Determination of Structural Carbohydrates and Lignin in Biomass

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Determination of Structural Technical Report

Carbohydrates and Lignin Revised July 2011
in Biomass
Laboratory Analytical Procedure (LAP)
Issue Date: April 2008
Revision Date: July 2011
(Version 07-08-2011)
A. Sluiter, B. Hames, R. Ruiz, C. Scarlata,
J. Sluiter, D. Templeton, and D. Crocker
Determination of Structural Technical Report
Carbohydrates and Lignin Revised July 2011
in Biomass
Laboratory Analytical Procedure (LAP)
Issue Date: April 2008
Revision Date: July 2011
(Version 07-08-2011)
A. Sluiter, B. Hames, R. Ruiz, C. Scarlata,
J. Sluiter, D. Templeton, and D. Crocker

NREL Laboratory Analytical Procedures for standard

biomass analysis are available electronically at

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

1617 Cole Boulevard, Golden, Colorado 80401-3393
303-275-3000 •
NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC
Contract No. DE-AC36-08-GO28308

These Standard Biomass Analytical Methods (“Methods”) are provided by the National Renewable
Energy Laboratory (“NREL”), which is operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC (“ASE”) for
the Department Of Energy.

Access to and use of these Methods shall impose the following obligations on the user. The user is
granted the right, without any fee or cost, to use, copy, modify, alter, enhance and distribute these
Methods for any purpose whatsoever, except commercial sales, provided that this entire notice appears
in all copies of the Methods. Further, the user agrees to credit NREL/ASE in any publications that result
from the use of these Methods. The names NREL/ASE, however, may not be used in any advertising or
publicity to endorse or promote any products or commercial entity unless specific written permission is
obtained from NREL/ASE. The user also understands that NREL/ASE is not obligated to provide the user
with any support, consulting, training or assistance of any kind with regard to the use of these Methods or
to provide the user with any updates, revisions or new versions.

Procedure Tit le: Det erminat ion of St ruct ural Carbohydrat es and Lignin in

Laborat ory Analyt ical Procedure

1. Introduction
1.1 Carbohydrates and lignin make up a major portion of biomass samples. These constituents
must be measured as part of a comprehensive biomass analysis, Carbohydrates can be
structural or non-structural. Structural carbohydrates are bound in the matrix of the biomass,
while non-structural carbohydrates can be removed using extraction or washing steps. Lignin
is a complex phenolic polymer.
1.2 Portions of this procedure are substantially similar to ASTM E1758-01 “Standard method for
the Determination of Carbohydrates by HPLC.
1.3 This procedure is suitable for samples that do not contain extractives. This procedure uses a
two-step acid hydrolysis to fractionate the biomass into forms that are more easily quantified.
The lignin fractionates into acid insoluble material and acid soluble material. The acid
insoluble material may also include ash and protein, which must be accounted for during
gravimetric analysis. The acid soluble lignin is measured by UV-Vis spectroscopy. During
hydrolysis the polymeric carbohydrates are hydrolyzed into the monomeric forms, which are
soluble in the hydrolysis liquid. They are then measured by HPLC. Protein may also partition
into the liquid fraction. A measure of acetyl content is necessary for biomass containing
hemicellulose with a xylan backbone, but not biomass containing a mannan backbone. Acetate
is measured by HPLC.
2. Scope
2.1 This procedure is appropriate for extractives free biomass, which includes biomass that has
been extracted using LAP “Determination of Extractives in Biomass”, as well as process solids
containing no extractives. Results are reported on an oven dry weight basis. Results may be
reported on an as received biomass basis or an extractives free basis, depending on type of
biomass used. LAP “Preparation of Samples for Biomass Compositional Analysis” should be
used prior to this procedure.
2.2 This procedure is appropriate for biomass containing the components listed throughout the
procedure. Any biomass containing other interfering components not listed must be further
2.3 A measure of acetyl content is necessary for biomass containing hemicellulose with a xylan
backbone, but not biomass containing a mannan backbone.
2.4 All analyses should be performed in accordance with an appropriate laboratory specific Quality
Assurance Plan (QAP).
3. Terminology

