Routing Tools
-1 0 0 60-200
6 0 60-
0 0 300
60 60
Solid Carbide Up Spiral Cutters with Small Cut Diameters ...... 18
Solid Carbide Up Spiral Cutters .............................................. 18
Solid Carbide Up Spiral Cutters with Extra Long Cut Length ...... 18
SOLID CARBIDE D Cutter ............................................................................................ 18
HSD Spindles ....................................................................................... 12
TOOLING MATERIALS Tool not properly colleted. 1. Insert more of shank in to collet.
2. Use collet plug.
Solid Tungsten Carbide
Tool deflection. Reduced feedrate but if possible use larger
Tungsten carbide is a cement mixture and like concrete, is diameter tool.
composed of very hard particles. Solid carbide is generally the
toughest material available. Bits produced with this material stay No Coolant Use mist coolant or cold air gun
Chip rewelding
to cut edge
CED = Cutting Edge Diameter CEL = Cutting Edge Length SHK = Shank Diameter OAL = Overall Length 3
ROUTER BIT GEOMETRY The router mechanism must be well maintained for any cutting
Basic Terms tool to perform properly. Routinely check the collet for wear.
Helix Angle. Angle of the cutting ute. It is measured relative to the Inspect tools for collet marks indicating slipping due to wear or
axis of the cutting tool. dust build up. Check spindle on a dial indicator for run-out.
Flute Fadeout. The length between the end of the cutting length Collet and run-out problems cause premature tool failure and
and the begin of the shank length associated production difculties.
Do not use adaptor bushings to reduce size of the collet on a
CEL. Cutting edge length.
routing or production basis. Tools will not perform properly in
Shank Length. The length of the cutter shank that can be inserted
bushings over an extended period of time. Bushings are for
into the collet.
prototype, experimentation, test and evaluation and not for
OAL Overall cutter length. production.
CED Cutting edge diameter. Wherever possible, use a coolant when routing. Heat caused by
Shank Diameter. The diameter of the shank to be inserted into the action between the tool and piece part is enemy #I to tool life,
collet. Heat is a function of surface footage per unit of time, thus, the
Single Flute more dense the material, the faster the feed rate to minimize
Use for faster feed rates in softer materials. The single-ute cutter heat. However a compromise must be reached between nish
typically has lots of room for chips, but the single cutting edge and heat.
limits either the feed rate or the hardness of the material to be cut. Tool life is affected dramatically by tool geometry. Rake and
These types of cutters are especially recommended for plastics. clearance angles, as well as cutting edge length should be
Double & Triple Flute examined. Router bit breakage is most often caused by a
Use for better nish in harder misapplication of the router bit. Do not assume the proper router
materials. Double-ute bits provide bit is being used.
a smoother cutting action because
the chip load is smaller than a single-ute cutter for a given feed. Tool Breakage
This allows harder materials to be handled. In spite of the structural and metallurgical attributes, which are
Upcut Spiral designed into industrial and professional router bits, breakage
Use for grooving or slotting, for occurs. A detailed examination yields the following:
upward chip evacuation and best Application related breakage:
nish on bottom side of piece part. Cutting edge lengths should be as short as possible to
These bits allow for rapid cuts since the tool clears the chips away accommodate length of cut required. Larger cutting edge
from the material. This type of tool is not recommended for softer diameters require larger shank diameters. Spiral geometry can
materials such as MDF because of the ragged nish that can direct chip ow and expel chips to reduce heat. When tool
result on the top surface. This type of geometry is used whenever application is a problem, changing the type of tool is the only
the best nish is needed on the bottom side of a part. solution.
Tool quality shortcomings:
Downcut Spiral
Upon investigation an internal aw in the steel or carbide can
Use for downward chip ow, better
cause failures. These failures are normally random, however, if
hold-down in xture and best nish
the aw was raw material batch based, an entire batch may be a
on the topside of the cut part.
problem. The same is true for heat-treating. Too high a hardness
Note: that the cutting speeds usually have to be reduced because can lead to premature edge failure. This is generally conned to
the chips are pushed back into the material. one batch of tools. Geometry induced fractures usually are
Up/Down Spiral (Compression related to improper rake and clearance angles as manifested in
the bit riding the cut. The resulting heat generated by friction
Use for double-laminated material shortens edge life, tends to create burn marks and may cause the
and best nish on top and bottom chips to accumulate behind each cutting edge and culminates in
side of piece part. Because of the fracture. A shank out of round prohibits effective colleting and
spirals all the chips are forced back into the material. This results does not permit the tool to turn in a concentric manner. The
in a very clean cut on the top and bottom edges, but the cutting whipping action generated is catastrophic to bit life and failure
speeds have to be reduced. Note that the center of the spirals by fracture is imminent.
