity (Emax) when the
instrument is constructed with four load cells ( Reduction ratio R=1 ).


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Emax (t)



On multiple range instruments, each range is treated basically as an instrument with one range. Switching
while the instrument is loaded, from one weighing range to another is only allowed if the verification
scale interval increases. Furthermore, it is not allowed to enter a lower range after a tare setting, or by
using a preset tare value. An example of a multiple range instrument with three ranges is given in the
diagram below:




400 800 1000 (kg)

e1 Max1

e2 Max2

e3 Max3

The requirements for load cells are:

2.1 The maximum capacity shall satisfy the condition:

Emax≥ Q*Maxr*R / N

2.2 The maximum number of load cell intervals shall satisfy the condition:

nlc≥ n

2.3 The minimum load cell verification interval shall satisfy the condition:

vmin≤ e1*R / √N

2.4 The minimum dead load output return of the load cell shall satisfy the condition:

DR≤ e1*R / N

or, where DR is not know ( specifically specified on the R60-certificate ) the following acceptable
solution should be satisfied:

nlc≥ 0.4*Maxr / e1

ni the number of verification scale intervals for range i ( i=1, 2, etc.)
Maxr the maximum capacity of the highest weighing range
e1 the verification scale interval of the smallest weighing range


For example, a platform scale with a capacity of 1000kg is built with four load cells, type HCB-C4-0.5t,
with vmin = Emax / 13500.
1) The eccentricity behaviour will be tested with:

Maxr / (n-1) = (1/3)*1000 ≈ 325kg

this is well below the capacity of the load cell, hence, acceptable.

2) The number of scale verification intervals should be smaller than or equal to 4000.

3) The minimum scale verification interval can be calculated by:

e1≥ vmin*√N / R Y e1≥ 500*2 / 13500 Y e1≥ 0.074kg

Hence, e1 will be 0.1 kg

4) As there is no value specified for the DR in the certificate, the use of the following formula is

nlc≥ 0.4*Maxr / e1Y nlc≥ 0.4*1000 / 0.1 Y nlc≥ 4000

Hence, the following ranges are allowed to use:

0 6 400kg with e = 0.1kg ( 4000 divisions )
0 6 800kg with e = 0.2kg ( 4000 divisions )
0 6 1000kg with e = 0.5kg ( 2000 divisions )
These values are used in the diagram on the previous page.

Multiple range instruments shall satisfy the following conditions:

On a multiple range instrument the deviation on returning to zero from Maxi shall not exceed 0.5 ei.
Furthermore, after returning to zero from any load greater than Max1 and immediately after switching to
the lowest weighing range, the indication near zero shall not vary by more than e1 during the following
5 minutes.
Zero setting in any weighing range shall be effective also in the greater weighing ranges, if switching to
a greater weighing range is possible while the instrument is loaded.
The tare operation shall be effective also in the greater weighing ranges, if switching to a greater
weighing range is possible while the instrument is loaded.
A preset tare value may only be transferred from one weighing range to another one with a larger
verification scale interval but shall then be rounded to the latter.

MR-load cells
Load cells suitable for multiple range instruments should preferably have a high γ value ( Emax/vmin).
Revere Transducers has distinguished special MR versions in the latest certificates ( load cell types HCB
and RLC ). For example:
HCB-C3 vmin = Emax / 10000
HCB-C3MR vmin = Emax / 20000



A multi-interval weighing instrument has one weighing range, which is divided into partial weighing
ranges, each with different scale intervals. The weighing range is determined automatically according
to the load applied, both on increasing and decreasing loads.
A multi-interval instrument offers the end-user more flexibility with its partial weighing ranges in
comparison to multiple range instruments. It is possible to enter a lower partial range after a tare setting
or by using a preset tare-value. An example of a multi-interval weighing instrument with two partial
ranges is given in the diagram below:

The requirements for load cells are:

3.1 The maximum capacity shall satisfy the condition:

Emax≥ Q*Maxr*R / N

3.2 The maximum number of load cell intervals shall satisfy the condition:
nlc≥ n

3.3 The minimum load cell verification interval shall satisfy the condition:

vmin≤ e1*R / √N

3.4 The minimum dead load output return of the load cell shall satisfy the condition:

DR≤ 0.5*e1*R / N

or, where DR is not know ( specifically specified on the R60-certificate ) the following
acceptable solution should be satisfied:

nlc≥ Maxr / e1

ni the number of verification scale intervals for partial range i ( i=1, 2, etc.)
Maxr the maximum capacity of the highest partial weighing range
e1 the verification scale interval of the smallest partial weighing range


