A Critical Evaluation of Water Coning Correlations in Vertical Wells
A Critical Evaluation of Water Coning Correlations in Vertical Wells
A Critical Evaluation of Water Coning Correlations in Vertical Wells
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Received: December 17, 2017; Accepted: January 3, 2018; Published: January 19, 2018
Abstract: In oil and gas production, developing bottom-water reservoirs with active aquifer requires production strategy that
can handle production-rate-sensitive phenomenon – water coning. The coned water that moves into the completion interval
results in production related problems: excessive water production, surface water handling, low oil productivity, among others.
To this end, several correlations: critical rate, breakthrough time and water-cut performance after breakthrough have been
developed based on analytical, empirical and numerical approach to evaluate water coning tendencies in petroleum reservoirs.
Some of the developed correlations have gained field application. However, limited literatures are available that have evaluated
the prediction of these water coning correlations. Thus, the various water coning correlations for vertical well were evaluated
and the obtained results show that most correlations have the same prediction profile. Conversely, these correlations predicted
different coning parameters’ value. Further analysis of the results depicts that critical production rate and breakthrough time in
vertical wells are indirectly dependent on fractional well penetration. In addition, the correlations developed from water-cut
data for the prediction of water-cut performance after breakthrough indicate more realistic predictions in the water-cut profile
than the correlations developed from water-oil ratio. Therefore, to delay water coning tendency in bottom-water reservoirs,
fractional well penetration is a consideration in vertical wells to establish optimum critical oil rate and breakthrough time
during oil and gas production.
Keywords: Bottom-Water Reservoirs, Water Coning Correlations, Critical Rate, Breakthrough Time,
Water-Cut Performance, Vertical Well
to fluid viscosity and reservoir permeability, and directly 2. Water Coning Phenomenon in Vertical
proportional to the density difference between reservoir
fluids. The study of water coning cannot be overemphasized, Wells
as several correlations have been developed to predict this In bottom-water drive reservoir, during the production of oil
production rate-related problem. The focus of coning and gas, the flow of oil from the reservoir to the well
prediction correlations have been on critical rate, introduces an upward dynamic force upon the fluids [27]. This
breakthrough time and water-cut (or water-oil ratio) dynamic (viscous) force due to wellbore pressure drawdown
performance after breakthrough based on two approaches: causes the bottom water to rise to a certain point at which the
analytical and empirical. Among these correlations, critical dynamic force is balanced by the height of the water beneath
rate is probably the most discussed coning parameter [6]. The that point. Then, as the distance from the wellbore increases
analytical approach establishes the correlations based on the the pressure drawdown and the upward viscous force caused
equilibrium conditions of gravity forces and pressure by it decreases. This development causes the water-oil contact
gradients [7]. Also, Emara [8] added that in this approach, (WOC) below the oil completion interval to rise toward the
the critical rate is calculated by allowing the gravity forces perforation; as depicted in Figure 1. At low production rate, a
equal the viscous forces in the proposed oil potential stable cone is experienced as the dynamic force offset the
function. On the other hand, the empirical approach involves gravity contrast between the oil and water phase [7]. This
the use of laboratory experiments or computer simulation implies that the upward dynamic force is sufficiently balanced
runs to obtain data that are used to develop the correlations by the weight of water beneath the cone. However, when the
for coning prediction. Presently, there has been a shift from production rate increases, the cone height above the water oil
the laboratory experiments approach of developing the contact (WOC) also increases. Over time, the gravity contrast
empirical correlations to computer simulation because of the between the water and oil cannot offset their mobility
complexity of reservoirs engineering problems, and the differences, then, the water cone becomes unstable and rises
modern advances in computer technology [9]. It is interesting towards the well completion interval. Thus, the breakthrough
to note that most of the water coning studies in vertical wells (i.e., water enters the well perforation interval) occurs when
is either analytical or experimental. the cone shaped profile becomes unstable due to the high-
In vertical wells, there are cases where the bottom water is pressure drawdown around the wellbore.
observed in a relatively short time at the wellbore after the
wells have been put on production [10]. Once the water
breaks into the wells, there is rapid increase in water-oil ratio
that leads to low hydrocarbon recovery. Eventually, the
negative impact on the economics of the petroleum reservoir
production cause for concern [11]. Water coning
phenomenon in vertical wells has been studied extensively by
researchers. Numerous authors have investigated the flow
mechanisms in reservoir and developed correlations to
estimate coning parameters: critical rate, breakthrough time
and water-cut performance after breakthrough for vertical
wells. Authors like Muskat and Wyckoff [12], Meyer and Figure 1. Water Coning in Vertical Well [28].
