Quality Function Deployment For Service PDF
Quality Function Deployment For Service PDF
Quality Function Deployment For Service PDF
Raid Al-Aomar et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 1(4), September-October, 2278-3091
Volume 1, No.4, September – October 2012
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering
Available Online at http://warse.org/pdfs/ijatcse02142012.pdf
Quality Function Deployment for Service: A Case Study of Enhancing the Planning
Statement of a Utility Company
@ 2012, IJATCSE All Rights Reserved
Raid Al-Aomar et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 1(4), September-October, 113-120
social media, and so many other ways. For cases where strategic report. The methodology selected is an enhanced
customers are professional bodies, other organizations, or version of QFD that facilitates the process of addressing
regulators questionnaire and brain storming sessions are customers’ concerns on previous reports, identifying their
highly recommended. Based on the VoC, actions are set to desires for a quality report, and specifying and prioritizing
enhance the product/service so that the new design/model report technical aspects that the company should concentrate
meets or exceeds customer needs and expectations. This can on in order to meet their expectations while continuously
be accomplished incrementally or at one step based on improving quality.
technical difficulty and the available time and cost.
QFD provides a structured methodology for the
accomplishment of customer needs. To this end, a House of The QFD application to service industry is growing along
Quality (HoQ), which is the core of QFD, is developed by with the growth of service sector and more companies are
identifying the engineering requirements of the using the tool for enhancing the services provided to their
product/service that are needed to meet customers’ needs and customers as well as for designing new services. Common
specifying the relationship between them. As shown in industries include healthcare, hospitability, financial
Figure 1, the HoQ is developed using six components: (1) institutions, law enforcement, airports, utility companies, and
customers’ requirements and assessment, (2) engineering many others. Since QFD proved to be effective in product
requirements, (3) the relationship/impact of engineering development of manufactured goods, it is also expected to be
requirements on customer requirements (center), (4) the
effective in designing services and enhancing the process of
technical correlations of engineering requirements (roof), (5)
providing these services to customers. However, we need to
customer perceptions and market benchmark study, and (6)
be aware of the differences in applying QFD to
design objectives/priorities and targets.Developing the HoQ
results in providing the designers with specific information manufacturing and service sectors. In a physical product
on the set of product/service enhancements that should be context, QFD provides an interface between customer
implemented in order to meet the customers’ product needs and engineering or product characteristics. For
requirements.Further details of QFD process and HoQ the producer, these characteristics are materialized through
structuring can be found in[5] and [6]. Examples of QFD actions taken to process operations and production
applications can be found in [7] and [8]. requirements. In a service context, however, QFD provides
an interface between customer expectations from the service
and the service quality attributes such as waiting and service
time, convenience, courtesy, trust, etc.
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Raid Al-Aomar et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 1(4), September-October, 113-120
20 80%
Chapter 7: Energy
Chapter 9: Network
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Raid Al-Aomar et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 1(4), September-October, 113-120
characteristics. Starting with the survey-based customer In terms of customer needs, and as indicated earlier, the
needs “WHATs” and the benchmark study, the elements of results obtained from the HoQ shows that the technical
the HoQ matrix were developed based on the structure content Chapter 4 (customer need No. 11) has received the
presented in Figure 1 and the proposed methodology in highest customer rating among other report chapters.
Figure 2. Therefore, high concentration on improving expansion
proposals is highly recommended by proposing number of
This was a team-based exercise where brainstorming sessions technical solutions. The next section outlines the technical
involved subject matter experts to specify the technical enhancements of the report that are derived from the HoQ
aspects of the reports (design features or HOWs) that can be matrix.
used to meet the customer requirements. The team has also
set the relationships between the WHATs and HOWs, the
correlation between the HOWs (the HoQ roof), the targets for
technical requirements, the priority of technical solutions,
and the recommendations for enhancing the technical content
of the 5YPS report. Figure 6presents the developed HoQ
1. Enhancement No. 1: Install intelligent meters on implementation stage. To this end, the utility company has
low voltage and high voltage distribution system run feasibility studies and started the contracting process to
2. Enhancement No. 2: Improve assets database on install the intelligent meters and the required control devices,
Maximo, Reflection, and GIS software. improve the databases, and develop the smart grid. If time
3. Enhancement No. 3: Carry out a study to implement and budget allows, the other technical solutions are highly
the automation of 11kV and 22kV network recommended to be carried out in parallel with these four
4. Enhancement No. 4: Improve communication and technical solutions as they will also result in improving the
database for mega development overall quality of the 5YPS. In addition, it was highly
recommended to develop a strategy to develop a set of
As shown in Figure 6, the first technical solution recorded the guidelines that lead to consistency in the company's approach
highest score and weight of relative importance (10.8%). towards achieving its mission, vision and values.
Implementing this solution is expected to dramatically foster
the overall performance of the 5YPS as more data would be 5. CONCLUSION
drawn from these devices such as load and voltage profile,
Utilizing QFD in a wide spectrum of manufacturing and
power factor, and active/reactive power. In addition to the
service applications has created a robust platform to foster
strong relation between this technical solution and customer
users to adopt such systematic approach in improving the
requirements, the data expected to be collected from the
quality of any type of product/service including technical and
intelligent meters is essential for evaluating network
strategic reports. This study has presented a unique QFD
capabilities and efficiencies which facilitate making
application in which the quality of the 5-Year Planning
decisions on new customers, getting better knowledge on
Statement (5YPS) of a utility company is improved.
system utilization and losses, assets performance, and
Improvement is expressed in terms of a set of technical
consumer behavior.
solution (projects and initiatives for better asset management)
that are derived from the customer needs and expectations for
The second technical solution is also important to enhance
the content of the 5YPS report. The report is developed by
overall quality of the planning component of the 5YPS.
the department of asset management and submitted to
Updating and improving the recommended databases
stakeholders and regulators. In addition, this study has
provides an excellent source of information to planners and
proven that engaging customers, while developing the 5 YPS
facilitates the conduction of improvement analysis and future
has led to tremendous improvement in quality of the report.
predictions. Maximo database is considered as one of the
The proposed QFD methodology indicated thoroughly the
powerful tool that is common amongst many utility
process of collecting customer and product information,
companies. Reflection database provides users with
designing surveys, capturing the VoC, and developing the
information that could help in the analysis of network
HoQ. Therefore, these steps could be considered as a
expansion and reinforcement. Finally, Geographic
framework for future development and quality enhancement
Information System (GIS) database provides data related to
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existing infrastructure, plots, cities, etc. which is an essential
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