3.1 Oven dry weight (ODW)- the weight of biomass mathematically corrected for the amount of
moisture present in the sample at the time of weighing
3.2 Prepared biomass- biomass prepared according to LAP “Preparation of Samples for Biomass
Compositional Analysis”.
3.3 Extractives free biomass - Biomass after exhaustive water and ethanol extraction (refer to LAP
“Determination of Extractives in Biomass”).
3.4 Acid insoluble lignin- the residue remaining on a medium porosity filtering crucible after a two
step hydrolysis, with correction for acid insoluble ash and acid insoluble protein, if necessary.
3.5 Structural carbohydrates-Polymeric carbohydrates, namely cellulose and hemicellulose.
3.6 Non-structural components- Non-chemically bound components of biomass that include but are
not limited to sucrose, nitrate/nitrites, protein, ash, chlorophyll, and waxes.
4. Significance and Use
4.1 This procedure is used, possibly in conjunction with other procedures, to determine the amount
of structural carbohydrates and lignin in a solid biomass sample.
5. Interferences
5.1 This procedure has been optimized for the particle size range specified in LAP “Preparation of
Samples for Biomass Composotional Analysis”. Deviation to a smaller particle size may result
in a low bias in carbohydrate content (and consequent high lignin bias) due to excessive
carbohydrate degradation. Deviation to a larger particle size may also result in a low bias in
carbohydrate content (and consequent high lignin bias) due to incomplete hydrolysis of
polymeric sugars to monomeric sugars.
5.2 Samples containing extractives are not suitable for this procedure. Extractives will partition
irreproducibly, resulting in a high lignin bias.
5.3 Samples with an ash content above 10 wt % may not be suitable for this procedure, as the
sample may contain soil or other minerals that will interfere with appropriate acid
concentrations and may catalyze side reactions.
5.4 Samples with a moisture content above 10 wt % may not be suitable for this procedure, as the
excess moisture will interfere with appropriate acid concentrations. Samples should be dried
(air-dried or oven dried at less than 40oC) prior to this procedure.
5.5 Samples containing protein will bias the acid insoluble lignin high unless the protein is
accounted for in the gravimetric determination of acid insoluble material. An independent
nitrogen analysis is required to estimate the protein content of the residue. The protein estimate
is then subtracted from the acid insoluble residue measurement. Physical separation of the acid
insoluble protein from the acid insoluble lignin is beyond the scope of this procedure.
5.6 This procedure is not suitable for samples containing added acid, base, or catalyst.
5.7 Certain guard columns for carbohydrate quantification may cause artifact peaks. Individual
carbohydrates should be run on new columns and guard columns to verify to absence of artifact
6. Apparatus
6.1 Analytical balance, accurate to 0.1 mg
6.2 Convection drying oven, with temperature control of 105 ± 3oC
6.3 Muffle furnace, equipped with a thermostat, set to 575 + 25 °C or equipped with optional
ramping program
6.4 Water bath, set at 30 + 3 °C
6.5 Autoclave, suitable for autoclaving liquids, set to 121 + 3 °C

6.6 Filtration setup, equipped with a vacuum source and vacuum adaptors for crucibles
6.7 Desiccator containing desiccant
6.8 HPLC system equipped with refractive index detector and the following columns:
6.8.1 Shodex sugar SP0810 or Biorad Aminex HPX-87P column (or equivalent) with ionic
form H+/CO3- deashing guard column
6.8.2 Biorad Aminex HPX-87H column (or equivalent) equipped with an appropriate guard
6.9 UV-Visible spectrophotometer, diode array or single wavelength, with high purity quartz
cuvettes of pathlength 1 cm
6.10Automatic burette, capable of dispensing 84.00 mL water, optional
7. Reagents and materials
7.1 Reagents
7.1.1 Sulfuric acid, 72% w/w (specific gravity 1.6338 at 20oC)- (also commercially available
as a reagent for the determination of fluorine, from Fluka #00647)
7.1.2 Calcium carbonate, ACS reagent grade
7.1.3 Water, purified, 0.2 µm filtered
7.1.4 High purity standards : D-cellobiose, D(+)glucose, D(+)xylose, D(+)galactose,
L(+)arabinose, and D(+)mannose
7.1.5 Second set of high purity standards, as listed above, from a different source
(manufacturer or lot), to be used to prepare calibration verification standards (CVS)
7.2 Materials

