Diesel Fuel Pump Tester Machine (S.R.T.C. Jammu & Choudhary Diesel Jammu)
Diesel Fuel Pump Tester Machine (S.R.T.C. Jammu & Choudhary Diesel Jammu)
Diesel Fuel Pump Tester Machine (S.R.T.C. Jammu & Choudhary Diesel Jammu)
Implementation of Total Productive Maintenance in
Fuel Pump Tester Machine ( S.R.T.C.
Jammu & Choudhary diesel Jammu ).
The companies throughout the world are trying to improve their profit without
increasingthe sale price of their products. This can only be done by minimizing the
manufacturing cost of the products by increasing the productivity and reducing
losses during production. Automation has played a great role in increasing
productivity but it fails if the equipment is not maintained properly.
Background of TPM
TPM originated from Japan as equipment management strategy designed to
support the total quality management strategy. In middle of 19th century,
Japanese realized that companies cannot produce a consistent quality product
with poorly-maintained equipment. It began in 1950s and focused primarily on
preventive maintenance. As new equipment was installed the focus was on
implementing the preventive maintenance recommendations by the equipment
manufacturer. A high value was placed on equipment that operated at designed
specifications with no breakdowns. During 1960s, TPM focused on productive
maintenance, recognizing the importance of reliability, maintenance and
economic efficiency in plant design. Then in 1970s TPM evolved as a strategy
focused on achieving preventive maintenance efficiency through a comprehensive
system based on respect for individuals and total employee participation. It was
at this time the word Total was added to productive maintenance (Tokutaro
Suzuki. 1994).
Industry/Company Profile
The goal of the work was to study and analyze diesel fuel pump testing
machine and also to suggest the ways to implement Total Productive
Maintenance for maximizing equipment effectiveness. It was divided
into following parts:
The project gives details about a time based stepwise implementation
plan of TPM on diesel fuel pump testing machine . The necessary
training material for operators according to their level of education is
also presented. A data collection model for statistical analysis of losses
is also proposed.
The online data collection mode only gives time losses automatically,
while the material losses are recorded manually.
To categorize each loss into six big losses defined in Overall Equipment
Effectiveness scale, for clarification of problems and then suggesting
improvements in problematic areas using trainings, 5S and autonomous
maintenance plan. Training of the operators involved to improve their
skills and better understanding of problems and also involvement of
operators in routine maintenance tasks.
The first application of OEE can be traced to the late 1960’s when it was
used by Seiichi Nakajima at Nippon Denso as a key metric in TPM
(Total Productive Maintenance). According to Nakajima S. 1989, “TPM
is a plant improvement methodology, which enables continuous and
rapid improvement of the manufacturing process through the use of
employee involvement, employee empowerment and closed-loop
measurement of results.”
2.2 Six Big Losses
2.2.2Speed losses
3.Idling and minor stoppages
4.Reduced speed
5S is a system to reduce waste and optimize productivity through
maintaining an orderly workplace and using visual cues to achieve more
consistent operational results. Implementation of this method "cleans
up" and organizes the workplace basically in its existing configuration,
and it is typically the first lean method which organizations implement.
Sort - the first step in making things cleaned up and organized
Set In Order - organize, identify and arrange everything in a work area
Shine - regular cleaning and maintenance
Standardize - make it easy to maintain - simplify and standardize
Sustain -maintaining what has been accomplished
• What is TPM?
A brief description about total productive maintenance, its advantages
and challenges to adopt it, implementation plan and how to measure
TPM, should be given.
• Knowledge about 5S
What are different 5S and how they are implemented systematically to
improve productivity, quality and safety?
After 3 months of start of pilot team, the team should develop a detailed
master plan for Diesel Fuel Pump Testing Machines in S.R.T.C.
Jammu & Choudhary Diesel Jammu . The group should also derive
a preliminary TPM implementation plan for KK line and the manual
line, if possible. The plan should take care of following things:
TPM improves corporate business results and creates pleasant and
productive workplace by changing the way people think about and work
with equipment throughout the company. Autonomous maintenance
(maintenance performed by production department) is one of the most
important basic building blocks of TPM program.
Autonomous maintenance is an important TPM Pillar which emphasizes
the importance of the machine operator.
Historically, maintenance has been done by dedicated, highly skilled
employees. But machine operators are around the equipment all of the
time, and should be the first to identify oil/grease and air leaks and
vibrations because of lose nuts and bolts.
5.1 What operators can do?
So the operators should work closely together with the maintenance
people, and they can do this in 3 ways:
1. They can alert maintenance people
2. They can provide excellent information
3. They can perform routine maintenance
Autonomous Maintenance is a critical first step of TPM, and operators
must be trained to close the gap between them and the maintenance staff,
making it easier for both to work as one team.
2. Machines and work areas are safer and easier to work around.