Let-Prof Ed

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Public, private, sectarian and non-

sectarian schools
#DualCoaching 6. Who were the Thomasites?
' A. The soldiers who doubted the
1. Which is the TRUE foundation of the success of the public educational
social order? system to be set in
A. Strong, political leadership the Philippines.
B. The reciprocation of rights and duties B. The first American teacher soldiers to
C. Equitable distribution of wealth help establish the public educational
D. Obedient citizenry system
in the Philippines
2. Who started the current emphasis on
C. The teachers who first taught at the
the development of critical thinking by
University of Sto. Tomas.
the use of philosophic methods that
D. The devotees to St. Thomas Aquinas
emphasize debate and discussion?
who came to evangelized.
A. Aristotle C. Confucius
7. Which is the Teacher'
B. Socrates D. Plato
Professionalism Act?
3. By which process do children become
A. R A 7836 B. R A 4670
participating and functioning members
C. R A 7722 D. R A 9293
of society by fitting into an organized
way of life? 8. The State shall protect and promote
the right of all citizens to quality
A. Socialization C. Accommodation
education at all levels. Which
B. Acculturation D. Enculturation
government program is in support of
4. Under no circumstance shall a this?
teacher be neither prejudiced nor
A. Exclusion of children with special
discriminatory against any learner, says
needs from the formal system
the Code of Ethics. When is a teacher
B. Free elementary and secondary
prejudice against any learner?
A. When he makes a nearsighted pupil C. Deregulated tuition fee hike
sit at the front D. Re-introduction of the NEAT and
B. When he considers multiple NSAT
intelligences in the choice of his
9. The Filipino learner envisioned by the
teaching strategies.
Department of Education is one who is
C. When he makes a farsighted pupil sit
imbued with the desirable values of a
at the back
person who is
D. When he refuses a pupil with a slight
physical disability in class. A. Makabayan, makatao, makahalaman,
at maka-Diyos.
5. Which schools are subject to
B. Makabayan, makasarili,
supervision, regulation and control by
makakalikasan, at maka-Diyos
the state?
C. Makabayan, makabansa, makatao, at
A. Public schools maka-Diyos
B. Private schools D. Makabayan, makatao,
C. Sectarian and non-sectarian schools makakalikasan at maka-Diyos
10. What is the main purpose of proposal?
compulsory study of the Constitution? A. Psychological C. Geographical
A. Develop students into responsible, B. Historical D. Social
thinking citizen. 15. What does the acronym EFA imply
B. Acquaint students with the historical for schools?
development of the Phil. Constitution. A. The acceptance of exclusive schools
C. Make constitutional experts of the for boys and for girls
students B. The stress on the superiority of
D. Prepare students for law-making formal education over that of alternative
11. With which goals of educational learning systems
institution as provided for by the C. Practice of inclusive education
constitution is the development of work D. The concentration on formal
skills aligned? education system
16. The wide acceptance of "bottom up"
A. To develop moral character management style has influenced
B. To develop vocational efficiency schools to practice which management
C. To teach the duties of citizenship practice?
D. To inculcate love of country A. Exclusion of politicians from the pool
12. To earn units for promotion, a of guest speakers during graduation
teacher pays her fee but does not attend exercises
class at all. Does this constitute B. Prescription of what ought to be done
professional growth? from the Central Office
A. Not immediately but yes after C. Involvement of students, parents,
promotion. teachers and community in school
B. It depends on the school she is planning
enrolled in. D. Allowing schools to do what they
C. No, it is simply earning MA units for think is best
D. Yes, just enrolling in an MA program 17. The failure of independent study
is already professional growth. with most Filipino students may be
attributed to students'
13. You are very much interested in a
quality professional development A. unpreparedness for schooling
program for teachers. What B. being responsible learners
characteristic should you look for? C. high degree of independence
A. Prescribed by top educational leaders D. high degree of dependence on
B. Dependent on the availability of funds authority
C. Required for renewal of professional 18. As provided for in the Education Act
license of. 1982, how are the institutions of
D. Responsive to identified teachers' learning
needs encouraged to set higher standards of
14. For more efficient and effective quality over the minimum standards
management of schools as agents of required for
change, one proposal is for the DepEd state recognition?
to cluster remote stand-alone schools A. Granting of Special Permit
under one lead school head. Which B. Academic freedom
factor has the strongest influence on this C. Continuing Professional Education
D. Voluntary accreditation D. Code of Ethics for Private School
19. The specialization required of every Teachers
professional teacher for him/her to be 23. What may be the result of a teacher
competent is in line with which pillar of violating any of the provisions of the
learning? Code of Ethics for Professional
A. Learning to know C. Learning to live Teachers?
B. Learning to be D. Learning to do A. early retirement C. revocation of
20. A student complains to you about license to teach
his failing grade. When you recomputed B. reduced salary D. immediate
you found out that you committed an demotion
error in his grade computation. Your 24. Which act created the Commission
decision is not to accept the erroneous on Higher Education (CHED)?