7.2.1 QA standard, well characterized, such as a National Institute of Standards and

Technology (NIST) biomass standard or another well characterized sample of similar
composition to the samples being analyzed
7.2.2 Pressure tubes, minimum 90 mL capacity, glass, with screw on Teflon caps and o-ring
seals (Ace glass # 8648-30 tube with #5845-47 plug, or equivalent)
7.2.3 Teflon stir rods sized to fit in pressure tubes and approximately 5 cm longer than
pressure tubes
7.2.4 Filtering crucibles, 25 mL, porcelain, medium porosity, Coors #60531 or equivalent
7.2.5 Bottles, wide mouth, 50 mL
7.2.6 Filtration flasks, 250 mL
7.2.7 Erlenmeyer flasks, 50 mL
7.2.8 Adjustable pipettors, covering ranges of 0.02 to 5.00 mL and 84.00 mL
7.2.9 pH paper, range 4-9
7.2.10 Disposable syringes, 3 mL, fitted with 0.2 µm syringe filters
7.2.11 Autosampler vials with crimp top seals to fit
8. ES&H Considerations and Hazards
8.1 Sulfuric acid is corrosive and should be handled with care.
8.2 Use caution when handling hot pressure tubes after removal from the autoclave, as the
pressurized tubes can cause an explosion hazard.
8.3 When placing crucibles in a furnace or removing them, use appropriate personal protective
equipment, including heat resistant gloves.
8.4 Operate all equipment in accordance with the manual and NREL Safe Operating Procedures
8.5 Follow all applicable NREL chemical handling procedures
9. Sampling, Test Specimens and Test Units
9.1 Care must be taken to ensure a representative sample is taken for analysis.
9.2 LAP “Preparation of Samples of Biomass Compositional Analysis” should be performed prior
to this analysis. Samples must have a minimum total solids content of 85%.
9.3 LAP “Determination of Extractives in Biomass” should be performed prior to this analysis if
extractives are present in the sample.
9.4 LAP “Determination of Solids in Biomass” should be performed at the same time that
samples for this analysis are weighed out.
9.5 This procedure is suitable for samples that have been air dried or lyophilized. Samples dried
at a temperature of 45°C or higher are not suitable for this procedure.
9.6 Steps 9.2 to 9.4 should be applied to the QA standard
10. Procedure
10.1 Prepare the sample for analysis and hydrolyze
10.1.1 Place an appropriate number of filtering crucibles in the muffle furnace at 575 +25 °C
for a minimum of four hours. Remove the crucibles from the furnace directly into a
desiccator and cool for a specific period of time, one hour is recommended. Weigh the
crucibles to the nearest 0.1 mg and record this weight. It is important to keep the
crucibles in a specified order, if they are not marked with identifiers. Permanent
marking decals are available from Wale Apparatus. Do not mark the bottom of the
filtering crucible with a porcelain marker, as this will impede filtration.
10.1.2 Place the crucible back into the muffle furnace at 575 ± 25 oC and ash to constant
weight. Constant weight is defined as less than ± 0.3 mg change in the weight upon one
hour of re-heating the crucible.
10.1.3 Weigh 300.0 + 10.0 mg of the sample or QA standard into a tared pressure tube. Record
the weight to the nearest 0.1 mg. Label the pressure tube with a permanent marker.
LAP “Determination of Total Solids in Biomass” should be performed at the same time,
to accurately measure the percent solids for correction. Each sample should be analyzed
in duplicate, at minimum. The recommended batch size is three to six samples and a QA
standard, all run in duplicate.
10.1.4 Add 3.00 + 0.01 mL (or 4.92 + 0.01 g) of 72% sulfuric acid to each pressure tube. Use a
Teflon stir rod to mix for one minute, or until the sample is thoroughly mixed.
10.1.5 Place the pressure tube in a water bath set at 30 + 3 °C and incubate the sample for 60 +
5 minutes. Using the stir rod, stir the sample every five to ten minutes without removing
the sample from the bath. Stirring is essential to ensure even acid to particle contact and
uniform hydrolysis.
10.1.6 Upon completion of the 60-minute hydrolysis, remove the tubes from the water bath.
Dilute the acid to a 4% concentration by adding 84.00 + 0.04 mL deionized water using
an automatic burette. Dilution can also be done by adding 84.00 + 0.04 g of purified
water using a balance accurate to 0.01 g. Screw the Teflon caps on securely. Mix the
sample by inverting the tube several times to eliminate phase separation between high
and low concentration acid layers.
Note: The volume of the 4% solution will be 86.73 ml, as demonstrated in the
following calculations.
Density 72% H2SO4= d72% H2S04= 1.6338 g/ml
Density H20= dH20= 1.00 g/ml
Density 4% H2SO4 = d4% H2S04 = 1.025 g/ml
1. The weight of 3.00 ml 72% H2SO4 is:

