FP&a Manama Bahrain Augus

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Expert Trainer

Brian T. Kalish
Brian Kalish is an excellent Trainer, possessing strong public speaking and written communication skills. During his
experience and practice he has gained deep knowledge and understanding of financial markets.
In addition to Brian’s robust consulting and advisory practice, he is a proven public speaker addressing many of the
most topical issues facing Treasury and FP&A professionals today. He has spoken all over the world to audiences
both large and small.
Brian is passionately committed to building and connecting the global FP&A community. He continues to host FP&A
Roundtable meetings in North America, Europe, Asia and soon South America.
He has over 20 years experience in Finance, FP&A, Treasury and Investor Relations. Prior to joining AFP, he held
a number of treasury and finance positions with the FHLB, Washington Mutual/JP Morgan, NRUCFC, Fifth Third
and Fannie Mae.
Brian attended Georgia Tech, in Atlanta, GA for his undergraduate studies and the Pamplin College of Business at Virginia
Tech for his graduate work. In 2014, Brian was awarded the Global Certified Corporate FP&A Professional designation.

August 25-29, 2019 | Manama, Bahrain


Discover the knowledge and gain the confi-
1 dence you need to pass AFP’s Certified Cor-
porate FP&A Professional exam. Financial planning and analysis is an important part
of any corporate finance strategy. As a result, many
firms are seeking the most qualified individuals to
Identify specific opportunities to increase analyze trends and manage the financial future of their
2 the strategic value offered by the FP&A
function at your company.
organization. Consequently, this course will benefit:
»» Corporate practitioners performing or managing
finance planning and analysis functions, including
- Budgeting
- Forecasting
Learn how to manage FP&A projects and
3 align people, process and right-size the
technology to deliver the FP&A services.
- Financial modeling
- Corporate financial planning/strategic planning
- Financial analysis
»» Technical and administrative staff supporting the
corporate finance function
Learn how to build and refine models, effec- »» Professionals developing and implementing
4 tive analysis of data and aptly use them in
the planning process.
products and services for use by finance
»» Consultants specializing in the finance arenas
»» Finance instructors teaching at educational
Learn how to leverage Business Intelligence institutions

5 (BI), Corporate Performance Management

(CPM), Excel, and ERP systems to deliver a
»» Students with interests in finance-/business-
related fields
best in class FP&S function at your company. »» Individuals preparing for the Certified Corporate
Financial Planning & Analysis Professional (FP&A)
The AFP FP&A Learning System course is an excellent
ABOUT AFP resource for those preparing for the Certified
Global resource and Corporate Financial Planning & Analysis Professional
advocate for the (FP&A) examination as well as everyday work practice.
finance profession
The Association for Financial Professionals (AFP)
serves a network of more than 16,000 treasury and fi-
nance professionals. Headquartered in Bethesda, MD, Delivery Type Group Live
AFP provides members with breaking news, econom-
ic research and data on the evolving world of treasury
and finance, as well as world-class treasury certification Prerequisites None
programs, networking events, financial analytical tools,
training, and public policy representation to legislators
and regulators. AFP is the daily resource for treasury Level Advanced Training
and finance professionals.
AFP’s global reach extends to over 150,000 treasury
and financial professionals worldwide, including AFP of This Program is worth 35 NASBA CPE credits
Canada, London-based gtnews, an on-line resource for
the treasury and finance community, and bobsguide, a
financial IT solutions network.
The Committee on Investment of Employee Benefit As-
sets (CIEBA), an AFP affiliate, represents more than 110
of the largest corporate pension funds in the U.S. with
over $1.5 trillion in retirement plan assets

www.leoron.com 3
August 25-29, 2019 | Manama, Bahrain


As organizations around the globe continue to adjust
to economic uncertainties, the need for experienced ATTENDING
finance professionals in the corporate environment has
steadily increased over the past several years. As a result, »» Strategy: certification will set a standard of excellence
many firms are seeking the most qualified individuals and position professionals to drive reliable strategic
to analyze trends and manage the financial future of business decisions within their organizations
their organization. For individuals who practice financial »» Validity: certification will attest that credentialed
planning and analysis (FP&A), this unique professional professionals have demonstrated the knowledge
designation will enable them to differentiate themselves and skills required to perform competently in today’s
within the finance profession and validate their complex finance environment
understanding of the complex processes, tools and »» Best Practices: this course ensures mastery of core
uniform standards. It will also allow employers to identify FP&A knowledge and principles and understanding of
the best candidates. industry’s best practices
»» Marketability: certification opens the door to more
opportunities for career advancement and helps to
COURSE compete for FP&A positions
»» Professional Development: certification demonstrates
METHODOLOGY career long-term commitment through ongoing
professional development
This course will be highly interactive. All course sessions »» Professional Reputation: certification connects
are taught using the AFP FP&A Learning System. Both candidates with a network of FP&A-certified peers
printed materials and web components are utilized to and raises their professional reputation among staff
provide participants with convenient and comprehensive and peers
learning solutions.

