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Appolycet-2019 Admissions Into Polytechnics: Department of Technical Education

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Every Candidate attending for Certificate Verification at Help-line Centre is requested to follow the stages as
indicated below:
STAGE 1: Candidate Registration for Certificate verification:
 Wait for the announcement from authorities of Help Line Centres for Registration.
 After announcement, hand over the rank card to officer at entrance.
 Wait for your turn in the registration hall.
 When your rank is called pay processing fee and obtain receipt.
 Every candidate shall furnish a mobile number at the time of registration.
Login ID, One Time Password etc will be communicated to this mobile
only. Request for change of mobile number will not be entertained under
any circumstances.
 Collect the Registration-Cum-Verification form from computer operator at Registration
 Enter details i.e. hall ticket number, rank etc. in the Register and append your
 Your registration is completed. Go back and wait in the registration hall for
 After announcement by the officer at Registration counter, report at Verification counter
for certificate verification.
STAGE 2: Verification of Certificates:
 Verify the details printed on Registration-Cum-Verification form for local area, sex,
category, date of birth etc. for correctness.
 If there is any mistake, report to verification officer for correction.
 If you belong to SC/ST/BC Category, report to Caste Verification officer and submit the
original Caste Certificate for verification and clearance. After Caste verification report
to one of the Certificate verification officers.
 If you belong to Open Competition (OC) Category, directly report to Certificate
verification officer.
 The Officers will verify all the original certificates like Rank Card, Hall ticket, Marks
memo, Study certificate, income certificate etc given by you.
 A Print out of Receipts of certificates will be given to you and if you find any
discrepancy, report to the Chief Verification Officer for correction. Append your
signature after verifying the data.
Seat allotment process and display of options depend on the accuracy of the data.
 Ensure for correctness of the data in the fields: Local Area, Sex, Minority, Category
(BC/SC/ST), Special reservation category (PH/CAP/NCC/Sports), Fee reimbursement
eligibility (Yes/No), Eligible/Not Eligible (You are also jointly responsible for ensuring the
Correctness of data. No request for alteration of data will be allowed after the time for
exercising options is over).

STAGE 3: Preparatory work to be made by you at home for exercising options:

 Exercising options means you have to select polytechnics and courses you wish to join
and arrange them in the order of priority.
 Download List of Polytechnic and their codes, courses offered and course codes from
website https://appolycet.nic.in.
 Go through the polytechnic profile, availability of courses, duration of the course,
prospects (job/academic opportunities) after studying a particular course. Discuss and
decide on your interest on a particular course, distance from your place, availability of

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hostel, your family background, financial and mental ability to move away from your
place. Arrive at a list of as many numbers of possible options on a paper.

 Consult your parents/friends on the selection of courses and Colleges you wish to join.
 Take the Manual option form fill in the district code, polytechnic code and course code
you wish to join in the order of preference against the option number.

 Allotment of seats will be done based on Rank, Local Area, Gender, reservation
category etc., in the order of preference you have chosen.
 Allotment will be made as per your choice of the option numbers depending upon the
number of vacancies available in a Polytechnic and in a course for your sex, local area,
and category. If vacancy is not available in Option.No.1, Option.No.2 will be
considered for allotment, if vacancy is also not available in Option. No.2, Option.No.3
will be considered for allotment and so on. The allotment will not proceed to the next
candidate till the list of your options is completely searched for availability of a seat.
 Candidates need not give all courses of Polytechnic as option number in a serial order.
 Candidates can enter any number of options of any polytechnic in any order of his
 Candidate is advised not to enter options for which he is not interested to join.
 Based on last ranks of previous years, Candidates are advised to give more number of
options to avoid the disappointment of not securing a seat.
 For entering options on computer screen filled in manual option form is essential. It will
save your time and minimize your chance of making mistake in option entry on web.
STAGE 4: Procedure to be followed for exercising options on web/Internet:
 You can enter the options from home or from any internet café or from any Help Line
Center with the help of filled in manual option form already available with you.
 You must have already completed certificate verification(Stage 1 and Stage 2).
Steps to be followed for entering the options on web:

1. Entering the URL through internet.

2. Generation of password.
3. Option entry.
4. Log out.

STEP 1: Entering the URL through internet

 e
Double click on ‘ ’ (Internet Explorer).
 Make sure that the computer which you are using contains windows operation system
Internet Explorer Version 9.0 and above. It is possible to enter options only from such
systems having above versions. It is not possible to enter options on Net scape
navigator, Google chrome, Mozilla Firefox.
 Please enter URL or Website address: https://appolycet.nic.in.
 You will find home page as shown below containing the links regarding the information
such as counseling procedure, list of courses, list of help line centers, polytechnic
profile, etc..