3.00 ml 72% H2SO4 x d72% H2S04= 4.90 g 72% H2SO4
2. The composition of 3 ml of 72% H2SO4 is:
4.90 g 72% H2SO4 x 72% (acid wt) = 3.53 g acid
4.90 g 72% H2SO4 x 28% (water wt) = 1.37 g water
3. The concentration of H2SO4 after dilution is:
3.53 g acid / (84.00 g H20 + 4.90 g 72% H2SO4) = 3.97 % H2SO4 (w/w)
4. The total volume of solution present after dilution is:
(4.90 g H2SO4 + 84.00 g H20) x (d4% H2S04)-1 = 86.73 ml
10.1.7 Prepare a set of sugar recovery standards (SRS) that will be taken through the remaining
hydrolysis and used to correct for losses due to destruction of sugars during dilute acid
hydrolysis. SRS should include D-(+)glucose, D-(+)xylose, D-(+)galactose, -
L(+)arabinose, and D-(+)mannose. SRS sugar concentrations should be chosen to most
closely resemble the concentrations of sugars in the test sample. Weigh out the required
amounts of each sugar, to the nearest 0.1 mg, and add 10.0 mL deionized water. Add 348
µL of 72% sulfuric acid. Transfer the SRS to a pressure tube and cap tightly. A fresh SRS is not required for every analysis. A large batch of sugar recovery
standards may be produced, filtered through 0.2 µm filters, dispensed in 10.0 mL
aliquots into sealed containers, and labeled. They may be stored in a freezer and
removed when needed. Thaw and vortex the frozen SRS prior to use. If frozen
SRS are used, the appropriate amount of acid must be added to the thawed sample
and vortexed prior to transferring to a pressure tube.
10.1.8 Place the tubes in an autoclave safe rack, and place the rack in the autoclave. Autoclave
the sealed samples and sugar recovery standards for one hour at 121°C, usually the
liquids setting. After completion of the autoclave cycle, allow the hydrolyzates to slowly
cool to near room temperature before removing the caps. (If step 10.2 is not performed,
draw a 10 mL aliquot of the liquor for use in step 10.5.)
10.2 Analyze the sample for acid insoluble lignin as follows
10.2.1 Vacuum filter the autoclaved hydrolysis solution through one of the previously weighed
filtering crucibles. Capture the filtrate in a filtering flask.
10.2.2 Transfer an aliquot, approximately 50 mL, into a sample storage bottle. This sample will
be used to determine acid soluble lignin as well as carbohydrates, and acetyl if
necessary. Acid soluble lignin determination must be done within six hours of
hydrolysis. If the hydrolysis liquor must be stored, it should be stored in a refrigerator
for a maximum of two weeks. It is important to collect the liquor aliquot before
proceeding to step 10.2.3.
10.2.3 Use deionized water to quantatively transfer all remaining solids out of the pressure tube
into the filtering crucible. Rinse the solids with a minimum of 50 mL fresh deionized
water. Hot deionized water may be used in place of room temperature water to decrease
the filtration time.
10.2.4 Dry the crucible and acid insoluble residue at 105 + 3 °C until a constant weight is
achieved, usually a minimum of four hours.
10.2.5 Remove the samples from the oven and cool in a desiccator. Record the weight of the
crucible and dry residue to the nearest 0.1 mg.
10.2.6 Place the crucibles and residue in the muffle furnace at 575 + 25 °C for 24 + 6 hours. A furnace with temperature ramping may also be used
Furnace Temperature Ramp Program:

