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School Grade Level
Detailed Lesson Plan SCHOOL
Teacher XAVIERY GRACE T. LABASO Learning Area TLE 7
Teaching Date and Time June 5 – 6, 2019 Quarter 1ST

Session 1 Session 2
June 5, 2019 June 6, 2019
9:55 – 11:55 AM 9:55 – 11:55 AM
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding … The learners demonstrate an understanding …
1. Storing/stacking tools and equipment 1. Conversion of weights and measurements
2. Substitution of ingredients
B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to interpret and understand: The learners shall be able to interpret and understand:
1. Cleaned equipment and utensils are stored or stacked safety and 1. Numerical computations are self-checked and corrected for
in the designated place. accuracy.
2. Cleaning equipment are used safely in accordance with 2. Identified and converted systems of measurement according
manufacturer’s instructions. to recipe requirements.
3. Measured ingredients according to recipe requirement
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives 1. Store and stack kitchen tools and equipment. 1. Carry out measurements and calculations in a required task.
Write the LC Code for each  Comprehend how equipment and utensils are stored or  To recognize the equivalent measurement of the
stacked in designated places. ingredients.
 Value the importance of safety precautions of cleaning
 Appreciate the importance of measuring the ingredient
equipments in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.
 Demonstrate on how to store cleaning equipments properly.
and its equivalents.
TLE_HECK7/8MT-0c-3  Select the best substitute ingredients.

Lesson 1: Use and Maintain Kitchen Tools and equipment Lesson 2: Perform Mensuration and Calculation
A. References
1. Teacher’s guide pages
2. Learner’s material pages K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum
Technology and Livelihood Education Technology and Livelihood Education
Learning Module Learning Module
3. Textbook pages 33 - 43
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources(LR)
B. Other Learning Resources Internet resources: Google pictures
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Preliminaries: Preliminaries:
presenting the new lesson  Prayer  Prayer
 Greetings  Greetings
 Checking of Attendance  Checking of Attendance
 Sitting Arrangement  Sitting Arrangement
“Last meeting we had discussed about the importance of Cleaning  Review
and sanitizing. Why is it important again?”
B. Establishing a purpose for the Motivation: Motivation:
lesson The teacher will show examples of kitchens with organized and The teacher will show cookingbaking equipments and the
unorganized storage area. students will guess what those equipments use for.

“What can you say about the organized storage are?”

“What about the unorganized storage area?”

C. Presenting examples/instances of “With the pictures shown, what do you think will be our topic for
the new lesson today?”

(students answer may vary)

“Our topic for today is about the proper stocking/storing of kitchen

equipment and tools.”
D. Discussing new concepts and Activity The teacher will discuss:
practicing new skills #1 The teacher will show picture of a storage room/area and students  How to measure liquids
will guess the type of equipment are in the proper way.  The conversions of dry ingredients
 How to measure ingredients using measuring spoon and
 The equivalent substitutions for ingredients
E. Discussing new concepts and Discussion
practicing new skills #2  How to Clean and Store Cooking Tools and Equipment
 10 Steps for Organizing Kitchen Cabinets
 Proper Storage of Cleaning Equipment
F. Developing mastery Direction: Direction:
(Leads to formative assessment 3) Fill in the blanks with word or group of words to complete the 1. It is a measuring equipment use for measuring dry ingredients.
sentences below. 2. The equipment use for measuring liquids.
1. After cooking the ingredients, _________ all used mixing bowls, 3. The equipment use to determine the volume and weight of an
spatulas, measuring spoons and cups and mixer accessories in a tub ingredient.
of warm water. 4. The abbreviation for teaspoon.
5. The abbreviation for pound.
2. Use a damp _________ to wipe off all cake mix splatter from the Select the substitution for the following ingredients.
mixer. 6. 14 cup oil
a. 14 cup melted margarine or butter c. 14 mustard
3. Return electric mixers and other electronic equipment to their seeds.
designated __________ places. b. 14 baking soda d. 14 cup water
7. 1 cup butter
4. Make sure all wooden spoons and accessories are _______ before a. 1 cup water c. 1 cup tomato
storing. sauce
b. 1 cup margarine d. 1 cup milk
5. Proper storage and handling of cleaned and sanitized equipment 8. 1 cup corn syrup
and utensils is very important to prevent ________________prior to a. 1 cup water c. 1 cup honey
use. b. 1 cup buttermilk d. 1 cup cocoa
9. Chocolate, unsweetened
a. cocoa powder c. cream
b. cornstarch d. bread crump
10. 1 cup catsup
a. 1 cup coffee cream c. 1 cup skim milk
b. 1 cup tomato sauce d. 1 cup butter
*answer key*
1. Dry measuring cup
2. Liquid measuring cup
3. Measuring scale
4. tsp
5. lb
6. a
7. b
8. c
9. a
10. b
G. Finding practical applications of  Enumerate ways on the proper storage of cleaning  Site some do’s and Don’ts in preparing ingredients on
concepts and skills in daily living equipment. before, during, and after cooking.
 Do you have storage room in your kitchen? How do you
organize your kitchen tools”

H. Making generalizations and The teacher will summarize the whole topic are give question.  Is determining the exact measurement of the ingredients
abstractions about the lesson important Why
 Why it is important to clean, sanitize, and store equipment  Why is it important to know the substitute ingredient if
properly? the main ingredient is not available
 Why is it important to take careful measurement in
preparing the ingredients
I. Evaluating learning Application: Application:
The teacher will give quiz about the whole topic. Direction: Write the equivalent ingredients.
 34 cups butter or margarine, softened =
 3 eggs =
 2 cups flour =
 34 cup unsweetened cocoa powder =
 1 teaspoon baking soda =
 34 teaspoon baking powder =
 2 teaspoon vanilla =
 1 12 cup milk. =
J. Additional activities for application
or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners
who have caught up with the lesson
D. No of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared by: Checked By:


SST - 1 School Head

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