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STEP 2: Generation of Password

Importance of Password:
 Password is important and shall be held confidentially. Do not reveal it to anybody as it
might enable modification/tampering of data.
 Password is essential for Candidates Login, Entry of options, Change of options,
saving and deletion of options and for printing of allotment order.

 Click on “Candidates Registration” to generate the password.

 Enter the following details. Note: ICR Number is printed on your Receipt of Certificates.
Date of birth shall be entered in DD/MM/YYYY format.
ICR Form.No. APPOLYCET H.T. No. Rank Date of Birth
and click on “Generate Password” button . The following screen appears.

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 In the “Password” box enter the ‘password’ (having a minimum of 8 characters length
and maximum of 10 with at least one Numeral for example POLYCET1234,
krishna123, etc.)
 Re-enter the same password at “Re-enter password” box.
 Enter the mobile number and email id. These are optional. In case you forget the
password mobile number/email id is compulsory to communicate the changed
 Click on “Save Password” to save the password.
 Click on “Log Out”. With this candidate’s registration is completed and you will come
back to Home page.
 You can change your password as well as reset the password (in case forgotten)
through Candidates login as explained in the following step.

 STEP 3: Option Entry

Note: You are advised not to start entering options directly on the web without preparatory
work in the manual option form at home, as you may commit mistakes.

After completing the candidate’s registration and generation of password, click on Candidate’s
Login for exercising the options. The following screen appears.

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Login ID is a secret number that will be communicated to your registered mobile by SMS
well in advance of your option entry.

In case you have not received your login ID or have forgotten it, you are advised to send
an SMS after generation of password from your registered mobile to 8790499899 in
the format APPOLYCET<space>01<space>hallticket
Example: APPOLYCET 01 43632401.

 If you forgot password, click on the link Forgot your password. and enter the ICR number, Rank,
POLYCET Hall ticket number and date of Birth and mobile number which you have entered at the time
of Candidate Registration. Now click on get new password. New password generated by computer will
be sent to your mobile number or to your email. After receiving the password you can change the
password as per your convenience.

To enter your options, fill in your ICR form No.,Hall Ticket No.,Password and Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
and click on Sign In. The following screen appears.

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To make your options more secure, a One-Time Password (OTP) will be sent to your registered
mobile as soon as you entered this page after candidate’s login.

Enter the OTP in the text box provided.

Read the Declaration and click on Check Box √ to confirm the same.

Click on Click here for option entry.

Click on “Help Screen” will display the screen providing explanation about different Menu items present in the
option entry form.

If for certain technical reasons if a message appears “Error in sending OTP to your mobile” above the
OTP entry box OR if OTP has been sent to your mobile but is not delivered, wait for 5 minutes and click on
“CLICK HERE” to get a new OTP to your mobile.

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 Select one or more districts and statewide institutions to display the Polytechnics in those districts along
with State wide Institutions.

 Click on ‘Display Option Entry form‟ displays the screen for exercising the options.

 In the Screen different colours are used to distinguish three year courses (Engineering and
Non-Engineering), three and half year courses, Government colleges, Girls institutions and
Minority institutions.
 Enter your POLYCET Hall ticket No. in the box provided.
 By looking at already filled manual option form, enter the option numbers in the Boxes on the
Screen against the polytechnic and course in which you are interested to join as shown above.

You can change your password if you know the previous password by using Change password.
Click on View and Print button helps you to see the saved options and take a print out of the

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 STEP 4: Logout

 AFTER COMPLETION OF Option entry Click on “Logout”, IT DISPLAYS AN ALERT

MESSAGE WITH three BUTTONS “Save and Logout”, “Confirm Logout” and
‘Cancel Logout‟.
 Click on „Cancel Logout‟ retains the Options Entry Form for entry of some more

 Click on “Save & Logout” button will save the options exercised up to that point of time
including those options already saved and display the details of the saved options.

 Click on “Confirm Logout‟ button will directly display the details of already saved
options. However, the options entered but not saved in current session are not

 You are informed that, you can add, modify or delete the options any number of times
within in stipulated time by repeating the above mentioned four steps. The options
recorded in the server on the last day will be frozen. If you wish to change the frozen
options once again, approach any one of help line centers on any one of the dates
mentioned to modify your frozen options. This is the final opportunity and after this no
further changes can be done. The Options recorded in the server on the last day will
be taken for allotment of seats. You can take a printout of the options exercised.
STAGE 5: Final Allotment of Seats
 The allotments will be processed on the date mentioned in the notification based on
merit, category, sex, Local area, special reservation category etc and will be placed in
the web.
 Candidate can download the allotment order by paying Rs.800 by entering the details
in Candidate’s Login as explained in STEP 3.
STAGE 6: Payment of Fees & Reporting at College and Participating in Subsequent phase(s) of
counseling (if any)



URL FOR OPTION ENTRY: https://appolycet.nic.in

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