Chapter 4 MKT33
Chapter 4 MKT33
Chapter 4 MKT33
Perspectives on Consumer
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Learning Objectives 1 of 2
LO1 Discuss why an understanding of consumer
behavior is valuable in developing advertising
and promotional programs.
LO2 Describe the steps in the consumer decision-
making process.
LO3 Explain the influence on consumer behavior of
psychological processes like perception and
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Learning Objectives 2 of 2
LO4 Discuss behavioral learning theory and cognitive
learning theory.
LO5 Explain the influence of external factors like
culture and demographic variables.
LO6 Identify new ways to study consumer behavior.
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An Overview of Consumer Behavior
Consumer Behavior: Process and activities people
engage in with relation to products and services to
satisfy their needs and desires
– Searching and selecting
– Purchasing and using
– Evaluating
– Disposing
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The Consumer Decision-Making Process 2 of 23
Examining Consumer Motivations
– Helps in understanding the reasons underlying consumer
– Motives: Factors that compel a consumer to take a
particular action
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Exhibit 4-5
While Volvo uses an appeal to security needs by focusing on
safety, why is the Jaguar ad an appeal to self-actualization?
Source: Jaguar Land Rover North America, LLC. All Rights Reserved
© Volvo Cars of North America, LLC
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Figure 4-2 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
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Figure 4-3 Some of the Marketing Research Methods
Used to Probe the Mind of the Consumer
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The Consumer Decision-Making Process 6 of 23
Information Search
– Internal search: Information retrieval that involves
• Past experiences
• Information regarding various purchase alternatives
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The Consumer Decision-Making Process 7 of 23
Information Search continued
– Extent of external source to be used depends on the:
• Importance of the purchase decision
• Effort needed to acquire information
• Amount of past experience relevant
• Degree of perceived risk associated with the purchase
• Time available
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The Consumer Decision-Making Process 8 of 23
– Receiving, selecting, organizing, and interpreting
information to create a meaningful picture of the world
– Depends on:
• Internal factors
• Characteristics of a stimulus
– Selecting Information
• Internal psychological factors determine what one focuses on
and/or ignores
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The Consumer Decision-Making Process 10 of 23
Perception continued
– Interpreting the Information
• Organizing and categorizing information influenced by:
– Internal psychological factors
– The nature of the stimulus
– Selective Perception
• Results from the higher number of complexity of the marketing
stimuli a person is exposed to
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The Consumer Decision-Making Process 11 of 23
Perception continued
– Selective Perception continued
• Selective exposure
– Consumers choose whether or not to make themselves
available to info
• Selective attention
– Consumers choose to focus attention on certain stimuli and
not others
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The Consumer Decision-Making Process 12 of 23
Perception continued
– Selective Perception continued
• Selective comprehension
– Consumers interpret information on the basis of their own
attitudes, beliefs, motives, and experiences
• Selective retention
– Consumers do not remember all the information they see,
hear, or read even after attending to and comprehending it
– Mnemonics: Symbols, rhymes, associations, and images that
assist in the learning and memory process
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The Consumer Decision-Making Process 13 of 23
Perception continued
– Subliminal Perception
• Ability to perceive a stimulus that is below the level of conscious
• Controversial tactic with strong ethical implications
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The Consumer Decision-Making Process 15 of 23
Alternative Evaluation continued
– Evaluative Criteria and Consequences
• Evaluative criteria: Dimensions or attributes of a product that are
used to compare different alternatives
– Objective or subjective
– Viewed as product or service attributes
• Functional consequences: Concrete outcomes of product or
service usage
– Tangible and directly experienced by consumers
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The Consumer Decision-Making Process 16 of 23
Alternative Evaluation continued
– Evaluative Criteria and Consequences continued
• Psychosocial consequences: Abstract outcomes that are more
intangible, subjective, and personal
• Subprocesses
– Process by which consumer attitudes are created, reinforced,
and changed
– Decision rules or integration strategies used to compare
brands and make purchase decisions
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The Consumer Decision-Making Process 17 of 23
– Learned predispositions to respond to an object
– Theoretically summarize a consumer’s evaluation of an
– Represent positive or negative feelings and behavioral
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The Consumer Decision-Making Process 18 of 23
Attitudes continued
– Multiattribute Attitude Model
• Attributes of a product or brand provide the basis on which
consumers form their attitude
• Consumers attach different levels of importance to different
• Salient beliefs
– Beliefs concerning specific attributes
– Consequences that are activated and form the basis of an
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The Consumer Decision-Making Process 19 of 23
Attitudes continued
– Multiattribute Attitude Model continued
𝐴𝐵 = 𝐵𝑖 × 𝐸𝑖
where 𝐴𝐵 = attitude toward a brand
𝐵𝑖 = beliefs about the brand’s performance on attribute i
𝐸𝑖 = importance attached to attribute i
n = number of attributes considered
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The Consumer Decision-Making Process 20 of 23
Attitudes continued
– Attitude Change Strategies
• Changing the strength or belief rating of a brand on an important
• Changing consumers’ perceptions of the importance or value of an
• Adding a new attribute to the attitude formation process
• Changing perceptions of belief ratings for a competing brand
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Exhibit 4-12
This Michelin ad stresses
advantages over competitors’
ads. What positioning strategy
is being employed?
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The Consumer Decision-Making Process 22 of 23
Purchase Decision
– Purchase intention
• Predisposition to buy a certain brand by matching purchase
motives with attributes of brands considered
– Brand loyalty
• Preference for a particular brand that results in its repeated
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The Consumer Decision-Making Process 23 of 23
Postpurchase Evaluation
– Satisfaction—Consumer’s expectations are met or
– Dissatisfaction—Product performance is below
– Cognitive dissonance: Psychological tension experienced
after a difficult purchase choice
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The Consumer Learning Process 1 of 3
Behavioral Learning Theory
– Based on the stimulus–response orientation (S–R)
– Learning occurs as a result of responses to external stimuli
in the environment
– Classical conditioning: Learning is an associative process
with existing relationship between a stimulus and a
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Figure 4-6 The Classical Conditioning Process
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Figure 4-7 Instrumental Conditioning in Marketing
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Figure 4-8 Application of Shaping Procedures in Marketing
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Environmental Influences on Consumer Behavior 1 of 2
– Complexity of learned meanings, values, norms, and
customs shared by members of a society
– Smaller segments within a culture, whose beliefs, values,
norms, and patterns of behavior set them apart from the
larger cultural mainstream
Social Class
– Homogeneous divisions in a society into which people
sharing similar lifestyles, values, norms, interests, and
behaviors can be grouped
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Environmental Influences on Consumer Behavior 2 of 2
Reference Groups
– Group whose presumed perspectives or values are being
used by an individual as the basis for his or her judgments,
opinions, and actions
Situational Determinants
– Specific situation in which consumers plan to use the
product or brand directly affects their perceptions,
preferences, and purchase behaviors
– Types: Usage, purchase, and communications situation
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Alternative Approaches to Consumer Behavior
New Methodologies
– Qualitative methods
– Linguistic or historical perspective of communications
– Examining the symbolic meanings of advertising and the
facets of consumption
New Insights
– Leads to better understanding of:
• Cultural significance of advertising messages
• Influence of advertising images on society
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