SBM Standard Rubrics
SBM Standard Rubrics
SBM Standard Rubrics
Sub-Theme: Implementation/(Management/Delivery)
1. The implemented curriculum provides for the development needs of all types of learners in the school community.
2. The school plans and manages appropriate teaching and learning process in respect to cultural diversity and differences.
1. School Level -learning facilitators
2. Learner Level -learner challenges
Level 3: Level 4: MOV’s
1. The learners The learners fairly produce The learners produce The learners produce The learners produce IM’s, act, projects, documentations on learning
produce outputs outputs as required by the outputs as required by outputs and provide outputs and engangement in the classrooms, performance
required by the curriculum standards the curriculum standards insights for self- demonstrate capacity for tasks
curriculum directed learning self-directed learning
standards as beyond the beyond the curriculum
evidence of an curriculum standards standards
interactive and
learning process
74% MPS below Periodic 75%-79% MPS 80%-84% MPS 85% and above MPS Form 14,NAT, frequency of correct
Means of test result Periodic Test Result Periodic Test Periodic Test Result responses/frequency of error
verification Participation in the Division Level- Top 7 Result National Level-Top 3 NCAE
academic contest in the Regional Level- Division Unified Test (17)
division level Top 5
SAMPLE Performance tasks Compilation of Compilation of Compilation of Learners portfolio
outputs/learner’s portfolio; Learners portfolio in Learners portfolio Learners portfolio in - Form 14
Observation notes/Form SOME learning in ALL learning ALL learning areas in - Profilling
178; area/grade level per areas in all grade all grade levels per - List for remediation
Sample DLL/DLP employing grading period levels per grading grading period - Etc…
differentiated strategies in Observation period Observation - SARDO
some learning areas notes/Form 178; Observation notes/Form 178/COT - SMEA documents
Documentation DDL/DLP with notes/Form 178; DLP/DLL with -
evidence of SOME DLP/DLL with evidence of ALL
TEACHERS evidence of ALL teachers with
employing teachers employing
differentiated employing differentiated
strategies in a differentiated strategies in all
SOME/FEW strategies in learning areas
LEARNING AREAS some learning Classroom
Documentation areas Monthly culminating
Monthly activities integrating
culminating competencies from
activities different learning
integrating areas
competencies Activity design
from different Documentation
learning areas
Activity Design
Learners portfolios in 1 – 2 Learners portfolios in Learners Learners portfolios in
subject areas per grade level 3 – 4 subject areas portfolios in 5 – 6 7 or more subject US/Content/Courses/portfolio_assessment.
per grading period per grade level per subject areas per areas per grade level htm
Documentation grading period grade level per per grading period
Classroom grading period Articles published in
structuring Display bulletin / school
Awards received by exhibit paper/Learners –
learners (school} Awards received initiated projects
Documentation by learners Awards received by
(district) learners ( division or
Documentation higher)
2. The school The school partially implements The school fully The school establishes The school practices
provides the desired developmentally implements a mechanism to continuous improvement
developmentally appropriate programs and developmentally effectively implement methodology to sustain
appropriate activities based on learners appropriate programs developmentally implementation of
learning profile and activities based on appropriate programs developmentally
opportunities for learners profile and activities based appropriate programs
diverse learners on learners profile and activities based on
to promote
learners profile
holistic inclusive
Observation Notes using Implementation on Progress Report Sustainability plan
Means of the COT different on different
verification Learners Monitoring Form interventions intervention
Learning style
SIP (Voice of the Learners
Compilation of Learners’ Narrative Project Work Documentation of
Profile /Accomplishment Plans/Activity best Practices
Special Programs Report on Plans Sustainability Action
implemented in school- Implementation M& E Tools / Plan
SSES, ALS, SPED, IPED, School Programs M & E Reports
ALIVE Project Work Documentation of
Documentation Plans/Activity Plans Feed forward
Documentation activities
Learners’ Profile with their Learners’ Profile with Learners’ Profile Learners’ Profile with
learning needs their learning needs with their learning their learning needs
Implemented 1 functional Implemented 2 needs Implemented 4
special program and activity functional special Implemented 3 functional special
with approved activity programs and functional special programs and
design activities with programs and activities with
Documentation approved activity activities with approved activity
design approved activity design
Narrative design Narrative
/Accomplishment Narrative /Accomplishment
Report on the /Accomplishment Report on the
Implementation of Report on the Implementation of
School Programs Implementation School Programs
Project Work of School Documentation of
Plans/Activity Plans Programs best Practices
Documentation Project Work Sustainability Action
Plans/Activity Plan
M& E Tools /
M & E Reports
3. Learners Learners assess strengths and Learners recognize their Learners collaborate Learners manage their Guidance program quantified in the
recognize their weaknesses own strengths and with teacher in own strengths and classrooms
own strengths and weaknesses for self- dealing with their weaknesses and possible Anecdotal record
weaknesses for improvement own strengths and sharing of their learning PTA conference
self-improvement weaknesses experiences Reward system
Results of ECCD, MFAT, Consolidated COT on Principal’s Note or Principal’s Note or
Means of EGRA, Phil _ IRI/ORV, EGRA, Assessment process COT highlighting COT highlighting on
verification EGMA, ELNA, NAT learners’ learners’
Diagnostic Test/Pre-test collaboration independent (group)
Formative/summative test Individual Agreement for Other documents
results compilation of learners at risk showing learners
Periodical test results learner’s written signed by parents needs, progress and
Class record/grading sheet work with summary and achievement
Report card of results with corresponding
Identified least mastered parent’s signature evidence of
skills Individual improvement
compilation of least Anecdotal record
mastered skills showing progress
Attendance & per quarter
minutes of PTA Implementation
Conferences of
ent program
Documentation of
intervention plan