Garder [13], Chierici et al. [14], Wheatley [15], Chaperon
[16], Abbas and Bass [17], Hoyland et al. [18], Guo and Lee The main reasons for coning; especially in bottom-water
[19], among others, have presented critical rate correlations drive reservoirs, is pressure drawdown. Vertical wells exhibit a
for vertical wells. For breakthrough time, Sobocinki and large pressure drawdown in the wellbore vicinity than
Cornelius [20], Bournazel and Jeanson [21], Recham et al. horizontal wells. Horizontal well technology in some cases
[22] and others, have established the correlations. Then, Kuo may be a coning attenuation approach. The pioneer studies,
and DesBrisay [23], Yang and Wattenbarger [24], Zamonsky Muskat and Wyckoff [12] and Muskat [29] observed that
et al. [25], etc. have developed correlations to evaluate post- coning is a rate-sensitive phenomenon, which develops only
water (water-cut) performance after breakthrough in vertical after certain equilibrium conditions in the wellbore-reservoir
wells. Regrettably, significant variations exist in the results of vicinity are unbalanced by increasing the pressure differential
the numerous water coning prediction correlations. These beyond critical limits. Afterwards, intensive studies have been
variations arise mainly due to the approximating assumptions carried out to understand the phenomenon and several
used to simplify the complex mathematical solutions of the mathematical models; as expanded in Tables A1 through A3
two- or three-phase flow in porous media [26]. Therefore, were developed to predict water coning tendency. However,
this paper critically evaluates the various water coning there are variations in the developed coning prediction
correlations for vertical wells to establish the most reliable correlations due to the assumptions regarding: reservoir types,
correlation (s) for the prediction of this production rate- reservoir parameters and flow types, and the model used in the
sensitive phenomenon during oil production from bottom- correlations development. In analytical approach, water coning
water reservoirs. movement in the reservoir-wellbore vicinity is established based
American Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology 2018; 3(1): 1-9 3
on hodograph or Dupuit-Forchhiemer’s approximation model. This prediction enables the reservoir engineer to plan the
a. Critical Rate future production of the reservoir to achieve optimum oil
During production of oil, critical rate is the rate beyond recovery. Secondly, the prediction further evaluate the
which the flowing pressure gradient at the well causes water expected abandonment time of the reservoir. Kuo and
to cone into the well through the production interval. It DesBrisay [23] and Zamonsky et al. [25] developed
simply means the maximum production rate of oil without correlations for water-cut (WC) performance prediction
simultaneous production of water. One of the assumptions in while Yang and Wattenbarger [24] presented correlation to
critical rate correlations development is that the water cone evaluate water-oil ratio (WOR) performance after
has risen to a certain height before it breakthrough into the breakthrough for vertical wells. However, the obtained water-
well. Theoretically, the basic coning equation for a water-oil oil (WOR) based on Yang and Wattenbarger [24] correlation
system can be developed by applying the conservation of can be converted to water-cut using the expanded equation 1.
mass to each of the phases relating flow velocities with These developed water-cut and water-oil correlations for
pressure by Darcy's law, and relating pressure across water- vertical wells are presented in Table A3.
oil contact interfaces by capillary pressure [30]. However,
this analysis states nothing directly about the time it takes the WC = (1)
water cone to rise to the initial breakthrough position. 1 + WOR
Nevertheless, a lot of critical rate correlations have been
developed in the literature for vertical wells. Some of these Furthermore, locating the completion interval to avert
developed critical rate correlations for vertical wells are coning and achieve maximum oil recovery (production) has
presented in Table A1 for the evaluation. received research interest. Normally, operating companies
b. Breakthrough Time produce from the center of the pay zone to maximize oil
Practically, producing oil within or below the critical rate recovery in case of reservoirs overlaid by gas zone and
is not economical, due to economic necessity. Therefore, underlaid by water zone. For reservoirs underlaid by strong
operating companies often produce at a rate higher than the water zone only, the completion interval is placed at the top
critical coning rate. As earlier mentioned, a stable cone exists of the reservoir. Therefore, it is pertinent to determine this
for a limited period. Once the production rate exceeds the location (position) in the reservoir to circumvent water
critical rate, the water cone moves toward the well and coning and achieve optimum oil production. In this
subsequently breaks into the wellbore. At this production connection, some correlations by Guo and Lee [19],
stage, knowing the breakthrough time helps to improve well Tabatabaei et al. [33] and others have been developed to
management and extend well life without water production predict optimum well placement in vertical wells.