should be approximately in the center of the material for best
results. This usually means that a substantial waste board would Router Collet Integrity
have to be used. A router bit is rendered nearly useless if the mechanics of
gripping and rotating the tool are not made to the same of
TOOLING MAlNTENANCE accuracy as the tool. Overt signals such as breakage and dark
Tool Life markings on the shank of the bit warrant immediate
Tools should be changed at the rst sign of edge deterioration investigation, Inspect the collet for out of round or bell mouthed
causing nish degradation or increase in operator effort to conditions. Operators often overlook inspecting new collets
maintain feed rates. Never allow the tools to dwell in a cut. The based on the assumption that a new collet is geometrically
router bit should be fed in such a manner so that in moving correct. Tool manufacturers are aware and openly share the
through the work it has a chance to bite or cut its way freely. If the subtle nature of this problem. Dirt, dust, bonding agents and sap
feedrate is too fast, strain and deection will occur. If fed too can also affect collet performance, which occupy space and
slowly, friction and burning will occur. Both decrease the life of the accelerate wear.
router bit and are common causes of breakage.
4 CED = Cutting Edge Diameter CEL = Cutting Edge Length SHK = Shank Diameter OAL = Overall Length
Operator Breakage deposits itself on the inside of the collet, This resin build up, if not
If the router bit is within specication, tool breakage can still removed, causes the collet to grip inconsistently on the tool shank.
occur through incorrect routing techniques. Specically feeding By not applying equal pressure throughout the entire gripping
the router bit into the material must be accomplished in such a range of the collet, the tool holder allows the tool to resonate
manner, that the router bit is permitted to “bite” or “cut” its way inside, causing slippage inside the collet. Slippage can cause
freely. If the router bit is fed too fast, excessive strain is imposed “fretting’; a condition in which resins are deposited on the shank
on the tool, conversely if the router bit is fed too slow, excessive of the tool. This resin buildup can be easily removed from the
friction will be generated, causing destructive heat buildup. In inside of the collet with Rust Free and brass tube-type brushes.
both situations, tool life is signicantly shortened or in sustained These brass brushes are non-destructive and in conjunction with
conditions, tool fracture is imminent. Any router bit can be Rust Free can adequately remove the deposits. Rust Free should
broken should that choice be made in the operating of the router. be sprayed on and quickly brushed and wiped completely dry. Do
not let the liquid sit and air dry.
Suggested Procedure
Should all of the above examinations be inconclusive, it is 2. Internal Spindle & Collet Taper
important to retain both new and used sample tools (all pieces if The inside taper of the spindle and tool holder is a critical surface
broken). Please contact Multicam Systems and inform them of which accumulates resin build up and should be cleaned at each
your issue. The following information should also be provided: tool change to maintain best concentricity. Felt brushes are
router type, material being cut, spindle speed, feed rate and available to t most taper sizes and provide a quick means of
cutting conditions (mist oil) when breakage occurred. This data removing short-term buildup.
should provide enough clues for a solution to the tool breakage
issue. 3. External Collet & Tool Holder Taper
The outside taper of the spindle and tool holder require regular
Collet Maintenance inspection and should be cleaned of all deposits each time the
Collet maintenance is one of the most common causes of tool is changed, Brass brushes work well for this application, but
inadequate tool life or breakage. There are a number of links in felt cloths can also be used if the tapers, are regularly maintained
the chain that make up this critical tool holding system called a and the buildup is minor.
As a chain is only as strong as the weakest link, a router bit can 4. Clamping Nut Surfaces
only be as good as the system that holds it properly. The small The inside taper of the nut should be clean and free of burrs on the
amount of time spent to regularly inspect and clean the collet surface. Any surface burrs or contamination will not only skew a
system, will be more than offset by increased productivity and a collet but can also permanently ruin a new collet. The clamping
reduction in overall costs. nut should be cleaned with a brass brush during every tool
The ve critical components are as follows; change. Special care should be taken to examine the clamping
nut threads on a regular basis.