4. The school The school conducts The school conducts The school conducts The school sustains
assesses the assessment of assessment and assessment and effective intervention
teaching- teaching-learning provides necessary employs effective which led to improved
learning process process intervention to intervention learning outcome for
and provides improve learning which led to possible adaption
necessary outcome improved learning
intervention to outcome
improve learning
Report on the number of Action plan or Progress Sustainability Plan on
Means of failures per subject area intervention Monitoring the Effective
verification across grade level programs Results of Intervention
Report on the Root causes Intervention Programs
of failures Program
Sample Test Questions with Quarterly Project Work Remediation
TOS Assessment Results Plans Program
Quarterly Assessment Test with item analysis LAC Peer Coaching and
Results with TOS and interpretation Implementation Mentoring Program
SMEA results Documentation of Plan Documentation
intervention plan Approved L & D
Faculty Meetings Program Designs
5. The school The school responds to The school implements The school sustains The school shares Brigade eskwela doc
implements existing culture and tradition contextualization with proven and effective effective practices to Moa
contextualizatio through culturally stakeholders to make practices to make the wider professional Invitation
n with appropriate teaching- learning more learning more learning communities Commit form
stakeholders. learning process meaningful and meaningful and to make learning more Launching
applicable to life in the applicable to life in meaningful and Summit
community. the community applicable to life in the
50% Instructional Plans 50% Instructional 80% Instructional 80% Instructional
Means of submitted Plans were Plans were Plans were
verification List of the identified beliefs, contextualized contextualized contextualized
culture and traditions Making of big books with sponsors or shared to other
Documents on the on local stories, stakeholders schools with
community initiated beliefs and traditions Reproduction of sustainable sponsors
activities Integration and quality assured or stakeholders
Invitation letters to local utilization on contextualized Uploaded/Shared
artists/folks contextualized IMs IMs the quality assured
contextualized IMs in
the LRMDS Portal
supported that the
school has been
Sample DLL/DLP with DLL/DLP on Innovative Work Institutionalized Best
evidence on using implementing Plan Practices
contextualization contextualization in Intervention Plan
Classroom Observations some subjects and Documentation of
LAC Sessions some grade levels Best Practices
Attendance &
Minutes of meeting
6. The learners co- The learners participate in The learners co-design The learners apply The learners serve as
design the the contextualization of the contextualization KSAs through resource persons on
contextualizatio existing curriculum standards of existing curriculum contextualized practices, culture, and
n of existing standards curriculum traditions
Attendance in the Copy of the Records on the Documentations on
Means of planning stage developed utilization of tapping learners as
verification Certificate contextualized IMs contextualized resource person
Documentations/Pictorial IMs
Hard copies of students Digitized
output of localized narrative Contextualized IMs
work( poem. Story, etc.)
Level 3:
1. The school provides measures Identifies and develops Conducts activities to explain Creates a monitoring system, Institutionalizes a cohesive
to help improve the personnel performance and analyze the performance through the school system/mechanism that
performance of its personnel targets based on RPMS, SIP, of personnel vis a vis the performance management provides appropriate
and AIP RPMS, SIP, and AIP team (PMT), to check if interventions addressing
personnel performance targets identified needs of personnel
are met based on RPMS, SIP, as indicated in their
and AIP development plans
OPCRF, Orientation, minutes of the Peer evaluation Agreement
Means of verification IPCRF, meeting, Summarized description Teachers
SIP, and AIP aligned budget/project proposal, Monitoring tool, Manual/Handbook
WFP flowchart of the system, Re: Duties and
attendance, crafted measures, Responsibilities
Memo, work plan, Rights & Privileges, Claims &
Documentation Memorandum Sanctions based on DepEd
Complete RPMS, SIP, and AIP Designation Orders & CSC Law
documents with analysis and (School PMT) Functional Committees:
interpretation Grievance ,Learning &
Development & Promotions
2. The school recognizes Acknowledges outstanding Conducts recognition Mobilizes school PMT and Establishes a system of
personnel outstanding performance, exemplary ceremonies using guidelines learners in selecting and rewards and recognition
performance, exemplary behavior, innovations, and for selecting personnel with recognizing personnel with through PMT wherein
behavior, innovations, and initiatives during school outstanding performance, outstanding performance, awardees are recommended
initiatives events exemplary behavior, exemplary behavior, for higher awards and other
innovations, and initiatives innovations, and initiatives professional development
based on established opportunities
List of nominees Yearly Awarding & Special awards to personnel Recommendation of school
Means of verification Criteria for Awards Recognition with promising innovations candidate to Division
Memorandum (School Level) and initiatives wide/region wide/national
Selection Committee search including Metrobank
Search for Outstanding
3. The school nurtures the Identifies/documents needed Conducts professional Creates a school L&D System Tracks efficiency and
personal growth & professional development development interventions based on the IDPs and CPD effectiveness of the L&D
professional development of intervention based on the based on the IDPs requirements. system and uses data to
teacher and staff Individual Development Plans improve system
(IDP) - % of employees provided
w/ L&D intervention
- Budget Utilization (INSET,
- Employee performance
after L&D intervention
Data based tracking board INSET Training Matrix & Training Design Teachers Profile & School
Means of verification Philippine Professional Proposal Session Guides & Training Performance in a dashboard
Standard for Teachers (PPST) Certificate of Training Matrix (Quadrant)
Individual Professional Plan Transcript of Records School Based L & D Team IPCRF
for Development(IPPD) CPD IPPD, Coaching and Liquidation Report
IPPD, Coaching and Mentoring Form, SLAC Accomplishment Report
Mentoring Form Report, Record on High MPS on
School LAC Report Consolidated CPD Student Performances
