STAR STAR 220 66KV Xmer
STAR STAR 220 66KV Xmer
STAR STAR 220 66KV Xmer
1. All the drawings, i.e. elevation, side view, plan, cross sectional view etc., in
AutoCAD format and manuals in PDF format, for offered item shall be
submitted. Also the hard copies as per specification shall be submitted.
2. The bidder shall submit Quality Assurance Plan with the technical bid.
3. The bidder shall have to submit all the required type test reports for the
offered item. Bid without type tests will not be considered for evaluation.
4. The bidder must fill up all the points of GTP for offered item/s. Instead of
indicating “refer drawing, or as per IS/IEC”, the exact value/s must be filled
5. All the points other than GTP, which are asked to confirm in technical
specifications must be submitted separately with the bid.
7. Please note that the evaluation will be carried out on the strength of content
of bid only. No further correspondence will be made.
8. The bidder shall bring out all the technical deviation/s only at the specified
4) The bidder should clearly indicate the quantity and Single Value
Contract executed during last FIVE (5) years, for the offered
equipment. Bidder should have executed one single contract
during last five years for the quantity equivalent to tender / bid.
The details are to be submitted in following format,
Sec. No. Particulars Page
1.1 SCOPE : 6
1.6 DESIGN 9
1.7 TANK 11
1.9 CORE 13
1.10 WINDING 14
1.19 BUSHINGS 19
1.20 COOLING 20
1.28 LABLES 31
1.30.2 TESTING (Type, Spl & Routine) 36
1.30.4 TEST AT SITE 39
1.1.1 This section covers the design, manufacture, assembly, testing at manufacturer’s
works, supply and delivery include loading, transportation & unloading on plinth at
site, of the oil filled, 50/100/160, 220/66 kV power transformers as detailed in the
Schedule of requirements, complete with all accessories required for safe, efficient,
satisfactory and trouble free operation of the equipment.
1.1.2 The scope of work shall also include EITHER complete erection, testing and
commissioning of all the equipments/accessories furnished under this specification
OR only supervision of erection, testing and commissioning of all the equipment
furnished under this Specification, as indicated in Schedule – A of the commercial
bid. Each transformer shall be supplied with (i) Oil storage tank (Steel Tank) as
per cl. no. 2.8, (ii) 3 nos. of oil sampling bottles as per cl. no. 2.9, (iii) Fiber
optic sensors (iv) On Line Moisture and Gas In Oil Analyser as per Annexure II,
(v) Nitrogen Injection System For Protection Against The Fire & Explosion as per
Annexure - III, (vi) On line PD measurement, (vii) GPS/GRPS/GSM based on line
transformer movement tracking system on returnable basis (viii) Condition
controlled maintenance free on line breather as per specification (ix) on line
tan delta of bushing (x) SFRA Kit (xi) Tan delta kit (xii) Air Dryer, if
indicated in Schedule – A of respective tender.
The bidder shall among other things guarantee the following:
It may be noted that the service guarantee would be applicable even when the transformers are
erected and operated through any other agency appointed by the GETCO.
The power transformers covered under this specification shall comply with the
requirements of the latest edition of IS:2026 (amended upto date) except specified
herein. However, in the event the offered equipment conforms to any other standards,
the salient points of difference between the standard adopted and the specified
standard shall be clearly brought out in the bid.
1.4.1 Drawings in AutoCAD format and in hard copy, incorporating the following particulars
shall be submitted by each bidder with the bid.
1.4.2 The successful bidder shall submit the following drawings in AutoCAD format and in
hard copy for the approval of the purchaser within commencement period.
i) General out line drawing showing front, side elevation and plan of the transformer
and accessories with detailed dimensions. The clearances between HV and LV
terminals and ground should also to be shown.
ii) Detailed foundation drawings along with structural drawings showing design
criteria & loadings.
iii) Drawings of each type of bushings, lifting dimensions, clearance between HT and
LT terminals and ground, quantity of insulating oil, name plate details etc. showing
various weights and ratio of WT-CT, OT-CT, all bushing CT and details of OLTC &
RTCC. The rating / name plate and erection sequence diagram plate shall be as per
IEEMA transformer manual no. 25 - 2014.
iv) Large scale drawings of high, medium and low-tension windings of the
transformers showing the nature and arrangement of insulators and terminal
v) Control and annunciation wiring diagram and drawings showing temperature
indicator, alarm circuits, Buchholz relay, oil surge relay, PRV, MOG, WTI, OTI,
1.4.3 The bidder may submit any other drawings found necessary in addition to the
drawings mentioned above or as asked during detailed engineering.
1.6.1 The transformer shall be used for bi-directional flow of rated power. The transformers
and accessories shall be designed to facilitate inspection cleaning, repairs and for
operation where continuity of supply is the primary consideration. All apparatus shall
be designed to ensure satisfactory operation under sudden variations of load and
voltage as may be met with under working conditions of the systems, including those
due to short circuits.
1.6.2 All materials used shall be of the best quality and of the class most suitable for
working under the conditions specified and shall withstand the variations of
temperature and atmospheric conditions arising under working conditions without
undue distortion or deterioration or setting up of undue stresses in any part & also
without affecting the strength and suitability of the various parts for the work which
they have to perform.
1.6.3 All outdoor apparatus, including bushing insulators with their mountings, shall be so
designed as to avoid pockets in which water can collect. All connections and contacts
shall be of ample cross-sections and surfaces for carrying continuously the specified
current without undue heating and fixed connections shall be secured by bolts or set
screws of ample size, adequately locked, lock-nuts shall be used on stud connection
carrying current.
1.6.4 Radio Interference and Noise level:
The noise level of transformer, when energized at normal voltage and frequency with
fans and pumps running shall not exceed, when measured under standard conditions,
the values shall not be more than 75 dB, measured as per NEMA standard
publication TR-I.
1.6.5 The transformer shall be capable of being loading in accordance with IS: 6600/IEC-
354. There shall be no limitation imposed by bushings, tap changers etc. or any other
associated equipments.
1.6.6 The transformer and all its accessories including CTs etc shall be designed to
withstand without any injury, the thermal and mechanical effects of any external short
circuit to earth and of short circuits at the terminals of any winding for a period of 3
sec. The short circuit level of the HV and LV system to which the subject transformer
will be connected is 40 kA (sym, rms, 3 phase fault on 400, 220 and 132 kV) & 25 kA
(sym, rms, 3 phase fault on 66, 22 and 11 kV).
1.7 TANK
1.7.1 The transformer tank and cover or BELL type tank shall be fabricated from good
commercial grade low carbon steel suitable for welding and of adequate thickness. The
tank and the cover shall be of welded construction. All seams shall be welded and
where practicable they shall be double welded. The tank wall shall be reinforced by
stiffener of structural steel for general rigidity. The tank shall have sufficient strength
to withstand without permanent distortion (i) filling by vacuum (ii) continuous internal
gas pressure of 0.35 atmospheres with oil at operating level, and (iii) mechanical shock
during transportation. The tank cover shall be bolted to the tank and the transformer
design shall be such that the tank will not be split between the lower and upper cooler
connection for Untanking. The tank covers shall be fitted with pockets at the
position of maximum oil temperature corresponding to MCR (Maximum Continuous
Rating) for RTD sensors and bulbs of oil and winding temperature indicators. It shall
be possible to remove these sensors bulbs without lowering the oil in the tank. The
tank wall penetrations shall be leak proof, suitably marked with respective sensor
1.7.2 A manhole inspection window with a welded flange & a bolted cover shall be
provided on the tank cover. The manhole shall be of a sufficient size to ease access to
the lower ends of the bushings, terminals etc.
1.7.3 All bolted connections to tank shall be fitted with suitable oil-tight gasket, which shall
give satisfactory service under the operating conditions. Special attention shall be
1.7.4 Suitable guides shall be provided for positioning the various parts during assembly or
dismantling. Adequate space shall be provided between the covers and windings and
the bottom of the tank for collection of any sediment.
1.7.5 Lifting eyes or lugs shall be provided on all parts of the transformers requiring
independent handling during assembly or dismantling. In addition, the transformer
tank shall be provided with lifting lugs and bosses properly secured to the sides of the
tank for lifting the transformers either by crane or by jacks.
1.7.6 The design of the tank, the lifting lugs and bosses shall be such that the complete
transformer assembly filled with oil can be lifted with the use of those lugs without
any damage or distortions.
1.7.7 The tank shall be provided with two suitable copper alloy or any other suitable
material lugs for the purpose of grounding.
1.7.8 The tank shall be equipped with the following valves with standard screw connection
for external piping. All valves up to and including 100 mm shall be of GM and larger
valves shall be of Cast Iron bodies with GM fittings. They shall be of full way type with
internal screw and shall open when turned counter clock wise when facing the hand
wheel, along with suitable locking in open and close positions.
(i) One drain valve of adequate size with eccentric reducer and flange, located on
the low voltage side of the transformer. This valve shall be equipped with a
small sampling cock. The draining valve must be at bottommost location of
the tank.
(ii) One filter valve of adequate size with eccentric reducer and flange, located at
the top of tank on the high voltage side. The opening of this valve shall be
baffled to prevent aeration of oil.
(iii) One filter valve of adequate size with eccentric reducer and flange, located on
the high voltage side the transformer above the bottom of the tank.
1.8.1 The transformer tank shall be supported on a structure steel base equipped with forged
steel single flanged wheels suitable for moving the transformer completely with oil.
1.8.2 Jacking pads shall be provided. It shall be possible to change the direction of the
wheels through 900 when the transformer is lifted on jacks to permit movement of the
transformer both in longitudinal and transverse direction. A standard track gauge
(1676 mm) in both longitudinal and transverse directional shall be provided.
1.8.3 Pulling eyes shall be provided to facilitate movement of transformer and they shall be
suitable brazed in a vertical direction so that bonding does not occur when the pull has
a vertical component.
1.9 CORE:
1.9.1 The transformer may be of core or shell type. The core shall be built up with high-
grade non-ageing cold-rolled grain oriented silicon steel laminations having high
permeability and low hysteresis loss. The core material shall be prime CRGO, which
shall be procured directly from manufacturer or through accredited marketing
organization of reputation.
1.9.1(a) The thickness of lamination shall be 0.27 mm or less. Surface insulation of
laminations shall be rust resistant and have high inter laminar resistance. Insulation
shall withstand annealing temperature as high as 850 0C. Insulation shall be resistant
to hot cooling medium. Laminations are not to be punched.
1.9.1(b) Bidder should have in house core cutting facility for proper monitoring & control on
quality & also to avoid any possibility of mixing if prime material with
defective/second grade material. This should be indicated in variably in the QAP. The
purchaser may witness the core-cutting process. In case the in-house core cutting
1.9.1(c) The bidder will offer the core for stage inspection and get approval from GETCO
during manufacturing stage. The bidder has to produce following documents at the
time of inspection for confirmation of use of prime core materials at the time of
stage inspection for confirmation of use of prime core materials.
i) Invoice of supplier
ii) Mills of approved test certificates
iii) Packing list
iv) Bill of lading
v) Bill of entry certificate by custom.
