The SAP Authorization Concept
The SAP Authorization Concept
The SAP Authorization Concept
Authorizations Simplified
Introduction to Authorizations Terminology of Authorizations
An Authority Check is a check that runs automatically A Transaction Code, or T-code, is a sequence
in SAP whenever a user tries to perform an action of characters which is the technical name of a
within the system (if the Authority Check has been Transaction in SAP. If a user wants to perform a
included in the specific program). The Authority Check Transaction, the system will first perform a check to
determines whether or not the user has the required determine whether or not they have the Authorization
authorization to perform the specific action. In order for the Transaction (T- code). FB60 is an example
to pass the Authority Check for an Authorization of a T-code - the Transaction of Creating a Vendor
Object, the user must pass all the checks for all the Invoice. If a user wants to create a vendor invoice,
Authorization Fields in the Authorization Object. the system will check their authorization for T-code
FB60. However, it is not sufficient to give the user
An Authority Check is the only way to check authorization for T-code FB60. The user must also
authorizations in SAP. If authority check commands be granted all Authorizations required for FB60, such
have not been inserted into the source code of a as the vendor’s company codes, business areas and
program, then that program can be accessed without account types.
needing any Authorization. Without Authority Checks,
system users are free to use the program as they see Transaction/Activity Checks
fit, i.e. to freely view and perform actions at will.
In order to allow a user to perform a Transaction,
Transaction/Authorization Field ACTV the system automatically carries out the necessary
Authorization Checks. Each Transaction Code has
The term “Transaction” in SAP, represents a series of certain required Authorizations. Typically, there
related steps that are required in order to perform a are 10-15 Authorization Objects to check for each
particular task. In a common SAP installation, there are Transaction; though this number is actually unlimited
over 100,000 transaction names. Most Transactions and there can be 30 or more different authorization
fall into one of the following categories: ‘Create an checks in a single Transaction!
Object’, ‘Change an Object’ and ‘Display an Object’. Without these checks, the transaction can be fully
utilized by any user in the system.
In order to correlate between the purpose of the If the answer is yes, then the system goes through a
Transaction and the Authorization, the Standard SAP series of further Authorization Checks.
Authorization Field – ACTVT – is used. Typical values At any point along the way, the user can be stopped
for these fields include 01 (Create), 02 (Change), and if any of the Authorizations connected to the specific
03 (Display). T-code are missing.
Authority Checks ONLY check the User Buffer. One The User Buffer, an integral part of the SAP
of the problems with the User Buffer is that it cannot Authorization Mechanism, does not allow for the
isolate transactions. When dynamically creating the isolation of transactions, which can therefore result in
User Buffer (and this happens each time a user logs unintended and sometimes high-risk cross- access to
into the system), the SAP application combines all data.
the Authorization Roles of the user and allocates all
granted Authorizations into the user’s User Buffer, Summary
while ignoring duplicate objects. Therefore, using
the User Buffer can create a situation in which one By following the requirements, advice and guidelines
Transaction is using another Transaction’s Values. in this whitepaper, enterprises will be able to verify
that authorizations granted to employees are valid
Example - An organization has decided to grant a and comply with regulations, they will also be able
certain user Transaction Code FB60 (Vendor Invoice) to increase control of employee authorizations.
- but only for Company 1000, and T-code FB50 (G/L Reviewing authorizations at least once a year will
Account Document) - but only for Company 2000. ensure that employees hold authorizations for
However, if these two transactions use the same justifiable reasons and allow the organization to
Authorization Object, then a situation is created make the proper decisions regarding its authorization
whereby the user has Authorizations for FB60 for compliance.
BOTH Company 1000 AND Company 2000 - and has
authorizations for FB50 for BOTH Company 1000 AND Focused on the areas of SAP security and SAP
Company 2000. Without compensatory controls, the licensing, Xpandion creates user-friendly, easily
user can perform the right transactions for the wrong deployed, automatic management solutions for SAP’s
company. global customers. Xpandion’s ProfileTailor™ suite
of solutions delivers unprecedented visibility of
Keys Points To Remember actual, real-time SAP authorization usage - enabling
significant improvements in enterprise security,
The SAP Authorization Concept guards the system including reduction of fraud and leakage of sensitive
against unauthorized access and use of the system. data. It is the first solution that detects and alerts
An Authorization is created ONLY after a Value to deviations in behaviour in real time - including
has been attached to the Authorization Field of an deviations from SoD (Segregation of Duties) rules.
Authorization Object. ProfileTailor™ creates a thin and controllable SAP
system that can be easily managed with substantially
According to the current view regarding security, users reduced effort and resources. Once the confusion
should be assigned only the minimum number of regarding authorizations has been dispelled,
Authorizations required to perform their duties. enterprises can then maintain on-going control of their
SAP licenses and authorization usage. Xpandion’s
ABAP Command AUTHORITY-CHECK is the only LicenseAuditor optimizes SAP investments, enabling
method to check user Authorizations. If a program considerable savings through the identification of
does not have Authorization Checks embedded in its dormant, underused, duplicate and misclassified users.
code, anyone can access and use the program. The entire suite of solutions is available as classic
enterprise software or as SAAS/Cloud.