4. The school ensures its Identifies personnel that is Provides development Creates committees that Establishes a school talent
personnel career due for promotion/reclass opportunities for identified handle/assist school personnel management system
advancement and facilitates required pool of talents for career advancement
documents for promotion
based on RPMS and PPST
List of teachers with Certificate of Participation/ Certificate of Recognition as Certificate of Recognition as
Means of verification /without trainings attended Appearance Division Trainor/Facilitator regional Trainor/facilitator
Service Records Updated Service Records IPCRF VS Rating IPCRF of Outstanding
Performance Ratings IPCRF Satisfactory Rating Earned 36 units or CAR in Performance
Tracking of Teachers EQ Certificate of Units earned Master’s Degree Graduated Master’s or
Screening of Teachers for Masters Degree at least Transcript of Records Doctoral Degree
Letter of Recommendation 18 units Committee to update and Diploma
to enroll for Graduate Conducts appropriate track personnel for career Transcript of Records
Studies capacity building activities, advancement Committee to update and
trainings and workshop for *Technical assistance report track personnel for career
the identified pool of talents advancement
*Technical assistance report
*Self assessment tool to
support the committee for
personnel tracking
5. The school ensures a work Assesses the health and well- Provides interventions based Implements a health and well- Establishes the sustainability
environment that promotes being needs of school on health and well-being being program for school of the health and well-being
personnel health and well- personnel needs of school personnel personnel program through
being partnerships and linkages
School Health Clearance Zumba Fitness Program Regular Zumba Fitness Annual Physical Check – up
Means of verification Physical Check up Identified Program in the School 100% compliance
School Plan for Wellness Symposium on Wellness Regular Physical Check up Zumba/Wellness Fitness
Activities Health and Wellness Program Exercise
Plan Implementation Report Values Formation
Established health services
Schedule of activities
Training Proposal/Matrix
Pictures documentation
Attendance Sheets
Letter Requests
Sustainability report (MOA
of partners and linkages) of
the health programs
6. The school creates a Identifies and documents Conducts interventions to Develops program to create Establishes a system, in
collaborative and harmonious issues and concerns, and resolve issues and harmonious relationships collaboration with
working relationship among opportunities to build a concerns/strengthen among school personnel and stakeholders, that
its personnel and other harmonious working relationships of school stakeholders strengthens and sustains the
stakeholders relationship personnel harmonious relationship
among school personnel
*define system
.Attendance Sheet Intervention/grievance Budget/Training Proposal MOA
Means of verification Minutes report (teacher to teacher) Attendance Sheet Proposal
Pictorials Pictures Minutes of Meeting
Report of the identified Report on programs Attendance
issues and concern relevant conducted relevant to Records of Results and
to working relationship working relationship between pictorials
personnel and stakeholders M&E system to track
(training package) stakeholders and school
personnel relationship
Level 3:
1. The school ensures The school engages The school engages all key The school has engaged more The school has consistently
participation of stakeholders stakeholders in school stakeholders in school than 5 sectoral stakeholders sustained participation of the
governance. (learners, governance. (establishes using creative platforms. stakeholders through the
teacher, PTA, LGU, alumni participation of 5 partners in creative platforms which have
below 5) school) *check SIP been contextualized and
replicated by other schools.
List of Stakeholders at least List of stakeholders (5 List of stakeholders (more than List of stakeholders (More
Means of verification ( 5 sectoral stakeholders) stakeholders) 5 stakeholders) than 5 stakeholders)
Attendance sheets during MOU/MOA Activities spearheaded by the Activities spearheaded by the
the engagement Participation of stakeholders stakeholders stakeholders (MOU,
Invitation letter and in crafting of SIP (vision Participation of stakeholders in Program)
program during the sharing) & other school crafting of SIP Participation of stakeholders
orientation activities Education Forum/Summit in crafting of SIP
(attendance sheet & activity Education Forum/Summit
design) (attendance sheet & activity
Programs and Projects are
replicated in other schools
(letter, benchmarking report)
2. The school and community The school adopts/adapts, The school adopts/adapts, The school conducts M&E with The school conducts M&E
stakeholders monitor and and conducts M&E with its and conducts M&E with all all key stakeholders, collectively with all key stakeholders,
evaluate school PAPs stakeholders. key stakeholders, collectively addresses issues, and collectively addresses issues,
addresses issues raised to disseminates reports based on and disseminates reports
improve learning outcomes the information gathered and based on the information
resolutions reached through gathered and resolutions
innovative mechanisms to reached through innovative
improve learning outcomes. mechanisms that have been
contextualized and replicated
by other schools to improve
learning outcomes.
Adapted framework of M& Adapted framework of M& E Adapted framework of M& E Adapted framework of M& E
Means of verification E (DRRM, CPADAO and (DRRM, CPADAO and other (DRRM, CPADAO and other (DRRM, CPADAO and other
other related stakeholders related stakeholders related stakeholders initiated) related stakeholders
initiated) initiated) School M & E structure initiated)
School M & E structure
Attendance during the
orientation program on the
conduct of M &E with the
3. The school, in partnership with The school, in partnership The school, in partnership The school, in partnership with The school, in partnership
the stakeholders, provides a with its stakeholders with its stakeholders, provides the stakeholders, develops and with the stakeholders,
inclusive, caring, and ,adopts/adapts a mechanism an enabling system that implements preventive regularly reviews and
protective learning promoting safety of all creates an inclusive, caring, measures for learners that cut evaluates the system to
environment. learners. and protective learning across the school and ensure its continuous
environment. community. effectiveness and
responsiveness and shares it
with other schools.
