Incorporates NICE Bacterial Meningitis and Meningococcal Septicaemia Guideline CG102. Distributed in Partnership With NICE
Incorporates NICE Bacterial Meningitis and Meningococcal Septicaemia Guideline CG102. Distributed in Partnership With NICE
Incorporates NICE Bacterial Meningitis and Meningococcal Septicaemia Guideline CG102. Distributed in Partnership With NICE
Take bloods for Blood gas (bicarb, base deficit), Lactate, Glucose, FBC,
U&E, Ca++, Mg++, PO4, Clotting, CRP, Blood cultures, Whole blood
Incorporates NICE Bacterial Meningitis and Meningococcal Septicaemia Guideline CG102. Distributed in partnership with NICE (EDTA) for PCR, X-match. Take Throat swab. If limited blood volume,
Edition 2A prioritise blood gas, lactate, glucose, electrolytes, FBC, clotting.
Meningococcal Symptoms and signs of bacterial meningitis?
Disease Algorithm BM2 Contraindications to Lumbar Puncture
YES Endorsed by Clinical or radiological signs of raised intracranial pressure
Check airway, breathing and circulation; gain vascular access
After convulsions until stabilised
YES Coagulation abnormalities
Signs of raised intracranial pressure (RICP) or shock? - Clotting study results (if obtained) outside the normal range
NO - Platelet count below 100 x 109/L
- on Anticoagulant therapy
Perform diagnostic tests BM1 Correct any dehydration Local superficial infection at LP site
Respiratory insufficiency.
NO Perform Lumbar Puncture Perform delayed LP in children with suspected bacterial meningitis
Contraindication to Lumbar Puncture? BM2 when contraindications no longer present
Do not await CSF results before starting antibiotics
Empiric antibiotics for suspected meningitis YES BM3 Contraindications to Ceftriaxone
IV Cefotaxime + either Amoxicillin or Ampicillin Premature neonates with corrected gestational age < 41 weeks and
<3 months old?
(can replace Cefotaxime with Ceftriaxone if no other neonates <1 month old, particularly those with jaundice,
contraindication BM3) YES NO hypoalbuminaemia, or acidosis; or receiving concomitant treatment
DO NOT DELAY ANTIBIOTICS Empiric antibiotics for suspected meningitis with intravenous calcium.
IV Ceftriaxone unless contraindicated BM3
Add Vancomycin if recently overseas, or prolonged or multiple antibiotic exposure within last 3 months. DO NOT DELAY ANTIBIOTICS
BM4 Indications for CT scan in children with suspected bacterial
NO CT scan cannot reliably detect raised intracranial pressure. This should
LP results available?
be assessed clinically.
YES Perform a CT scan to detect other intracranial pathologies if GCS ≤8 or
focal neurological signs in the absence of an explanation for the clinical
NO Lumbar puncture suggests meningitis? features.
In neonates (<28 days old), ≥ 20 cells/µl In older children > 5 cells/µl or > 1 neutrophil/µl Do not delay treatment to undertake a CT scan.
(if lower cell count, still consider bacterial meningitis if other symptoms and signs suggest the diagnosis especially in neonates). Clinically stabilise the child before CT scanning.
Consult a paediatric intensivist, anaesthetist, or intensivist.
NICE Fever in under
BM5 Indications for tracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation
5s guideline CG160 Consider TB meningitis If raised CSF WCC and risk factors for TB. If TB meningitis in differential diagnosis refer to NICE TB NG33 for appropriate antibiotic treatment Threatened or actual loss of airway patency (e.g. GCS <9, response to
guidance/cg160 pain only).
Consider Herpes simplex meningoencephalitis. If HSV in differential diagnosis give Aciclovir. Need for any form of assisted ventilation e.g. bag–mask ventilation.