To avoid any possibility of mixing of ‘Prime material’ with any other second grade/
defective material, the imported packed slit coils of CRGO materials shall be opened
in the presence of the GETCO representative. Only after the inspection and approval
from purchaser, the core material will be cut in-house OR sent to external agency for
cutting individual laminations. In case the core is sent to external agency for cutting,
the GETCO representative will have full access to visit such agency for the inspection
of the cutting of core.
1.9.2 After being sheared, the laminations shall be treated to remove all burrs and shall be
re-annealed to remove all residual stresses. The insulation of the lamination shall be
inserted to the action of hot transformer oil. Paper and varnish insulation will not be
accepted. The nature of insulation should be specified in the bid.
1.9.3 The core shall be rigidly clamped to ensure adequate mechanical strength and to
prevent vibration during operation. The clamping structure shall be so constructed that
eddy currents will be minimum.
1.9.4 The core shall be provided with lugs suitable for lifting the complete core and coil
assembly of the transformer.
1.9.5 The core and the coil assembly shall be so fixed in the tank that shifting will not occur
when the transformer is moved or during a short circuit.
1.9.6 The transformer shall be designed in such a way that the flux density in the steel core
corresponding to the Rated voltage and the rated frequency shall be not
exceeding 1.727 tesla.
1.9.7 Core and frame terminal should be brought out on transformer top so as to enable
1.9.8 The core and the coil assembly shall be so fixed in the tank that shifting will not occur
and cause any damage when the transformer is moved shifted, or during a short
1.9.9 The complete core and core coil assembly of bolt less core type transformer shall be
so assembled that the axis and the plate of outer surface of the coil stack shall not
deviate from the vertical plane by more than 25 mm.
1.9.10 In case transformer with variable flux, the voltage variation which would affect flux
density at every tap shall be kept in view while designing the transformer.
Transformers shall be designed to withstand the following over fluxing conditions:
1.10.1 The conductor for winding shall be of electrolytic grade copper. The winding shall be
so designed that all coil assemblies of identical voltage ratings shall be
interchangeable and field repairs can be readily done, without special equipment. The
coils shall be supported between adjacent sections by insulating spacers and the
barriers, bracings and other insulation used in the assembly of the windings shall be
arranged to ensure a free circulation of the oil and to reduce hot sports in the windings.
The insulation paper shall be of high quality and the value of degree of
polymerization shall not be less than 1200 Pv and the necessary test
certificate shall be submitted along with the stage inspection report.
Provision shall be made in the tank, for taking sample, in future, of
paper for testing purpose and location shall be easily accessible and
indicated on the transformer tank by affixing special caution plate.
1.10.2 The insulation of the coils shall be such as to develop the full electrical strength of the
windings. All materials used in the insulation and assembly of the windings shall be
insoluble, non-catalytic and chemically inactive in the hot transformer oil, and shall
not soften or otherwise be adversely affected under the operating conditions.
1.10.3 All threaded connections shall be provided with locking facilities. All leads from the
winding to the terminal board and bushings shall be rigidly supported to prevent injury
from vibration. Guide tubes shall be used where practicable.
1.10.4 The windings shall be clamped securely in place so that they will not be displaced or
deformed during short circuits. The assembled core and windings shall be vacuum
dried and suitably impregnated before removal from the treating tank. The copper
1.10.5 Windings shall be subjected to a shrinkage treatment before final assembly, so that
no further shrinkage occurs during service. Adjustable device shall be provided for
taking up any possible shrinkage of coils in service if required.
1.10.6 The conductor shall be transposed at sufficient intervals in order to minimize eddy
currents and equalize the distribution of currents and temperature along the windings.
1.10.7 The tapping winding shall be provided separately from main winding to minimise the
out of balance forces in the transformer at all voltage ratios.
1.10.8 Transformer shall be designed and constructed to withstand, without damage, the
thermal effects on external short circuits (SC) for 3 seconds under conditions specified
in IS:2026 (Part-I, amended up to date).
1.10.9 Bidder shall invariably indicate in the GTP, the cross sectional area of all windings
with respect to the current density adopted.
1.10.10 Bidder shall have to submit the calculations for thermal & dynamic ability to withstand
short circuits.
1.10.11 The cooling calculations will have to be submitted with technical bid.
1.10.12 Fiber optic sensors shall be embedded in each phase of the winding located at
hot spot. The location and details shall be derived & indicated in the respective
drawings along with Justification.
1.11.1 The oil for first filling together with 10% extra shall be supplied with each
transformer. The oil shall comply in all respects with Appendix – A of the
specification. Particular attention shall be paid to deliver the total oil free from
moisture having uniform quality throughout. The oil may be supplied either in sealed
tanker, or in non-returnable steel drums, which will be opened at site in presence of
GETCO representative. The quantity of oil for first filling & 10% extra of each
transformer shall be stated in the bid, separately.
1.11.2 The supplier of transformer shall furnish test certificates of the insulating power oil
supplied against their acceptance norms, prior to dispatch. Subsequently oil samples
shall be drawn
i) At manufacturer’s works before and after heat run test and shall be tested for
a) BDV in kVrms
b) Moisture content
1.12.1 The dielectric strength of winding in insulation and of the bushings shall conform to
the values given in IS:2026-1962 (as amended up to date). The partial discharges in the transformer at the time of dispatch shall not be
more than 100 pC at 1.5 p.u. The Maximum Limit of value of tan delta at 20 0C shall be 0.5% for windings,
0.4% for bushings and 0.2 % for oil.
1.12.2 For rated system voltage of 220 and 66 kV, the following impulse test voltage may
shall be offered
System Voltage Impulse Test Voltage Power frequency voltage
HV 220 kV 1050 kV 460 kVrms
LV 66 kV 350 kV 160 kVrms
N 36 170 kVp 75 kV rms
1.12.3 The H.V. winding of the transformer shall have graded insulation. The LV winding of
transformer shall have full insulation. The insulation class of the neutral end of the
windings shall be graded to 95 kV (Impulse) and 38 kV (Power frequency) withstand.
1.14.1 The transformer shall be suitable for continuous operation with a frequency variation
of ±3% from normal of 50 Hz. without exceeding the specified temperature rise.
1.15.1 The similar ratio transformers shall operate satisfactorily in parallel with each other if
connected between high voltage and low voltage bus bars. Also wherever specified,
the transformers shall suitable for parallel operation with existing transformers. The
details of existing transformer shall be considered same as per this
1.16.1 Supplier shall indicate the guaranteed impedance and tolerances and also the upper
and lower limits of impedances which can be offered without an increase in the quoted
price. Impedance shall include positive and zero sequence and shall be expressed in
terms of the branches of the star connected equivalent diagrams, all on the same KVA
base and the range shall be for each branch of the equivalent circuit in turn. The
transformer impedance shall be as specified in Section-II of this Specification. Each transformer shall be provided with on- load tap changing mechanism. This shall
be designed for remote control operation from switchboards in the control room. In
addition the tap changer shall include the following:
a. An oil-immersed tap selector – arcing switch for arc suppressing tap selector,
provided with reactor or resistor for reduction of make & break arcing voltage
and short circuits.
b. Motor driven mechanism.
c. Control and protection devices
d. Local & remote tap changer position indicator
e. Manual operating devices
f. Pressure relief device. The on-load tap changer shall be so designed that the contacts do not interrupt arc
within the main tank of the transformer. The tap selector and arcing switch or arc
suppressing selector switch shall be located in one or more oil filled compartments.
The compartment shall be provided with a means of releasing the gas produced by the
arcing. It shall be designed so as to prevent oil in the tap selector compartment from
mixing with the oil in the transformer tank. An oil surge relay shall be provided to
indicate accumulation of gas and alarm thereof. The tap changer shall be capable of permitting parallel operation with other
transformer of the same type. The transformer shall give full load out-put on all taps. The manual operating device
shall be so located on the transformer that it can be operated by an operator standing at
the level of the transformer track. It shall be strong and robust in construction. The control scheme for the tap changer shall be provided for independent control of
the tap changers, when the transformers are in independent service. In addition,
provision shall be made to enable parallel control also at times so that the tap changers
will be operated. Simultaneously, when one unit is in parallel with another so that
under normal conditions the tap changer will not become out of step and this will
eliminate circulating currents. Additional features like master followers and visual
indication during the operation of motor shall also be incorporated. Under abnormal conditions such as may occur, if the contactor controlling one tap
changer sticks, the arrangement must be such as to switch off supply, to the motor so
that an out of step condition is limited to one tap difference between the units. Details
of out of step protection provided for the taps should be furnished in the bid. The contactors and associated gear for the tap change driving motors shall be housed
in a local kiosk mounted adjacent to or on the transformer. The motor shall be suitable
for operation with 3 phase, 415 Volts, 50 Cycles external power supply with MCB /
fuse and single phasing prevention. In addition to the above equipment, the supplier shall supply a separate panel for
installation in purchaser’s control room for remote operation with the following
accessories. complete particulars of the tap changing gear including the capacity of the motor shall
be stated in the bid. Tap changer shall be suitable for bidirectional power flow. The tap changer rating
shall be more than maximum rated current of transformer. The AVR relay shall be provided, as per specification indicted in Annexure – I, The
scheme shall detect (i) failure of auxiliary supply, (ii) failure of PT supply and (iii)
failure of mechanism to complete the tap changing operation. The relay shall have
necessary contacts to be connected to the alarm & / or to the Annunciator available in
the panel for visual and audible indication of the failure of trip circuit. The AVR relay
shall be compatible to SCADA operation of any make. However, the RTCC panel
shall be fully operable even in case of non utilization of AVR relay. All the necessary wiring shall be carried out in RTCC panel and schematic drawings
shall be submitted with the technical bid and during detailed engineering for approval
in duplicate.
1.18.1 Air cell type conservator tank is to be provided for oil conservator system, as per
specification given in Annexure – IV attached here with.
1.18.2 In this type of oil preservation system, conservator shall be fitted with a dehydrating
filter breather.
1.18.3 In this system, using a flexible Air cell shall prohibit contact of oil with atmosphere.
(a) Air cell used shall be suitable for continuous operation in an atmosphere of
100 0C to which transformer oil is likely to rise.
(b) The connection of the air cell to the top of the reservoir shall be by an air proof
seal permitting entrance of air into the cell only.
(c) The air cell of the conservator shall withstand the vacuum during installation
and maintenance. Otherwise provision shall be made to isolate the
conservator from main tank during vacuum by providing vacuum sealing valve
in the pipe connecting the main tank with the conservator.