School Policies Student Manual Attendance of participation Quarterly monitoring and
Means of verification Classroom safety policies PTA General Assembly during the Barangay Council evaluation activity reports of
Signage for safety (Program, minutes) Meeting/Sessions the programs (minutes,
Hotline numbers Attendance Sheets Approved letter of request findings etc. )
Evacuation map posted in MOA/MOU notarized (barangay, city) relative to School Manual Reviewed and
the classrooms Any equivalent document disaster updated regularly (date
Organized SDRRMC Documentation on the being updated)
activity/items conducted with Records on Benchmarking
the participation of the (pictures, visitor’s logbook)
external stakeholders
4. The school has a system on The school establishes a The school operationalizes a The school enhances a system The school sustains and
networking, linkaging, and system on networking, system on networking, on networking, linkaging, and shares a system and its
feedback with stakeholders for linkaging, and feedback with linkaging, and feedback with feedback through stakeholders network to other schools.
the implementation of PAPs stakeholders for the stakeholders for the convergence for continuous
implementation of PAPs implementation of PAPs improvement of PAPs
Representation during the Representation during the Representation during the Representation during the
Means of verification barangay session (Notice of barangay session (Notice of barangay session (Notice of barangay session (Notice of
Meeting,Letter, Meeting, Letter, Appearance, Meeting, Letter, Appearance, Meeting, Letter, Appearance,
Appearance, Minutes) Minutes) Minutes) Minutes)
Approved project proposals/ Approved project proposals/ Approved project proposals/
activity design activity design activity design
Updating/dissemination of Updating/dissemination of Updating/dissemination of
the information the information the information
School bulletin School bulletin School bulletin
Suggestion box Suggestion box Suggestion box
Transparency board Transparency board Transparency board
Status report of the PAPs Status report of the PAPs
implemented implemented
Endorsement for
5. The school, in collaboration The school, in collaboration The school, in collaboration The school, in collaboration The school, in collaboration
with the community, with the community, with the community, identifies with the community, hones the with the community, provides
guarantees the participation of prepares calendar of prospective learners per learners’ knowledge and skills learners opportunity to do
learners in curricular and non- activities to encourage activity in the calendar. in various curricular and non- peer-coaching to develop co-
curricular activities. learners’ participation. curricular activities and learners’ knowledge and skills.
introduce reward/incentive
School Calendar of Activities List of Prospective Learners Certificate of Learners’ Picture/ Attendance of peer-
Means of verification noted by the PTA, and per activity in the school Participation/recognition coaching to develop co-
Student Body. calendar of activities. during trainings of curricular learners knowledge and skills
and non-curricular activities .
Strategy Formulation
Level 3:
1. The school engages a multi- The school consults internal The school collaborates with The school sustains collaboration Stakeholders sustain
stakeholder body in the and/or external stakeholders in internal and external with internal and external collaboration and initiate needs
identification of needs and identifying needs and strategies stakeholders in identifying stakeholders in identifying needs identification and strategy
strategies needs and strategies and strategies formulation for continuous
school improvement
Stakeholders meeting SIP planned PAPs SOC. MOV ACTIVITIES Continuous Improvement
Means of verification (School) Committee on SIP/ PIAs Creation of Committees to Stakeholders Summit such as :
School Educational Summit. implement the PAPs MOU/MOA LGU commitment to sustain
Documentation of the
Certificate of Institutional
SGC Minutes OF MEETING Formulate suggestion to Discussion of common Come up with
Means of verification (Learner) Re: Identifying felt needs the sch. on their felt needs concern s & recommendation Project/Program Proposal for
Proposed plans & project possible support from
target stakeholders
2. The school designs a needs and The school designs a strategic The school designs a needs- The school reviews, adjusts, and The school has an
evidence-based strategic plan plan aligned with the VMGs based strategic plan aligned enhances a needs-based strategic effective/functional strategic
with the VMGs plan aligned with the VMGs plan modeled and adopted by
other schools
SIP step 2 Process SIP STEP 3, Process SIP STEP 4 Formulating the 3 Communicating the SIP its
Means of verification(School) Identify CORE VALUES of the Determine the sch. Goals & year AIP PAPs
school Obj..
Aligning school VMC to the
The SPG/SSG shares suggestions The SPG/SSG prepares project The SPG/SSG guides other The SPG/SSG shares the best
in the formulation of a strategic proposals for incorporation in student bodies in preparing practices of the school in the
plan the strategic plan project proposals for formulation of the strategic plan
incorporation in the strategic plan
Learners suggestion on the Learners suggestion on the Learners suggestion on the Learners suggestion on the
Means of verification(Learner) CORE values of the sch. CORE values of the sch. PIA of the sch. CORE values of the sch.
Level 3:
1. The school leads in the School initiates the School leads in the School allows/ empowers its School’s institutionalized
implementation of any implementation of any implementation of any stakeholders to implement PAPs innovation is replicated and
development plan in collaboration development plan with the development plan in in support to the attainment of contextualized by other schools.
with all concerned stakeholders. involvement of some of its collaboration with all the objectives.
concerned stakeholders. stakeholders.
SIP STEP 7 Communicating Creation of sch. Com. to Stakeholder support to The project is Benchmarked
Means of verification (School) the school plans to the implement PAPs with the identified PAPs by others schools &
stakeholders external stakeholders MOU/MOA logbook of visitors
Education Summit Barangay Resolution to Endorsement by the higher
Selling of the SRC to the support the school office
stakeholders PTA Resolution supporting the
school project
2. The learners participate in Learners inform their members Learners establish a mechanism School communicates to its Learners institutionalize the
communicating timely information using the available means of to communicate timely members a timely information mechanism for timely
to their members. communication in their area. information to their with the aid of advance communication.
members. technology e.g. social media,
SMS, etc.
