General Concepts To Be Followed in Earth PDF
General Concepts To Be Followed in Earth PDF
General Concepts To Be Followed in Earth PDF
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 10, Issue 4, ( Series - III) April 2020, pp. 21-25
It is seen that reinforced concrete (RC) frame buildings are commonly found constructions in urban India, on
which several types of forces are subjected during their lifetime, such as static forces due to dead and live loads
and dynamic forces due to the wind and earthquake. It has been confirmed from different studies that unlike
static forces, direction and locations of dynamic forces, amplitude, especially the earthquakes, vary significantly
with time, which cause considerable inertia effects on the buildings. Under dynamic forces behaviour of
buildings depends on the dynamic characteristics of buildings which are controlled by both their stiffness and
mass properties of the buildings, whereas the static behaviour is solely dependent upon the stiffness
characteristics. Hence buildings performance largely dependents on the deformability and strength of constituent
members, additionally, linked to members internal design forces. The internal design forces in turn depend upon
the accuracy of the method employed in their analytical determination.
Keywords – Earthquake, Seismic analysis, Bare frame, Framed structure, Dual system.
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Date of Submission: 07-04-2020 Date of Acceptance: 22-04-2020
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Structures should be able to resist major
I. INTRODUCTION earthquakes without collapse, but with some
During an earthquake, ground motion structural and non-structural damage.
occurs in a random fashion both horizontally and The magnitude of the forces induced in a
vertically, in all directions radiating from the structure due to given ground acceleration or given
epicentre. The ground accelerations cause structures intensity of earthquake will depend amongst other
to vibrate and induce inertial forces on them. Hence things on the mass of the structure, the material, and
structures in such need to be suitably designed and type of construction, the damping, ductility, and
detailed to ensure stability, strength and energy dissipation capacity of the structure. By
serviceability with acceptable levels of safety under enhancing ductility, and energy dissipation capacity
seismic effects. in the structure, the induced seismic forces can be
The resultant inertial force at any floor reduced and a more economical structure obtained or
level depends on the mass at that floor and also the alternatively, the probability of collapse reduced.
height above the foundation. The inertial forces In general, reinforced concrete structure
usually follow a parabolic distribution in regular will have a load displacement response under
multi-storey buildings with maximum values at the seismic forces; the structures are subjected to several
top floor levels. In regions of high seismic intensity, cycles of reversed cyclic loading. Thus, under
it is desirable to minimize the weights at various seismic loading for a given energy input, elasto-
floor levels, especially the roofs and upper stories. plastic response differs from elastic response in the
Also, it is desirable to avoid discontinuities in mass following ways.
or stiffness in plan and elevation. The energy gets dissipated.
The criteria adopted by codes IS 1893 (Part 1): 2002 The induced force is less and
and 2016 states in clause 6.1.3 for fixing the level of The maximum deflection is more.
design seismic loading are generally as follows.
Structures should be able to resist minor Thus, while ductility helps in reducing
earthquakes without damage. induced forces and in dissipating some of the input
Structures should be able to resist moderate energy it also demands larger deformations to be
earthquakes without significant accommodated by the structure. Since reinforced
Structural damage but with some structural concrete is less ductile in compression and shear, so
damage and dissipation of seismic energy is best achieved by
flexural yielding. Hence weakness in compression
and Shear in relation to flexure should be avoided. In which actual yielding take place in the structural
the structure composed of ductile moment-resisting elements transferring the lateral loads to the
frames and/or shear (flexural) walls, the desired foundation. Thus, corresponding moments, shear
inelastic (ductile) response is developed by the forces and axial forces transferred from the frames
formation of plastic hinges (flexural yielding) in the and walls to the foundation system should be
member. resisted by the foundation system with the usual
It is desirable to design the frame such that the margin of safety in order to ensure a combination of
plastic hinges form in the beams and not the a relatively stronger foundation and weaker
columns so that, superstructure. Such a design concept is necessary to
Plastic hinges in beams have larger rotation provide for ductile behaviour of the superstructure
capacities than in columns. without serious damage to the foundation.
Mechanisms involving beam hinges have In the analysis of multi-storey buildings, the
larger energy absorptive capacity on account of the contribution of masonry infill walls is ignored, and
larger number of beam hinges possible. the frame analysis is based on the bare RC frame.
Eventual collapse of a beam generally The mass of the Masonry infill is considered but the
results in a localized failure, whereas collapse of a stiffness and strength contributions of the masonry
column may lead to a global failure and infill are neglected. However, the infill frame has
Columns are more difficult to strengthen some significant effects under lateral loading.
and repair than beams in event of residual The infill walls significantly alter the
deformation and damage. behaviour of the frames reducing the moment
The objective of the special design and detailing resistant frame action by incorporating truss action
provisions in IS-13920 is to ensure adequate and enhance lateral strength and stiffness of the
toughness and ductility for individual members such building, reducing the lateral drift considerably.
as beams, columns and walls and their connections The Infill are capable of resisting the applied lateral
and to prevent other non-ductile type failure. Hence seismic forces through axial compression along the
in order to maintain over all ductile behaviour of the diagonal but there is no tensile resistance capability
structure with nominal damage it becomes necessary in other diagonal but the cracking induced in the
to achieve following combinations. masonry on account of this serves to dissipate
Strong foundations and weak energy.