[31]. Also, by estimating the breakthrough time one can
optimize the production plan to maximize the delay of water 3. Water Coning Correlations Evaluation
or gas breakthrough time [32]. Numerous attentions have
been put in by researchers to develop models to predict Water coning in bottom-water drive reservoir is an integral
coning breakthrough time in vertical wells. Empirically, part of the oil production process. Therefore, proper
Sobocinski and Cornelius [20] and Bournazel and Jeanson prediction and planning of this production rate-sensitive
[21] established this correlation while other authors used phenomenon must be projected and captured in the
either analytical or numerical approach to develop the production scheme to achieve maximum oil production
correlation for vertical wells. Some of the developed and/or recovery from the reservoir. To evaluate the potentials
correlations to predict breakthrough time in vertical wells are of the various water coning correlations’ prediction in
presented in Tables A2 for the evaluation. vertical wells, the basic reservoir and fluid properties data
c. Water-cut Performance after Breakthrough were extracted from the work of Khalili [32] and Kumar et
Aside from predicting critical rate and breakthrough time, al. [34]. These extracted data as presented in Table 1 were
the knowledge of the well performance in terms of water-cut used to evaluate the various water coning correlations
or water-oil ratio (WOR) after breakthrough is important. presented in Tables A1 through A3.
Table 1. Basic Reservoir and Fluid Properties.
performance profile. As observed, Yang and this production rate as well as the time it takes the water to
Wattenbarger’s correlation predicted less water-cut of cone into the well (i.e., breakthrough time) have been
about 0.3 after 8.5 years. The reason for this prediction developed by authors based on numerous approaches and
may be attributed to the fact that this correlation was assumptions. Furthermore, correlations to predict the
developed based on water-oil ratio (WOR); which was performance of the water-cut after breakthrough were
converted to water-cut using the expanded Equation 1. developed. However, limited literatures have evaluated the
Conversely, Kuo and DesBrisay [23] and Zamonsky et al. consistency of these water coning correlations to predict
[25] correlations’ predicted different breakthrough period coning parameters in vertical wells. Therefore, this study
and the same water-cut performance profile in vertical critically evaluates water coning correlations in vertical
wells; as depicted in Figure 5. wells, and the following conclusions are drawn:
i. most correlations prediction for water coning
parameters have the same profile, but almost all the
correlations predicted different values for the water
coning parameters;
ii. critical production rate and breakthrough time are
indirectly dependent on the fractional well penetration
in vertical wells; and
iii. correlations to evaluate post-water behaviour or
water-cut performance after breakthrough developed
from water-cut data predicts more proficient water-
cut profile than correlations from water-oil ratio
Figure 5. Water-cut Performance after Breakthrough vs. Time (Vertical Therefore, in bottom-water reservoirs with active aquifer,
proper planning and completion of the well (s) in vertical
4.4. Learnings from the Water Coning Correlations direction will require the consideration of fractional well
Evaluation penetration to achieve optimum critical oil production rate
and breakthrough time.
