Adelante High School WASC 2012 Action Plans - English Language Arts

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Adelante High School Chapter 5

WASC 2012 Action Plans – English Language Arts


Objective: Student writing skills will be improved through a coordinated school wide approach using
PLC and RTI strategies. Students will improve their writing skills to meet the requirements of the
CAHSEE and improve scores on the DWA, DCA and CSTs. Students will develop writing skills that will
allow them to successfully transition to college or work.

Rationale: Student success while in high school and in post high school opportunities is enhanced by the
ability to write effectively. Data taken from CAHSEE subtests, District Wide Writing Assessment and
through analysis of student work shows this to be a continuing area of student need.

Relationship to Standards: Key ELA standard for all grade levels

Relationship to ESLRs: Apply communication skills, Effectively use information and resources, Learn
a core body of knowledge, Think creatively and independently, Evaluate own learning and experience

Steps Timeline Persons Responsible Methods of

and Necessary Assessment and
Resources Reporting
Get English 12 and English 9/10 By May, 2012 English Department Folder on P Drive
curriculum and resources posted
onto P Drive for at least 2 grading

Collect DWA data, create Dec. 2011 English Department Spreadsheet – Data
spreadsheet to review and analyze. May 2012 Report

Administer pre/mid/post DWA Begin GP3 English Department Spreadsheet

style essays each grading period 2012 Pre/Mid/Post essay Report
prompts: Literary
Analysis 10th grade
Expository 11th grade

Both students and teachers analyze Begin March English Department Student folders on
DWA results for evidence of 2012 Students P drive
student growth in writing Examples/Rubrics Folders of hard

Adelante High School Chapter 5
WASC 2012 Action Plans – English Language Arts

Administer grade level District Begin GP3 English Department District Item
Common Assessment to students 2012 Copies of tests Analysis Forms
who complete 3 sequential grade Scantron forms
level classes

Analyze student results for the April 2012 English Department PLT - Report
DCA in order to implement best Ongoing
practices in the classroom

Summative assessments: Design 2013-2014 English Department Assessments

one for each grading period and
each grade level.

Develop handouts on Vocabulary, Spring 2012 English Department Folders on P Drive

into/through/and beyond Ongoing All Teachers Vocabulary
Develop enrichment opportunities Fall 2012
and intervention activities for each Intervention
grading period

Administer Gates-MacGinite to all Fall 2012 Administration/ Aries

incoming students and have the Ongoing Counselors involved in
data points entered into Aeries registration process
upon student enrollment.

Administer Gates-MacGinite to all Spring 2013 English Department Aries

“end of course” students (after the
student has successfully completed
3 grading periods of any grade
level English class)

As a department compare these two Start Spring English Department Aries

data points and analyze results for 2013
evidence of student growth in

Each core course will embed or Start Spring All Teachers Folders on P Drive
assign at least one writing task 2013 Writing Across
assignment per the Curriculum
Grading period(Writing across the
Curriculum)—summarize vs. Student Samples:
paraphrase; lab research reports: Low, Middle, High
History, Econ, English, Science,
math, art)


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