Chemistry Project

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Ice cream is a mainstay of summer – for many, a trip to the beach would
be incomplete without one. Despite its seeming simplicity, ice cream is a prime
example of some fairly complex chemistry. This graphic takes a look at some of
the ingredients that go into ice cream, and the important role they play in
creating the finished product. There’s a lot to talk about – whilst the graphic
gives an overview, read on for some in-depth ice cream science!

Initially, it might be hard to believe that ice cream could be all that
complicated. After all, it’s essentially composed of three basic ingredients:
milk, cream, and sugar. How complex can the mixing of three ingredients really
be? As it turns out, the answer is: very! Simply mixing the ingredients together,
then freezing them, isn’t enough to make a good ice cream. To understand
why this is, we’re going to need to talk about each of the component
ingredients in turn, and what they bring to the table.

Ice cream is a type of emulsion, a combination of fat and water that

usually wouldn’t mix together without separating. However, in an emulsion,
the very small droplets of fat are dispersed through the water, avoiding this
separation. The manner in which this is accomplished is a result of the
chemical properties of molecules in the emulsion.

The fat droplets in ice cream come from the cream used to make it. Fats
are largely composed of a class of molecules called triglycerides, with very
small amounts (less than 2%) of other molecules such as phospholipids and
diglycerides. The triglycerides are made up of a glycerol molecule combined
with three fatty acid molecules, as shown in the graphic. The melting
temperature of the fats used in ice cream is quite important, as fats that melt
at temperatures that are too high give a waxy feel in the mouth, whilst it’s
difficult to make stable ice cream with those that melt at too low a
temperature. Luckily, dairy fat falls just in the right range! As it happens, you
can also make ice cream with palm oil and coconut oil, as their melting
temperatures are similar.

As we’ve already said, we’d expect the fat in ice cream to separate from
the water. The reason it doesn’t can be put down to some of the other
ingredients. Milk proteins from milk or cream play a role. During ice cream’s
manufacturing process, the fat is forced through a small valve under high
pressure to break it into small droplets. The milk proteins stick to the surface
of these fat droplets, creating a thin membrane. This membrane of protein
molecules helps prevent the fat droplets from coalescing back into bigger
droplets, as the proteins coating individual fat droplets repel each other when
they come into close contact.

We’ve yet to mention emulsifiers, but they’re also an important part of

the ice cream mix. Usually, these are molecules that make it easier to create
emulsions – one end of them is soluble in water, whilst the other is soluble in
fats and oils. Emulsifiers surround droplets of fat and oil, and allow them to
mix with water, rather than forming separate layers.

In ice cream, the role of emulsifiers seems slightly in opposition to their

name – they’re actually present to help de-emulsify some of the fat. They do
this by replacing some of the milk proteins on the surface of the fat droplets.
This leads to a thinner membrane surrounding the droplets, which in turn
means they’re more likely to coalesce and cluster during whipping. We need
some of the fat in ice cream to be de-emulsified, because it plays an important
role in trapping air.

When ice cream is made, it is simultaneously aerated and frozen. Most

ice creams will have a significant volume of air contained within them, and this
is what the fat, protein and emulsifier combination is vital for. It’s actually very
hard to incorporate as much air into products where fat and protein aren’t
present – for example, sorbets. Better quality ice creams tend to have a
lower air content, and hence a higher density. A higher air content ice cream
also melts more quickly.

Freezing adds another important element to the ice cream: the ice itself.
Modern factories commonly use liquid ammonia to produce the low
temperatures required, though before this was available, mixtures of water
and salt would have been used. Adding salt to water can lower its melting
point to as low as -21.1˚C, whereas liquid ammonia is used at around -30˚C.
The colder the refrigerant being used is, the quicker the ice cream can be

Ice cream is made in a barrel with rotating scraper blades. When the ice
cream touches the sides of the barrel, it freezes, but then is immediately
scraped off by the scraper blades. The very small ice crystals produced are
dispersed throughout the mixture. We want the ice crystals to be as small as
possible, because the smaller they are, the smoother the ice cream will be.

