Assignment 3

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There is No Luck.

Only Good Marketing

Franz Schrepf

The speaker- Franz Schrepf who is studying economics and business, delivered his speech in
TEDxAUCollege and had inspirited number of people by the way he uses the key principles of
marketing theory to analyze and change daily lives.
In Schrepf point of view, success isn’t a product of luck but a product of good marketing. By
applying the basic theories such as 4 Ps and 4 Cs of marketing, Schrepf showed that it was not
difficult to change and promote the product in order to achieve set goals. Schrepf comically
summarizes the basics of marketing and advertising using a closed, related example: ourselves.
Firstly, Schrepf assumed that the first the product satisfied customer needs is “yourself and all the
capabilities you have”. The speaker also said finding customer needs is a tricky task because it
becomes very challenged when finding the customer secret needs. However, if being succeeded to
found it, marketers will achieve a massive competitive advantage. Nevertheless, Schrepf advised
the audience to have real-life searching instead of googling.
After meeting the customer needs, Schrepf took an example about Rockstar-dreams in order to
remind marketers to put themselves into the customer position and consider the cost which
customers are willing to pay. For instants, the cost of being a rock star is countless hours of practice
but when being told about the endurance needed and the risks involved, many people feel hesitate
and do not want to do it anymore.
Thirdly, letting the public know about the product is an essential task because anyone could be a
potential customer. Schrepf‘s talk about Aida had emphasized the importance of grabbing the
customer attention follow up by creating an interest within buyer by displaying the product
attributes and forming a desire in customer’s mind.
Lastly, Schrepf mentioned that even go through all three steps above, failure can occur if lacking
the product promotion step. He assumed that in the market as well as in life, it's not the best product
which gets sold the most but it's the best-promoted product which gets sold the most. From time
to time, options need to be carefully considered because sometimes the place which is the most
obvious to meet customer needs is not the place where buyers need it the most.
All in all, to answer the question why people would estimate others attribute success solely to luck,
Schrepf point out that while facing the same problem, many people intend to lure themselves that
others are luckier than they are rather than tackling the root of dissatisfaction, the cause of
problems and fix it. At the end of the speech, the individual was given two options: either keep
believing in self-illusion that other’s successes come by luck or analyze the current situation and
take action to truly change the game.
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