computation before the student and so A. RA 7722 c. RA 7743
leave the failing grade as is for fear that B. RA 7784 d. RA 7776
you may lose credibility. Is this morally
right? 25. RA 7836 mandated the holding of a
A. No, you should accept your mistake A. Professional Board of Examination
and correct the grade. For Teachers
B. No, it will not maintain your credibility. B. National Elementary Assessment
C. Yes, you should not commit mistake. Test (NEAT)
D. Yes, as a teacher you must maintain C. Licensure Examination for Teachers
your credibility. (LET)
D. Civil Service Examination (CSE)
21. Which violate(s) the principle of
respect? 26. The document that embodies the
I. Teacher A tells her students that what rights of public school teachers is
Teacher B taught is wrong. A. The Bill of Rights
II. To retaliate, Teacher B advises B. The Code of Ethics for Teachers
students not to enroll in Teacher A's C. The Philippine Constitution
class. D. The Magna Carta for Teachers
III. Teacher C secretly gives way to a 27. Mr. Manuel is retiring next month.
special favor (e.g. add 2 points to grade) Which provision of the Magna Carta
requested by student A who is vying for would be applicable to him?
A. II and III C. I and II A. give him a higher position
B. I, II and III D. I and III B. one range salary raise as basis of
retirement pay
22. The Philippine Teacher C. give him free medical examination
Professionalization Act of 1994 adapted D. transfer him to the school nearest his
and promulgated the residence
A. Code of Professional Teachers 28. Public school children can take
B. Code of Ethics for Professional optional religious instruction provided
C. Code of Ethics for Public School A. they are Roman Catholic
Teachers B. they have good moral character
C. they have interest in religion
D. they have parents’ permit to attend
29. The use of Filipino and English as A. for salary increase C. for social
media of instruction in separate subject recognition
areas is called B. for higher position D. for professional
A. Language Law C. Language growth
Education 35. The right of a teacher to uphold his
B. Tag-lish Act D. Bilingual Education freedom to discuss lessons within his
30. Teacher Bettina had been teaching field of expertise without fear of being
in a public school for nine years. He persecuted is
wanted to take a study leave but knows A. Professional Growth C. Right of
little about this. Which document will Suffrage
give him the needed information? B. Academic Freedom D. Freedom of
A. Code of Ethics for Teachers Speech
B. Code of Ethics for Public School 36. Marlyn, a new BEED graduate
Teachers would like to have a teaching position.
C. Magna Carta for Public School What should she do first to be taken in a
Teachers public school?
D. Magna Carta for all Teachers A. take MA units C. pass the review
31. Ms. Villar, an accounting graduate B. pass the LET D. take competitive
would like to teach mathematics in the exams
high school. How will she qualify for 37. What is the major concern of non-
this? formal education?
A. take MA in mathematics C. take 18 A. Eradication of illiteracy
units of education first B. Teaching of values education
B. take the LET at once D. take only C. Love of arts in all forms
math classes D. Acquisition of vocational and
32. Mrs. Bernardo, a good teacher has a technical skills
constant bout with asthma. Which would 38. Which of the following democratizes
be affected if she continues teaching? access to education?
A. Self-discipline C. Self-realization A. Using ones dialect in school campus
B. Efficiency D. Punctuality B. Freely choosing ones curricular
33. Republic Act No. 7836 otherwise subjects in school
known as LET is required for those who C. Deciding not to come to school if not
are engaged in teaching in interested
A. all elementary and secondary schools D. Attending convocations on one’s free
B. all public elementary schools will
C. all private elementary schools 39. What must a teacher do to ensure
D. all public and private tertiary schools orderly transitions between activities?
A. Allow time for the students to
34. Mr. Fabic, a teacher who is about to socialize in between activities.
retire still continues attending seminar- B. Have the materials ready at the start
workshops, in-service training and other of the activity.
teacher conferences. What could be his C. Assign fewer exercises to fill the
reason for this action? allotted time.