1. Internal Collet Clamping Surfaces
The most important link in the tool holder chain is the inside of the
CED = Cutting Edge Diameter CEL = Cutting Edge Length SHK = Shank Diameter OAL = Overall Length 5
5. Tool Holders actually allow tool movement in very minute amounts often times
Tool holders such as the IS0 30 have additional matching and resulting in tool breakage. There are times that the 80% is not
mating tolerances beyond those of the older tapers. Because of possible due to shank length available, so it is necessary to ll this
their unique design, these tool-holding systems can be more void in the back of the collet with a life plug that is of the same size
prone to runout caused by resin buildup. “Fretting or “Bronzing” as the shank, thus to avoid the collapsing problem. Equally as
will cause inconsistent gripping in the taper and/or the at important as lling the collet property, it should also be
mating surface and reduce consistency of tool life. If ignored, understood that it is possible to over-collet as well. This is when
these conditions can eventually produce premature spindle the “Flute fadeout’ portion of the tool is allowed to extend up
failure. The mating surfaces should be cleaned with Rust Free inside the collet. This does not allow a rm equal grip by all ears
and hand dried immediately. of the collet at the mouth. This allows the tool to have uneven
support at the most critical area. Often times with solid carbide,
Note: To ensure trouble free operation, always insert the collet or high speed steel tools, the tool material is hard enough to
into the collet nut until it clicks in actually scar the inside of the collet, causing permanent damage
and thread it loosely onto the Collet Spindle to the collet.
spindle prior to inserting router
bit. All ve of these components This can also be common cause for tool breakage when it occurs.
are critical and should be Breakage often results in permanent damage to the collet due to
regularly maintained. One more intense pressure exerted often either “Burring” or
item not to be overlooked is that “mushrooming” the mouth of the collet.
collets should be replaced on a
regular basis, approximately Heat is the biggest enemy of the tool, and the rst place the heat
every 400 to 600 run time hours. Critical goes from the tool is into the collet. It is also important to note that
T h i s m e a n s i n s p e c t i o n f o r clean collets are made of spring steel that can, and will over a period of
metallic damage such as bell area time lose its elasticity and harden, making it increasingly tougher
mouthing with every tool change. to tighten adequately. As this hardening takes place, the steel
If metallic damage is visible, the does not fatigue evenly and often causes the collet to grip tighter
collet should be discarded and on one side than the other, creating runout in the tool. It is
replaced. Also consider that even important to understand that if they are overrun enough, this over
if there is no damage present the tightening will eventually damage the internal spindle taper
collet can be worn out through resulting in costly repairs. Because it takes place over a period of
metal fatigue. Heat is directly transferred from the tool to the time, it is very hard to notice but, a safe recommendation for
collet. These heating/cooling cycles remove the original collet life is in the 400 -600 run time hours. This is about 3
tempering of the steel. Collets are made from spring steel months in a two-shift operation of normal run times. If collets are
allowing them to have a certain amount of elasticity to grip the not changed. they will eventually become brittle enough to crack
tool. As the heat cycle is repeated this elasticity diminishes. Over or break in half potentially permanent spindle damage that
time, a collet requires increased tightening to maintain the tool in could have been avoided. Just like changing the oil in your car, it
proper position. As over tightening increases, the collet is is good preventative maintenance that should be done regularly
distorted, creating eccentricities in the tool holder. Therefore, Just as replacement is important, equally as important is
instead of over tightening older collets and creating a number of cleaning the collets each and every time the tools are changed.
other problems, the collet should be replaced. Often the cost of a Collets are in a brutally dirty environment and are expected to
new collet can be offset by the cost of needlessly broken tools. perform a very accurate task while undergoing some real
Proper positioning of the tool in the collet is critical. The tool extremes of heat and dirt As material is routed, whether it be
should only be gripped on the shank portion of the tool. At no wood, plastic, aluminum or man-made board, the chips carry
time should any portion of the ute fadeout be inside the collet. with them many resins that migrate up the slits in the collet and
deposit themselves onto the inside of the collet ears, usually
Proper Collet Use & Maintenance nearest the mouth of the collet. This minuscule vibration is often
Many users select tools without regard to the importance of the cause for tool breakage when seen in the actual shank area
adequately holding them in the collet. We like to think of the of the tool instead of down by the cutting edge. The resin acts like
spindle-collet system as a chain and just like a chain is only as pressure points gripping the tool tighter at the mouth of the collet.