Sugar is an ingredient we haven’t mentioned yet, but it’s also a key one.
As well as sweetening the ice cream, it helps lower the freezing point of water,
reducing the amount of ice produced in the freezing process. By changing the
amounts and types of sugars used, we can affect the hardness of the ice
cream, as softer ice cream contains less ice. Sugars also affect the viscosity of
the liquid syrup in which the fat droplets and air bubbles are suspended.
Stabilisers, too, affect the viscosity of the liquid. They’re water-soluble
molecules that are commonly derived from plants, and play a number of roles.
A commonly used example is sodium alginate, which is derived from brown
seaweed, as is another stabiliser, carrageenan (less frequently used due to its
cost). Stabilisers also help reduce the melting rate of ice cream, and give it a
smoother texture.

Perhaps the most important ingredient is the flavour of the ice cream.
This can, depending on the flavour desired, be added naturally, for example by
adding vanilla. It can also be accomplished via the use of artificial flavours.
Sticking with vanilla as our example, synthetic vanillin can be added to
replicate the flavour. Other flavours can be replicated in a similar manner,
though they tend to require a more complex mix of molecule to achieve an
authentic flavour. Natural dyes such as anthocyanins can then be added to
ensure the ice cream is the correct colour.

Some other ingredients are slightly more surprising. Skatole is a

molecule that’s found in faeces – and also in ice cream in very small amounts.
It’s an odd molecule, that, at high concentrations, smells exactly how you’d
expect it to considering it’s found in faeces, but smells floral at very low
concentrations. In some ice creams, it’s added as a flavour enhancer.

Finally, it’s worth taking a minute to address a spot of ice cream

misinformation. You may well have come across the claims that ice creams
sometimes contain ‘beaver butt’. To give it its more correct, non-
sensationalising term, we’re talking about castoreum, a secretion from a
beaver’s castor sacs (not its anal glands, as some claim, though they are in
close proximity). Castoreum is generally recognised as safe by the FDA, and
apparently low concentrations taste like vanilla, so to this point, it seems like a
legitimate claim.


1 Tablespoon of Sugar
½ Cup of Milk
¼ Teaspoon of Vanilla
6 Tablespoons of Rock Salt
1 Pint Size Storage Bag
1 Gallon Size Storage Bag
2 Trays of Ice Cubes
Sugar: Table sugar is made of Sucrose which is made up of Carbon, Hydrogen,
and Oxygen atoms.
Milk: 87% of milk is made up of water. The rest is distributed with various
forms of carbohydrates, fat, protein, vitamins, and minerals.
Vanilla: Vanilla contains vanillin which is the major component. It also contains
ethyl vanillin and aqueous solvent.
Rock Salt: Crystallized sodium chloride.
Ice Cubes: Water- H2O

Fig. Some of the most common ingredients in ice cream include ice crystals,
air, fat globules, sugar (sucrose), and flavouring agents (such as vanillin).

Main Chemicals, Compounds, Components

The two major components of my project will be the rock salt (NaCl) and Ice
(H2O). When you add salt to water the salt dissolves into particles which are
the ions of sodium chloride. The salt then lowers the freezing point of water
preventing it from refreezing further.

Chemistry's Role
Rock Salt- used to melt ice. Contains NaCl. Naturally occurring; formed next to
large bodies of water.
Ice(Water)- H2O Naturally Occurring. Essential for life.
Sugar-C6H12O6 + C6H12O6 => C12H22O11 + H2. Sugar is produced when
glucose and fructose are combined by condensation. Throughout the process a
water molecule is removed.
Vanilla- Comes from the natural plant Vanillin. Chemical Formula is C8H8O3
Milk- Milk does not necessarily have a chemical formula. It is a colloid of
butter-fat molecules with fluid that is water based. There are too many
components in milk for it to have a chemical formula.
Reaction involved in Making Ice Cream

An exothermic reaction is a chemical reaction that releases light or heat.

In this case, heat is released from molecules moving around, but it has the
surprising effect of freezing cream into ice cream! Kids will love this tasty
demonstration of science and will ask to do this ice cream in a bag experiment
over and over. Made with real cream, the ice cream is amazingly delicious!
When salt is added to ice, it lowers the melting point of ice to below freezing.
This allows molecules to release energy, but the movement freezes the cream
in the bag. It only takes a few minutes to transform cream into tasty frozen
cream that is as delicious as it is scientific.