SSG/SPG Bulletin Board Creation of account in the Text brigade (screenshots) School Administration
Means of verification social media Email ad. recognize in their group chat
Minutes of the Regular SSG (DOD)
Meetings, Clubs and other Active Group Chat
Strategy Assessment
Level 3:
1. The school establishes an internal School assesses the School develops their own School introduces innovations School institutionalizes the
mechanism (school initiated effectiveness of school internal assessment tool (e.g. use of contextualized/ innovations in assessing school
assessment) on assessing the leadership based on the mechanism to assess leadership indigenous way of assessment) in effectiveness that are adopted
school leadership effectiveness requirement of DepEd (OPCRF, effectiveness assessing school leadership and contextualized by other
NCDSSH) effectiveness schools
Organized Committee to Crafted localized rubrics for School Orientation on the Result of the assessment
Means of verification assess the school leadership internal assessment on Rubrics conducted re: CIGPs
effectiveness school leadership o Attendance
Designation of Committee effectiveness o Minutes
Members with roles & o School Rubrics o Documentation
2. The school demonstrates the The school utilizes an available The school practices feedback- The school conducts action The school institutionalizes the
culture of feedback-giving and tool in gathering feedback in giving and technical assistance research based on the result of best practices in giving feedback
provision of technical assistance compliance to DepEd giving feedback and technical and provision of technical
requirements assistance assistance for benchmarking
SMEA TOOLS on CIGPs SMEA CIGPs resolved in the Hard Copy of the Action Regular Feed backing
Means of verification CSC Suggestion Box school Research on the CIGPs Activity and provision of TA
Corrective Action Preventive IPCRF Coaching & Implementation of the at least once a month or as
Action (CAPA) Monitoring Form and Research Proposal for needed
relative forms in the Development Plan o Minutes
provision of TA o Attendance
School LAC Minutes o Agreement
Focus Group Discussion o Notes/Annecdotes
Minutes o TA Plan of the SH
Level 3:
1. Learners participate in Learners cooperate in assessing Learners utilize the established Learners take part in introducing Learners lead in institutionalizing
continuously improving the school the effectiveness of school internal mechanism in assessing innovations in assessing school innovations in assessing school
using various assessment leadership. the effectiveness of school leadership effectiveness effectiveness that are adopted
strategies leadership. and contextualized by other
Means of verification
2. Learners cooperate in Learners assist in utilizing an Learners constantly Learners provide probable Learners adopt the
demonstrating the culture of available tool in gathering communicate feedback –giving data/issues and concerns that are institutionalized best practices in
feedback –giving and provision of feedback and technical assistance needed in the conduct of the giving feedback and provision of
technical assistance action research. technical assistance for
Means of verification
Level 3:
1. The school ensures that all The school identifies projects, The school identifies projects, The school is creative and The school sustains
programmed projects and activities and fund requirement activities and fund requirement innovative in resource generation. implementation of the resource
activities are funded as reflected in as reflected in the school’s plan relevant to address Priority mobilization to address MOOE
the school’s plan Improvement Areas of the school funding gaps.
as reflected in the school plan
AIP/SIP/APP/PPMP/WFP List of PIAs with List of partners/linkages with Accomplished at least 5
Means of verification List of identified PIAs corresponding donations used to identified Priority
Minutes of the Meeting projects/program/activities address/fund the identified Improvement
including stakeholders planned to answer the PIA projects/programs/activities Areas/Activities of the
participation Copy of the Resolution from to answer the PIA posted in school
PTA and other stakeholders' bulletin boards Memorandum of
organization indicating the Agreement /Memorandum
project of Understanding
Approved PPMP Approved SIP Approved WFP Monthly Request for MOOE
Approved SIP/AIP Approved Project Work Plan LGU Budget Plan downloading duly received
PTA initiated income by division office
generating project proposal accounting
Certificate of Recognition to Updated and display of
Grade level with highest PTA transparency board in
voluntary contribution visible area
2. The school is able to respond to The school is able to prepare The school is able to develop and The school is able to sustain level The school is able able to
new opportunities as reflected in project proposals. submit adjusted plan for new of practice in managing new cascade level of practice in
the adjusted plan. resources opportunities. managing new opportunities to
other schools.
Project Proposals with Minutes of the SMEA List of possible new partners Records of Benchmarking
Means of verification Program of addressing the indicating the CIGPs for sustainable operation of done by other schools
PIAs stipulated in the identified during the the projects/ programs *Sharing of best practice
SIP/AIP operationalization of the plan Monthly/Quarterly meeting during Mancom, SLAC
SWOT analysis with stakeholders *Leader School's School- to-
Action Plan to address the (SMEA/SOSA/etc.) School Partnership Program
gap portfolio
Approved POWE Approved adjusted WFP
Subtheme: Procurement
Level 3:
The school ensures that all The school adheres to the The school ensures that all The school adopts effective The school shares effective
procurement activities are within the procurement process as procurement activities are within practices for timely delivery of procurement practices for timely
approved plan and budget required by law. the approved plan and budget goods and services. delivery of goods and services.
Creation of School BAC SIP/SOB/AIP/WFP Inspection & Acceptance Showcase of effective
Means of verification Minutes of the Updated Transparency Board Reports procurement practices
Procurement Committe Supporting Liquidation Delivery Receipts during Education Summit
Meetings Documents Request & Issue Slip
Transparency Chart/Board Inventory Custodian Slip
Award on Timely Liquidation
Canvass Forms PPMP and WFP Purchase Order Canvass Forms
Abstract of Canvass Abstract of Canvass
Purchase Request Purchase Request
Purchase Order Purchase Order
Subtheme: Disbursement
Level 3:
The school ensures that funds are The school utilizes at least 90% The school ensures maximum The school consistently maximizes The school receives recognition
disbursed in accordance with of school funds with minor utilization of funds. utilization of funds for 3 years for its consistent maximum
accounting and auditing rules and compliance/ findings with (within SIP cycle). utilization of school funds.
regulations. accounting and auditing rules
and regulations
Monthly MOOE Liquidation Cashbook/Cash Journal 100% utilization of the School Certificate of Institutional
Means of verification file Ledger MOOE based on Award for Best in Financial
Monthly MOOE Liquidation SIP/AIP/PPMP/ Management
file APP
0 fund balance remaining
per reglamentary period
Monthly request for MOOE Monthly liquidation report Status of Cash Advance Certification of Recognition
download based on PPMP 30 days after receipt of Report showing the list for 100% liquidation from
check duly received by accountable officers with January to December of the
Elementary – District liquidated & unliquidated current year
Bookkeepers & Secondary – cash advance
Division Office Accounting
Subtheme: Asset Management
Level 3:
The school ensures that assets are The school complies with asset The school ensures that assets The school ensures that assets are The school customizes the
properly managed and fully utilized for management policy. are properly managed and fully consistently managed and fully processes responsive to the
conducive learning environment. utilized for conducive learning utilized for conducive learning unique needs of school.