Ramp from room temperature to 105 °C
Hold at 105°C for 12 minutes
Ramp to 250 °C at 10°C / minute
Hold at 250 °C for 30 minutes
Ramp to 575 °C at 20 °C / minute
Hold at 575 °C for 180 minutes
Allow temperature to drop to 105 °C
Hold at 105 °C until samples are removed
10.2.7 Carefully remove the crucible from the furnace directly into a desiccator and cool for a
specific amount of time, equal to the initial cool time of the crucibles. Weigh the
crucibles and ash to the nearest 0.1 mg and record the weight. Place the crucibles back
in the furnace and ash to a constant weight. (The amount of acid insoluble ash is not
equal to the total amount of ash in the biomass sample. Refer to LAP “Determination of
Ash in Biomass” if total ash is to be determined.)
10.3 Analyze the sample for acid soluble lignin as follows
10.3.1 On a UV-Visible spectrophotometer, run a background of deionized water or 4% sulfuric
10.3.2 Using the hydrolysis liquor aliquot obtained in step 10.2.2, measure the absorbance of
the sample at an appropriate wavelength on a UV-Visible spectrophotometer. Refer to
section11.3 for suggested wavelength values. Dilute the sample as necessary to bring the
absorbance into the range of 0.7 – 1.0, recording the dilution. Deionized water or 4%
sulfuric acid may be used to dilute the sample, but the same solvent should be used as a
blank. Record the absorbance to three decimal places. Reproducibility should be + 0.05
absorbance units. Analyze each sample in duplicate, at minimum. (This step must be
done within six hours of hydrolysis.)
10.3.3 Calculate the amount of acid soluble lignin present using calculation 11.3 .
10.4 Analyze the sample for structural carbohydrates
10.4.1 Prepare a series of calibration standards containing the compounds that are to be
quantified, referring to Table 1 for suggested concentration range. Use a four point
calibration. If standards are prepared outside of the suggested ranges, the new range for
these calibration curves must be validated. Table 1- Suggested concentration ranges for 10.4.1 calibration standards
Component Suggested
concentration range
D-cellobiose 0.1-4.0
D(+)glucose 0.1-4.0
D(+)xylose 0.1-4.0
D(+)galcatose 0.1-4.0
L(+)arabinose 0.1-4.0
D(+)mannose 0.1-4.0
CVS Middle of linear range,
concentration not equal
to a calibration point
(2.5 suggested)

6 A fresh set of standards is not required for every analysis. A large batch of
standards may be produced, filtered through 0.2 µm filters into autosampler
vials, sealed and labeled. The standards and CVS samples may be stored in a
freezer and removed when needed. Thaw and vortex frozen standards prior to
use. During every use, standards and CVS samples should be observed for
unusual concentration behavior. Unusual concentrations may mean that the
samples are compromised or volatile components have been lost. Assuming
sufficient volume, standards and CVS samples should not have more than 12
injections drawn from a single vial. In a chilled autosampler chamber, the
lifetime of standards and CVS samples is approximately three to four days.

10.4.2 Prepare an independent calibration verification standard (CVS) for each set of calibration
standards. Use reagents from a source or lot other than that used in preparing the
calibration standards. Prepare the CVS at a concentration that falls in the middle of the
validated range of the calibration curve. The CVS should be analyzed on the HPLC after
each calibration set and at regular intervals throughout the sequence, bracketing groups
of samples. The CVS is used to verify the quality and stability of the calibration curve(s)
throughout the run.
10.4.3 Using the hydrolysis liquor obtained in step 10.2.2, transfer an approximately 20 mL
aliquot of each liquor to a 50 mL Erlenmeyer flask.
10.4.4 Use calcium carbonate to neutralize each sample to pH 5 – 6. Avoid neutralizing to a pH
greater that 6 by monitoring with pH paper. Add the calcium carbonate slowly after
reaching a pH of 4. Swirl the sample frequently. After reaching pH 5 – 6, stop calcium
carbonate addition, allow the sample to settle, and decant off the supernatant. The pH of
the liquid after settling will be approximately 7. (Samples should never be allowed to
exceed a pH of 9, as this will result in a loss of sugars.)
10.4.5 Prepare the sample for HPLC analysis by passing the decanted liquid through a 0.2 µm
filter into an autosampler vial. Seal and label the vial. Prepare each sample in duplicate,
reserving one of the duplicates for analysis later if necessary. If necessary, neutralized
samples may be stored in the refrigerator for three or four days. After this time, the
samples should be considered compromised due to potential microbial growth. After
cold storage, check the samples for the presence of a precipitate. Samples containing a
precipitate should be refiltered, while still cold, through a 0.2 µm filters.
10.4.6 Analyze the calibration standards, CVS, and samples by HPLC using a Shodex sugar
SP0810 or Biorad Aminex HPX-87P column equipped with the appropriate guard
HPLC conditions:
Injection volume: 10 – 50 µL, dependent on concentration and detector limits
Mobile phase: HPLC grade water, 0.2 µm filtered and degassed
Flow rate: 0.6 mL / minute
Column temperature: 80 - 85°C
Detector temperature: as close to column temperature as possible
Detector: refractive index
Run time: 35 minutes
Note: The deashing guard column should be placed outside of the heating unit and
kept at ambient temperature. This will prevent artifact peaks in the chromatogram.