As the finance industry continues its transformation

globally, FP&A professionals need to spend less time
on basic budgeting and reporting responsibilities, and
more on analysis and recommendations to drive the AND SELF-WORK
organization’s future growth. The AFP FP&A Learning
System is a comprehensive and flexible educational »» In order to earn the FP&A credential, candidates
program for FP&A professionals, designed to address must pass two examinations, meet education and
a need for new skills required by the new industry experience requirements and agree to abide by the
priorities. This valuable study tool offers online and print AFP Standards of Ethical Conduct. FP&A candidates
study materials including e-flashcards, case studies, may enroll in the program before they meet the
practice exams and mobile tools. experience and education requirements.
»» Considering the 5-day intensive format, it is not
possible for students to perform the self-work
LAPTOPS REQUIRED BETWEEN class sessions, as they would do in a
multi-week program. They will therefore need to
Participants are requested to bring along a laptop complete all of the self-work BEFORE the week of live
computer with Windows 7 and Microsoft Excel 2007 instruction, using the AFP FP&A Learning System.
or above pre - installed as the training course includes »» Course participants are expected to complete two Pre-
some computer based exercises. Tests (one for each Part) before any other Self-Work
or attending the course. The Pre-Tests assess each
participant’s current knowledge of financial planning
PROGRAM and analysis. Participants will also need to read and
review the chapters, answer the end-of-chapter study
TIMINGS questions, and complete the quizzes and Domain
Case Studies, before attending the live instruction
Registration will begin at 08.00 on Day One. component of the course. Participants are expected to
The program will commence at 08.30 each day and making a copy or print of any text or questions that they
continue until 16.30. found confusing or weren’t sure about, and bring these
There will be two refreshment breaks and lunch at ap- to class. Please do not arrive at class without these, as
propriate intervals. they will be collected on the first day.

August 25-29, 2019 | Manama, Bahrain


Welcome Session and Course Introduction SESSION 6
»»Course Schedule »»Chapter 2: Improve the Quality of Information
»»Instructor and Participant Introductions »»Chapter 3: Refining Data, Risks and Opportunities,
»»Using the Online components and Plans
»»Review pre-assigned Pre-Tests (Parts I and II)
»»Certification Information SESSION 7
»»Questions »»Chapter 4: Building and refining models
»»Chapter 5: Using Models and Sensitivities/ Scenarios
SESSION 1 »»Chapter 6: Making Conclusions and Recommendations
Part 1, Domain A: Gathering and Interpreting
Information BEGIN SESSION 8
»»Chapter 1: Information and FP&A »»Chapter 7: Analyzing Information and Giving Feedback
»»Chapter 2: Strategy
»»Chapter 3: Organization

»»Chapter 4: Industry COMPLETE SESSION 8
»»Chapter 5: Macroenvironment Part II, Domain B: Building Financial Projections
Part I, Domain B: Finance Fundamentals »»Chapter 8: Looking Forward
»»Chapter 6: Finance Principles and Processes »»Chapter 9: Sales Volume and Revenue Projections


»»Chapter 7: Financial Accounting and Reporting »»Chapter 10: Financial Statement Projections
»»Chapter 11: Valuing Projects, Customers, Deals and
BEGIN SESSION 3 »»Chapter 12: Risk Analysis
»»Chapter 8: Ratio Analysis Part II, Domain C: Using Technology/Software
SESSION 4 »»Chapter 13: Applying Best Practices to FP&A Tech-
»»Chapter 9: Managerial and Cost Accounting nology/ Software
»»Chapter 10: Microeconomics
»»Chapter 11: Managing FP&A Projects DAY FIVE
»»Chapter 12: Effective Communication
Part II, Domain A: Analyzing Information »»Chapter 14: Using Worksheets and Worksheet Func-
»»Chapter 1: Specifying Outputs and Getting Inputs tions (Topics 1-4)

»»Chapter 14: Using Worksheets and Worksheet Func-
IN-HOUSE tions (Topics 5-10)
If interested to run this course in-house please contact SESSION 13
Val Jusufi at +971 4 447 5711 or »»Chapter 15: Working with Databases, ERP/GL and BI
e-mail: [email protected] Systems
End-Course Review Session – Part II
»»Additional Resources
If interested to run this course with our distance learning
program please contact Agron Kurtishi at +971 4 447
5711 or e-mail: [email protected]

www.leoron.com 5

Date: August 25-29, 2019 Location: Manama, Bahrain

DELEGATE DETAILS (Name to Appear on the Certificate, Please PRINT Clearly)

Name: Phone:

1 Job Title: Nationality:

E-mail: ID No.
Name: Phone:

2 Job Title: Nationality:

E-mail: ID No.
Name: Phone:

3 Job Title: Nationality:

E-mail: ID No.