1.19 BUSHINGS: Bushing for 52 kV & above shall be OIP condenser type or RIP
type with Porcelain or Composite Polymer insulator as indicated in schedule -
A of respective tender. In case not mentioned, OIP condenser type with
Porcelain shall be supplied. 36 kV bushing shall be Solid Porcelain or Oil
communicating type.
1.19.1 The bushings shall have high factor of safety against leakage to ground and shall be so
located as to provide adequate electrical clearances between bushings and grounded
1.19.6 All bushings shall have puncture strength greater than the dry flashover value.
1.19.7 Main terminals shall be compression type and shall be suitable for TWIN ‘ACSR
MOOSE’ conductor or as specified in Schedule – A of respective tender. The spacing
between the bushings must be adequate to prevent flash over between phases under all
conditions of operation.
1.19.8 Deleted.
1.19.9 The bidder shall give the guaranteed withstand voltage for the above and also furnish a
calibration curve with different settings of the coordination gap to the GETCO to
decide the actual gap setting. Bidder’s recommendations are also invited in this
1.19.10 Bushing CTs shall be provided for REF protection as specified in Section – II Cl. 2.5.
The bushing shall be removable without disturbing the CTs.
1.19.15 Polymer / composite insulator shall be seamless sheath of a silicon rubber compound.
The housing & weather sheds should have silicon content of minimum of 30% by
weight. It should protect the bushing against environment influences, external pollution
and humidity. It shall be extruded or directly moulded on the core. The interface
between the housing and the core must be uniform and without voids. The strength of
the bond shall be greater than tearing strength of polymer. The manufacturer shall
follow non destructive technique (NDT) to check the quality of jointing of the housing
interface with the core. The technique being followed with detailed procedure and
sampling shall be decided during finallsation of MQP.
The weather sheds of the insulators shall be of alternate of shed profile as per IEC
60815-3. The weather sheds shall be vulcanized to the sheath (extrusion process) or
moulded as part of the sheath (Injection moulding process) and free from
imperfections. The vulcanization for extrusion process shall be at high temperature and
high pressure. Any seams / burrs protruding axially along the insulator, resulting from
the injection moulding process shall be removed completely without causing any
damage to the housing. The track resistance of housing and shed material shall be
class 1A4.5 according to IEC 60587. The strength of the weather shed to sheath
interface shall be greater than the tearing strength of the polymer. The composite
insulator shall be capable of high pressure washing.
End fittings shall be free from cracks, seams, shrinks, air holes and rough edges. End
fittings should be effectively, sealed to prevent moisture ingress, effectiveness of
sealing system must be supported by test documents. All surfaces of the metal parts
shall be perfectly smooth with the projecting points or irregularities which may cause
corona. All load bearing surfaces shall be smooth and uniform so as to distribute the
loading stresses uniformly.
The hollow silicon composite insulators shall comply with the requirements of the IEC
publications. IEC 61462 and the relevant parts of IEC 62217.The design of the
composite insulators shall be tested and verified according to IEC 61462 (type and
routine test).
All type test & routine test as per applicable standards for OIP Porcelain or Composite
Insulator bushing shall be submitted for approval.
Spare bushings (draw lead / draw rod) shall be supplied with lead / rod.
1.20 COOLING: All coolers shall be attached to and mounted on the transformer tank or provided
separately. The separate cooler banks shall be provided on right side of transformer
looking from 220 kV side. Cooler shall be so designed as to be accessible for cleaning and painting to prevent
accumulation of water on the outer surfaces completely, drain oil in the tank and to
ensure against formation of gas pockets when the tank is being filled. ONAN/ONAF/OFAF cooled transformers shall be provided with
requisite number of radiator banks (Minimum 2 nos). Besides the
requisite number of oil pumps and fans required for normal operation,
each radiator bank shall be provided with one standby fan and oil
pump as applicable. Cooler units shall be connected to the tank by machined steel flanges welded to cooler
units and to the tank and provided with gaskets. Each cooler unit shall be provided
with an indicting shut-off valve, which can be fastened in either open or closed
position. A separate oil-tight black flange shall be provided for each tank connection
for use when the cooler unit is detached. Each cooler unit shall have two lifting eye at
top & one lifting eye at bottom with, an oil drain at the bottom and a vent at the top. An oil flow indicator with alarm contacts shall be furnished with each pump assembly
to indicate normal pump operation and direction of oil flow. Fans or blowers for air blast cooling shall be mounted so as to ensure that no damage
to the coolers can arise from vibration of the fans. Wire mesh screens shall be fitted to
prevent accidental contact with the blades, the mesh being not greater than 2.5 cm. The fan or blowers wiring shall be in such a way that any fan can be operated as of
group II or standby. In cases of ONAN/ONAF/OFAF type cooling, the transformer shall be capable of
giving a continuous output of at least 50% of rated full output with all the artificial
cooling out of service and without exceeding the temperature rise. In case of
ONAN/ONAF type of cooling the transformer shall be capable of giving continuous
output of at least 75% of the rated full output with the artificial oil force cooling out of
service and without exceeding temperature rise. In case of ONAN or ONAF type of
cooling the transformer shall have two sets of radiators. For OFAF cooled transformers with ONAN rating, piping system shall permit
bypassing of oil pump and operation of the transformer at its ONAN rating, in case
forced oil system develop any troubles. The radiating sections/tubes provided shall have sufficient cooling surface to limit the
temperature rise to the values specified under clause – 1.13 of this specification. The
radiating sections/tubes shall be connected to the tank cooler assembly headers by
machined steel flanges with adequate gaskets to avoid oil leakage. Each radiator unit
shall be provided with positive operated butterfly and lockable – non interchangeable
type oil leak proof shut-off valve, which can be fastened in either closed or open
position. A separate oil tight flange shall be provided for each tank connections for use
when the radiator unit or cooler assembly is detached. It shall be possible to take out
any of the radiating tubes without disturbing the transformer. Each radiator unit shall
have a lifting arrangement and oil drain at the bottom and a vent at the top. The radiators shall be so designed as to prevent any accumulation of water on the outer
surface or formation of gas pockets when the tank is being filled. Cooler units shall be suitable for operation with 415 Volts, 3 phase, 50 Hz external
power supply. Control equipment for oil pump and for motors shall be mounted in a marshalling
cabinet adjacent to the transformer and it shall include the necessary contactors with
automatic control and annunciation equipment and provision for manual control.
The cabinet shall be 3 mm thick steel sheets having rain shed and it should be tested
for IP 55 degree of protection. The separate indicating must be provided for main &
stand by 3 phase supply. The cabinet shall have two-illumination circuit to be
operated from both the side. The cable tray shall be provided from ground for
aesthetic cable entry. The heater with thermostat of suitable rating shall be provided A single metal enclosed main isolating switch with Miniature Circuit Breakers shall be
provided for the cooling plant contractor group. The switching in or out of the cooling equipment shall be controlled by winding
temperature and there shall be provision for automatic switching in or out at
predetermined temperature levels which should be capable of adjustment and setting at
will. Hunting of the cooling equipment should be avoided by suitable auxiliary timer
relay. The arrangement of winding temperature and oil temperature indicator shall
be at such height that it is easy to read by naked eye by an operator from ground. The bidder shall specify the loading of the transformers in case of failure of one or
more set of fans or pumps. The bidder shall provide for fan & pump indicator in the cooling circuit in the remote
control panel.
Following lamp indications with annunciation shall be provided in cooler control
a) Control supply failure
b) Cooling fan failure for each bank
c) Cooling pump failure for each pump
d) No oil flow or Reverse flow for pumps
e) Common thermal overload trip
One potential free initiation contact for all the above conditions shall be wired independently to
the terminal blocks of cooler control cabinet. The fan circuit shall be operated at different temperatures for group I fans and group II
fan from OTI & FOS. The pump circuit shall be also operated from same WTI & FOS
contacts at different temperatures. The connection shall be bolted type having CB – 30 and CT connector shall be of
disconnecting link type, which can be shorted for testing or checking circuit.
(i) Dial Image sensing type mercury free thermometers for oil;
(a) For ONAN/ONAF and ONAN/OFAF Transformer
The dial Image sensing type indicting thermometers of robust batten
mounted on the side of the transformer at a convenient height to read the
temperature in the hottest part of the oil and fitted with alarm and trip
contacts and contacts for switching in and switching out the cooling
system at pre-determined temperatures.
The OTI shall be compatible for remote SCADA operation, for which
separate ROTI shall be provided.
(b) For ONAN Transformers
A dial Image sensing type mercury free thermometer for indicating oil
temperature fitted with maximum pointer and adjustable alarm and trip
(c) The switch contacts shall have adequate AC and DC rating.
(ii) One winding hot spot winding temperature detector in LT winding of each
phase having 4 sets of contacts, as under:
(a) For ONAN/ONAF and ONAF/OFAF Transformer
It shall be indicating type, responsive to the combination of top
temperature and winding current, calibrated to follow the hottest spot
temperature of the transformer winding. The winding temperature
detector shall operate a remote alarm and trip at predetermined
independent temperature in the even the hottest spot temperature
approaches a dangerous value.
(vi) One filter valve located at the top of tank on the H.V. Side.
(vii) One filter valve located near the bottom of tank of the H.V. side of the
(ix) Pressure relief device and Sudden/Rapid pressure rise release relay
A safety valve of the chimney type shall be provided to detect
pressure rise inside the transformer and shall operate to prevent
tank rupture. Suitable pipe with bend shall be provided on
opening to suitably direct sudden splash of oil to suitable location
to prevent damage or any injury. Necessary tripping contacts
shall be provided in terminal box having ingress protection of IP55
with connecting cable up to marshaling cubical. Termination
shall be push and plug type.
(x) A Buchholz relay with alarm and tripping contacts to detect accumulation of
gas and sudden changes of oil pressures, complete with two shut-off valves and
flange coupling to permit easy removal without lowering oil level in the main
tank, a bleed valve for gas venting and test valve. The relay shall be provided
with a test cock suitable for a flexible pipe connection for checking its
operation & taking gas sample. A copper or Stainless Steel tube shall be
connected from the gas collector to a valve located at 1200 mm above ground
level. Necessary alarm & tripping contacts shall be provided in terminal
box having ingress protection of IP55 with connecting cable up to
marshaling cubical. Termination shall be push and plug type. The switch
shall be mercury free.
(xi) Radiators complete with pumps, motors, fans etc. as described in clause 1.20.
(xvii) Suitable weather proof cubicle for housing the control equipment, terminal
blocks etc. (one for each transformer) and one indoor cubicle for each
transformer for remote control of radiators, on load tap changer alarm and
indicating devices.
The Maintenance Free Type of Breather shall fulfill the objectives like
reduced site inspections, no storage or replacement of the desiccant no
pollution and disposal problem of the used up desiccant.
Technical requirements:
1. Material & External Construction of the Breather shall be such that all
external parts are suitable for outdoor use & resistive to transformer oil,
ultraviolet rays, pollution & salt water.