environment. environment for 3 years (SIP
Official designation of Supply Officer's record of Records of school inventory Income-generating projects
Means of verification school property custodian recipients of assets for the last 3 years and other activities to obtain
Record of lot ownership Request Issue Slip(RIS) assets and other unique
documents Property Custodian's school needs
Inventory of the school Borrowers Log Book
facilities & equipments Stock record
Labelling of school Compilation of Inspection
properties and Acceptance Report
Designation of Property Prepare, issue, and keep/ Maintains/keeps/ prepares School adopts and
Custodian maintains required records and reports of implements policies and
School Property Inventory documents and reports properties for 3 years procedures without
Report a. PAR deviating from the general
b. ICS policy set forth in the state
c. SF3 policy governing supply and
d. Waste Materials property management
f. Report on Physical Count
of property
g. Plant and Equipment
and inventories
h. Stock Card
i. Property Card
Level 3:
The school generates accurate and The school submits reports as The school generates accurate The school uses the reports as The school regularly uses the
timely reports accessible to all required. and timely reports accessible feedback mechanism to improve reports as feedback
stakeholders to all stakeholders service delivery. mechanism to address
immediate needs.
Updated Transparency Financial Reports during Provision of Suggestion Box Minutes on the conduct of
Means of verification Board on MOOE ,canteen, SMEA Conferences / Corrective Action/Preventive emergency conferences to
PTA ,School Paper & other General Assembly/Other Action (CAPA) Plan created address schools'
local funds School Summits from CIGPs and Suggestions immediate needs
Monthly/Quarterly School Report card created, from the Suggestion Box Creation of School Quick
Liquidation Report presented and received by Response Committee
Physical-Financial Report stakeholders Updated Progress report by
reflected during the MEA the M&E School
Coordinator indicating
status of addressed needs
Monthly liquidation report Cash Disbursement Register Monthly request for MOOE Monthly request for MOOE
30 days after receipt of (CDR) of liquidation of cash downloading duly received by downloading duly received
check duly received by advance division office accounting by division office
Elementary – District accounting
Bookkeepers & Secondary –
Division Office Accounting
Level 3:
The school has an effective The school establishes a The school operates an effective The school enhances the The school sustains and shares
mobilization system for efficient mobilization system mobilization system mobilization system its culture of excellence on
management of resources. mobilization system.
Creation of School School records of active List of prospective donors over Sustainability Plan on
Means of verification Resource Mobilization stakeholders/donors and above the regular donors Resource Mobilization
Committee Records of adopt-a-school Reward system for Teachers Awardee on Financial
School Report Card partners with corresponding with highest generated Management for the last 3
indicating needs to be donations resources years
addressed Receiving copy of SRC Work and Financial Plan Records of Best Practices
reflecting the budget to be Shared
sponsored by the stakeholder Awards received on
Brigada Eskwela/ Adopt-A-
School, and others
Participation in exhibits of
best practices
Organization of different Narrative report on the School M & E mechanisms in Updated Transparency
working committees orientation in defining the monitoring the liquidation Board
a. Canvasser rules and duties & reports
b. BAC members responsibilities of the
c. Others committee members
Approved Designation of Documentations
the working committees Approved Activity design
1. School establishes a safe, secured School shows awareness of School establishes safe, secured School contextualizes policies, School institutionalizes school
and equitable learning policies, guidelines and and equitable learning guidelines and procedures for level research in contextualizing
environment procedures on safe, secured and environment through consistent safe, secured and equitable policies, guidelines and
equitable learning environment implementation of policies, learning environment based on procedures on safe, secured and
guidelines and procedures school level action research equitable learning environment
School Memo, Minutes of Accomplishment Reports of School Manual/Handbook Assessment &
Means of verification Meetings; the School DRRM Plan; Action Research on the Recommendation on the
Attendance in the school Documentation on the contextualized policies, contextualized policy;
DRRM Awareness Program; conduct of earthquake and guidelines and procedures Recipient of the “Gawad
DRRM Plan; fire drills; Kalasag” Award
Composition of school
Narrative Report on the Students-Led hazard Research – based school SSG Resolutions on Localized
School Orientation basic mapping report localized policies school policies
school policies Physical facilities PTA resolution on school – PTA resolution on school –
a. Students coordinator’s hazard based based
mapping report SGC Resolutions on school SGC Resolutions on school
b. Teachers Child – Friendly School localized policies localized policies
c. Parents
Documentation on the
school orientation
2. School advocates mutually School demonstrates School implements policies, School exhibits effective practices School advocates and facilitates
respectful learning environment understanding of learning guidelines, and procedures on to foster learning environment the use of effective practices to
environment that advocates learning environment that that advocates fairness, respect foster learning environment that
fairness, respect and care to advocates fairness, respect and and care to encourage learning supports fairness, respect and
encourage learning care to encourage learning care to encourage learning
Child-Friendly School Survey Classroom Anecdotal Report on the Resolution of Sustainability Plan
Means of verification (CFSS); Records; Conflict at the School Level; Compilation of Best Practices
Signages/Posters on Anti- Classroom Observation for Anti-bullying Report; on a child-friendly
bullying/school zone of Teachers Intervention Programs motivating environment
peace; Implementation Conducted on
Composition of Child Report/Accomplishment of SARDOs/LARDOs issues
Protection Committee; CFSS;
Localized Child Protection Documents pertaining to
Policy orientation on Child
Protection Policy;
Guidance Program Plan
Sample IEC materials Narrative Report on the Quarterly accomplishments Quarterly