strong as its weakest link, so too is the collet’s relation to the tool. These pressure points often distort the grip on the tool creating
A high performance tool can only perform if the collet is properly runout, This resin heats up as the tool does and actually ends up
maintained each and every time the tool is changed. depositing itself onto the shank of the tool almost gluing the tool
into the collet leaving brown marks at the mouth of the collet
FULL GRIP COLLETS contact on the shank. These brown marks are sure sign of collet
Full Grip Collets are identied by their slits that run from both neglect. To prevent this problem the resin must be removed from
ends, almost cutting the collet in pieces, This type of collet tends all surfaces that it is prone to buildup. Using a non-abrasive brass
to have more exibility and often comes in what is termed as lube brush for the inside of the collet, and a mild solvent and rag
‘Range Collets”, which allow gripping in a range of shank sizes. for the external surfaces of the collet and inside spindle taper. It is
This full grip type allows gripping over the entire length of the important to point out that blowing out the collets does not get rid
collet and to be properly used, the collet should be 75-80% full. of the resin, nor does soaking them overnight in thinner. A brass
The most important portion of the collet is the mouth, which is at brush is the best thing. along with some of the citrus-based
the bottom, This area is important because all the lateral cleaners available, allowing them to be safely used on the shop
pressure taken by the tool must be evenly distributed on all ears oor. Do Not Use a petroleum based lubricant for cleaning, as it
of the collet for it to cut true or concentric. It is very critical that the will only act as a magnet for all the dirt and dust by the residue it
80% rule be followed when using a full grip collet due to the leaves behind.
ability of the collet to are at the back if not full. The collet can
6 CED = Cutting Edge Diameter CEL = Cutting Edge Length SHK = Shank Diameter OAL = Overall Length
If you are running at 18000 RPM using a 25mm endmill with two
utes, and a recommended chip load of 0.1 mm/tooth:
we typically work in the 18000 to 22000 RPM range.
Feed = 2 x 0.1 x 18000 = 3600 mm per min
Even though there are formulas for calculating feed rates you will
If the RPM were increased to 24000 RPM the new feed rate would
nd that optimum feed rate will be determined from experience.
work out to be:
You will typically start off with the calculated feed rate. Under
Feed = 2 x 0.1 x 24000 = 4800 mm per min ideal conditions it is usually suggested that the actual feed rate be
set to approximately one-half the calculated amount and
Based on this mathematical equation, as RPM increases, feed gradually increased to the capacity of the machine and the nish
rate will also increase if all other settings remain the same. If the desired.
number of cutting edges changes, however the feed rate will
either increase or decrease depending on the whether the Once you have determined what feed and speed to start with,
number goes up or down. The same applies to chip load if the there are other factors to be taken into consideration. The next
recommended chip load is 0.1 mm/tooth the RPM, feed or thing to be considered is the direction of cut, which is the direction
number of cutting edges may go up or down to maintain the the cutter is fed into the material. Conventional milling or cutting
required chip load. Therefore if chip load remains the same, forward is the most commonly used method. With this method
and feed rate increases, either the RPM and or number of cutting the work is fed against the rotation direction of the cutter. The
edges must increase to maintain the recommended chip load. other method is climb milling or cutting reverse. For this
machining method the workpiece and the machine must be
When calculating the feed rate for any material the chip load is rigid. The MULTICAM router machine is such a machine. When
therefore one of the most important factors to be taken into machining non-ferrous materials, climb cutting should be used
account because the chip load determines the amount of to achieve a good nish.
CED = Cutting Edge Diameter CEL = Cutting Edge Length SHK = Shank Diameter OAL = Overall Length 7
Cutting Length
This is the cutting length of the end mill. Generally a shorter cutting
length is better as they are less likely to break. As a rule, use bits
whose cutting lengths are no longer than 3 times the diameter. When
using small diameters it is sometimes advisable to go to a “stub” Accessories
length bit, which has ute lengths only 2 times the diameter of the bit.
Cutting Diameter
This is the cutting diameter of the end mill. Always use the largest
diameter allowable. ISO-30 Tool Holders
with covernut and pull
Cutter Failure stud for HSD Spindles
Heat is one of the main causes of cutter edge failure. It is present in
all milling operations and is caused by the friction of the cutter and
the material coming into contact. Heat cannot be eliminated totally
but by using the correct and sharp cutting tools, proper feeds, and
speeds for the material being machined, and with proper
application of coolant, it can be minimized.
