TW Roles Responsibilities PDF

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Under the 2010 Hiring Reform Initiative, agencies have been directed to ensure that managers and supervisors with
responsibility for hiring are: (1) more fully involved in the hiring process, including planning current and future workforce
requirements, identifying the skills required for the job, and engaging actively in the recruitment and, when applicable, the
interviewing process; and (2) accountable for recruiting and hiring highly qualified employees and supporting their
successful transition into Federal service.

This is a significantly different approach to hiring for some managers and supervisors. For others, the reform
requirements are more of an evolution than a revolution. Hiring managers directly affect the ability to carry out the
mission of their organization through their hiring decisions. These hiring reforms are meant to spotlight the importance of
managers’ involvement in all aspects of the hiring process to ensure their ability to carry out their mission.

This document provides information on the roles of hiring managers and human resources specialists and the
responsibilities these parties share in ensuring a well-qualified workforce.

THE ROLE OF HIRING MANAGERS  Confer with HR to determine which hiring

authorities, flexibilities, and options are likely to
result in the best hires
1. Develop a Plan for Hiring
 Participate in writing and reviewing accurate and
 Assess your hiring needs as part of the workforce
concise job announcements
planning phase instead of simply reacting when a
 Share knowledge about likely sources of the best
vacancy occurs
 Review current job analysis information, position
 Assist with the overall recruitment and assessment
descriptions, and assessment tools related to the
strategies and plans
positions you expect to fill
 Submit appropriate documentation to HR to initiate
 Determine where updates and improvements in
the recruitment process
these sources are needed
 Participate in recruitment efforts at colleges and
 Prepare plans to develop and update job and
universities, job fairs, and other outreach venues
assessment materials
 Identify subject-matter experts to assist in the
 Coordinate with HR to identify target timelines for
examining process
all elements of the hiring process
4. Participate in the Development and Review of
2. Participate in the Job Analysis Process
Applicant Evaluation Questionnaires
 Initiate updates to outdated and inaccurate job
 Help to develop an assessment plan
 Participate in the questionnaire development
 Participate in focus groups designed to identify the
critical tasks and the competencies needed to
o Writing items/questions
perform those tasks in certain occupations
o Developing the scoring protocol
 Ensure your staff, particularly high performing
 Review all questionnaires, including scoring
staff, are encouraged to participate in the job
protocols, prior to use
analysis process
 Understand and provide input into the review
 Review lists of tasks and competencies for
process, as applicable
completeness and accuracy
5. Use the Interview to Your Advantage
3. Provide Recruitment Input
 Determine critical competencies to be assessed
 Consider using a structured interview process
whereby all candidates are treated the same
o Ask the same questions of all applicants  Identify or prepare initial job analysis for review
o Use a panel of two or more trained raters and approval by hiring manager
o Take notes  Work with hiring manager to create applicant
o Rate responses independently using evaluation questionnaire
behaviorally-based scoring benchmarks
o Use a consensus process when raters’ scores 3. Develop Job Opportunity Announcement
differ  Draft job opportunity announcement for review and
 Keep interview materials secure approval by hiring manager
 Ensure job opportunity announcement clearly
6. Evaluate Outcomes states the major duties and responsibilities of the
 Did the applicants referred for further position
consideration possess the technical competencies  Develop specialized experience statement and
and experience needed for the position? any other mandatory requirement for position, if
 Were you able to make a selection from the applicable
certificate? If not, why?  Consult with hiring manager on any modifications
 Were you able to make a quality hire (i.e., would that are desired and finalize job opportunity
you hire the person again?) announcement
 Do you have any suggestions for how the
recruitment, assessment, and/or hiring processes 4. Evaluate Applicants
could be improved next time?  Provide for required applicant status notifications
during the application, evaluation, and selection
7. Provide for a Smooth Transition into Federal process
Service  Review applications to determine basic eligibility
 Keep in touch with the HR specialist and the and qualifications
candidate on a regular basis after the tentative job  Work with participating subject-matter experts on
offer has been made the review of applicants for qualifications and
 Coordinate with security office for any required quality category rating as appropriate
background investigation and ID badge issuance  Make final decisions regarding applicant
 Plan for a successful first day qualifications
 Cultivate a positive experience as a new HHS
employee 5. Issue Certificate of Eligible Candidates
o Explain job responsibilities  Adjudicate veterans’ preference claims as
o Answer questions applicable
o Develop a performance plan  Identify applicants to be referred for selection
o Provide meaningful assignments consideration
o Give your new employee timely and constructive  Issue certificate(s) of eligible candidates to hiring
feedback manager
o Solicit feedback from your new employee and
make appropriate adjustments. 6. Extend Job Offer
 Make official job offer to selected candidate
 Consult with hiring official regarding appropriate
THE ROLE OF HR SPECIALISTS hiring incentives and procedures for requesting
approval of incentives, if needed
 Coordinate entry on duty date with candidate and
1. Provide HR Consultant Services
hiring manager
 Meet with hiring manager and, when appropriate,
 Process official personnel action for appointment
program staff to prepare staffing plan
 Discuss hiring options and recruitment sources
7. Conduct New Employee Orientation
with hiring manager
 Assist hiring manager in identifying appropriate  For new employees, provide information and
hiring incentives instructions for paperwork to be completed for new
 Coordinate with hiring manager to identify target employee orientation
timelines for all elements of the hiring process  Conduct new employee orientation involving
administration of oath of office, completion of
benefits and other personnel paperwork
2. Finalize Position Description and Job Analysis
 Maintain examining case file and electronic Official
 Help hiring manager identify appropriate standard
Personnel Folder (eOPF)
position description, or
 Classify unique position description as appropriate

Making the Federal Hiring Process Faster, Easier, Better

Page 2 of 2 - October 2010

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