2. The equipment shall work without any trouble for ambient temperature
between 0o C to +80 oC.
3. Degree of Protection shall be at least IP55.
4. The control unit shall be provided on the breather equipped with suitable
heater to prevent moisture condensation.
5. Status LEDs for local display shall be provided on breather along with
suitable contacts to take the signal to remote control room.
6. The moisture and temperature measurement system (sensor) installed
should be modular making it easy to replace the same if at all the same
is necessary during the service of breather. A self diagnostic system shall
be provided with LED indication and remote signal through a relay shall
be provided.
7. Micro fuse and an additional built in line filter shall be provided to
protect against over voltages & to avoid failures caused by high-
frequency interference.
8. The control unit in the breather shall provide analogue output signal of
4-20mA and also shall be equipped with a RS 485 port for data logging.
9. Suitable Data Logger shall also be provided in the control unit.
10. The size and type of Condition controlled maintenance free dehydrating
breather to be provided shall be selected on the basis of volume of oil of
the offered transformer.
11. The Breather shall also be equipped with integrated test button which
should allow to carry out a self-test and to check the functions like relay
circuits, heating or the signal transmission in the control room, etc. at
any time.
12. Rated supply Voltages shall be 230 V AC or DC.
Rated insulation level - 500VAC 50 Hz, 1 min withstand voltage
500VAC 50 Hz, 1min. withstand, analog output against ground;
2.5kVAC 50 Hz, 1 min. withstand, relay contact against ground
13. Type Test report for Degree of protection for control unit shall be
14. Successful bidder shall offer all acceptance tests on Condition controlled
maintenance free dehydrating breather and submit routine test report
(xix) Conservator and Buchholz (Surge) relay for on load tap changer.
(xx) Suitable compression type terminal connectors for HV, LV & Neutral bushings
(xxi) Suitable ladder or climbing devices.
(xxii) Tap changer remote control panel complete with all accessories with
SCADA compatibility, suitable for IEC 61850 communications,
front/rear door, to be installed in the Purchaser’s control room.
(xxiii) A twin tinned copper strip grounding conductor of 50 x 6 mm size shall be
provided from the neutral terminal to transformer base for connection to the
sub-station grounding grid. Necessary pin insulator clamps, bolts etc. shall be
supplied for this grounding purpose. Neutral bushing to grounding
conductor shall be made through twin copper flexible strip of size 50 x
10 mm.
xxiv) Man hole opening and Inspection covers
xxv) Protected type mercury or alcohol in glass thermometer
xxvi) Bottom and top filter valves with threaded male adaptors, bottom
xxvii) Rating and diagram plates on transformer and auxiliary apparatus
xxviii) Flanged bi-directional wheel with anti earth quake clamps
xxix) Cooler control cabinet
xxx) Bushing CTs
xxxi) Oil flow Indicator with alarm contacts
xxxii) On Load Tap Changing Gear
xxxiii) Drain valves/plugs shall be provided in order that each section pipe work can
be drained independently
xxxiv) Terminal Marking plates of Stainless Steel sheet having minimum thickness of
2 MM
xxxv) Valves Schedule plates of Stainless Steel sheet having minimum thickness of
2 MM
xxxvi) Skids at the base of transformer.
xxxvii) Stranded Copper double PVC, control cable of 1100 V grade.
xxxviii) Fiber Optic sensor temperature indicator system: Temperature measurement of Oil
and winding shall also be done using Fiber Optic Sensors, meeting following criteria:
1. System shall be fiber optic rugged, proven technology. The probes shall be directly
installed in each phase of transformer to measure the winding hotspot and top oil
temperature. There will be total eight probes inside the transformer, out of which
two probes shall be installed for top & bottom Oil temperature measurement of
the transformer.
2. Out of remaining six (6) Fiber Optic probes, one each should be installed in each
phase at the hottest spots of HV & LV winding. The hottest spot location shall be
justified by suitable software. The locations of the probe shall be proposed by the
Manufacturer and finalized by agreement with the purchaser.
3. Probes shall be able to be completely immersed in hot transformer oil & they shall
withstand exposures to hot kerosene vapor during the transformer installation
drying process.
4. Temperature range of the system should be -30ºC to +200 ºC & accuracy of ±1%
with no recalibration required.
1.22.2 The equipment and accessories furnished with the transformer shall be suitably
mounted on the transformer, for satisfactory operation, inspection and maintenance
and the mounting details shall be subject to the approval of the purchaser. All valves
1.22.3 Indication, alarm and relay equipment shall have contacts suitable for operation with
110 V/220 V D.C. Supply.
1.22.4 All cables from all equipment/device shall be arranged by manufacturer with proper
clamping arrangement in galvanised perforated tray.
Any other accessories or appliances recommended by the manufacturer for the satisfactory
operation of the transformer shall be given and indicated in the bid.
1.23.1 The bushing shall be equipped with terminals suitable for connection with ACSR
Moose/Zebra/Panther TWIN or Single conductor. However, the requirement shall be
decided during detailed engineering. The short time current rating of connector shall
be of 40 kA /3 sec for HV and 25 kA / 3sec for LV & neutral.
1.24.1 The bidder shall include in the scope of supply the multi ratio type turret mounted
current transformer on all phases of HV, LV & neutral leads of the power transformers
for restricted earth fault protection, as well as for standby earth fault protection. Also
winding CT of required ratio shall be provided in each phase.
1.25.1 Each terminal including the neutral shall be clearly marked on both the primary and
secondary side in accordance with the diagram of connection supplied with the
1.26.1 Painting: External surface of Tank, Radiator & Fittings shall be of shade no.
631 IS .5. Any fabricated accessories should be either galvanized or outer side
PU. Powder coating may be accepted provided it should be sun light
/outdoor/UV ray resistant. Being not Eco friendly, Zinc Chromate is not to be
used. Bottom plate of tank will also be accepted with coal tar based paint.
1.26.2 Hot dip galvanized with a minimum thickness of 70 µm and painting as per the
following specification.
Total dry
Surface film Colour
Primer coat e Finish coat
ITEM preparation thickness shade
Main tank, Shot Blast Epoxy base Epoxy high Aliphatic Minimum Shade no.
All the necessary certificates for above stages shall be provided during stage inspection to
GETCO representative.
1.26.1 Before painting or filling with oil or compound all ungalvanised parts shall be
completely cleaned and free from dust, scales and grosses and all external rough
surfaces on castings shall be filled by metal deposition. The interior of oil transformer
tanks and other filled chambers and internal structural steel work shall be cleaned of
all scale and rust by sandblasting or other approved method.
1.26.3 All internal surfaces of mechanism chambers and Kiosks except those, which have
received anticorrosion treatment, shall receive three coats of paints applied to the
thoroughly cleaned metal surfaces. The final coat shall be of light colored anti-
condensation mixture. Any damage to paint work incurred during transport and
erection shall be made good by thoroughly cleaning the damaged portion and by
applying full member of coats of paints.
1.26.4 All paint shall be carefully selected to withstand heat & extremes of weather. The
paint shall not scale off or crinkle or be removed by abrasion due to normal handling.
The minimum thickness of outside painting of tank & total thickness shall as
indicated in table above.
1.27.1 Transportation:
The bidder shall dispatch the transformer filled with oil or in an atmosphere of
Nitrogen or dry air. In the former case the bidder shall take care of the weight
limitation on transport and handling facility at site. In the latter case, necessary
arrangement shall be ensured by the bidder to take care of pressure drop of Nitrogen
or dry air during transit and storage till completion of oil filling during erection. A gas
pressure testing valve with necessary pressure gauge and adaptor valve shall be
provided. The transformer shall be fitted with sufficient number of impact recorders
during transportation to measure the movement due to impact in all three directions.
The impact recorder shall be provided with suitable communication port (USB port) to
down load data at any time. The impact recorder shall be returned after submission of all
the data in hard and soft copy.
1.27.3 In case of synthetic resin bonded paper type bushing is offered; special attention shall
be paid in packing so as to avoid moisture ingress. The details of the bushing and the
method of packing shall be stated in the bid.
1.27.4 Loose Material e.g. bolts nuts etc. shall be packed in gunny bags and sealed in
polyethylene bags with proper tagging. Component containing glass shall be
carefully covered with shock absorbing protective material. All flanges etc.
which are prone to scratches shall be provided with wooden caps bolted in
place. Fragile Material shall be securely braced within the containers or
otherwise amply fastened and packed to prevent shifting or rattling. Soft non-
hydroscopic packing materials shall be placed between hard packing Materials
and fragile equipment. Articles which do not completely filled the selected
container must be cushioned, braced, fastened or blocked to prevent damage
to the article itself of destruction of container. Inner bracing or blocking must
be such that content’s weight is distributed over entire interior surface rather
than concentrate on one or two critical points. All opening in the equipment /
accessories shall be tightly covered, plugged or capped to prevent foreign
material to enter in.
1.27.5 Any material found short / damaged inside the intact packing shall be supplied
at no extra cost to the purchaser.
1.28 LABELS:
1.28.1 Labels shall be provided for all apparatus such as relays, switches, fuses contained in
cubicles or marshalling kiosk.
1.28.2 Labeling shall be clear, concise and adequate and shall be of standard size.
1.28.3 Descriptive labels for mounting indoor or inside cubicles and kiosk shall be of material
that will ensure permanence of the lettering. Danger notices shall have red lettering
on a white background. All plates shall be of material, which will not be corroded.
1.28.4 Labels shall be attached to panels with brass screws or with steel screws, which have
received rust preventive treatment.
(a) The bidder shall carry out a detailed inspection and testing program for
manufacturing activities of the various components. An indicative program of
inspection of as envisaged by the Engineer is given below. This is not,
however, intended to form a comprehensive program as it is bidder’s
responsibility to draw up and carry out such a program duly approved by the
(b) Cost of inspection/tests is to be borne by the bidder.
(c) Additional tests, if required, are to be deemed as included in scope of work.
(d) Stages of inspection and owners participation would be defined and shall
be as per purchaser requirement. Photographs shall be taken jointly
and submitted with inspection report.
(e) The bidder shall guarantee that the goods are new and of high quality and the
goods will be free from defects in design.
(a) Samples testing of core material for checking specific loss, bend properties
magnetization characteristics and thickness.
(b) Check on the quality of varnish if used on the stampings.
(c) (i) Measurement of thickness & hardness of varnish on the stampings.
(ii) Solvent resistance test to check that varnish does not react in hot oil.
(a) Sample check for physical properties of material.
(b) Check for dielectric strength.
(c) Visual & dimensional checks.
(d) Sample check on insulating paper for pH Value, electric strength.
(e) Check for the reaction of hot oil on insulating materials.
(f) Certification of all tests results.
(a) Sample check on winding conductor for mechanical properties and electrical
(b) Visual dimensional checks on conductor for scratches, dent marks etc.
(c) Sample check on insulating paper for pH Value, electric strength.