Friction and heat are interrelated, so when dealing with friction you
would apply the criteria as heat.
Chipping or crumbling of cutter edges occur when cutting forces ER32 Collets
impose a greater load on cutting edges that their strength can
withstand. Small fractures occur and small areas of the cutting edges for HSD Spindles
chip out. Possible causes of chipping and crumbling.
ER25 Collets
i. Excessive feed per tooth
for HSD Spindles
ii. Poor cutter design
iii. Running cutter backwards for Elte Spindles
iv. Chatter due to a non-rigid condition
v. Inefcient chip washout
vi. Built-up edge break away
RDO-20 Collets
Built-up edge occurs when particles of the material being cold weld for Perske Spindles
or otherwise adhere to the faces of teeth adjacent to the cutting
edges. When this occurs the tool can no longer cut cleanly.
8 CED = Cutting Edge Diameter CEL = Cutting Edge Length SHK = Shank Diameter OAL = Overall Length
Application: Application:
For extremely fast routing of hard Unique Scalloped cutting edge design
woods and wood composites. for extremely fast routing or hogging.
High Helix for fast chip removal.
Primary Use:
Plywood/MDF Primary Use:
Secondary Use:
Hardwoods Secondary Use:
Upcut for Fast Chip Removal PART# CED CEL SHK DIA OAL
60-037 9.5mm 28mm 9.5mm 89mm Upcut for Fast Chip Removal
PCL35411 9.5mm 35mm 9.5mm 89mm 60-001 9.5mm 28mm 9.5mm 89mm
60-051 12.7mm 41mm 12.7mm 101mm 60-007 12.7mm 41mm 12.7mm 101mm
60-063 16mm 55mm 16mm 120mm PCL562274 16mm 55mm 16mm 120mm
60-065 16mm 41mm 16mm 101mm 60-015 18mm 60mm 18mm 120mm
60-071 19mm 55mm 19mm 127mm
Application: Application:
For faster feed rates than a conventional For additional balance at fast feed
two flute with a smooth finish. rates with a smooth finish.
Primary Use: Primary Use:
Hardwoods/MDF Hardwoods and wood composites
Secondary Use: Secondary Use:
Plywood Plywood/MDF
Upcut for Fast Chip Removal Upcut for Fast Chip Removal
60-307 9.5mm 28mm 9.5mm 76mm 60-337 9.5mm 28mm 9.5mm 76mm
60-313 12.7mm 41mm 12.7mm 89mm 60-351 12.7mm 28mm 12.7mm 76mm
60-315 12.7mm 55mm 12.7mm 101mm 60-353 12.7mm 41mm 12.7mm 89mm
60-321 15.8mm 55mm 15.8mm 101mm 60-361 16mm 41mm 16mm 101mm
60-371 19mm 41mm 19mm 101mm
CED = Cutting Edge Diameter CEL = Cutting Edge Length SHK = Shank Diameter OAL = Overall Length 9
Application: Application:
These four flute tools combine a roughing Designed for perfect balance and smooth
and finishing cut with upward cuting action. finish over a wide speed range.
Primary Use: Primary Use:
Hardwood/Plywood & timber composites Hardwoods and wood composites
Secondary Use: Secondary Use:
MDF/Chipboard Plywood, MDF, Corian, Acrylic, Nylon,
HDPE, Polyethylene
Upcut for Fast Chip Removal Upcut for Fast Chip Removal
60-711 12.7mm 28mm 12.7mm 89mm 60-241 6.35mm 22mm 6.35mm 76mm
60-715 12.7mm 41mm 12.7mm 101mm 60-243 9.5mm 15.8mm 9.5mm 76mm
60-719 12.7mm 54mm 12.7mm 115mm 60-245 9.5mm 28.5mm 9.5mm 76mm
60-731 19mm 54mm 19mm 127mm 60-249 12.7mm 28.5mm 12.7mm 88mm
60-253 12.7mm 41mm 12.7mm 101mm
60-251 12.7mm 54mm 12.7mm 114mm
60-269 19mm 41mm 19mm 101mm
Application: Application:
Upcut/Downcut design for fast feed Up/Down design for feed rates and
rates and optimum edge finish on optimum edge finish on both sides of
both sides of laminated material. laminated material.
