Effects of Anime
Effects of Anime
Effects of Anime
In 90's Anime and K-drama are not really popular because many people have no
cellphone. But nowadays almost every people have cellphone and they can use internet
to watch in chrome, youtube etc. and because of that anime and k drama are very
popular now mostly to the teens and become a part of their everyday lives.
Whether Anime or K Drama there are certain types of genre of what you want to
watch, example: action, romance, comedy, mystery and etc. Anime is the Japanese
animation. The largest influence on anime was television. Most show were for teens
genre like romance, comedy and adventure. In the twenty first century , anime changed
significantly and passion and there lifestyle. This research examines the impact of
anime on senior high students behavior in an effort to provide the reader with an
understanding of Anime, their social structures and issues behind in their popular
culture product. In anime their are the anime's background , context , characterization ,
character design and storyline that aired on television. The objective of this research is
to study the senior high students for their reaction towards anime aired on television
,and to examine their acceptance on the anime character , characterization , and
storyline of anime aired on television .
Japanese animation is called Anime. The word is the abbreviated pronunciation of "animation"
in Japanese, Anime subject might be comedy, romance, horror, harem, fantasy, adventure and etc. Like
Korean drama in Anime you can also see Japanese culture the moment you've done watching one series
or movie you'll have that feeling like wanting to go to Japan because of their culture. Because of the
stories and voice actors and also the characters in Anime many people keep on wanting to watch anime
The study is about to determine or analyze if Korean Drama is much better than Anime or Anime
is much better than Korean Drama. As we can as of now many people can watch Anime or K-Drama
anytime thanks to internet some of the people spend an all nighter because of wanting to watch Anime
or K-Drama and those people gets motivation after watching those or may be inspiration that they can
apply to their daily lives.
1. What are the reasons why Senior High School students keep on watching K-drama and Anime?
2. What are the effects of Korean Drama and Anime to Senior High School in terms of:
a. Physical
b. Emotional
c. Psychological
3. What are the effects/outcome of watching Korean Drama and Anime to Senior High School
students in terms of:
a. Academic Performance
b. Social Interaction
c. Family Relations