MI-load cells
Revere Transducers model RLC has two versions, specially certified for multi-interval instruments.
These versions are coded RLC-C3MI6 or RLC-C3MI7.5. Specifications:
C3MI6 DR = 2Emax/6000 vmin = Emax / 7000
C3MI7.5 DR = 2Emax/7500 vmin = Emax / 7000

For example, a platform scale with a capacity of 10t is built with four load cells type RLC-C3MI7.5-3.5t,
with vmin = Emax / 7000 and DR = 2Emax/7500.
1) The eccentricity behaviour will be tested with:

Maxr / (n-1)= 10000 / 3 ≈ 3250kg

this is well below the capacity of the load cell, hence, acceptable.

2) The number of scale verification intervals for each partial range should be smaller or equal to

3) The minimum scale verification interval can be calculated by:

e1≥ vmin*√N / R Y e1≥ 3500*2 / 7000 Y e1 ≥ 1kg

Hence, e1 should be greater or equal to 1.0 kg

4) DR is specified as 2Emax/7500, hence the following formula should be applied:

DR≤ 0.5*e1*R / N Y 1750 / 7500 ≤ 0.5*e1*1 / 4 Y e1≥ 1.87 Y e1=2kg

Hence, the following partial ranges are allowed to be used:

0 6 6000kg with e1 = 2 kg ( 3000 divisions )
6000 6 10000kg with e2 = 5 kg ( 2000 divisions )
These values are used in the diagram on the previous page.

The error envelope for the above mentioned scale will be:
0 e1 6 500 e1 . 0 6 1000kg max. error, "0.5 e1 . "1kg
500 e1 6 2000 e1 . 1000 6 4000kg max. error, "1.0 e1 . "2kg
2000 e1 6 3000 e1 . 4000 6 6000kg max. error, "1.5 e1 . "3kg
1200 e2 6 2000 e2 . 6000 6 10000kg max. error. "1.0 e2 . "5kg

1 (kg)
1000 4000 6000 10000



By applying formula 3.3 and 3.4, the following values for e1 can be obtained:

Load cell type C3MI6; 2Emax/6000 type C3MI7.5; 2Emax/7500 Recommended capacity Maxr (kg)
capacity Emax e1(kg) 3LC e1(kg) 4LC e1(kg) 3LC e1(kg) 4LC 3LC-hopper 4LC-platform
500 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.5 1000 1000
1000 0.5 1 0.5 1 2500 2500
2000 1 2 1 2 5000 5000
3500 2 5 2 2 8000 10000
5000 5 5 2 5 12000 12500

As a second example, a hopper with a capacity of 5000 kg is built with three load cells type RLC-
C3MI6-2t, with vmin = Emax / 7000.
The smallest verification scale interval (e 1) can be obtained from the table above and equals 1 kg. Hence,
the following ranges are allowed to be used:
0 6 3000 kg with e = 1 kg ( 3000 divisions )
3000 6 5000 kg with e = 2 kg ( 1000 divisions )

Multi-interval instruments shall satisfy the following conditions:

On a multi-interval instrument, the deviation on returning to zero as soon as the indication has stabilised,
after the removal of any load which has remained on the instrument for one half hour, shall not exceed
0.5 e1.
The maximum preset tare value shall not be greater than Max1 and the indicated or printed calculated net
value shall be rounded to the scale interval of the instrument for the same net weight value.

It should be realised that the field of application for multi-interval weighing instruments has become
smaller by the introduction of more accurate load cells and more sensitive measuring devices ( indicators
The hopper-application on the previous page could for example also be served with three load cells type
RLC-C5-2t. At this moment most Revere Transducers load cells are standard certified to C4. Model
9102 is certified to C5, with vmin = Emax / 15000 and model RLC is certified to C6 with vmin = Emax /
However the advantage of multi-interval instruments are a stronger signal per division ( µV/d ) and
larger error limits at the high end of the measuring range ( of particular interest at applications with the
presents of force-shunts, i.e. hoppers ).

The Revere Transducers group combines fifty years of load cell manufacturing with fifty years of
application know how. For any further question, please contact our manufacturing operation or any one
of our regional sales offices.

Revere Transducers Europe

Ramshoorn 7
Postbus 6909, 4802 HX Breda
The Netherlands
Tel. (+31)76-5480700
Fax. (+31)76-5412854

Regional offices in Germany, France and United Kingdom


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