Primary Use: Primary Use:
Double sided laminated material Double sided laminated material
Secondary Use: Secondary Use:
Hardwood and wood composites Hardwood and wood composites
60-102 3.175mm 9.5mm 6.35mm 63mm 60-112 6.35mm 22mm 6.35mm 63mm
60-106 4.76mm 15.8mm 6.35mm 63mm 60-135 8mm 25mm 8mm 63mm
60-110 6.35mm 22mm 6.35mm 63mm 60-124DC 9.5mm 28mm 9.5mm 76mm
60-160 12.7mm 25.4mm 12.7mm 76mm 60-137 10mm 35mm 10mm 76mm
60-170 12.7mm 35mm 12.7mm 88mm 60-164 12.7mm 25.4mm 12.7mm 76mm
60-165 12.7mm 41mm 12.7mm 88mm * 60-169MW 12.7mm 28mm 12.7mm 76mm
* 60-171MW 12.7mm 35mm 12.7mm 89mm
* 60-172MW 12.7mm 41mm 12.7mm 89mm
* MaxLife Cutters. Recommended.
10 CED = Cutting Edge Diameter CEL = Cutting Edge Length SHK = Shank Diameter OAL = Overall Length
Application: Application:
Designed for optimum edge finish for The ultimate in compression spiral
MDF and other wood composites with tooling. They produce extremely fine
laminates top and bottom. finishes at high feed rates.
Primary Use: Primary Use:
Double sided laminated material Double sided laminated materials
Secondary Use: Secondary Use:
Hardwood and wood composites Hardwood and wood composites
PART# CED CEL SHK DIA OAL 60-564 12.7mm 25.4mm 12.7mm 76mm
60-125 9.5mm 28mm 9.5mm 76mm 60-569 12.7mm 28mm 12.7mm 76mm
60-174 12.7mm 28mm 12.7mm 76mm 60-571 12.7mm 35mm 12.7mm 89mm
60-175 12.7mm 41mm 12.7mm 89mm 60-572 12.7mm 41mm 12.7mm 101mm
CED = Cutting Edge Diameter CEL = Cutting Edge Length SHK = Shank Diameter OAL = Overall Length 11
12 CED = Cutting Edge Diameter CEL = Cutting Edge Length SHK = Shank Diameter OAL = Overall Length
CED = Cutting Edge Diameter CEL = Cutting Edge Length SHK = Shank Diameter OAL = Overall Length 13
14 CED = Cutting Edge Diameter CEL = Cutting Edge Length SHK = Shank Diameter OAL = Overall Length
CED = Cutting Edge Diameter CEL = Cutting Edge Length SHK = Shank Diameter OAL = Overall Length 15
16 CED = Cutting Edge Diameter CEL = Cutting Edge Length SHK = Shank Diameter OAL = Overall Length
Round Point
BT57275 6mm Single 36mm
Specially Designed Solid BT57267
15mm Single
Carbide cutters for V grooving BT57268 25mm Single 46mm
BT572050 50mm Single 76mm
of Alucobond/Alpolic BT572065 65mm Single 82mm
and similar composite BT57270
For cutting Fibrous and Insulation materials.
CED = Cutting Edge Diameter CEL = Cutting Edge Length SHK = Shank Diameter OAL = Overall Length 17
18 CED = Cutting Edge Diameter CEL = Cutting Edge Length SHK = Shank Diameter OAL = Overall Length
Multicam Vision System (MVS) Automatic Tool Changers
The primary application of the MVS system is Fully Automatic Tool Changers are ideal
digital print finishing where the camera is where you have processes that requires
used to quickly locate registration marks and multiple tools for complex profiles, routing
adjust the machine cutting path to achieve and boring. Their automatic operation
exact alignment with the printed shapes. It increases productivity by eliminating
includes non-linear/linear distortion, skew operator intervention during cutting.
and rotation correction.
Multi Spindle “L shaped” Drill Head Pop Up Pins and Side Locators
Fully independent X/Y axis drilling head used Automatic pop up pins and side locators
primarily in the Kitchen and Cabinetmaking enable you to quickly position material on the
industries, a number of system 32 holes are machine bed. Once processing has
able to be produced in a single Z movement commenced they automatically retract
of the head. Various number of providing a totally clear bed surface and
configurations are available. eliminate the need for fixed locators.
Macquarie University - Faculty of Engineering University of Sydney - School of Mechatronic Engineering
Moriah College University of Tasmania
New Norfolk High School Upper Coomera State College