(d) Check for the reaction of hot oil on insulating paper.
(e) Check for the bonding of the insulating paper on conductor.
(f) Check for absence of short circuit between parallel strands.
(g) Check and ensure that physical condition of all materials taken for winding is
satisfactory and free of dust.
(h) Check for brazed joints wherever applicable.
(i) Measurement of voltage to be carried out when core/yoke is completely
restacked and all connections ready.
(a) Check completed transformer against approved outline drawing: provision for
all fitting, finish level etc.
(b) Taking test on all the assembled transformer
The bidder shall also prepare a comprehensive inspection and testing program
for all bought out / sub-contracted items and shall submit the same to the
Engineer for approval. Such program shall include the following.
(i) Buchholz relay
(ii) Sudden/rapid pressure rise relay/ PRV
(iii) Axles and wheels.
(iv) Winding temperature indicator for local and remote mounting.
(v) Oil temperature indicators
(vi) Bushing
(vii) Bushing Current Transformer
(viii) Terminal connectors
(ix) Radiators, cooler control and any other item, as desired by purchaser.
c) Test to check effective shielding of the tank
d) Jacking test with oil on all the assembled transformers
e) Dye penetration test shall be carried out after the jacking test
1.30.3 TESTING: The transformer shall be tested in the presence of GETCO’s representative; all tests
(routine and type tests) shall be witnesses by him. All the tests shall be performed in
compliance of IS:2026-1962 (as amended up to date). All the instruments,
meters, instrument transformers etc., used for testing shall be duly calibrated
at NABL laboratory and necessary calibration certificate shall be made
available during inspection. The instrument transformers shall have ≤0.2 accuracy
class. The measurement of losses shall be carried out with 3 (Three) Watt meter method
only through digital power analyzer and CTs, PTs and meters used for these measurements
shall be of class of accuracy of 0.2. The following tests shall be carried out on the
Gas chromatographic analysis on oil shall also be conducted before and after this test
and the values shall be recorded in the test report. The sampling shall be in
accordance with IEC 60567. For the evaluation of the gas analysis in temperature rise
test the procedure shall be as per IS: 9434 (based on IEC 60567) and results will be
interpreted as per IS: 10593 (based on IEC: 60599). The temperature rise
measurements shall be made with the Fiber Optic Thermometers & conventional
OTI/WTI. The FOS shall also be operational during temperature tests and
demonstrated during these tests. During probe verification, the hottest probes for
each phase shall be identified, and temperature data for all probes recorded and
reported in the test report. Data obtained from FOS and conventional OTI/WTI shall
be compared however, both values should satisfy the commitment.
ii) Impulse test shall be made on three limbs of transformer. The test sequence
shall be with chopped wave. CALCULATIONS: Radiator, valves and other parts necessary for complete transformer shall be tested
for leaks and strength applying to the complete tank filled with oil by air pressure not
less than 0.7 atmospheres for a period of 24 hours or not less than 1.0 atmosphere for
a period of 6 hours.
In addition to the routine tests on welds in the tank, the following type tests shall be
carried out on one of the transformer tanks in presence of GETCO representative.
1.31.1 The various tests (routine and type) as stipulated in the IEC:60214 (as amended up to-
date) including vacuum helium and gas leak tests shall be carried out.
1.31.2 Type test certificate copies of oscillograms as called for in IEC:60214 (as amended up
to-date)shall be furnished by the supplier.
1.32.1 On completion of all the tests have been completed 3 copies of each test report shall be
furnished to the GETCO for his approval prior to the dispatch of equipment. Soft
copy of test reports for tests results obtained from software shall be
submitted for approval and record.
1.32.2 All the reports of inspections like stage, acceptance, routine & type tests carried out
on each transformer including test certificates for bought out items, in bound
volume, shall be submitted before dispatch. Also one copy shall be sent along with
1.34.1 The Purchaser shall not be responsible for any damage to the equipment during
commissioning if such damage results from faulty or inadequate action.
1.34.2 Purchaser shall not be liable for any loss, damage or injury to property or persons at
the installation site unless such damages or injuries are caused by any and or
negligence of the supervising erector.
The bidder shall furnish all guaranteed technical particulars as called for in, Section –
III of this specification. Particulars, which are subject to guarantee, shall be clearly
marked. Bidder not containing this information is likely to be rejected.
1.36.1 Six copies of operation, maintenance and erection manuals in English language for
each transformer shall be supplied with the dispatch of the equipment. The manuals
shall be bound volumes and shall contain all the drawings and information required for
erection, operation and maintenance of the transformer. The manuals shall include
amongst other the following particulars
(a) Marked erection prints identifying the component parts of the transformer as
dispatched with the assembly drawings.
(b) Detailed dimensions, assembly and description of all the components.
(c) Detailed view of core & winding assembly, winding connections and tap
changer construction, etc.
(d) List of spare parts.
All deviations from this specification shall be separately and specifically listed in
specified Schedule only, in absence of which, it will be presumed that the provisions
of the specification are compiled with by the bidder.
It is also proposed that testing of unit will be carried out in presence and
witness of third party selected by GETCO at the discretion of GETCO.
In case of any order, the losses of successful bidder will be measured during acceptance
testing and if the figures of looses are found equal to or lesser than specified above, the
transformer shall be accepted. However, if any of the loss figure measured during
acceptance test is found more than specified above, the transformer will not be accepted.
There shall be no provision for penalty for acceptance of transformer with losses higher
than specified above. Bidder shall submit undertaking separately for the same, with the
technical bid. The measurement of losses shall be carried out with 3 (Three) Watt
meter method only and CTs, PTs and meters used for these measurements shall be
of class of accuracy of 0.2.
1.40.1 The Purchaser shall reject transformer, if any of the following conditions during or
service arises:
i) No load losses or load losses or Auxiliary losses exceed the d specified value.
ii) Impedance value deviates the guaranteed value by + 10% or more.
iii) Oil or winding temperature rise exceeds the specified value.
iv) Transformer fails to withstand any of the dielectric tests.
v) Transformer fails to pass any of acceptance test.
vi) Transformer is proved to have been manufactured not in accordance with agreed
1.40.2 The Purchaser reserves the right to retain the rejected transformer and use it until the
bidder replaces the defective transformer by a new transformer, as a stop gap
arrangement, within a reasonable period, at no extra costs to the GETCO.
1.41.2 Bidder shall at his cost arrange for the above training facilities and in addition shall
bear all living expenses excluding to and fro passage of the trainees. Bidder shall
indicate following in the prices schedule.
a) The lump sum amount of training for the above training facilities.
b) Price reduction / addition for number of trainees specified herein.
1.42 Guarantee period will be reckoned from the date of receipt of 100 % accessories and
not from the date of receipt of main tank only.
1.43 If GETCO Engineer happens to return without inspection of offered equipments due
to non-readiness of materials at their works then financial loss to the GETCO for
deputing their representative will be recovered from the concerned supplier.
1.44.1 (1) Manufacturers / Suppliers will have to supply the transformer oil as per GETCO’s
Specification of Transformer oil attached herewith at Annexure - A.
(2) At the time of inspection of transformer, bidder has to furnish the certificate / test
reports of transformer oil purchased. Same should be meeting to GETCO’s
transformer oil specification. At the time of inspection of the each power
transformer, the supplier of the transformer shall arrange to take a sample of the
transformer oil from the power transformer under testing in presence of
GETCO’s representative and the supplier shall arrange at their cost the testing of
the transformer oil sample as per Cl. 5.3 of IS: 1866 - 1994 with latest
amendments thereof at M/s. ERDA or any other Govt. recognized laboratory to
confirm the quality of the transformer oil. The result of the same shall be
submitted for approval.
2.1 SCOPE:
2.1.1 This section covers the specific technical requirements, climatic and isokeraunic
conditions and system particulars for which the power transformer shall be offered as
per the general technical requirements given in Section – I of this specification and
the Schedule of requirements specified herein for the various sub-stations.
2.2.1 The climatic conditions under which the equipments shall operate satisfactorily.
2.2.2 All equipments offered shall be suitable for continuous satisfactory operation at the
full rated capacity under the climatic conditions.
2.2.3 Since the sub-station may be near seashore or industrial area, the equipment offered
shall be suitable for heavily polluted atmosphere.
2.3.2 The equipment offered shall be suitable for continuous operation under the above
conditions at the full rated capacity.
2.3.4 The power transformers shall in general have constant ohmic impedance between HV
and LV on all taps. However, in case of parallel operation with the existing
i) The impedance, vector group, OLTC connection & range etc. of the transformer is
to be matched with that of the existing transformer
ii) Necessary provision is to be kept in the transformer control scheme for parallel
operation with the existing Master/Follower/Independent/Off type OLTC control
iii) Matching of physical dimension, orientation etc. to facilitate interchangeability with
the existing transformer, if necessary.
2.3.4 External or internal reactors shall not be used to achieve the HV/LV impedance
2.5.2 Any change in the parameters of CT required at the time of detailed engineering will
have to be incorporated without any extra cost. Turret mounted type, current
transformer shall be provided for each winding for WTI.
2.6.2 The D.C. supply at either 220 V or 110 Volts will be available from station battery.
The D.C. supply is subject to variation of ± 10%.
2.6.3 Each of the foregoing supplies will be made available by the purchaser at
one terminal for each transformer for operation of accessories & auxiliary
equipments. Bidder’s scope shall include distribution this point.
2.7.1 General
This specification covers supply of oil storage tank of 15 cubic meter capacity along
with complete accessories. Number of tanks, if required, will be as indicated
in Schedule – A of respective tender.
2.7.2 Standard
The oil storage tank shall be designed and fabricated as per relevant Indian
Standards e.g. IS: 803 or other internationally acceptable standards.
2.7.3 Specifications
Transformer oil storage tanks shall be towable & rested on pneumatic types of
adequate quality & size. The tank shall be to cylindrical shape & mounted horizontally
and made of mild steel plate of adequate thickness. Size of the storage tank shall be
Diameter : 2.5 meter / suitable
Capacity : 15 cubic meters The Bidder may further note that maximum height of any part of the complete
assembly of the storage tank shall not exceed 4.0 meters above road top. The tank shall have adequate number of jacking pad so that it can be kept on jack
while completely filled with oil. The tank shall be provided with suitable saddles so
that tank can be rested on ground after removing the pneumatic tyres. Sr. no. of
transformer shall be punched on jacking pad since fabrication. The tank shall be also fitted with manhole, outside & inside access ladder, silica gel
breather assembly, inlet & outlet valve, oil sampling valve with suitable adopter, oil
drainage valve, air vent etc. Pulling hook on both ends of the tank shall be provided
so that the tank can be pulled from either end while completely filled with oil. Bidder
shall indicate the engine capacity in horse power to pull one tank completely fitted
with oil. Oil level indicator shall be provided with calibration in terms of litre so that at
any time operator can have an idea of oil in the tank. Four nos. suitable rubber hoses
with couplers and unions each not less than 10 meter long shall also be provided. The internal & external surfaces to be painted shall be short or sand blasted to
remove all rust and scale of foreign adhering matter or grease. All steel surfaces in
contact with insulating oil shall have painted with two coats of heat & oil resistant anti-
corrosive paint after one coat of red oxide as per IS:104 and one each coat of
finishing coats of glossy white shade.