Ice Cream in Bag: Exothermic Reactions

Air is Important
If you have ever made ice cream, you already know what goes into it,
ingredients such as milk, cream, and sugar. But there is one main ingredient
that you may not have thought about, probably because you can’t see it—air.

Why is air so important? If you have ever had a bowl of ice cream melt,
and then refroze it and tried to eat it later, it probably did not taste very good.
If you set a whole carton of ice cream on the table and let it melt, the volume
of the ice cream would simply go down. Air makes up anywhere from 30% to
50% of the total volume of ice cream.

To get an idea of the effect of air on ice cream, think of whipped cream.
If you whip air into cream, you get whipped cream. Whipped cream has a
different texture and taste than plain cream. Plain cream tastes sweeter than
whipped cream. Just like ice cream without air, pure cream has a sickly, overly
sweet taste. This is because the structure of a substance can have a big effect
on how it tastes, and that the structure often controls the rate at which flavour
molecules are released into the mouth. The larger the structure (ice cream, in
this case), the longer it takes for the flavour molecules to be released. Flavour
molecules that trigger receptors on the mouth and tongue.

The amount of air added to ice cream is known as overrun. If the volume
of ice cream is doubled by adding air, then the overrun is 100%, which is the
maximum allowable amount of air that can be added to commercial ice cream.
The less expensive brands usually contain more air than the premium brands.
One side effect of adding a lot of air to ice cream is that it tends to melt more
quickly than ice cream with less air.

The amount of air also has a huge effect on the density of ice cream. A
gallon (3.8 liters) of ice cream must weigh at least 4.5 pounds, making the
minimum density 0.54 gram per milliliter. Better brands have higher densities
—up to 0.9 grams per milliliter. The next time you visit a grocery store,
compare cheaper and more expensive brands by holding a carton in each hand
—you should be able to notice a difference. Then read the net weight on the
label to confirm your observation. Due to the high fat content of ice cream,
however, and because fat is less dense than water, any ice cream will always
be less dense than any aqueous solution, otherwise you would not be able to
make root beer floats!

Ice cream is an emulsion—a combination of two liquids that don't

normally mix together. Instead, one of the liquids is dispersed throughout
the other. In ice cream, liquid particles of fat—called fat globules—are spread
throughout a mixture of water, sugar, and ice, along with air bubbles (Fig. 1). If
you examine ice cream closely, you can see that the structure is porous. A
typical air pocket in ice cream will be about one-tenth of a millimeter across.
The presence of air means that ice cream is also a foam. Other examples of
foams are whipped cream, marshmallows, and meringue (as in lemon
meringue pie).

Sugar and Fat

Milk naturally contains lactose, or milk sugar, which is not very sweet.
Ice cream makers need to add a lot more sugar than you probably realize—
usually sucrose or glucose. Cold tends to numb the taste buds, making them
less sensitive. So more sugar needs to be added to produce the desired effect
at the low temperatures in which ice cream is usually served. If you taste ice
cream at room temperature it will taste overly sweet. You may have noticed
this same effect with carbonated soft drinks. If consumed warm, they taste
sickly sweet. In parts of the world where soft drinks are normally consumed
warm, there is less added sugar. If these same soft drinks were served cold,
they would not taste sweet enough.

A big reason why ice cream tastes so good is because of its high fat
content. Unless it is labeled as light, low-fat or non-fat, ice cream must contain
at least 10% fat, and this fat must come from milk. (You cannot use lard when
making ice cream!) Before milk is homogenized, a thick layer of cream rises to
the top. This cream has a high fat concentration—up to 50%—and supplies
most of the fat in ice cream.

Premium ice creams may have up to 20% fat, which gives it a velvety,
rich texture. Reduced fat ice cream does not taste as good as the real thing,
and tends to lack the creamy texture. Although fat is frequently vilified, it has
its purpose. Most foods that taste delicious probably contain fat. Fat fills you
up, so you don’t have to eat as much to feel full.

