Assessment Form Bachelor Project (Supervisor) : Artificial Intelligence

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Assessment Form Bachelor Project (supervisor)

Artificial Intelligence

Stan 2580140
Name Student: ………………………………………….. Student number: …………………………………………
Daily supervisor: Fakhra Jabeen
Main supervisor: Charlotte Gerristen
Credits: 15 EC Course code: XB_40002
Final grade of project

Parts of project Weight Results, all parts Supervisor

must be >=5.5
Executed work 50% 8.3
Thesis 40% 9
Presentation 10% 9.8 _________________
Final grade _________________
Signature of Supervisor _________________
EXECUTED Marks Remarks
2-3 4-5 6 7 8 9-10 8.3
Experimental Student is not Student is able Under close With reasonable With reasonable With minor assistance He is enthusiastic
work able to setup to execute supervision of the assistance from the assistance from the from the supervisor, and tried to work
and/or execute detailed supervisor, the supervisor, the supervisor, the the student is able to
any experiment instructions for student is able to student is able to student is able to design or modify a 3rd-
even with hints a 3rd-party- execute a 3rd-party- execute a 3rd-party- assess the setup of a party-designed to instructions
and help from designed designed designed experiment 3rd-party-designed experiment exactly 8.5
the supervisor. experiment, but experiment without and broadly assess experiment and to answering the research
even with the critical assessment its adequacy. make modifications if question(s). Execution
supervisor's of its adequacy. needed to improve of the experiment is
corrections adequacy. flawless.
errors are
made often,
(part of) the
Data analysis Student is lost Student is able With considerable Student is able to Student is able to Student is able to He is able to
when using data, to organize the help from the organize data and organize the data, organize the data, organize and
is not able to use data, but is not supervisor, the perform some simple perform some basic perform commonly
a spreadsheet able to perform student is able to checks with a checks and basic used checks and
analyze the data
program or any checks and/or organize data and degree of analysis that perform some 8
other appropriate simple perform some independence; but contribute to the advanced analysis on
data-processing analyses. simple checks; but has difficulties research question. the data.
tools, even with the way the data is relating the results to
supervisor's. used does not the research
help. clearly contribute to questions.
answering the
research questions.
Model or Tool Student is Student applies Student is able to Student is able to Student is able to Student is able to He was able to
Development unable to apply an existing tool apply existing an make considerable make considerable develop a tool or model
any model or or model, but model or tool, modifications to an modifications to an from scratch, or add an use existing
tool including errors occur perhaps with minor existing tool or existing tool or model, important new part to
existing ones. and persist. No modifications. model, based on based on literature or an existing model. tools for work
validation. Superficial validation literature. Validation own analyses. Advanced validation
or no validation at using some basic Validation using methods applied.
all. measures of quality. appropriate statistical
Understanding Student does not The student The student The student Student is well on top Student is well on top He understands
master the most does not understands the understands the of subjects involved in of subjects involved in
subject matter
basic knowledge understand all subject matter at a subject matter and is research: not only research:
(even below the of the subject textbook level. also aware of does (s)he demonstrates fine
and is well aware
starting level for matter discussions in the understand the understanding of the of discussions
the thesis). discussed in literature related to material but is also subject matter and is 7.5
the thesis. the thesis topics. able to relate it to able to critically relate it
topics discussed in to topics discussed in
literature. the relevant literature.
Originality Student shows Student picks Student shows some Student initiates The student produces Student develops and He tried to take
no initiative or up some 3rd- initiative and/or discussions on new several good ideas implements his own initiative
new ideas at all. party ideas, but together with the ideas with supervisor across the workfront. creative ideas on
by himself
the selection is supervisor develops and develops one or hypothesis formation,
not motivated. one or two new two own ideas on design or data and work as well
ideas on minor parts minor parts of the processing. over ideas
of the research. research. 7
Punctuality Final version of Final version of Final version of Final version of Final version of thesis Final version of thesis
thesis or thesis or thesis or thesis or or presentation at and presentation 10
presentation presentation at presentation at most presentation at most most 5% of nominal finished within planned
more than 50% most 50% of 25% of nominal 10% of nominal period overdue period or overdue with
of the nominal the nominal period overdue period overdue without good reasons. good reason.
period overdue period overdue without valid reason. without valid
without a valid without a valid reasons.
reason. reason.
Planning No time No realistic Mostly realistic time Realistic time Realistic time Realistic time 10
schedule made. time schedule. schedule, but no schedule, with schedule, with timely schedule, with timely
timely adjustment of intermittent but not adjustments of adjustments of both
the schedule. fully sufficient deadlines. deadlines and tasks.
Independence The student is The student The supervisor is the Student selects and Student plans and Student plans and 8
unable to needs frequent main responsible for plans the tasks performs tasks mostly performs tasks
perform the instructions and setting out the tasks, together with the independently, asks independently and
project properly well-defined but the student is supervisor and for help from the selects his sources of
even after tasks from the able to perform them performs these tasks supervisor when help independently.
repeated supervisor and mostly on his own. needed.
detailed the supervisor independently.
instructions and needs careful
with direct help checks to see if
from the all tasks have
supervisor. been
Cooperation Student does not The supervisor Student incorporates Student incorporates Supervisor's Supervisor's comments 9
(with pick up needs to act as some of the most or all of the comments are are critically weighed
supervisor) suggestions and an instructor comments of the supervisor's weighed by the by the student and
ideas of the and/or supervisor, but comments. student and asked for asked for when
supervisor supervisor ignores others when needed. needed, also from staff
needs to without arguments or fellow students.
solutions for