10.4.7 Check test sample chromatograms for presence of cellobiose and oligomeric sugars.
Levels of cellobiose greater than 3 mg/mL indicate incomplete hydrolysis. Fresh samples
should be hydrolyzed and analyzed.
10.4.8 Check test sample chromatograms for the presence of peaks eluting before cellobiose
(retention time of 4-5 minutes using recommended conditions). These peaks may
indicate high levels of sugar degradations products in the previous sample, which is
indicative of over hydrolysis. All samples from batches showing evidence of over-
hydrolysis should have fresh samples hydrolyzed and analyzed.
10.5 Analyze the sample for acetyl content if necessary
10.5.1 Prepare 0.005 M (0.01 N) sulfuric acid for use as a HPLC mobile phase. In a 2L
volumetric flask, add 2.00 mL of standardized 10 N sulfuric acid and bring to volume
with HPLC grade water. Filter through a 0.2 µm filter and degas before use. If 10N
sulfuric acid is not available, concentrated sulfuric acid may also be used. 278 µl
concentrated sulfuric acid brought to volume in a 1L volumetric flask with HPLC grade
water will also produce 0.005 M sulfuric acid.
10.5.2 Prepare a series of calibration standards containing the compounds that are to be
quantified. Acetic acid is recommended, formic acid and levulinic acid are optional. A
range of 0.02 to 0.5 mg/mL is suggested. An evenly spaced four point calibration is
suggested. If standards are prepared outside of the suggested ranges, the new range for
these calibration curves must be validated.
10.5.3 Prepare an independent calibration verification standard (CVS) for each set of calibration
standards, using components obtained from a source other than that used in preparing the
calibration standards. The CVS must contain precisely known amounts of each
compound contained in the calibration standards, at a concentration that falls in the
middle of the validated range of the calibration curve. The CVS should be analyzed on
the HPLC after each calibration set and at regular intervals throughout the sequence,
bracketing groups of samples. The CVS is used to verify the quality and stability of the
calibration curve(s) throughout the run.
10.5.4 Prepare the sample for HPLC analysis by passing a small aliquot of the liquor collected
in step 10.2.2 through a 0.2 µm filter into an autosampler vial. Seal and label the vial. If
it is suspected that the sample concentrations may exceed the calibration range, dilute the
samples as needed, recording the dilution. The concentrations should be corrected for
dilution after running.
10.5.5 Analyze the calibration standards, CVS, and samples by HPLC using a Biorad Aminex
HPX-87H column equipped with the appropriate guard column.
HPLC conditions:
Sample volume: 50 µL
Mobile phase: 0.005 M sulfuric acid, 0.2 µm filtered and degassed
Flow rate: 0.6 mL / minute
Column temperature: 55 -65°C
Detector temperature: as close to column temperature as possible
Detector: refractive index
Run time: 50 minutes

11. Calculations
11.1 Calculate the oven dry weight (ODW) of the extractives free sample, using the average total
solids content as determined by the LAP “Standard Method for the Determination of Total
Solids in Biomass”.

Weight air dry sample x % Total solids


11.2 Calculate and record the weight percent acid insoluble residue (AIR) and acid insoluble lignin
(AIL) on an extractives free basis

Weight crucible plus AIR - Weight crucible

% AIR = x 100

(Weight crucible plus AIR - Weight crucible ) − (Weight crucible plus ash - Weight crucible ) − Weight protein
% AIL = x 100

Weightprotein = Amount of protein present in the acid insoluble residue, as
determined in LAP “Determination of Protein Content in Biomass”. This
measurement is only necessary for biomass containing high amounts of protein.
Our studies have shown that, for a corn stover feedstock, only a minor fraction of
the protein condenses into the residue. For a pretreated corn stover, a significant
amount of the nitrogenous material condenses into the AIR. The amount of nitrogen
in the residue can be determined. If a nitrogen value is determined, the user should
be aware that the nitrogen-to-protein factor will no longer be valid, as the
nitrogenous material will likely have degraded.

11.3 Calculate the amount of acid soluble lignin (ASL) on an extractives free basis

UVabs x Volume filtrate x Dilution

% ASL = x 100
ε xODWsample × Pathlength

UVabs = average UV-Vis absorbance for the sample at at appropriate wavelength
(see table below)
Volumehydrolysis liquor = volume of filtrate, 86.73 mL

Volumesample + Volume diluting solvent
Dilution =
ε = Absorptivity of biomass at specific wavelength (see table below)
ODWsample=weight of sample in milligrams
Pathlength=pathlength of UV-Vis cell in cm

Absorptivity constants for acid soluble lignin measurement for select biomass types
Biomass type Lambda max Absorptivity at Recommended Absorptivity at
(nm) lambda max wavelength recommended
(L/g cm) (nm) wavelength
(L/g cm)
Pinus Radiata- 198 25 240 12
Bagasse- NIST 198 40 240 25
SRM 8491
Corn Stover- NREL 198 55 320 30
supplied feedstock
Populus deltiodes- 197 60 240 25