D. Wait for students who lag behind.
40. Teacher H strives to draw conducive atmosphere for learning. On
participation of every student into her which theory is her practice based?
classroom discussion. A. Psychoanalysis C. Behaviorism
Which of these student needs is she B. Gestalt psychology D. Humanistic
trying to address? The need to psychology
A. show one's oral abilities to the rest of
the class 47. The most important contribution of
B. feel significant and be part of a group the Gestalt psychology to the theories of
C. get everything and be part of a group learning is
D. be creative A. The use of multimedia approaches
41. The right hemisphere of the brain is B. The use of reinforcement
involved with the following functions C. The concept of readiness in learning
EXCEPT D. Cognitive insight
A. Nonverbal functions. 48. What psychological principle is used
B. Visual functions. when teacher links the new information
C. Intuitive functions. to the previous one to enable the
D. Detail-oriented functions. students gain a holistic view of the
42. Brian enjoys games like scrabble,
anagrams, and password. Which type of A. Stimulation
intelligence is strong in Brian? B. Accommodation
C. Assimilation
A. Bodily kinesthetic intelligence C. D. Conceptualization
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
B. Linguistic intelligence D. Spatial 49. Mark exhibits fear response to freely
intelligence roaming dogs but does not show fear
when a dog is on a leash or confined to
43. Who asserted that children must be a pen. Which conditioning process is
given the opportunity to explore and illustrated?
work on different materials so that they
will develop the sense of initiative A. Generalization C. Discrimination
instead of guilt? B. Acquisition D. Extinction
A. Kohlberg C. Maslow 50. Children learn what they live by.
B. Ericson D. Gardner Treat them with respect and they will
respect others. Shout at them and they
44. Who stressed the idea that students will be shouting at others, too. How
cannot learn if their basic needs are not would you explain this behavior?
first met?
A. They are easily impressed C. They
A. Thorndike C. Dale cannot tell right from wrong
B. Gardner D. Maslow B. They are imitative D. They are
45. Which teaching activity is founded observant
on Bandura’s social learning theory? 51. Identical twins are more alike than
A. Questioning C. Modeling fraternal twins. Which of the following
B. Inductive reasoning D. Interactive statements/principles is supported by
teaching this?
46. Teacher Cora observes cleanliness A. Heredity has a part in determining
and order in her classroom to create a physical appearance
B. Intelligence is determined partly by D. The students will be able to make
pre natal nutrition adjustments with their teachers’ styles
C. Environment affects birth fraternal and activities.
and identical twins 56. What principle is violated by
D. Intelligence hinges in physical overusing the chalkboards, as though it
structure is the only education technology
52. Most Filipino parents have the available?
tendency to be overprotective about A. Isolated use C. Variety
their children. If this tendency goes way B. Flexibility D. Uniformity
beyond the reasonable level, children
could 57. Which statement applies
CORRECTLY to Edgar Dale's “Cone of
A. become dependent. Experience”?
B. have a sense of authonomy.
C. have a feeling of incompetence. A. The farther you are from the base,
D. become more passive than active. the more direct the learning experience
53. According to Piaget’s Theory of B. The farther you are from the bottom,
Cognitive Development, a child during the more direct the learning experience
the sensorimotor period does not see becomes.
things in abstract forms. Therefore, in C. The closer you are to the base, the
teaching mathematics to young children, more indirect the learning experience
the become
A. use of pictures may not be D. The closer you are to the base, the
necessary. more direct the learning experience
B. use of concrete objects is not becomes.
needed. 58. What primary criterion should guide
C. concrete state should precede the a teacher in the choice of instructional
abstract style. devices?
D. abstract stage must come before the
concrete stage. A. Novelty C. Appropriateness
B. Cost D. Attractiveness
54. Mrs. Santarin allows her 3 year old
daughter to dress herself, fix her own 59. Bruner's theory on intellectual
room and sweep the floor. What would development moves from enactive to
Mrs. Santarin’s daughter develop? iconic and symbolic stages.
A. Autonomy C. Initiative A. Be interactive in approach C. Begin
B. Identity D. Mastery with the concrete
B. Begin with the abstract D. Do direct
55. What is the advantage of knowing instruction
the developmental tasks for the stage of
development that the students are in? 60. Which question is inappropriate
when we select the content of an
A. The students can learn better instructional material?
B. The teacher can work well with the
students’ parents A. Is it current?
C. The teacher will be able to determine B. Is it durable and audible?
whether or not the tasks she plans for C. Does it stimulate students’ interest?
the students are appropriate
D. Does it match the instructional 65. Ms. Marquez wants to teach the
objective? students the performance of a certain
61. Ms. Manalo would like to develop skill such as dancing. Which technology
students’ keenness in identifying sounds would be the most appropriate and
in the environment. Which of the convenient to use?
following is the most appropriate A. Radio C. Audio tape
technology to use? B. Video D. Printed material
A. film C. audio cassette tape 66. To reach out to clientèle who cannot
B. printed material D. video cassette be in the classroom for one reason or
tape another, which of the following was
62. Teacher Dianne used a video in her established?
Makabayan class. Which generalization A. K-12 program C. Pre-school
could best support the utilization of the education
instructional material? B. Special education(SPED) D.
