Gregg Shorthand Practice Cards PDF
Gregg Shorthand Practice Cards PDF
Gregg Shorthand Practice Cards PDF
Introduction 3
The Problem 4
Conclusions 25
Recommendations 26
Acknowledgments 26
Appendix 27
Practice Cards 27
Practice Cards 30
Cabinet 34
Bibliography 35
= e
/ = t
= M
0 = a
/= d
(m) = am or more
Scale with this list; it was found that 176 (or 17.6%) of
with tissue pads similar to the pads for the Courtis Prac-
rect key shows through the tissue sheet, each correct form
and quick.
over and over again (only the tissue pads, which are inex-
rors are made evident a minute or two after they are made.
tice Cards are used, the fact that a student must repeat a
seems that the fact that they are wordsigns (and therefore
different cards at the same time and yet be timed for the
pen with a pen lift in between, the pen lift is counted the
d / x ) -pent 0 dash --
f -) e 0 -xes 5 parentheses I)
v ) a 0 -men
r T. 0 th ---
1 . \ ent _../
k sh / ten /-
g ---, ch / emt ----/
m j 7 tem/
n _
1 182 10 446
2 272 11 200
3 167 12 359
4 140 13 154
5 474 14-15 91
6 164 16 81
7 246 17-18 33
8 188 19 100
9 433
make filing easy. Each card also has the number of the les-
ination purposes.
lines, and has space for the scorer to put the number tried
within the time limit, and the number right. Similar in-
it necessary for the scorer to turn the card over again aft-
of the card, instead, the card need not be turned over after
worth while.
writing the cards), was more than four hundred hours. The
Total $72.00
Manual is a review chapter, and all the words had been cov-
1 1-2 10 27-28-29-30-31
2 3-4-5 11 32-33
3 6-7 12 34-35-36-37
4 8-9 13 38-39
5 10-11-12-13-14 14-15 40
6 15-16 16 41
7 17-18-19 17-18 42
8 20-21 19 43
9 22-23-24-25-26
in the Appendix.
a sheet giving the numbers of the cards going with each les-
Enrollment Enrollment
Beginning Advanced
School Class Class
Phillipsburg High 18 4
Norton Community High 25 13
Liberty Memorial High, Lawrence 32
Emporia Senior High 78 13
Milford Rural High 13
Solomon Rural High 25
Marysville High 49 16
240 46
At the end of the school year, all the schools were re-
data were taken from the 111 beginning students which were
Phillipsburg 16 4 14 4 0 4
Norton 25 11 14 13 4 9
Lawrence 32 9 23 0 0 0
Emporia 78 18 60 13 0 13
153 42 111 30 4 26
taken, showed that Cards No. 6, 8, 14, 18, 25 and 38 had de-
the other cards, and that Cards No. 5, 7, 9, 13, 20, 22 and
26 were low, and must have been decidedly easier for the
one of two causes: either that the cards in the first group
struction, and the second easier, although they each had ex-
passed the learning stage and have reached the place where
Form A and the other as Form B. Five cards (Nos. 10, 11,
ginning classes for the year and the average number of tri-
card to get it perfectly. This does not mean that the va-
have had drill enough to get the cards perfectly, can not be
can not say that the student who requires least drill is the
tween a minute and a minute and a half, and that the time,
changed, but should remain constant for all cards during the
rence and Emporia each used one and a half minutes for each
pect, Norton did not require more practices per card than
did the other three schools. This may have been due to dif-
tice Cards. Each teacher reported that the use of the cards
helped (1) to make drill work easier for the teacher, (2) to
from three of the four teachers, was that the cards did not
the Manual.
shorthand than the word--is borne out by the fact that the
strokes and the pupils were able to write each card within
C., who has supervised this study throughout, and who has
Without their assistance the study could not have been made.
Phillipsburg, Kansas
August 27, 1930
Mr. W. C. Nystrom
Principal, Norton Community High School
Norton, Kansas
In Seminar
work out a series of Gregg Shorthand Practice Cards, similar
in their physical construction to the Courtis Arithmetic
Practice Cards.
You will find one or two pads in the set with the card
numbers 1 to 43 on the cover. Each pupil should number the
cover of his pad similarly, preferably with ink, then when
he has completed a card perfectly within the allotted time,
he should put the number of trials he has had to take to
complete the card, beside its number on the cover of his
pad, so he or the teacher may see at a glance which cards he
has finished and how many trials he has had on each.
Did you find the use of the Gregg Shorthand Practice Cards
5. In review?
Did the pupils enjoy the use of the cards, or find them
Did the pupils find any particular section of the cards hard-
er than any other? If so, which section?
(Teacher) (School)
Instructions on Cover of Tissue Pads
Check- Check-
Card ing No. of Card ing No. of
No. Column Trials No. Column Trials
1---- 22
2---- 23
3---- 24
4---- 25
5---- 26
6---- 27
7---- 28
8---- 29
9---- 30
10---- 31
11---- 32
12---- 33
13---- 34
14---- 35
15 36
16---- 37
17---- 38
18---- 39
19---- 40
20---- 41
21---- 42
1 7 22 3
2 7 23 3
24 3
3 5 25 3
2 26
4 5 3
5 5
6 7 28
7 7 10 29
8 7
9 7
32 7
10 3 33 7
11 3
5 12 3 34 4
13 3 35 4
14 3 36 4
37 4
15 7
16 7 38 7
39 7
17 5
7 18 5 14-15 40 14
19 5
16 41 14
20 7
21 7 17-18 42 14
19 43 14