THESIS Marks Remarks

2-3 4-5 6 7 8 9-10 9
Research The statement Most research Either the research Both the research The research The research 10
problem of research problems are problem(s) or the problem(s) and the problem(s) are clear problem(s) are stated
problem(s) unclear, or not delineation of the delineation are and researchable and in clear terms and the
and the researchable research are clear mostly clear but the delineation of scope of research is
delineation of and the could have been research is clear. well-defined.
the research delineation of defined sharper at
are absent. the research is some points
Context No link is The context of The link between Context of the Context of the research Context of the research 9
made with the topic at the research in the research is defined is defined well, with is defined well, with
existing hand is thesis and existing well, with input from input from the student. input from the student.
research on described in research does not the student. There The contribution of the The contribution of the
the topic. No broad terms but go beyond the is a link between student’s research is student’s research is
research there is no link information the context and meaningfully positioned meaningfully
context is between what provided by the research within the context. positioned. A vision of
described. is known and supervisor. problem(s). future research
what will be direction(s) is
researched. demonstarted.
Methods, data, No description Research is not Some aspects of Description of the Description of the data Description of the data 10
reproducibility of methods reproducible the research data (collection, (collection, treatment) (collection, treatment)
and/or data. due to regarding data treatment) or or models as well as or models as well as
insufficient collection, data models as well as the analysis methods the analysis methods is
information on treatment, models the analysis used is mostly complete and clear,
data (collection or analysis methods used is complete, but exact making reproduction of
and/or methods are lacking in a number reproduction of the the research possible.
treatment) and described of places, which research is not
analysis insufficiently so that hinders possible due to lack of
methods. that particular reproducibility. some details.
aspect of the
research is not
Structure and Thesis is Main structure Main structure is Main structure Most sections have a Well-structured: each
Consistency badly incorrect in correct, but lower correct, but clear and unique section has a clear and 9
structured. In some places, level hierarchy of placement of function. Hierarchy of unique function.
many cases and placement sections is not material in different sections is mostly Hierarchy of sections is
information of material in logical in places. chapters illogical in correct. Ordering of correct. Ordering of
appears in different Some sections places. Level of sections is mostly sections is logical. All
wrong chapters is have overlapping detail inappropriate logical. Information information occurs at
locations. illogical in many functions leading to in a number of occurs at the correct the correct place. Level
Level of detail places. Level of ambiguity in places (irrelevant place, with few of detail is appropriate
is detail varies placement of information given). exceptions. In most throughout.
inappropriate widely information. Level places level of detail is
throughout. (information of detail varies appropriate.
missing, or widely.
Clarity and The text is The text is The text is The text is mostly Formulations in text are Formulations in text Thesis is clear and
Readability incomprehensi difficult to ambiguous in some reader-friendly. The predominantly clear are clear and exact, as
ble. understand. places but this thesis could have and exact. well as concise. understandable
does not always been written more 9
inhibit correct concisely.
Self-reflection No critical No critical self- Student is able to The student Student actively Student actively 7
self-reflection reflection at all. reflect on his occasionally shows engages in critical self- performs critical self-
at all. performance with self-reflection. reflection on some reflection on most
the help of the aspects of their aspects of their own
supervisor only. performance. performance.
Conclusion, Conclusions No link Conclusions are Most conclusions Conclusions are well- Clear link between 9
Discussion, missing. between linked to the linked to research inked to research research questions and
Future Work research research problem(s) and questions and conclusions. All
problem(s), problem(s), but substantiated by substantiated by conclusions
results and some conclusions results. results. Conclusions substantiated by
conclusions. are too vague, or Conclusions are are formulated clearly. results. Conclusions
not substantiated mostly formulated Conclusions are are formulated exactly.
by results, or clearly. related to existing Conclusions are
merely repeat literature. Ideas for compared to those in
results. future work presented. existig literature. A
roadmap for future
work given.

