Beginner Class Calendar: Normativas Generales Lessons: 1,2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8
Beginner Class Calendar: Normativas Generales Lessons: 1,2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8
Beginner Class Calendar: Normativas Generales Lessons: 1,2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8
Beginner 1
Course teacher:
Starting: Ending:
Normativas generales
Lessons: 1,2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8
Bibliography New Opportunities by Michael Las clases se dictan en
inglés, por lo tanto se
Harris and David Mower
exige la participación
Beginner class calendar en inglés.
Las clases comienzan y
Lesson Content / grammar / linguistic objectives Communicative objectives culminan al horario
Vocabulary: Key Phrases/ countries, cities and Saying personal information establecido, en tal caso
1 nationalities- the alphabet / names and last Introducing yourselves and de retraso debe ser
names- To Be verb- Greetings and Farewells others hasta los veinte
minutos de haber
Voc.; family, numbers, jobs- grammar: ages, comenzado la clase,
Introducing family members
phone numbers, ID, possessive adjectives/ the deberá entrar al salón
2 Saying personal information
possessive -‘s-/ Prep. At-from/ Family guide/ sin ninguna
Asking and telling the time
the time interrupción.
Voc.: homes, parts of the house, colors/ Clase perdida por
3 Talking about possessions inasistencia, deberá
Grammar have got- possessions/ Prep. In: place
pautar una clase
Voc.: school objects/ demonstrative adjectives/ Identifying objects in singular particular que tiene un
singular and plural nouns-Guide- Prep. On and plural forms costo adicional por
Voc.: places, adjectives, instructions, food and Giving instructions hora.
5 drink, shopping/ Grammar: Imperatives: some, Talking about food and drink Las evaluaciones tanto
any/ Preposition: near Conversation on a café orales como escritas
Voc. Sports/athletics; adverbs, sports facilities/ Talking about favorite sports deben ser presentadas
6 en las fechas acordadas
Grammar: ability can-can’t/ there is/are and abilities
y en el horario de
Voc.: days of the week, routines/ grammar Talking about your daily clases.
Simple Present routine En caso de no
Voc.: leisure activities, frequency (every week), Talking about likes and dislikes presentar alguna
8 prices, films/ Grammar: Present Simple, Saying the frequency of your evaluación en la fecha
questions, likes and dislikes/ Prep. To -direction regular activities asignada debe cancelar
una clase particular
Extensive Reading: Newspaper chase by John Escott
para presentar la(s)
To Practice Grammar and Vocabulary: Opportunities Beginner, Language Powerbook by misma(s) (debe
Amanda Maris- from page 2 to page 49 notificar la(s)
evaluación(es) a
El arancel mensual
Assessment plan deben ser cancelado en
Interrogative (Key-Phrases).. .. .. ... 10% ___
Presentation (Family) .. .. .. .. .. ... 15% ___ la fecha asignada.
(20 pts.): 93-100%
Speaking Quiz (units 1-4) .. .. . .. .... 20% ___ (19 pts.): 86-92% Ver cartelera para más
Test (4 to 8) .. … … … … … .. .. 20% ___ (18 pt.): 79-85% información.
Speaking Test (Units 5-8)…. … .. .. 30% ___ (17 pts.): 72-78%
Assistance/participation/punctuality 5% ___
Total 100%