The problem with using fat as an ingredient in any food is that it doesn’t
mix well with a lot of other substances. Fat is nonpolar, meaning positive and
negative charges within the fat molecule are equally dispersed. A polar
substance, such as water, has separate regions of positive and negative charge
—one end of a polar molecule has a partial positive charge, and the other end
has a partial negative charge. Polar and nonpolar substances do not mix. Just
like oil floats to the top of water, the fat content in ice cream has a tendency to
separate out, as well.

Because ice cream is an emulsion, you would expect that the fat droplets
that are present in the mixture would separate after some time, similar to a
bottle of salad dressing in which the oil separates from the rest of the dressing.
When you shake up a bottle of salad dressing, the two parts come together.
But after a few minutes, they begin to separate. That’s because the oil droplets
interact with one another, a process called coalescence.

In the case of milk, each fat droplet is coated with a layer of milk
proteins that prevents the fat droplets from interacting with one another.
These milk proteins act as “emulsifiers”— substances that stabilize emulsions
and allow the liquid droplets present in the emulsion to remain dispersed,
instead of clumping together. Because these milk proteins have a nonpolar
side, and because like dissolves like, the nonpolar sides of the proteins are
attracted to the nonpolar fat globules. This is good in milk, but not so good in
ice cream, in which the fat droplets should coalesce to trap air.

So another emulsifier is added to allow the fat droplets to coalesce. This

emulsifier replaces milk proteins on the surface of the fat droplets, leading to a
thinner membrane, which is more likely to coalesce during whipping. A
common emulsifier is lecithin, found in egg yolks. Lecithin is a generic term
that refers to a group of molecules that consist of long chains of fatty acids
linked to a glycerol molecule, along with choline and a phosphate group (Fig.

Chemical structure of a type of lecithin called phosphatidylcholine

Lecithin inserts itself between the fat globules, which helps the fat
globules to clump together and, as a result, the air bubbles that are present in
the mix are trapped by this partially coalesced fat. This adds firmness and
texture to the ice cream, enabling it to retain its shape.

Closely related to emulsifiers are stabilizers, which make the texture

creamy. Stabilizers have two roles: First, they prevent large crystal formation.
In the presence of stabilizers, ice cream contains small ice crystals that are
easier to disperse and, therefore, they melt more slowly than larger ice crystals
would. Second, emulsifiers act like a sponge by absorbing and then locking into
place, any liquid in the ice cream.
Common stabilizers are proteins such as gelatin and egg whites. Guar
gum, locust bean gum, and xanthan gum can also be used. Look for
carrageenan and sodium alginate on the ingredient label of your ice cream
container. Both are derived from seaweed! Without these stabilizers, ice
cream might look like a milkshake.

Once you get all of the ingredients together in a mixture, you need to
freeze the mixture to form ice cream. The dissolved solutes (mostly sugar) in
the liquid portion of the mixture lower its freezing point. A freezing point
depression of 1.86 °C occurs for every mole of solute added to 1 kilogram (kg)
of water. In other words, if you dissolve one mole of sugar in 1 kg of water,
water will no longer freeze at 0 °C, but rather will freeze at –1.86 °C.

Freezing point depression is a colligative property, meaning that the

effect is observed regardless of the specific identity of the solute—all that
matters is how many moles are dissolved. A typical batch of ice cream will
freeze at -3 °C (27 °F), due to the presence of all the dissolved solutes.

A recent trend is ice cream made with liquid nitrogen. One shop in San
Francisco, Calif., aptly named Smitten Ice Cream, has a viewing area where
customers can watch ice cream being made with liquid nitrogen, accompanied
by the impressive plume of fog that is released. Liquid nitrogen, which boils at
–196 °C, will freeze ice cream almost instantly. Because the ice cream freezes
so quickly, the size of the crystals is small, resulting in a creamy texture. And
because it boils when it hits the mixture, the ice cream is aerated during the
process. The popular Dippin’ Dots are also made using liquid nitrogen. It is no
exaggeration to say that ice cream made with liquid nitrogen is the coolest ice
cream around!

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