PRESENTATI Marks Remarks

ON (10%)
2-3 4-5 6 7 8 9-10 9.8
Content The student does The student Student is mostly Student is able to Student explains well Student is able to 9
not demonstrate has difficulty able to explain the explain the the research competently discuss
understanding of expalining the research problem(s) research problem(s) and his the research
the subject subject matter. and his work, but for problem(s) and his work, and places those problem(s) and his
matter. a number of items work, but is not in either scientific or work, and to place
he cannot explain able to place those practical context. those in current
what he did, or why. in scientific or Includes remarks on scientific and practical
practical context. where the work could context. Critically
have been done better. assesses his
Structure Presentation has a
Presentation has a Presentation clearly 10
and clear structure. Mostly structured, concise and
Presentation is clear structure with
organization Presentation is a good separation to-the-point. Good
Presentation has structured, though only few
poorly between the main separation between the
no structure. the audience gets exceptions. Fits
structured. message and main message and
lost in some places. well within the time
incidental remarks. incidental remarks.
Good timing. Perfect timing.
Use of Unclear lay-out.
Lay-out in 10
media Unbalanced use
many places Quality of the layout Lay-out is mostly
of text, graphs,
inadequate: too of the slides is clear, with Lay-out is clear.
tables or Lay-out is functional
much text and mixed. Inappropriate unbalanced use of Appropriate use of text,
graphics and clear. Clever use
too few use of text, tables, text, tables, graphs tables, graphs and
throughout. Font of graphs and media.
graphics graphs and media in and media in few media.
size too small,
(graphs, tables) some places. places only.
too many or too
or vice versa.
few slides.
Verbal Spoken in such a
Speech is Mostly clearly Relaxed and lively 10
communicat difficult to follow Quality of spoken. Perhaps Clearly spoken. though concentrated
way that the
ion and/or presentation is monotonous in Student is able to presentation. Clearly
majority of
monotonous: mixed: sometimes some places. Level adjust to some extent spoken. Clear take-
audience cannot
attention of clear, sometimes of presentation to signals from home message. Level
follow the
audience not hard to follow. mostly targeted at audience. well-targeted at
captured audience. audience.
Discussion Student is able
Student adeqautely
Student is able to
Student is able to Student is able to give 10
Student is unable answers questions, answer all questions appropriate, clear,
to answer only answer nearly all
to answer with the exception of adequately, although detailed, and to-the-
the simplest questions
questions. more complicated not to-the-point in point answers to all
questions. adequately.
ones. some cases. questions.

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