Note: Lambda max values often contain interfering peaks from carbohydrate degradation
products. Recommended wavelength values have been chosen to minimize these

11.4 Calculate the total amount of lignin on an extractives free basis.

% Ligninext free = % AIL + % ASL

11.5 Calculate the total lignin value to an as received basis, if necessary

% Lignin as received = (% Ligninext free )×

(100 − % Extractives )

% Extractives = percent extractives in the prepared biomass sample, as determined
in LAP “Determination of Extractives in Biomass”

11.6 Create a calibration curve for each analyte to be quantified using linear regression. From
these curves, determine the concentration in mg/mL of each component present in the samples
analyzed by HPLC, correcting for dilution if required.
11.7 Calculate and record the amount of each calibration verification standard (CVS) recovered
following HPLC analysis.

conc. detected by HPLC, mg/mL
% CVS recovery = x 100
known conc. of standard, mg/mL

11.8 For the sugar recovery standards (SRS), calculate the amount of each component sugar
recovered after dilute acid hydrolysis, accounting for any dilution made prior to HPLC
analysis. Average any replicate (%Rsugar) values obtained for each individual sugar and report
%Ravg, sugar.

conc. detected by HPLC, mg/mL

% R sugar = x 100
known conc. of sugar before hydrolysis, mg/mL

11.9 Use the percent hydrolyzed sugar recovery values calculated in step 11.8 to correct the
corresponding sugar concentration values obtained by HPLC for each of the hydrolyzed
samples (Ccor. sample), accounting for any dilution made prior to HPLC analysis.

C HPLC x dilution factor

% R ave. sugar / 100

Where: CHPLC = conc. of a sugar as determined by HPLC, mg/mL.

% Rave. sugar = average recovery of a specific SRS component.
Cx = Ccor. sample, concentration in mg/mL of a sugar in the hydrolyzed
sample after correction for loss on 4% hydrolysis

11.10Calculate the concentration of the polymeric sugars from the concentration of the
corresponding monomeric sugars, using an anhydro correction of 0.88 (or 132/150) for C-5
sugars (xylose and arabinose) and a correction of 0.90 (or162/180) for C-6 sugars (glucose,
galactose, and mannose)

C anhydro = C corr × Anhydro correction

Note: : To be completely correct, the hydrolysis of the hemicellulose branches should be accounted
for in the xylan values, since the loss of functional groups adds either a proton or a hydroxide to the
xylan. Two examples of branch compounds that are quantified in this LAP are acetate and minor
sugars such as galactan, arabinan, and mannan. However, for the typical concentrations of acetate
and minor sugars seen in biomass samples, the resulting changes in xylan values are negligible, and
so this correction is not performed. If desired, the correction can be applied per the equations
below. However, this correction actually increases the uncertainty of the xylan value, since the
uncertainties of the measured concentration values of the minor sugars are much larger than for

Canhydro _ xylan = ( Xylosecorr − Xylose AAcorrection − XyloseMinorsugarcorrection ) ×132 / 150

Acetic _ acid _ concentration 17(OH − MW )
Where: Xylose AAcorrection = ×
Xylose _ concentration 132( xyloseMW )

Minor _ sugar _ concentration 1( H + MW )

XyloseMinorsugarcorrection = ×
Xylose _ concentration 132( xyloseMW )

11.11Calculate the percentage of each sugar on an extractives free basis

C anhydro × V filtrate ×
% Sugarext free = x 100

Where: Vfiltrate = volume of filtrate, 86.73 mL.

11.12Calculate the percentage of each sugar on an as received basis, if necessary

% Sugaras received = (% Sugarext free )×

(100 − % Extractives )

% Extractives = percent extractives in the prepared biomass sample, as determined
in LAP “Determination of Extractives in Biomass”

11.13Calculate the acetate percentage on an extractives free basis.

CAA , HPLC x Volume filtrate x Conversion factor

% Acetateext free = x 100
ODW sample

CAA,HPLC = concentation in mg/mL of acetic acid as determined by HPLC
Volumehydrolysis liquor = volume of filtrate, generally 86.73 mL
Conversion factor = (59/60) = 0.983, the conversion from acetic acid to acetate in

Note: The conversion factor has been updated from previous versions of the LAP
(July 8, 2011). The previous value was (43/60) = 0.717.

11.14Calculate the acetyl percentage on an as received basis, if necessary.