Members stronger in shear than in flexure II. GENERAL CONCEPTS
and It is seen that structures on the earth
Strong columns, and beams with little over subjected to two types of loads as static and
strength. dynamic. Static loads are constant with time while
Under severe earthquake, it is expected that dynamic loads are time varying. In general, the
in a structure designed to resist seismic forces in a majority of civil engineer structures are designed
ductile manner, large deformations and oscillations with the assumption that all applied loads are static.
will be induced, resulting in the development of The effect of dynamic load is not considered because
reversible plastic hinges at various locations in the the structure is rarely subjected to dynamic loads and
ductile frames. The structural system should be so its consideration in the analysis makes the solution
designed as to ensure that formation of plastic hinges more complicated and time consuming. But this
at suitable locations, at worst, result in the failure of feature of neglecting the dynamic forces may
individual elements but will not lead to instability or sometimes become the cause of disaster particularly
progressive collapse. in case of earthquake as in Bhuj earthquake in
In addition to the requirements of ductility Gujarat (India) in January-2001 and Nepal
for stability and strength to resist seismic forces that earthquake in January-2014 which leads to major
structure must have sufficient stiffness to limit the life and wealth losses. So, it is essential to design
lateral deflection or drift. It is suggested that the structure which can withstand dynamic loads
anticipated drift due to seismic forces may be taken particularly, earthquake induced loads.
as three times the lateral deflection obtained from
the elastic analysis under equivalent static loads. III. STATIC AND DYNAMIC
It should also to ensure that the foundation
of a structure does not fail prior to the possible
The basic equation of static equilibrium under
failure of the superstructure. Plastic deformations are
displacement method of analysis is given by
permitted to occur at suitable locations in the
F(ext. ) = ky (2.a)
superstructure under a severe earthquake. The
Where F(ext.) is the external applied static loads is
maximum seismic forces transmitted to the
the stiffness resistance and y are the resultant
foundation will be governed by the lateral loads at
displacement and the restoring force ky resists the
applied force, F(ext.). Now if the applied static force base of the structure, whose magnitude is the mass
change to dynamic static force or time varying force of the structure times its acceleration. Thus, inertia
then the static equilibrium becomes one of the forces are the most significant which depend upon
dynamic equilibriums and it has the form the characteristic of ground motion and structural
F(t) = mÿ + cẏ + ky (2.b) characteristic of structure. The basic characteristic of
If we do direct comparison of two above structure and ground is its fundamental and its
equation then it is clear these two additional forces natural period and it ranges from 0.1sec to 0.5sec up
that resist the applied forces with the restoring to 4 stories and between1-2 sec for tall building up
forces. These additional forces are called inertia to 20 stories. The natural periods of ground are
force (mÿ) and damping force (cẏ) resulting from the usually in the range of 0.5 to 2 seconds. So, to
induced acceleration and velocities in the structure. reduce the resonance condition estimation of time
Thus, the appearance of inertia and the damping period should for both structure and the site.
force in the structure during a dynamic loading is the The value of damping in structure depends
most characteristic distinction between static and on its component, materials etc., for RCC structure
dynamic loading effects. its value varies up to 5 to 10 %. Similarly, k(t) ×y(t)
The dynamic force may be an earthquake is the restoring force where K(t) is stiffness or
force resulting from rapid movement along the plane resistance (N/m) which is function of yield condition
of faults within the earth crust. This sudden of structure. The stiffness parameter K is a potential
movement of fault releases great energy in the form source of discrepancy and is affected by quality of
of seismic waves, which are transmitted to the material, age, cracking, support condition, etc. And
structure through their foundations and causes y(t) is displacement in meters.
motion to the structure. These motions are complex Equation 2.c is second order differential
in nature and induce abrupt horizontal and vertical equation that’s need to be solved for displacement
oscillations in structure, which result accelerations, y(t). The number of displacement component
Velocities and displacement in structure. The required for specifying the position of the mass
induced accelerations generate inertial forces in points which called the number of degree of freedom
structure which is proportional to acceleration of the to obtain an adequate solution. So, depending upon
mass and acting opposite to the ground motion. the degree of freedom, number of structural models
The energy produced in the structure by can be proposed for analysing the structure. A
ground motion is dissipated through internal friction structure can be analysed for different model
within the structural and non-structural members. depending upon the objective of the particular
This dissipation of energy is called damping. The analysis.
structures always possess intrinsic damping, which
diminishes with time once the seismic excitation IV. LITERATURE REVIEW
stops. These dissipative or damping forces are Some paper which has been published
represented by viscous damping forces, which are showing different concepts in general design
proportional to the velocity induced in the structure. consideration are as follows.
