EuropaBio Dinner June 2014
EuropaBio Dinner June 2014
EuropaBio Dinner June 2014
biotech ‘stars’:
How can we nurture
Confessions from the front lines
Brussels, 10 June 2014
Supported by
Jörn Aldag Thomas Allvin
CEO, uniQure Health Counsellor,
Permanent Representation
of Sweden to the EU
Jörn Aldag is CEO of gene therapy company Thomas Allvin has been Health Counsellor
uniQure N.V., Netherlands, which received for Sweden, at the Swedish Permanent
the first approval of a gene therapy product Representation to the EU, since August
by any Western regulatory agency and 2010. As Health Counsellor he represents
recently listed the company on NASDAQ. He Sweden in the Council Working Party for
is Chairman of alternative antibody company Public Health and the Council Working Party
Molecular Partners AG, Switzerland. He for Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices,
previously transformed Evotec AG from being and has negotiated such files as the Clinical
a provider of ultra-high throughput screening Trials Regulation, the Cross-border healthcare
equipment to being a leading CRO for small Directive, the Tobacco Directive and the
molecule research, listed the company at the Medical Devices Regulations. Before that he
Frankfurt Stock Exchange and NASDAQ, and spent several years working in the Swedish
managed the acquisition of LSE-listed Oxford Parliament (at the EU Affairs Committee and
Asymmetry and NASDAQ-listed Renovis Inc. the Research Service, respectively).
Before joining the European Parliament, Binah Baum is a seasoned biotech executive
Philippe worked as Technology Transfer and entrepreneur, with many years of
Officer at CRP-Santé and as analyst at Vesalius experience in the commercialization of
Biocapital, a Luxembourg-based venture biomedical technologies from concept through
capital firm specialised in the life-sciences. startup creation, incubation, nurturing and
He has an expertise in the valorisation of IP funding. She began her professional career
developed by public research institutes and at Adler & Co. in New York. Following that
setting-up early ventures in the life-sciences. experience, she has continued to be actively
In the last Parliament, Philippe was a full involved in funding and establishing many
member of the Transport and Tourism biomedical startup companies in Europe, the
Committee. He was recently reelected for USA and Israel. She is also the founder of Bio
the new Parliament. His main interests lie Negev, Israel’s first innovation-driven cluster.
in the field of transport infrastructure and Baum is currently the co-founder and CEO of
functioning of logistics markets, the regulation Alma Bio Therapeutics, a Lyonbiopole-based
of financial institutions and innovation policy. startup company developing a paradigm shift
in immune-modulation.
Emmanuel Chantelot Anaïs Le Corvec
Head of International International Project
Government Relations and Manager, Vall d’Hebron
Public Affairs, Shire Institut de Recerca (VHIR)
Francis P. Crawley is the Executive Director of Vicky Ford was first elected as Conservative
the Good Clinical Practice Alliance – Europe in Party member of the European Parliament
Brussels, Belgium. He is the co-founder and a for East of England in the 2009 European
Steering Committee member of the Strategic Parliament election. She was recently
Initiative for Developing Capacity in Ethical reelected for the new Parliament. She was the
Review. He is a philosopher specialised in UK Conservative spokesperson for Industry
ethical, legal, and regulatory issues in health and Research, sitting on the Committee on
research, teaching at several European, Industry, Research and Energy and also has
Asian, and Middle East universities. He is the seats on the Committee on the Environment,
past Secretary General, Ethics Officer, and Public Health and Food Safety and the
Chairman of the Ethics Working Party at the Committee on Economic and Monetary
European Forum for Good Clinical Practice. Affairs. Before entering politics, Ford spent
He has acted as an author or expert for the 14 years in Finance, mostly at JP Morgan,
leading international and European research specialising in infrastructure and project
ethics and GCP guidelines, as well as for financing. She studied maths and economics
several guidelines in Asia, Africa, the Americas, at Trinity College, Cambridge.
and Europe.
Europe’s healthcare
healthcare biotech
biotech ‘stars’:
‘stars’: How
How can
can we
we nurture
nurture them?
■■ Eva Grut-Aandahl
Eva Grut-Aandahl Svens Henkuzens
Head of European Health Attaché, Permanent
Government Affairs/EU Representation of the
Representation Office, Republic of Latvia to the EU
Eva Grut-Aandahl is Head of Pfizer’s EU Svens Henkuzens graduated from Maastricht
Representation Office/European Government University with an Healthcare Policy,
Affairs. Eva joined Pfizer in 1991 and during Innovation and Management. From 2012 to
the past 23 years has held roles in different 2014 he worked as a Senior Official in the
geographic regions within public affairs, Ministry of Health of Latvia. He started his
government affairs, brand public affairs, and current position as Health Attaché at the
commercial support. She is a member of Permanent Representation of the Republic of
Pfizer’s International Public Affairs Leadership Latvia to the European Union in January 2014.
team and provides support to Pfizer’s
Executive Leadership team. In March 2009,
Eva became Head of the EU Representation
Office/European Government Affairs. Eva is
a lawyer by training, specialised in European
law, IP and trade law.