The evaluation of the various water coning correlations in
vertical wells have put forward the reliability of these Nomenclature
correlations available in the literature. Therefore, it is
pertinent to note that the approaches: analytical, empirical, qc = critical rate, stb/d
numerical or combined as well as the assumption (s) are the ∆ρ = water-oil density difference, lb/ft3
major factors that affect the reliability of the various water
µ o = oil viscosity, cp
coning correlation predictions. Hence, most of the various
water coning correlations evaluated in this study predicted µ w = water viscosity, cp
different values for the water coning parameters: critical rate, rw = wellbore radius, ft
breakthrough time and water-cut performance after re = drainage radius, ft
breakthrough. However, despite the difference in their
predictions, some of the correlations have about the same rwe = effective wellbore radius, ft
profile for the water coning parameters. Furthermore, the reh = horizontal well drainage radius, ft
critical rate (qc) is indirectly dependent on fractional well h = pay-zone thickness, ft
penetration (hp/h); as low fractional well penetration (hp/h) A = reservoir area, ft2
gives high critical rate (qc). Additionally, most correlations hp = height of completion interval, ft
indicate that breakthrough time (tbt) is also indirectly
dependent on the fractional well penetration (hp/h). This kv = vertical permeability, md
evaluation further shows that correlations developed from kh = horizontal permeability, md
water-cut data for the prediction of post-water behaviour kro = oil relative permeability at S wc
after breakthrough exhibit more realistic predictions in water-
cut profile than the correlations developed from water-oil tbt = breakthrough time, days
ratio. Bo = oil formation volume factor, rb/stb
Bw = water formation volume factor, rb/stb
5. Conclusion M = mobility ratio
g = gravity constant, ft/hr2
In bottom water-drive reservoir, oil production strategy to ϕ = formation porosity, fraction
overcome the early coning of water into the production α = mobility ratio exponent
interval requires the knowledge of the critical oil rate - water hap = height above perforation, ft
free oil production rate. Thus, several correlations to predict
6 Anietie Ndarake Okon et al.: A Critical Evaluation of Water Coning Correlations in Vertical Wells
Appendix A
Meyer and
Analytical qc =
o ( p )
2.63 × 10 −5 k ∆ρ h 2 − h 2
Static water coning with negligible
Garder [13] r capillary pressure between fluids
µ o Bo ln e
Critical rate obtained for a given
3.33 × 10−6 ko ∆ρ geometry, fluid and rock properties
0.225 ( h − hp ) − 3.69
Chaney et qc = 2 2
2. Analytical can be corrected for other fluid and
al. [35] µo Bo rock properties as long as the
geometry do not change.
Capillary functions (i.e., capillary
Bournazel Isotropy Reservoir: Anisotropy Reservoir: pressure and relative permeability)
and k h 2 ∆ρ g hp k 2 h 2 ∆ρ g hp
3. Empirical qc = 5.14 × 10−5 h qc = 5.14 × 10−5 h are not considered in the correlations.
Jeanson 1 − 1 −
[21] µo h µo kv h Fluid is assumed incompressible and
total production rate constant.
∆ρ ko ( h 2 − hp2 ) π h 0.14 Isotropic formation, that is,
4. Schols [36] Empirical qc = 7.83 × 10−6 0.432 + reservoir’s vertical and horizontal
µo Bo r
ln e re permeabilities are equal.
k ∆ρ ( h − h )2 Well has low penetration, thus, to be
Analytical qc = 7.83 × 10−6
h p
0.7311 + 1.943 considered as a point source for flow
[16] µo Bo rD potential estimation.
5.25 × 10−6 k h hp ∆ρ ( h − hp − hap )
Abbas and qc = Flow is radial around the wellbore
6. Analytical re2 r 1
Bass [17] µo Bo ln e − (i.e., 2D radial flow)
r e−
r w 2
Numerical 1.325
∆ρ kh hp
2 Extension of Muskat and Wyckoff
Hoyland et Simulation & −1.990
7. qc = 1 − h 2.238 ln ( re ) theory neglecting the influence of
al. [18] Regression 10,822 h
Analysis cone on oil potential.
The bottom water drive reservoir can
Ozkan and ∆ρ kv h 2 h
h be represented as a constant pressure
8. Raghavan Analytical qc = 0.546 − 0.021 bp − 0.2807 bp
325.7 µo Bo h h boundary (i.e., pressure at the oil and
[37] water interface is constant).
1 1
h −
∆ ρ r − r 2 − r ( h − h )
r r
+ w e
Guo and k k
9. Analytical qc = 7.08 × 10 −3 v v
Lee [19] µ o e e e p
k2 + k2 r
ln e
Radial flow regime dominates the
h v penetrated pay-zone and a spherical
flow regime dominates non-
1 1 penetrated interval, that is, 3D flow
hp −
7.08 ×10−3 kh ∆ρ ( h − hp − rw )
system: Radial/Spherical/Combined
r r
+ w e
Tabatabaei 1
10. Analytical qc =
et al. [33] 1 1 k r
µo −
+ 1 ln e
rw re r
kh w
American Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology 2018; 3(1): 1-9 7
1 −
Mhw The work was based on
WC = WCD where; WCD = 0 for ( tD )bt < 0.5
Mhw + h
the study by Kuo and
DesBrisay [23] using
Zamonsky et Numerical WCD = 0.29 + 0.94 log ( tD )bt for 0.5 ≤ ( tD )bt ≤ 5.7 WCD = 1.0 for ( tD )bt > 5.7 cylindrical geometry
al. [25] Simulation
g ∆ρ kv (1 + M 0.60 ) 1 + S wi
1.43 model (r-ϴ) with an oil
( t D )bt = tbt production well in the
2 µ oϕ ho 0.64 − S wi center.
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