h2020 Standing Committee, 28.05.2015
h2020 Standing Committee, 28.05.2015
h2020 Standing Committee, 28.05.2015
On the eve of the launch of the new work programmes, the Science|Business Horizon 2020
Standing Committee was established to consult the members of the Science|Business Network on
Horizon 2020 and related R&I programmes. As a unique group of academic, industry and policy
representatives, the committee will aim during its first meeting to identify the most important issues
that will be tackled by the Network and the best way to put them forward to EU decision makers.
16:00 Registration and welcome coffee
16:40 What are the hot topics to be addressed by the committee (content of the calls,
quality of the consortia, procedures, financial and legal issues, etc.)?
17:30 Modus operandi: Setting up the committee structure and a date for the next
17:45 ERC = Science²: A campaign to promote the ERC as a vector of ‘cool science’.
Invitation to university partners to join this Europe-wide project coordinated by
17:55 Conclusions
18:00 Drinks
Academic members
Aalto University, Finland Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden Pierre and Marie Curie University, France
ESADE Business School, Spain Politecnico di Milano, Italy
ETH Zürich, Switzerland Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden
Imperial College London, UK TU Berlin, Germany
INSEAD Business School, France University of Bologna, Italy
Karolinska Institutet, Sweden University of Cambridge, UK
King’s College London, UK University of Pisa, Italy
KU Leuven, Belgium University College London, UK
Medical University of Warsaw, Poland University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Poland University of Warwick, UK
Industry partners
Boeing Microsoft
Biogen Nickel Institute
BP Sanofi
Foley SKF
Huawei Toyota
Other members
BASTION, FP7 Project European Space Agency (ESA)
Catalan Association of Public Universities (ACUP) Innovate UK (Technology Strategy Board)
CERN Tataj Innovation