The constant of proportionality is called as linear Akira (2004) performed the study to know
viscous damping. the effect of the sever earthquake on the entire
The restoring forces in the structure are building how they get collapse before reaching their
proportional to the deformation induced in the yielding limit of stresses which causes failure of
structure during seismic excitation. The constant of different structural system like beam column
proportionality is referred as stiffness of the particularly in soft storey buildings. He concluded
structure. Stiffness greatly affects the structure’s that some static cyclic loading test for moment
uptake of earthquake generated forces. Thus, on the resistant frame only shows the advantage of damage
basis of stiffness, the structure may be classified as control structure and can be achieved by allowing
brittle or ductile. Brittle structures having greater them to yield before failure.
stiffness proves to be less durable during earthquake, Kasnale and Jamkar (2008) Mostly RC
while ductile structure performs well in earthquakes. framed structures are designed without regards to
Thus, behaviour of structure evokes an additional structural action of masonry infill walls present.
desirable characteristic called ductility. Masonry infill walls are widely used as partitions.
Therefore, the equation of dynamic Field evidence has shown that continuous infill
equilibrium for earthquake force has the form in masonry wall can help reduce the vulnerability of a
which, inertia, damping and restoring forces balance reinforced concrete structure. RC frame building
the applied force. with open first storey is known as soft storey, which
F(t) = mÿ(t) + cẏ(t) + k(t) ×y(t) (2.c) performs poorly during strong earthquake shaking.
Where, mÿ(t) is the inertia force acting in direction A similar soft storey effect can also appear in to
opposite to that of seismic motion applied to the position of the structure below plinth, when the
ground material has removed during excoriation and members like column can be reduced economically
refilled later. In order to study this five reinforced in case of structure with shear wall as compared to
RC framed building with brick masonry infill were the same structure without shear wall. It is also seen
designed for the same seismic hazard, in accordance that variation in column size at different floors
with IS code. In his paper he found that the behavior affects the storey drift.
of RC frames with various arrangement of infill
when subjected to dynamic earthquake loading. The V. CONCLUSION
result of bare frame, frame with infill, soft ground From the above it is concluded that design
flour and soft basement are compared and of buildings should be for a fraction of force that
conclusion are made in view of IS 1893(2002) code. they would experience during earthquake permitting
It is observed that, providing infill below plinth little damage. But any structure should also have
improves earthquake resistant behavior of the sufficient initial stiffness to avoid structural damage
structure when compared to soft basement. under minor shaking. Thus, seismic design reduces
The IS code methods are describing very cost and acceptable damage to make project viable
insufficient guidelines about infill wall design so that cost factor can be controlled. It also found
procedures. Software like ETABs is used as a tool that loading imposed by earthquake shaking under
for analyzing effect of infill on the structural the building is of displacement type and by wind and
behavior. It is observed; ETABs provide all other hazard is of force type. Thus, earthquake
overestimated values of fundamental period. shaking requires building to be capable of resisting
According to relative values of all parameters, he certain relative displacement within limit at its base.
concluded that provision of infill wall enhances the So, for earthquake resistant design building should
performance in terms of displacement control, storey generally have seismic structural configuration,
drift and lateral stiffness. lateral stiffness, lateral strength and ductility
Babu and Venkatesh (2011) he suggests including its other aspects like aesthetic,
many guidelines are to be reviewed for linear, non- functionality and comfort etc. These four
linear analysis and also discuss about the seismic characteristics are the need of earthquake resistant
evaluation and various retrofitting techniques. Most building. Influence on geometry on a building on its
of the researchers have been reviewed that the earthquake performance affects like shapes, size of
buildings are assumed to be placed in various zones building, location and size of structural and non-
of India, which is carried out the non-linear analysis structural element.
(pushover analysis), then show the performance of So, for an earthquake resistant building
the building components. Maximum base shear should have good seismic configuration with no
capacity of the structures for various zones is architectural choice in the form of building
compared. Many papers discussed different amount otherwise it will introduce complexities in the
of masonry infill walls are considered to investigate building behavior. In the same way building must
the effect of infill walls on earthquake response of possesses minimum lateral stiffness and strength in
the structures. SAP2000, ETABS and IDARC-2D each of its plan direction so that no discomfort to the
software are mainly used to find the seismic occupants with little damage during earthquakes.
evaluation and performance of the structures mainly Above four virtues are achieved by inputs provided
used. at all stages of the development of the building as
Chandurkar and Pajgade (2013) during planning, design, construction and
performed a study to demonstrate the effect of shear maintenance so to have a economical construction
wall in multi-storey building with different models with safety.
and locations to find the economy and effectiveness
with respect to height. He observed that by REFERENCES
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