% Acetyl as received = (% Acetylext free ) ×
(100 − % Extractives )

11.15To report or calculate the relative percent difference (RPD) between two samples, use the
following calculation

 (X − X 2) 
RPD =  1  × 100
 X mean 
X1 and X2 = measured values
Xmean = the mean of X1 and X2

11.16To report or calculate the root mean square deviation (RMS deviation) or the standard
deviation (st dev) of the samples, use the following calculations.
First find the root mean square (RMS), of the sample using

 n 2
∑x 
 1 
RMS = x m = mean =  n 
 
 

Then find the root mean square deviation, or standard deviation, using

∑ (x i − xm )

RMSdeviation = σ = stdev = 1

xm=the root mean square of all x values in the set
n=number of samples in set
xi=a measured value from the set

12. Report Format

12.1 Report the weight percent of lignin, each sugar, and acetate. Report on an as received basis,
correcting for extractives if necessary.
12.2 For replicate analyses, report the average and relative percent difference.
13. Precision and Bias
13.1 Round robin testing – For a report documenting an international round robin test of biomass
analysis methods, including this procedure, see Milne et al., 1992.
14. Quality Control
14.1 Reported Significant Figures or decimal places: Determined by data quality objectives and
laboratory specific Quality Assurance Plan.
14.2 Replicates: Run all samples in duplicate.
14.3 Blank: none
14.4 Relative percent difference criteria: Determined by data quality objectives and laboratory
specific Quality Assurance Plan.
14.5 Calibration verification standard: Calibration verification standards should be independently
prepared and analyzed as appropriate, per the procedure
14.6 Sample size: 4g, minimum, of sample, extracted if necessary (including amount necessary for
percent solids determination)
14.7 Sample storage: Hydrolysis liquors may be stored in a refrigerator for up to two weeks.
Neutralized hydrolysis liquors may be stored in a refrigerator for up to four days.
14.8 Standard storage: HPLC standards should be stored in a freezer and removed when needed.
Thaw and vortex samples prior to use.
14.9 Standard preparation: Standards should be prepared as described in the procedure, including a
QA standard.
14.10Definition of a batch: Any number of samples that are analyzed and recorded together. The
recommended size is three to six samples with a QA standard, all run in duplicate.
14.11Control charts: All CVS, SRS recoveries, and NIST or QA standards should be control
15. Appendices
15.1 None
16. References
16.1 NREL BAT Team Laboratory Analytical Procedure " Determination of Total Solids in
16.2 NREL BAT Team Laboratory Analytical Procedure " Determination of Ash in Biomass".
16.3 NREL BAT Team Laboratory Analytical Procedure " Determination of Extractives in
16.4 NREL CAT Task Laboratory Analytical Procedure#002 "Determination of Structural
Carbohydrate Content in Biomass by High Performance Liquid Chromatography".
16.5 NREL CAT Task Laboratory Analytical Procedure#003 "Determination of Acid Insoluble
Lignin in Biomass".
16.6 NREL CAT Task Laboratory Analytical Procedure#017 "Determination of o-Acetyl Groups
in Biomass by High Performance Liquid Chromatography".
16.7 NREL CAT Task Laboratory Analytical Procedure#019 "Hydrolysis of Corn Stover for
Compositional Analysis".
16.8 Moore, W., and D. Johnson. 1967. Procedures for the Chemical Analysis of Wood and Wood
Products. Madison, WI: U.S. Forest Products Laboratory, U.S. Department of Agriculture.
16.9 ASTM E1758-01 “Standard method for the Determination of Carbohydrates by HPLC: In
2003 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Volume 11.05. Philadelphia, PA: American Society
for Testing and Materials, International
16.10Milne, T. A.; Chum, H. L.; Agblevor, F. A.; Johnson, D. K. (1992). “Standardized Analytical
Methods” Biomass & Bioenergy. Proceedings of International Energy Agency Bioenergy
Agreement Seminar”, 2-3 April 1992, Edinburgh, U.K.. Vol. 2(1-6), 1992; pp. 341-366

17. List of Revisions
Version 07-08-2011:
• Page 9: Section 11.2 includes notes on nitrogenous material in AIR.
• Page 9-10: Section 11.3 includes pathlength in the ASL equation, which has always been
assumed to be 1 cm, but may differ.
• Page 11-12: Section 11.10 includes explanations and equations to correct xylan for
branched hemicelluloses components.
• Page 12: Section 11.13 corrects the acetic acid to acetate conversion factor.

Previous version (July 2010).


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