distributed to all the School Orientation on the report on the conduct accomplishments report
students, teachers and school DRRM Policies school drills on the conduct school
parents. Students Fire drills
Teachers Earthquake
Parents Human induced Earthquake
3. School ensures efficient School demonstrates School manages efficiently the School exhibits efficient School applies a wide range of
management of physical and/or understanding of efficient available physical and/or virtual management of physical and/or strategies to sustain the efficient
virtual learning structures management of physical and learning structures virtual learning structures through management of the physical
virtual learning structures improvements and/or virtual learning
Report of orientation Log book of the utilization; Quarterly inventory of crucial Sustainability of the
Means of verification conducted relevant to Schedule of usage of virtual resources; Implemented Innovative
efficient management of learning structures; Program of Works; Programs;
physical and/or virtual Policy on the use of physical Reports of Updating and Adopt-a-School Program
learning structures; and/or virtual learning Upgrading of Virtual Learning Report
Documentation (pictures, structures; Structures;
attendance sheet) Class Program Statement of Support (MOA,
Documentation of the MOU, DoD)
existence of policy and
Poster of DRRM Signage in School Virtual learning List of Partners on the Sustainable Partners
the school structures Inventory Report following: recommendations on the
Poster of School – Based Borrowers card for virtual a. School Virtual learning following:
Policies during bad weather learning structures structures a. School Virtual learning
Poster of school safety & School Report on Physical structures
security in using virtual Facilities b. School Electrical Audit
structures Latest School Electrical Audit Report b. School Electrical Audit
Report Report
c. School building
assessment c. School building
d. School water system
assessment d. School water system
4. School provides support for School demonstrates knowledge School maintains a supportive School establishes a feedback School utilizes wide range of
learner participation of a supportive learning learning environment that mechanism through M&E in strategies in sustaining a
environment that nurtures and nurtures and inspires learner sustaining a supportive learning supportive learning environment
inspires learner participation participation environment that nurtures and that nurtures and inspires
inspires learner participation learner participation
Minutes of Meeting, WINS documents, Reports on Action Taken on Reports on Best Practices
Means of verification Calendar of Activities; Suggestion Box Feedback in Sustaining Supportive
Organization of school Updated Transparency (Suggestion Box), Learning Environment
clubs; Board Records of Implementation Continuous Improvement
School exhibit (ex. Monthly Accomplishment SMEA Report (CI) Progress Report
Showcasing Performance of PAPs School LAC Report
of the Learners, gallery
Activity design for learner’s Approved school activity School Monthly assessment School Monthly feed backing
development designs for learners report on the activities to the partners on the
School Monthly plan of development conducted activities conducted
activities Weekly calendar of activities Partners on the different List of Increasing partners on
List of organized School for monthly celebration monthly activities the different monthly
clubs Approved monthly school List of School Club partners activities
club activities and sponsorship
5. School ensures a learning School demonstrates knowledge School implements policies, School uses validated School institutionalizes PAPs to
environment that fosters health, of policies, procedures, and procedures, and guidelines that data/research-based innovations sustain learning environment
nutrition and well-being of guidelines on learning foster health, nutrition and well- in ensuring the implementation of that fosters health, nutrition and
learners and school personnel environment that fosters health, being of learners and school policies, procedures, and well-being of learners and
nutrition and well-being of personnel guidelines that foster health, school personnel
learners and school personnel nutrition and well-being of
learners and school personnel
School policies, procedures, WinS documents; Action research based on the Reports on Best Practices in
Means of verification and guidelines on learning Progress Monitoring Report data gathered; Sustaining Supportive
environment on the implementation of Regular Medical & Dental Learning Environment which
Minutes of the Meeting, the health & nutrition Check-up of Learners in fosters health, nutrition and
National Drug Education program/projects in school school; well-being of learners and
Program (NDEP); Report on Gulayan sa school personnel
Nutritional Status Report; Paaralan
School-based Feeding
Program Report
6. School establishes mechanisms for School manifests awareness of School implements policies, School contextualizes PAPs, and School institutionalizes PAPs to
a resilient learning environment. policies, structures, systems, structures, systems, protocols, acquires equipment in the sustain resilient learning
protocols, and practices in the and practices in the implementation of the DRRM. environment.
implementation of DRRM. implementation of DRRM.
Documentation on the DRRM Implementation Plan; PAPs on DRRM Sustainability Plan on DRRM
Means of verification orientation of DRRM policies pictures; Records of contextualized partners
a.DO 66,s. 2017 Inventory of school equipment used in DRRM; and linkages
b. EO 66 and other DepEd Buildings, Classrooms and Capability Building Training of Application and echo
policies related to DRRM; equipment SDRRM Team; seminar;
Organized school DRRM -Teachers Profile Placement of Hazard Map at Training of Trainers
structure; -Learners Profile classroom and school areas
School Memo on Site Development Plan visible by all;
Planning/Consultative (Profile Forms and Inventory Research based innovations
Meeting; Forms)
Attendance; Location’s Map
Minutes of the meeting Risk
Assessment (Vulnerables)
Approved Designation of
School DRRM Coordinator
from SDS/School Head
7. School establishes partnership School demonstrates School establishes partnership/s School regularly conducts joint School sustains proactive
with the community in creating understanding of the policies with the community in creating efforts with the community in community partnership in
an enabling learning and guidelines on community an enabling learning creating an enabling learning creating an enabling learning
environment. partnership in creating an environment environment. environment.