Nathalie Moll has spent nearly 20 years Nuala Moran manages website editorial
working for the biotech industry at EU and content and writes news and features
National level. Nathalie started working in for Science|Business. One of Europe’s
the biotechnology and food policy area for most experienced science and technology
the European Crop Protection Association in journalists, Nuala was formerly managing
Brussels and then moved to Rome to work editor of Nature, innovation editor of the The
for Dompé Farmaceutici S.p.A and the Italian Independent on Sunday and deputy editor
National Biotech Association dealing with of Computer Weekly. For the past 14 years
the implementation of European biotech she has covered the European biotechnology
legislation at National level. Within EuropaBio, sector for the US publication BioWorld, and
Nathalie has held the posts of External is a contributor to Nature Biotechnology. She
Relations Manager, Director for Strategic has also been a regular contributor to the
Policy, Director for Healthcare Biotech, Financial Times.
Director for Agricultural Biotech sector and
Secretary General since 2010.
Paolo Morgese has been Director of European After completing his post-doctoral research in
Research at the Deerfield Institute since Germany, Edwin Moses began a commercial
August 2012 where he focuses on all the career with successful periods spent at
regulatory and market access activities in Amersham International, Enzymatix and
Europe and coordinates European research. Raggio-Italgene. From 1993-2001, first as CEO
In the previous 11 years, he had worked in and later as Chairman, he was responsible
HTA related roles at Merck Serono, Kyphon for the growth of Oxford Asymmetry (OAI)
and Agenas. through a series of venture rounds cumulating
Currently, Paolo is chair of the EuropaBio HTA in a flotation (LSE) in 1998 at a value of £120
Topic Group and member of the EUnetHTA million. This was followed by a sale of the
Joint Action 2 Stakeholder Forum. Paolo holds company to Evotec Biosystems in 2000 for
an MSc in Financial and Business Economics £316 million. During this period, OAI grew
from the University of Essex, United Kingdom from four people to over 250. He has been
and a Laurea in Economics from the University Chairman of Ablynx from 2004 till 2013, and in
of Siena, Italy. 2006 he was appointed Chief Executive Officer
of the Company.
Europe’s healthcare biotech ‘stars’: How can we nurture them?
Dainius Pavalkis Leo Peeters
Minister of Education and Ambassador, FPS Foreign
Science of the Republic of Affairs, Foreign Trade and
Lithuania Development Cooperation,
Dainius Pavalkis graduated from the
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
with the qualification of a medical doctor.
He continued his studies at the clinical
residency programme and later completed
post graduate studies. He has published over
280 scientific papers, and is a co-author of
two textbooks. Recently he is a member of
various international medical organisations.
Also he is a member of the editorial boards
of Lithuanian and foreign medical journals. In
December 2012, Prof. Pavalkis was appointed
Minister of Education and Science of the
Republic of Lithuania.
Didier Schmitt is Scientific Adviser and Mani is the Head of the Technology Strategy
Foresight Coordinator at the European Board’s Brussels office, which was established
Commission since December 2012. In this in December 2013. Prior to joining TSB, he
role, Schmitt works in the team of the Chief was a Seconded National Expert in DG RTD,
Scientific Adviser and in the Bureau of a role he held for two years. Mani’s role in
European Policy Advisers to the President. the TSB involves liaising with the European
He is responsible for foresight & anticipation; Commission and working with potential
knowledge exchange and innovation; contacts partners and stakeholders across all of the
with a wide range of institutes, societies and Technology Strategy Board’s programmes with
research bodies; as well as a wide range of a view to better exploiting synergies between
policy areas, including health and consumers, the Commission and the Technology Strategy
space, environment and climate, and the Board’s national programmes and providing
digital agenda. UK business with advice on opportunities for
participation in EU programmes.
Marcin Szumowski Pierre Vigier
President & CEO, Adviser, Added value of
OncoArendi Therapeutics Research and Innovation
of the European Union, DG
RTD, European Commission
Marcin Szumowski is a serial entrepreneur. Pierre Vigier is a specialist in European
Following a successful research career in the affairs, in particular industry and innovation.
United States, Marcin has been involved in He began his career in France (1981-1987)
technology transfer and start-up companies within a number of ministerial cabinet
since 2000 and has co-founded and managed offices and at the Territory Planning Agency
five start-ups, including a medical diagnostics (DATAR). He was responsible for Integrated
company Medicalgorithmics S.A., where Regional Development Programmes for
he was President and CEO 2005-2010. South of France and for the preparation of
Medicalgorithmics is now traded on the the French Motorway Plan 1988-2003. In
Warsaw Stock Exchange with a market cap 1988, he joined the European Commission
of approx. 250M euro and global sales. Since with responsibilities in automobile industrial
2012 he is President & CEO of OncoArendi affairs, where he notably negotiated the
Therapeutics, a Polish drug discovery start-up. commercial agreement between Japan and
Over the last 15 years Marcin has managed the European Union in the automobile sector
approx. 40 R&D and investment projects with (1991-2000) and followed the restructuring
a total value of over 200M euro. of large European groups in that sector.
He subsequently coordinated Industrial
cooperation of EU with Asia.
197, rue Belliard, box 12
B-1040 Brussels, Belgium
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