All steel surfaces exposed to weather shall be given primary coat zinc chromate,
second coat of oil & weather resistant paint of a colour distinct from primary and final
two coats of glossy oil & weather resistant light grey paint in accordance with shade
no. 631 of IS: 5. All paint shall be carefully selected to withstand heat & extremes of
weather. The paint shall not scale off or crinkle or be removed by abrasion due to
normal handling. The minimum thickness of outside painting of tank shall be 20
microns per coat the total thickness shall be within 70 to 100 microns. The tank shall contain a self mounted centrifugal oil pump with inlet and outlet valves,
with couplers suitable for rubber houses and necessary switchgear for its control.
There shall be no rigid connection to the pump. The pump shall be electrical motor
driven and shall have a discharge of not less than 6 klph with a discharge head of 8
Mtr. The pump motor and the control cabinet shall be enclosed in cubicle with IP55
2.8.1 Oil sampling bottle shall be suitable for collecting oil sample from transformer and
shunt reactors for dissolved gas analysis. Bottles shall be robust enough so that no
damage occurs during frequent transportation of samples.
2.8.2 Oil sampling bottle shall be made of Stainless Steel having capacity of ONE litre.
(Important note: Bidder is not liable to indicate any change in parameters specified by
4 Applicable Standards
i) IEC: 60076 IEC 60076 -
IS 2026 -
ii) IS : 2026 (Latest) -
iii) ANSI C57.12.00 --
5 Type : Liquid immersed Liquid oil -
6 Full load rating (HV/IV/LV) MVA 160 MVA -
7 3Phase/Bank of Three Phase/Single Phase ( A,B,C) Three phase -
8 Rated No Load Voltages (HV/LV) kV 220/66 -
a Rated Currents (HV/LV) at normal tap Amp 419.89 / -
b Short time thermal rating -
9 Rated Frequency Hz 50
10 Connections and phase displacement (Vector group) YNynO
11 Weight Schedules (Maximum) (Minimum with no negative tol.)
i) Active part kg -
ii) Oil kg -
Iii) Tank and Fittings kg -
12 LV Winding
i) Stabilizing tertiary (Yes/No) Yes -
Yes -
ii) Loaded (Yes/No)
13 Tappings
ii) Tapping on LV neutral end -
for LV
Variation on LV -
iv)Range of variation ±10 % -
v) No of Steps 16 steps -
vi)Parallel Operation Requirements Yes -
14 Impedance and Losses
i) Calculated I2R Loss at rated tap and 75 0C kW -
ii) Eddy current and stray loss at rated tap and 75 C kW -
iii) Calculated Load Loss(I2R+Eddy and Stray)at rated tap and 75 0C kW -
iv) Guaranteed Load Losses at rated tap and 75 deg c kW (Bidder is not
365 allowed to
enter any of
loss figures.)
v) Guaranteed Impedance (Base MVA at Principle tap) % HV &MV -
(Tolerance -
vi) Impedance at extreme tappings %
a) Max. Voltage tap -
b) Min. Voltage tap -
c) Tolerance % -
vi-a) Zero sequence impedance at rated current and frequency at %
75 0C -
vi-b) Impedance voltage drop at normal ratio at 75 0C expressed
as a percentage of normal voltage on full load (%)
vii) Regulation at full load 0.8 pf at 75 0C winding temperature % -
viii) Guaranteed No load losses kW (Bidder is not
64 allowed to
enter any of
loss figures.)
ix) Calculated Fan Loss kW -
x) Calculated Pump Loss kW -
Item Description Unit Specified Offered (by
(Buyer) manufactur
1 Core Type
i) 3Phase 3 Limb( 3 wound limbs) -
ii) 3Phase 5 Limb(3 wound limbs) -
Ite Offered (by manufacturer)
Description Unit Specified (Buyer)
1 Type of Winding
Helical/Disc/Layer/interwound -
2 Type of Conductor
3 Minimum Yield Strength of
0.2% elongation N/mm -
4 (a) Maximum Current density at A/mm -
any tap 2
(b) Winding cross sectional area -
5 (a)Bare Weight of copper without Kg -
paper insulation and lead
(Minimum) (-2%)
(b) Copper weight with insulation Kg -
6 Per Phase Maximum resistance of -
winding at rated tap at 75 OC
7 Insulation of winding -
8 Number of Turns/Phase -
9 Dielectric Shielding used
i) Interleaved winding -
ii) Wound in Shield iii) Others -
10 Magnetic Shielding Used
i) Yoke Shunt on core clamp -
iii) Electromagnetic -
(Copper/Aluminum) shield on
iv) Others -
Specified Offered
(By buyer) (by
Ite Unit
m Description )
1 Type of Cooling
i) ONAN -
Item Description Unit Specified Offered
(By (by manufacturer)
1 Geometric Arrangement of winding with respect to
Eg: Core-LV-IV-HV-Reg Coarse-Reg Fine -
2 Regulating Winding
i) Body Tap -
ii) Separate
6 Press Board
i) Make and type -
Ite Specified Offered
Description Unit (by
m ( By buyer)
1 Tap Changers
a-Manual b-Automatic c-Remote d-Local Manual,
Remote &
ii)Voltage Class and Current Rating of Tap Changers -
iii) Step Voltage -
iv) STC rating -
iii) Make and Model -
iv) Time to complete tap change Sec -
v) Diverter selector switch transition time c/s -
vi) Protection device -
vii) Maxi. Impulse withstand test voltage value with: -
1.2/50 µs full wave between switch and ground
(viii) Maxi. Impulse withstand test voltage value with: -
1.2/50 µs. Full wave between the remote terminal
and ground with the selector terminal at one end of
the range -
(ix) Maxi. Power frequency test voltage between: switch
assembly and range
(x) Maxi. Impulse withstand test voltage with: 1.2/50 µs
across the tapping range
(xi) Maxi. Temp. of the tap changer which must not
be exceeded during operation
(xii) Approximate overall weight -
(xiii) Approximate overall dimensions -
(xiv) Compatibility of SCADA remote operation -
(xv) Line drop compensator provided. -
(xvi) No of operations after which the change of oil is -
(xvii) Time to complete one tap change
iv) Make and Type of AVR -
v) Power Supply for control motor -
vi) No of Phase/Voltage/Frequency -
vii) Rated Voltage for control circuit -
x) BCT Requirements mm
4 Fiber Optic system -
a. Make :
i. PC output interface :
j. Data display :
k. Self Diagnostic
l. Temp range & resolution :
m. Accuracy :
n. Response time :
o. Front panel display :
t. Nos. of relays :
u. Temperature Data storage :
z. Connectors :
5 Transformer Oil
1 i) Grade as per GETCO
specification -
ii) Spare oil as percentage of first filling 10% -
2 Name of supplier -
Description Unit (by
( By buyer)
1 Manufacturer's name and Country -
2 Indoor/ outdoor application Both
3 Design ambient air temperature (C0) 50
4 Thickness of sheet steel for outdoor & indoor panels (mm) 3 & 2.6
5 Degree of protection IP 55 outdoor
IP 54 indoor
6 Colour of finish paint
Outside 631 of IS:5
Inside Glossy white
7 Maximum Temperature rise at rated current over C0 -
specified ambient temp of 500C
8 Continuous current rating Amp -
9 Three second short time current rating kA -
10 Control wiring
a Material of conductor for various circuits -
B Size of conductor For various circuits mm 2.5 - control
4 - power
c Conductor – Solid / Stranded stranded
11 Terminal Blocks -
i) Make -
ii) Current rating Amp -
Specified Offered
Description Unit (by
( By buyer)
1 BIDDER's name and address -
Manufacturer's name and address -
Applicable standards IS:5561
Application outdoor
Type compression
For connection to -
Conductor size and arrangement
Equipment terminal size and arrangement
Material -
a) Clamp body
b) Bolts and nuts
c) Spring washers
d) Liners if any
Rated current -
STC rating for 3 sec -
Maximum Temperature rise at rated current over C0 -
specified ambient temp of 500C
Rated terminal load kG -
Factor of Safety -
Minimum thickness of any part mm 10
Weight of connector complete with Hardware kG -
1) P N A content shall be taken as finger print value by oil supplier and shown in
acceptance test report.
2) When pour point (max) has been decided as (-30 0C), Lowest Cold Start Energizing
Temperature shall be (-20 0C).
1.1 The bidder should have carried out erection, testing, commissioning of and
test charging of at least two nos. of 220 kV or above class transformers at
220 kV &/or 400 kV switch yard of sub stations satisfactory during last five
years before date of submission of the bid.
1.2 The bidder should arrange requisite tools and tackles including adequate
capacity hydraulic crane having suitable adjustable boom length for
erection of bushing, radiators, conservator, and other associated costly
1.3 The bidder should have team of trained personnel and skilled labour force
and supervising engineers to carry out erection, commissioning, testing
and test charging work including laying of control cables and wiring of
OLTC gear scheme and inter connection of RTCC panel with D.M., of
OLTC., wiring of cooler control scheme and cooling fans including
automatic operation of cooler control etc.
2.1 Erection includes entire vacuum by proper capacity of vacuum pump, for
not less than 48 hours, or more if required as per the instruction of
engineer in charge.
2.2 Oil may be supplied in tanker/steel drums, which should be properly sealed during
transportation and storage. Seal shall be verified and opened by GETCO representative
before filling in transformer. Contractor should have enough storage capacity for
handling oil. Filling the oil from tank/drums to the transformer through 6000
liters capacity of high quality filter machine and filtration of the same to get
desired BDV &PPM as specified by engineer in charge and transformer
2.3 Contractor has to replace all the gaskets by new ones if required by
engineer –in –charge.
2.4 Erection shall include wiring of cooling fans, RTCC panels, terminations of
alarm and trip contacts from buchholz relay, WTI, OTI, PRD to M.K. box
and in turn to remote relay panel and RTCC panel in control room.
Required cabling on the transformer as well as from transformer to control
room shall also be included in scope of work. The testing and
commissioning of OLTC as well as cooler control scheme shall be carried
out as per instruction of engineer in charge.
2.5 The contractor shall arrange nitrogen cylinder required at site for above
2.6 In case of any breakage of any item, contractor has to follow up with
insurance for the claims and amount for damage /breakage will be with
1. One or two mobile crane hydraulic of adequate capacity with long boom of
30 ft. bearing free vertical lifts suitable for lifting HV bushing.