enabling learning environment
School Policy MOA, MOU Accomplishment Reports Sustainability Plan on the
Means of verification Minutes of the meeting, SOSA different programs &
Attendance of participants projects
List of Stakeholders
Level 3:
1. Learners participate in Learners show awareness of Learners engage in the Learners actively participate in Learners lead and empower
establishing a safe, secured and policies, guidelines and implementation of policies, the contextualization of policies, peers in establishing safe,
equitable learning environment. procedures on safe, secured and guidelines and procedures on guidelines and procedures for secured and equitable learning
equitable learning environment safe, secured and equitable safe, secured and equitable environment
learning environment learning environment through
providing feedback/inputs
School Memo, Minutes of Documentation and School Manual/ SSG/ SPG to spearhead
Meetings; accomplishment reports Handbook information drive on anti-
Means of verification List existing school clubs; relevant to implementation bullying, drug education
SSG/ SPG advocacy on anti- of a safe, secured and program and waste
bullying law and proper equitable learning segregation (e.g. symposium,
waste segregation; environment forum)
Establishment of NDEP
2. Learners participate in advocating Learners demonstrate Learners participate in Learners engage in the Learners take the lead in
a mutually respectful learning understanding of learning implementing policies, crafting/enhancing and advocating and facilitating the
environment. environment that advocates guidelines, and procedures on monitoring school level policies, use of effective practices to foster
fairness, respect and care to learning environment that guidelines and effective practices learning environment that
encourage learning advocates fairness, respect and that foster learning environment advocates fairness, respect and
care to encourage learning that advocates fairness, respect care to encourage learning
and care to encourage learning
Child-Friendly School Survey Implementation Report on the Resolution of Sustainability Plan
(CFSS); Report/Accomplishment of Conflict at the School Level; Compilation of Best Practices
Means of verification Posters/signages on Anti- CFSS; Anti-bullying Report on
bullying/school zone of Documents pertaining to Anecdotal Records Principal to Teacher or vice
peace orientation on Child versa, Teacher to Teacher,
Protection Policy Teacher to Learner, Principal
to Principal
3. Learners participate in the Learners demonstrate Learners contribute in the Learners initiate dialogues and Learners take the lead roles in
efficient management of physical understanding of their roles and efficient management of physical consultations between the school identified strategies for sustained
and/or virtual learning structures participation in the and/or virtual learning administration and studentry in improvement of efficient and
management of physical and structures through active the improvement of the effective management of physical
virtual learning structures involvement in consultations management of physical and/or and/or virtual learning structures
virtual learning structures
Awareness of DO 47, s. Log book of the utilization, Minutes of the Meetings/ Sustainability Plan,
2014; Schedule of Usage of virtual consultation; pictures; Accomplishment Report,
Means of verification Documentation on SPG/SSG learning structures; Suggestion box Statement of Support (MOA,
led activities; students’ exhibits; MOU, DoD))
Attendance on: a. the display of students’
participatory crafting of SIP achievement
b. SMEA conference and
other school activities;
4. Learners maximize the Learners express understanding Learners maximize the available Learners provide assistance to Learners contribute in the
opportunities provided for a of how a nurturing and inspiring opportunities provided by the their peers on proper usage of continuous identification of
meaningful learning environment supports school for a meaningful and and actual contribution in the strategies on meaningful and
meaningful learning relevant learning feedback mechanism for the relevant learning opportunities
improvement of provisions for that would sustain and expand a
meaningful learning nurturing and inspiring learning
List of student-led activities Documentation on Reports on peer coaching; Reports on Best Practices in
based on DO # 25, s. 2018 participation in school Suggestion Box Sustaining Supportive
Means of verification activities co-initiated by Learning Environment such
learners; as school garden and
Reports on the utilization of greening program;
IMs; Quarterly awarding of
WinS documents; performing
Accomplishment reports clubs/organizations/individua
5. Learners take part in ensuring a Learners demonstrate Learners follow rules and Learners use available Learners sustain a way of life that
learning environment that knowledge on policies, guidelines to foster a way of life information to suggest on fosters health, nutrition and well-
fosters health, nutrition and procedures, and guidelines on that supports health, nutrition innovative practices that ensures being within the school;
well-being learning environment that and well-being a way of life that fosters health, Learners become advocates of
fosters health, nutrition and nutrition and well-being among the way of life to other schools
well-being of learners peers
Students participation on WinS documents List of innovative health- Indorsement from PSDS to
Zumba/wellness, sports, red (e.g.toothbrushing, related school activities/ serve as resource person or
Means of verification cross youth volunteers and handwashing, availability of programs to advocate the health
other health-related health kits, solid waste initiated program to other
programs in school; management); schools;
Functional school feeding adherence to school canteen Sustainability plan
program; rules and guidelines
Gulayan sa paaralan;
Regular medical and dental
6. Learners engage in establishing Learners manifest awareness of Learners take part in the Learners collaborate in Learners take a proactive role in
mechanisms for a resilient policies, structures, systems, implementation of policies, contextualizing PAPs, and support ensuring a resilient learning
learning environment. protocols, and practices in the structures, systems, protocols, in the maintenance of equipment environment.
implementation of DRRM. and practices in the in the implementation of the
implementation of DRRM. DRRM.
Designating a school Documentation on leading Documentation of PAPs in Certificates of
student/s focal person/s for the school hazard-mapping school DRRM with the participation/recognition on
Means of verification DRRM ; activity/ DRRM activities collaboration of LGUs, community involvement
DRRM Implementation Plan; community stakeholders and activities (e.g. red cross, tree
other agencies planting, coastal clean-up)
7. Learners through various Learners through various Learners through various Learners through various Learners through various
organizations participate organizations demonstrate organizations participate in organizations establish organizations take the lead in
establishing partnership with the awareness on the importance of establishing partnership/s with partnership/s with community as establishing community partners
community in creating an community partnership in community as guided by the guided by the school in creating to create an enabling learning
enabling learning environment. creating enabling learning school in creating enabling enabling learning environment. environment.
environment learning environment.
Attendance/ Attendance/pictures during MOA, MOU Activity Design
Participation on various the conduct of the Accomplishment Reports of
Means of verification awareness activity programs community related activities student-led activities
(e.g. Drug Awareness (Oplan linis, clean & green Letter of invitations to
Program, Environment drive, coastal clean-up) stakeholders crafted by
Advocacy Program) Accomplishment Reports learners ( ex. inviting
resource speaker in a health-
related symposium)