Company: Phone: TRN:
Address: Post Code: Country:


Name: Position:
Tel: Mob: E-mail:


1. Payment Terms for LEORON Professional Development Institute (hereafter LEORON PDI)
a. 100% payment of the amount in maximum 15 days upon the receipt of the invoice.
SAVINGS & DISCOUNTS b. The payment shall be conducted either in cash, credit/debit card, cheque or bank transfer.
c. The stated amount is exclusive of Withholding Tax and other duties, taxes and transfer related charges which if
applicable are payable by the client in addition to the stated amount.
GET US$ 400 DISCOUNT 2. Cancelation and Postponement Policy
if you register 2 months before the course a. All cancelations and postponements shall be done in written form.
b. In case of client cancelation:
GET US$ 200 DISCOUNT i. No cancelation fee if the cancelation takes place not less than 14 days prior to the beginning of the course,
ii. 50% cancelation fee if the cancelation takes place between 7 days and 14 days prior to the beginning of the course,
if you register 1 months before the course iii. 100% cancelation fee if the cancelation takes place less than 7 days prior to the beginning of the course,
c. In case of client postponement,
i. LEORON PDI issues a credit note which states that the paid amount can be used for participation in any of the
GROUP DISCOUNTS* company’s courses which are scheduled in a period of 12 months from the date of the credit note.
ii. A 25% postponement fee if the postponement takes place less than 10 days prior to the beginning of the course
d. In case of LEORON PDI cancelation:
3-4 Delegates 20% i.     A 100% refund shall be applicable if LEORON PDI decides to cancel the event - the client has an option to receive
a credit note which can be used for any course for a period of 12 months.
ii.  In case of LEORON PDI postponement - the client may choose to participate on the same course at the later date or
5 Delegates 25% to be issued a credit note which states that the paid amount can be used for participation of any of the company’s
courses which are scheduled in a period of 12 months from the date of the credit note.
*please note that all group discounts are given on the original course fee 3. Selection of Trainer and Location
Selection of the trainer and training location shall be at the discretion of LEORON PDI. Every effort shall be made
** all prices are VAT-exclusive. to maintain continuity, but, if necessary, LEORON PDI can change the trainer and training location any time prior to
commencement of the course.
4. Intellectual Property
4 EASY WAYS TO REGISTER The copyright, intellectual property and design rights of the learning materials are property of LEORON PDI
and its expert trainers. It cannot be copied, shared or reproduced without prior written consent of LEORON PDI.
T: +971 4 447 5711 5. Health and Safety
The clients must conform to and comply with the Health and Safety Policy and Procedures as laid down by
LEORON PDI or its partner organizations when the course is delivered in leased premises. Breaches of these
F: +971 4 447 5710 policies and procedures may result with the client being suspended or excluded from the course and premises.
6. Complaints and Refunds Procedure
E: [email protected] a. LEORON PDI shall deem relevant the following types of complaints:
i. If the contents of a course or the training materials are incorrect or inappropriate.
W: www.leoron.com ii. If the duration of the course is significantly different to that invoiced.
iii. If the conduct or actions by the LEORON PDI trainer are inappropriate or offensive.
iv. If the training delivery is not on a satisfactory level
b. Enquiries and complaints shall be made in written form and have to contain sufficient detail to allow LEORON
Pay by Pay by PDI to compile an official written response.
CREDIT CARD INVOICE c. All official enquiries and complaints shall be submitted electronically to Val Jusufi, Managing Director of
LEORON PDI, at [email protected]
d. LEORON PDI shall officially respond to the complaint no later than 7 days from the date of its reception.
7. Force Majeure
LEORON PDI shall not be liable to the clients or be deemed to be in breach of any agreement it has concluded
with them for any delay in performing or failure to perform any of the LEORON PDI’s obligations in respect of
the services if the delay or failure was due to any cause such as war, warlike activities, fire, storm, explosion,
national emergency, labor dispute, strike, lock-out, civil disturbance, actual or threatened violence by any
terrorist group, newly enacted law or regulation or any other cause not within the control of LEORON PDI.
8. Governing Law
This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Laws and Regulations of the DMC-
CA Authority in Dubai, UAE.

I have read and agreed to the

Signature: following terms and conditions!

*Note: If your PDF reader is not able to submit this registration form, please save a local copy, attach it, and send it via Email to: [email protected]

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