2. Steel/Manila/Nylon ropes and D shackle for lifting of 3-ton weight.
3. 4000 or 6000 liters. / hr. capacity filter machine in excellent working
condition. It must be capable of heating transformer oil up to 800 C and
must be equipped with built in high vacuum pump and chamber filter
4. Following accessories should also be made available.
a) Non-collapsible hose piping of size 40 mm to 80 mm with nipple and flange.
b) Hosepipe should be of oil resistant 2 to 3 BSP suitably threaded for
connecting hose pipes & provided with holes for fastening.
c) 2 Nos. storage tanks for insulating oil of adequate capacity provided with 2
bottom drain cum filter valve and another 2 top valve.
d) Two complete sets of ring and flat spanners of metric size up to 4 to 36.
e) One complete set of Allen keys.
f) One complete set of screw derivers.
g) ¼” shackle 3-ply nylon rope of 15 mtr. Length.
h) 4 nos. of flange each of 1”, 2” to 3” BSP suitably threaded for connecting
hose pipe & provided with holes for fastening.
i) Multi stage vacuum pumping system capacity 250-500 mm cu/hr. & should
be able to create absolute vacuum of 1 tor or 1.3 m bar or less having
following accessories.
j) Non return valve at inlet.
k) GI pipe/non-collapsible pipes with flange for connecting vacuum pump to
transformer main tank.
6. The relay bandwidth shall be adjustable between –5 to +15 of set point voltage to suit per
step voltage of 1.25%.
7. The relay shall have following options regarding time behavior with Time factor selectable
from 0.1 to 30.
Fast integral
8. The relay shall incorporate an under voltage / over voltage blocking facility which shall
make the control inoperative if voltage falls / rises by percentage value of set point value
(as mentioned in Guaranteed technical particulars) with automatic restoration of control
when nominal voltage rises / falls to value as mentioned in the Guaranteed technical
9. The AVR relay shall have integrated features for the display of following parameters
14. The AVR relay shall have facility to monitor or control the following parameters
15. The AVR relay shall have facility to record specific events (Event-Recorder) like under
voltage, over voltage, Over current, Auto/Manual, local/remote etc. with date and time
16. The AVR relay shall have facility to make selection of Auto/Manual and Local/Remote.
17. The AVR relay shall have different LEDs to indicate Service and Blocked condition.
18. It is preferred that 12 nos of freely programmable LEDs duly tagged or stickered shall be
available to indicate different Operations / Alarm / Faults condition. If stickers are provided,
then 5 sets of such stickers shall be supplied free of cost for future replacement.
19. The AVR relay shall have freely programmable Binary Inputs, Binary outputs, Analog
Inputs and Analog Outputs.
20. The AVR relay shall have software to make the parameter settings of the device and it
shall also be possible to do the parameter setting through keyboard of relay.
21. The AVR relay shall have suitable interface to make communication with higher level
SCADA system. The following minimum ports shall be available on the device.
a. RS 232 port (COM 1) for doing the parameter setting and local communication with
b. RS 485, Fiber optic ports for communication with higher level SCADA with protocols
like MODBUS & IEC 61850.
22. It shall be possible to communicate via bus with all similar devices located at different
location by making communication link with any one device through its RS 485 - port or
Fiber Optic port meant for SCADA communication.
23. It shall have facility by which a customer specific software programme can be written and
incorporated as feature in the relay.
Bidder shall invariably attach the following documents and clearly marked and duly
flagged in technical bid. In absence of these documents offer will be evaluated as a non
1.1 SCOPE:
1.1.2 When it is an item purchase or supply with transformer, the scope of work
shall be design, manufacture, assembly, testing at manufacturer’s works,
supply and delivery of Flexible Separator (Air cell) & it’s all required
when it is job work of providing and fixing, then the scope of work shall be
design, manufacture, assembly, testing at manufacturer’s works, supply,
delivery, including all required fabrication, fittings, valves, gauges, pipes etc.,
and complete erection, testing and successful commissioning for a given
transformer conservator indicated in Schedule – A of the commercial bid.
ii) The bidder shall give the guarantee as satisfactory working of the complete
transformer for 36 months from the date of commissioning of Flexible
Separator (Air cell) or 42 months from the date of receipt of at site,
whichever is earlier.
It may be noted that the service guarantee would be applicable even when
the Flexible Separator (Air cell) is erected and operated through any other
agency appointed by the GETCO.
Adhesives used shall be compatible with air and transformer oil at 100oC. All
the joints shall be properly designed & suitably vulcanized. Further, Flexible
Separator (Air cell) shall be reinforced at bottom face to avoid damage due to
contact with magnetic oil gauge float. There shall not be any patch work in
Flexible Separator (Air cell). Adaptor used shall be made from structural steel
confirming to Fe-410-S to IS:226. Adaptor and bolts shall be cadmium plated
and passivated (CD-8 of IS:1572) or Zinc plated and passivated.(Fe Zn 12.5 of
IS:1573). The width of the overlap at the joints shall be such that there is no
possibility of joint opening and leakage. Minimum width shall be 75 mm.
i) The function of Flexible Separator (Air cell) is to line the inside of the
conservator tank in transformer, allowing for changes in volume, while
protecting the oil from any type of contamination or external corrosive
agents like ozone, nitrogen, humidity etc.
ii) Flexible Separator (Air cell) shall be suitable for continuous use in
transformer oil at -20oC to 100o C.
iii) Inside coating shall be very good enough to resist weather and ozone.
Outside coating shall be transformer oil resistant. Compounds used for
coating shall not deteriorate during service.
iv) Flexible Separator (Air cell) shall be suitable for inflation and deflation due
to change in oil volume in the conservator. Further, Flexible Separator (Air
cell) shall be designed to collapse slowly as oil level rises in the
v) Flexible Separator (Air cell) shall not develop cracks even at -20oC.
vi) Fixation lugs and adaptor shall be provided on the Flexible Separator (Air
vii) Flexible Separator (Air cell) shall have excellent impermeability to oil, gases
and water vapor.
viii) Flexible Separator (Air cell) shall have high mechanical resistance.
ix) Flanges provided shall meet any of our requirements indicated.
The Flexible Separator (Air cell) shall be suitable for conservator of diameter,
length & shape indicated in schedule – B, attached separately, with the
tender. The suitability & size of Flexible Separator (Air cell) to be provided
shall be supported by necessary calculation for given size and shape of
The work of providing and fixing shall be carried out as per availability of shut
down of particular transformer at site. Necessary tools tackles, accessories,
manpower, etc required shall be managed by contractor.
The guaranteed technical particulars as listed in Section II, but not limited to
shall be invariably submitted with the technical bid.
1 Item description :
2 Name of manufacturer :
3 Type & designation :
4 Shape :
5 Size of conservator Diameter :
Length :
6 Size of Flexible Separator (Air cell) :
a. Length (mm) Fully inflated :
b. Length (mm) Fully deflated:
c. Width (mm) Fully inflated:
d. Width (mm) Fully deflated
e. Distance between axes :
i.e. pitch distance of lugs (mm)
f. Expansion volume (litre) :
g. Occupation rate (%)
7 Material of Flexible Separator (Air cell) :
a. Basic fabric :
b. Coating compound :
c. Oil side coating :
8 Inside coating Material :
9 Outside coating Material :
10 Thickness :
11 Resistance to perforation :
12 Warp breaking strength :
13 Weft breaking strength :
14 Warp elongation breaking :
15 Weft elongation breaking :
16 Seam resistance :
17 Perforation :
18 Permeability to Oxygen :
Annexure - II
ON Line Dissolved Gas Analysis
Technical Specification For On Line Gas In Oil Analyser
The transformer shall be equipped with on line gas in oil analyzer system
and remote data transfer /communications. It is intended to individual
monitor the evolution of dissolved gases from the oil of transformer to detect
and continuously monitor a individual value of gases like H2(Hydrogen),
CH4 (Methane),C2H4 (ethylene),C2H6 (Ethane), C2H2 (Acetylene), CO2
(Carbon dioxide), CO (Carbon monoxide).,O2 Oxygen,N2 (Nitrogen).The
system shall be installed on a single, open bore ball or gate valve.
2.2 One set of centralized monitoring system with suitable software for
communicating with IEDs simultaneously with a provision for
communicating to two or more IEDs if required in future. The required
software shall be loaded in GETCO system at desired location such
that all the data/display associated with the system can be visualized
and all archiving / trending can be achieved. It shall also give printouts
of all required data as desired.
2.3 All required interconnection, wiring, cabling with fiber optic cables/RS
485 cables etc., including all required accessories for successful
operation of the system.
2.4 Required earthing & connection for the system at required location is to
be carried out by bidder.
2.8 The system interface shall also include required field cable, patch cable,
patch box, associated accessories & hardware’s to connect to the
GETCO system as required.
The IEDs shall be suitable for outdoor heavily polluted atmosphere, ambient
temperature of 55 degree C and relative humidity of 100 % and shall have
minimum degree of protection of IP-55. Necessary type test reports shall be
submitted with the bid. Each IED shall be provided with additional
canopy. The IED shall be suitable for mounting on offered transformer. The
best single point of mounting location to ensure optimum flow of oil in
the IED without any external / additional pump & piping shall be
decided in co ordination with on line gas in oil analyzer system
The system shall operate satisfactorily for oil temperature range of -5 to 120
degree C with heat fin adapter and shall be suitable for oil pressure of 100
psi. Provision shall be made available for collection oil samples for DGA and
moisture analysis, without disturbing IED or its connections. It shall be
possible to carry out the periodic maintenance easily. The normal
functioning of IED shall be guaranteed with or without necessity of any
additives / consumable. Bidder shall supply such additive or consumable within
guarantee period free of cost as and when required to GETCO site where it is
provided. Bidder shall give source of consumable during detailed engineering.
The IED shall include an automatic 'self-test' feature otherwise calibration shall be
arranged by bidder free of cost by providing spare unit as and when required.
Glass Fiber Optic mono mode cables /RS485 cable shall be provided for
interconnection of all IEDs and the central monitoring system. The cable
shall be laid in HDPE conduits. All required terminations, splicing kits shall
be arranged by bidder. Provision shall be kept for installing and terminating
cables from future IEDs. It is also intent to monitor gas in oil of transformer
through internet. There will not be any wire connection. It will be wireless
communication. Any suitable modem shall be provided. Data is to be seen
and analyze at corporate office or any other remote locations as desired by
4.0 List of routine & acceptance tests shall be submitted with the technical
bid. Successful bidder has to perform acceptance tests in presence of
GETCO representative, as per relevant standard.
5.0 Services of on line moisture and gas in oil analyzer system supplier
during supply, mounting, erection, testing, commissioning and after
sales even beyond guarantee period shall have to be arranged and
provided by the bidder.
6.0 The bidder shall furnish all guaranteed technical particulars as called
for in this specification. Bid not containing this information are likely to
be rejected.