Clinical observation of increased work of breathing
Hypoventilation or Apnoea
Steroids: Dexamethasone 0.15 mg/kg to a max dose of 10 mg, qds x 4 days for children ≥ 3 months old IF ≤ 12h from first antibiotics and LP shows: Features of respiratory failure, including
frankly purulent CSF CSF WCC > 1000/µl raised CSF WCC and protein > 1 g/L bacteria on Gram stain. - Irregular respiration (e.g. Cheyne–Stokes breathing)
Steroids should not be used in developing countries. - Hypoxia (saturation <94% in air, PaO2 < 13 kPa or 97.5mmHg),
If TB meningitis in the differential diagnosis, refer to NICE NG33 before administering steroids. hypercapnoea (PaCO2 > 6 kPa or 45 mmHg)
Continuing shock following 40ml/kg of resuscitation fluid
Signs of raised intracranial pressure
Impaired mental status
Reduced or fluctuating conscious level or focal neurological signs? BM4 YES
Perform CT Scan - GCS drop of ≥ 3, or score <9, or fluctuation in conscious level
- Moribund state
NO Control of intractable seizures
Need for Stabilisation for brain imaging or for transfer to PICU.
Full-volume maintenance fluids: enteral feeds if tolerated or isotonic IV fluids e.g. 0.9% Saline or 0.9% Saline with 5% Glucose Should be undertaken by a health professional with expertise in
Do not restrict fluids unless there is evidence of increased anti-diuretic hormone secretion or RICP paediatric airway management, Consult PICU. (See MD4)
Monitor fluid administration, urine output, electrolytes and blood glucose
See Meningococcal Disease Algorithm to treat seizures.
BM6 Repeat LP in neonates after starting treatment if:
Antibiotics for confirmed meningitis persistent or re-emergent fever, new clinical findings (especially
Meningococcus: IV Ceftriaxone for 7 days neurological findings), deteriorating clinical condition, or persistently
H influenzae: IV Ceftriaxone for 10 days abnormal inflammatory markers
Close monitoring for signs of Raised ICP, Shock & repeated review
S pneumoniae: IV Ceftriaxone for 14 days, add
Go to Meningococcal Disease Algorithm if signs are found and consult a paediatric intensivist, anaesthetist, or intensivist BM7
Vancomycin if resistant strain. Long-term management: Before discharge consider need for after
Perform delayed LP if no longer contraindicated BM2
care, discuss potential long-term effects with parents, arrange hearing
Group B Strep: IV Cefotaxime for ≥ 14 days If LP contraindicated, perform delayed LP when no longer contraindications.
test. Refer children with severe or profound deafness for cochlear
L monocytogenes: IV Amoxicillin or Ampicillin for
implant assessment ASAP. Use MRF discharge checklist
21 days in total, plus IV Gentamicin for at least Provide ‘Your Guide’ and
the first 7 days YES NO direct to meningitis support organisations
Gram-negative bacilli: IV Cefotaxime for
Specific pathogen identified? Antibiotics for unconfirmed meningitis
or Offer further care on discharge as
≥ 21 days (unless alternative directed by local needed. Paediatrician to review child with results of their hearing test 4-6
antimicrobial resistance patterns or specific weeks after discharge from hospital considering all potential morbidities
sensitivities) <3 months old? and offer referral. Inform GP, health visitor or school nurse.
Unless directed otherwise by antibiotic sensitivities.
Duration may be dictated by clinical response – IV Cefotaxime (or Ceftriaxone unless contraindicated BM3 ) YES NO IV Ceftriaxone for Based on NICE CG102
discuss with infectious disease specialist. + either Amoxicillin or Ampicillin IV for ≥ 14 days. ≥10 days. Authors AJ Pollard (GDG chair), A Cloke, SN Faust, L Glennie, C Haines, PT Heath, JS Kroll,
M Levin, I Maconochie, S McQueen, P Monk, S Nadel, N Ninis, MP Richardson, MJ Thompson,
AP Thomson, D Turner.
Notify public health, prophylaxis see MD11 on Meningococcal disease algorithm; Long-term management BM7 Further copies from or 080 88003344. © Meningitis Research Foundation 08/18
A charity registered in England and Wales no 1091105 and in Scotland no SC037586.