NMI P 107 Calculations For Suitability of Load Cells Fitted To Belt Weighers

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NMI P 107

Calculations for Suitability of Load Cells

Fitted to Belt Weighers

First edition — August 1996 (Document 133)

First edition, first revision — June 2001 (renamed NSC P 107)
First edition, second revision — July 2004 (renamed NMI P 107)

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PO Box 264, Lindfield, NSW 2070

Telephone: (61 2) 8467 3600

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Web page: http://www.measurement.gov.au
© Commonwealth of Australia 1996


1. Scope.................................................................................................................................1

2. Load Cells..........................................................................................................................1

3. Belt Weighers.....................................................................................................................1

4. Calculations........................................................................................................................1
4.1 Load Cell Capacity...................................................................................................1
4.2 Maximum Permissible Errors...................................................................................1
4.3 Temperature Effect on Minimum Load....................................................................2
This document is to be used in conjunction Belt weigher installations are characterised
with certificates of approval of belt weighers by the following specifications in accordance
which permit a range of approved load cells with NMI R 50-1. Pattern Approval
to be used in the various installations Specifications for Belt Weighers:
covered by the approval. The calculations • maximum capacity (of the weighing unit)
included in this document will be applied to (Max(C));
each installation to ensure that the approved • maximum flow rate (Qmax);
specifications of the load cells are not • minimum flow rate (Qmin);
exceeded for the specifications of the belt • weigh length (of the weighing unit) (L); and
weigher installation. • belt speed (V).
The belt weigher will have been approved to The total maximum load on the load cells
comply with the requirements of supporting the weighing unit is made up of
NMI R 50-1. Pattern Approval the maximum capacity (live load) and the
Specifications for Belt Weighers. weight of the weighing unit (dead load).
The load cells will have been approved to 4. CALCULATIONS
comply with the requirements of NMI R 60.
Pattern Approval Specifications for Load The following calculations are based on
Cells for Trade Weighing Instruments. knowing the characteristics of the belt
weigher installation and from these
2. LOAD CELLS determining the required performance of
The following specifications characterise the each load cell. If the calculated performance
performance of load cells in accordance with is equal to, or less than, the performance of
NMI R 60. Pattern Approval Specifications the load cell then the load cell selected is
for Load Cells for Trade Weighing satisfactory for that installation.
4.1 Load Cell Capacity
 maximum capacity (Max(L));
 maximum number of verification scale Total maximum load on load cells (Wc) = Max(C)
intervals (nmax); and + dead load,
 minimum value of the verification scale where Max(C) = Qmax L / V.
interval (vmin). The maximum load on each load cell (WL) is
These figures are based on the required the above divided by the number of load
performance for fitting the load cells to non- cells (N) and/or the lever ratio (R) if
automatic weighing instruments on the basis applicable, namely WL = Wc / NR.
that the load cell contributes no more than If WL ≤ Max(L) the load cells are
70% of the total weighing instrument errors. satisfactory, namely if
Although the maximum permissible errors Max(L) ≥ (Max(C) + dead load) / NR.
for automatic weighing instruments such as
4.2 Maximum Permissible Errors
belt weighers are different to non-automatic
weighing instruments the performance The relative maximum permissible error for
specifications given in the load cell belt weighers tested under simulated
recommendation can be applied to belt conditions for influence factors (NMI R 50-1,
weigher installations. clause 2.2.3) are:
 ±0.18% for class 0.5;
 ±0.35% for class 1; and
 ±0.7% for class 2.

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The load cells are also tested under satisfactory for use in the three classes of
simulated conditions for influence factors belt weighers.
and they can be considered to contribute no
more than 70% of the total belt weigher 4.3 Temperature Effect on Minimum
errors specified above (NMI R 50-1, Load
clause 2.2.3). Therefore the maximum The value of the minimum verification scale
permissible relative errors required for the interval (vmin) for the load cell is determined
load cells used in belt weighers are: by the effects of a temperature change at
 ±0.126% for class 0.5; minimum load (also a pressure effect but this
 ±0.245% for class 1; and is usually less than the temperature effect).
 ±0.49% for class 2. The maximum permissible effect is 0.7 vmin
for 5°C temperature change for class C load
Therefore for a class C load cell to be
cells. This is equivalent to 1.4 vmin for 10°C
satisfactory for use in a class 0.5, 1 or 2 belt
weigher, the relative error of the load cell at
the worst case load should not exceed the The corresponding requirement for belt
above figures. weigher is a maximum variation (for say
class 1) of 0.07% of the load totalised at the
For load cells the maximum permissible error
maximum flow rate for the test and for 10°C
specified in terms of the scale interval, v, in
temperature change.
NMI R 60 (class C) are as follows:
 ±0.35 v for 0 to 500 v; Therefore 0.07% of the live load on the load
 ±0.7 v for 501 to 2 000 v; and cells at maximum flow rate (Max(C)) should
 ±1.05 v for 2001 to 10 000 v. exceed the temperature effect on the load
cells for 10°C, namely 1.4 vmin.
The worst relative error will be at low load,
namely a low number of scale intervals for The total temperature effect on the
the load cell (<500 v). weighframe for multiple load cells (N) or for
a lever ratio (R) if applicable is 1.4 vmin N
The limiting relative error for each class for R, where N is used to take into account
the load cells will occur at the following the possible variation in vmin for each load
number of scale intervals (v): cell.
 class 0.5 v = 0.35 x 100 / 0.126 =
277 scale intervals; Also the live load on the weigh frame at
 class 1 v = 0.35 x 100 / 0.245 = maximum flow rate = Max(C).
143 scale intervals; and Therefore the load cells are satisfactory if:
 class 2 v = 0.35 x 100 / 0.49 =  1.4 vmin N R ≤ 0.07 Max(C) / 100; or
71 scale intervals.  vmin ≤ 0.07 Max(C) / 1.4 N R 100 ≤
Considering the worst case will represent 0.000 5 Max(C) / N R.
20% flow rate of the belt weigher, the Similarly for class C load cells and class 0.5
maximum flow rate will be equivalent to: and class 2 belt weighers:
 1 385 scale intervals for class 0.5;  vmin ≤ 0.035 Max(C) / 1.4 N R 100 ≤
 715 scale intervals for class 1; and 0.000 25 Max(C) / N R for class 0.5;
 355 scale intervals for class 2. and
Rounding these to the next highest 500 scale  vmin ≤ 0.14 Max(C) / 1.4 N R 100 ≤
intervals in accordance with NMI R 60: 0.001 Max(C) / N R for class 2.
 1 500 scale intervals for class 0.5;
 1 000 scale intervals for class 1; and
 500 scale intervals for class 2.
Therefore any class C load cell with nmax
equal to, or more than, these values will be

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