8.0 It can be shifted from one place to other place as per our need.
9.0 Guarantee for the unit should be 36 months from date of installation or
42 months from the date of supply whichever is earlier. It is submitted
in the form of Performance bank Guarantee in 10% of the value.
Oil sampling
On line
5% or + LDL(Lower detection Limit)
whichever is greater
Measuring time On line continuous process
Communication Rs 485,Rs 232,Modbus,IEC 61850
Data management
Software: Window based, suitable for
Data analysis of measuring
Display: External PC or laptop
Storage: Simple xml format
PC communication: RS232 or equivalent port
Software analysis : Key gas method, Rogers ratio &
Duval triangle
Operating temp: -10 to 55 deg. C
Humidity: 100% RH, Non condensing
2 Measurement of gases
5 Oil Temp.
6 Operating temperature
7 Humidity
8 Technology
10 Extraction method
11 Extraction time
12 Accuracy
13 GS separating Column
14 Sensor type
Page No. 3
Point No. 1:
Intelligent Electronic Device (IED)
Specific technical requirement (On line DGA)
Please add following sentence after completion of first para:
“However, if the bidder desires floor mounting IED system on a movable trolley
can offer for the same.”
Page No. 3
Point No. 3:
Specific technical requirement (On line DGA),
Interconnecting cabling
Please replace first sentence by following sentence:
“Glass Fiber Optic mono mode cables /RS485 cable/ armored instrumentation
cable shall be provided for interconnection of all IEDs and the central monitoring
Page No. 4
Point no. 9 & 10 are not applicable.
Name of work: Turnkey contract for the work of design, supply, erection and
commissioning of Nitrogen Injection system for protection against the
transformer explosion for Transformers and Shunt Reactors as indicated in
Schedule – A. The scope of civil work for the same is in the bidder’s scope which includes all
required civil works including oil sump/tank, foundations etc., required for satisfactory working
of system.
NIFPS supplier shall be Original Manufacturer (OEM) of system. The offered system has to
be designed, manufactured and tested as per relevant IS/IEC/ANSI standard with latest
Each oil filled transformer / reactor shall be provided with a dedicated Nitrogen
Injection system for prevention against the transformer explosion which shall use
nitrogen as quenching medium. The system shall prevent transformer / Reactor
oil tank explosion and possible fire in case of internal / external cause. In the
event of fire by external causes such as bushing fire. OLTC fires, fire from
surrounding equipment etc., it shall act as a fast and effective fire fighter. It
shall accomplish its role as fire preventer and extinguisher without employing
water or carbon dioxide. Fire shall be extinguished within reasonable with time
(not more than 3 minutes so as not to harm the transformer) of system activation
and within 30 seconds (maximum) of commencement of nitrogen injection. The
system shall have been in successful operation / commissioned in Indian / Abroad
installations for at least last five years for protection of transformers of 220 KV
and higher voltage class. The list of past supplies in India / Abroad along with
performance certificate from users of the system shall be submitted for approval
of purchaser.
Auto Mode
For prevention:
For extinguishing
• Fire Detector
• Buchholz relay paralleled with pressure relief valve or RPRR (Rapid Pressure
Rise Relay).
Tripping of all circuit breakers (on HV & LV/IV side) associated with transformer /
reactor is the pre-requisite for activation of system.
Tripping of all circuit breakers (on HV & LV / IV side) associated with transformer
/ reactor is the pre-requisite for activation of system.
General description
Nitrogen Injection system should be a dedicated system for each oil filled
transformer / reactor. It should have a Fire Extinguishing Cubicle (FEC) placed on
a plinth at a distance of 5-10 m away from transformer / reactor or placed next to
the firewall (if fire fighting wall exists). The FEC shall be connected to the top of
transformer / reactor oil tank for depressurization of tank and to the oil pit (steel
tank) (capacity is approximately equal to 10% of total volume of oil in
transformer / reactor tank / or existing oil pit) from its bottom through oil pipes.
The FEC should house a pressurized nitrogen cylinder (s) which is connected to
the oil tank of transformer /reactor oil tank at bottom. The Transformer
Conservator Isolation Valve (TCIV) is fitted between the conservator tank and
Buchholz relay. Cable connections are to be provided from signal box to the
control box in the control room, from control box to FEC and from TCIV to signal
System components
• Nitrogen gas cylinder with regulator and falling pressure electrical contact
• Oil drain pipe with mechanical quick drain valve.
• Electro mechanical control equipment for draining of oil of pre-determined
volume and injecting regulated volume of nitrogen gas.
• Pressure monitoring switch for back-up protection for nitrogen release.
• Limit switches for monitoring of the system.
• Butterfly valve with flanges on the top of panel for connecting oil drain pipe
and nitrogen injection pipes for transformer / reactors.
• Panel lighting (CFL Type)
• Oil drain pipe extension of suitable sizes for connecting pipes to oil pit.
• Space heater.
Control box
Control box is to be placed in the control room for monitoring system operation,
automatic control and remote operation. The following alarms, indications,
switches, push buttons, audio signal etc. shall be provided.
• System Oil.
• TCIV open.
• Oil drain valve closed.
• Gas inlet valve closed
• TCIV closed
• Detector trip
• Buchholz relay trip
• Oil drain valve open
• Extinction in progress
• Cylinder pressure low
• Differential relay trip
• PRV / RPRR trip
• Transformer / reactor trip
• System out of service
• Fault in cable connecting fault detector
• Fault in cable connecting differential relay
• Fault in cable connecting Buchholz relay
• Fault in cable connecting PRV / RPRR
• Fault in cable connecting transformer reactor trip
• Fault in cable connecting TCIV
• Auto / Manual / Off
• Extinction release on / off
• Lamp test
• Visual / Audio alarm for AC supply fail
• Visual / Audio alarm for DC supply fail
As far as possible the control box should be such devised that all the transformers
and reactors or group thereof should be controlled from single spot. Potential
Free contacts shall be available for alarm troubles for input to SCADA system.
Also, separate hooter & emergency trip provision shall be provided in control
room over & above provided in control box (as control box is to be provided in
respective yard kiosk)
The TCIV should be of the best quality as malfunctioning of TCIV could lead to
serious consequence. The closing of TCIV means stoppage of breathing of
transformer / reactor.
The system shall be complete with adequate number of detectors (quartz bulb)
fitted on the top cover of the transformer / reactor oil tank.
Signal box
It shall be mounted away from transformer / reactor main tank, preferably near
the transformer marshalling box, for terminating cable connections from TCIV &
detectors and for further connection to be control box. The degree of protection
shall be IP55.
Fire survival cables (capable to withstand 750º C.) of 4 core x 1.5 sq. mm size for
connection of detectors in parallel shall be used. The fire survival cable shall
conform to BS 7629-1, BS 8434-1, BS 7629-1 and BS 5839-1, BS EN 50267-2-1 or
relevant Indian standards.
Fire Retardant Low Smoke(FRLS) cable of adequate size shall be used for
connection of signal box / marshalling box near transformer / reactor and FEC
mounted near transformer/ reactor with control box mounted in control room.
Fire Retardant Low Smoke (FRLS) cable of 4 core x 1.5 sq. mm size shall be used
for connection between control box to DC & AC supply source, FEC to AC supply
source, signal box / marshalling box to transformer conservator isolation valve
connection on transformer / reactor. Separate cables for AC supply & DC supply
shall be used.
Pipes complete with connections, flanges, bends and tees etc. shall be supplied
along with the system.
(a) Oil drain and nitrogen injection openings with gate valves on transformer /
reactor tank at suitable locations.
(b) Flanges between Buchholz relay and conservator tank for fixing TCIV.
(d) Spare potential free contacts activating the system i.e. in differential relay,
Bucholz relay. Pressure Relief Device / RPRR , Circuit breaker of
transformer / reactor.
(e) Pipe connections between transformer / reactor and FEC and between FEC
and oil pit required for collecting top oil.
(g) Inter cabling between signal box, control box and FEC.
(h) Butterfly valves / Gate valves on oil drain pipe and nitrogen injection pipe
which should be able to withstand full vacuum.
(i) Supports, signal box etc. which are to be painted with enameled paint.
Power supply
The bidder apart from the below mentioned spares shall submit a list of
recommendation spares for three years trouble free operation of the equipments
and also furnish unit rates. The owners will scrutinize the said list and decide on
the items on spares to be ordered and the quantities. These spares shall be
supplied by the contractor before end of guarantee period. The owner reserves
right to order the spares with twelve (12) months from the date of order for main
equipments and the rate shall be kept valid till this date. The prices of these
spares shall not be considered for evaluation of the bid.
Mandatory Spares
It shall be ensured that once the NIFPES gets activated manually or in auto
mode, all the connected breakers shall not close until the system is actually put in
OFF mode. Also PRV shall get closed only if all the connected breakers are open.
Contractor has to submit valid type test reports as per relevant IS/IEC.
including IP 55 on FEC, control box etc., from NABL approved Laboratory or any
other reputed authority nationally or internationally not older than 5 years &
must be valid till expiry of validity of offer.
Reports of all routine test conducted as per relevant IS/IEC standards in respect
of various bought out items including test reports for degree of protection for FEC
/ control box / signal box shall be submitted by the supplier.
The supplier shall demonstrate the entire functional test associated with the
following as Factory Acceptance Tests:
The performance test of the complete system shall be carried out after erection of
the system with transformer at site.
Detailed layout drawings, equipment drawing along with 4 sets of Operation and
Maintenance manual along with soft copies (In CDs) shall be submitted by the
supplier along with the consignment.
The guaranteed and other technical particulars for the offered system are
indicated in Section - "Guaranteed and Other Technical Particulars". Any
other particulars considered necessary in addition to those listed in that Section
may be furnished by the Bidder.
5.2 mm
5.3 Type & Thickness of sheet steel
5.4 Details of components provided in the control box
5.5 Control voltage
5.6 Method of mounting
5.7 Whether audio and visual alarm provided?
6. Transformer Conservator Isolation Valve
6.1 Make
6.2 Type
6.3 Location
6.4 Whether suitable for pipe of size 80 mm dia
6.5 No. of contacts & spare contacts (NO & NC)
6.6 Padlocking provision
7 Detectors
7.1 Make
7.2 Type
7.3 Quantity required
7.4 Method of fixing
7.5 Effective heat sensing area
7.6 Temperature recommended for effective heat
7.7 Number of contacts NO / NC
7.8 Necessity and condition of Refilling
8 Whether approved by Tariff Advisory Committee of
10 Power Supply
10.1 Control box
10.2 FEC (lighting)
10.3 Extinction period
10.4 On system activation
10.5 On commencement of Nitrogen injection
11 FEC Suitable for capacity
11.1 Dimensions (LXBXH) mm
11.2 Weight
11.3 Nitrogen cylinder capacity
12 Control Box
12.1 Dimensions (LXBXH) mm
12.2 Weight
13 Detectors
13.1 Heat sensing temperature