A. She was unprepared so videos are Alternative learning delivery
great escape. 67. Which factor in curriculum planning
B. The TV teacher is her friend who is concerned with the identification of
gave her videos. required resources and a list of
C. She wanted to entertain the students expenditures and revenue estimates?
through watching movies. A. Budget determination
D. She wanted her students to observe B. Decisions on implementation and
things with audio and visual elements. evaluation
63. Teacher Grace would like to show C. Goal setting
the behavior of animals in their natural D. Situation analysis
habitat but due to financial constraint, 68. Which type of curriculum
she couldn’t bring the students to the emphasizes on sequential room
zoo. What should she do to make the arrangements, timed segments of formal
teaching-learning process more realistic instruction, disciplined messages where
and meaningful? concentration equates to student
A. Go to the zoo and relate all behaviors were they are sitting up
observations made. straight and are continually quiet?
B. Let the students bring animals inside A. Concomitant curriculum C. Hidden or
the classroom. Covert curriculum
C. Show pictures of the animals to the B. Received curriculum D. The
whole class. Electronic curriculum
D. Show a recorded episode of the 69. Which phase of curriculum
behavior of animals from TV programs. development involves the decision to
64. Teacher Brian would like to provide make as
hands-on experience on the expansion evaluation results are utilized?
and contraction of matter. Which of the A. Curriculum change C. Curriculum
following materials would be the best to implementation
use? B. Curriculum organization D.
A. Models C. Realia Curriculum planning
B. Pictures D. Slides
70. Which category of curriculum design B. Traditional approach D. Montessori
is organized around the analysis of approach
performance task and process 74. Which graphic organizers are used
sequencing rather than content? to show event in chronological order?
A. Academic curriculum design C. A. Time line and Spider map C. Time
Personal curriculum design line and series of events B. Cycle &
B. Social curriculum design D. Technical Venn Diagram D. Time line and
curriculum design Fishbone diagram
71. Which of the following is NOT TRUE 75. Which one can help student
of the new Basic Education Curriculum? development the habit of critical
A. It aims to provide more attention on thinking?
the means of learning and at the same A. Blind obedience of authority
time promote values development to all B. Asking convergent questions
the students. C. Asking low level and high level
B. It also helps to keep pace with the questions
changes in the global context of our D. A willingness to suspend judgment
educational system and to attain until sufficient evidence is presented
functional literacy. 76. Which of the following is a drill
C. It develops wider views of each technique?
subject matter while reducing
redundancy A. Challenging students to be above the
of content. level of the class.
D. It features greater importance on B. Asking pupils to repeat answers.
helping every learner by broadening the C. Giving short quiz and having students
content. grade papers.
D. Assigning exercises from a
72. Which is a description of an workbook.
electronic curriculum?
77. Teacher Violie wants to check prior
A. Those lessons learned through knowledge of his pupils about water
searching the Internet for information pollution. She writes the main topic
B. Those things that students actually Matter in the center of the chalkboard
take out of classroom; those concepts and encircles it. Then, she ask the
and content that are truly learned and pupils to provide information that can be
remembered clustered around the main topic. Which
C. Those processes, content, technique did the teacher employ?
knowledge combined with the
experiences and realities of the learner A. Vocabulary building C. Semantic
to create new knowledge mapping
D. None of these B. Demonstration D. Deductive teaching
73. Which is a teaching approach for 78. I like to develop the synthesizing
kindergartens that makes real world skills of my students. Which one should
experiences of the child the focal point I do?
of educational stimulation? A. Ask my students to formulate a
A. Situation approach C. Eclectic generalization from the data shown in
approach the
B. Direct my students to point out w/c 83. What does the principle of individual
part of the graph are right and w/c part differences require teachers to do?
is A. Give less attention to gifted learners.
wrong. B. Provide for a variety of learning
C. Ask my students to answer the activities.
questions beginning with “What if....” C. Treat all learners alike while teaching
D. Tell my students to state data D. Prepare modules for slow learners in
presented in the graph class.
79. Which objective in the affective 84. Teacher Myra uses direct instruction
domain is in the lowest level? strategy. Which will she first do?
A. To accumulate examples of A. Presenting and Structuring
authenticity. B. Independent practice
B. To support viewpoints against C. Guided student practice
abortion. D. Reviewing the previous day's work
C. To respond positively to a comment.
D. To formulate criteria for honesty. 85. Which one is in support of greater
80. Which is in accordance with the
“with-it-ness” principle of classroom A. Probing
management of Kounin? B. Repeating the question
C. Not allowing a student to complete a
A. Students agree to disagree in class response
discussions. D. Selecting the same student
B. Teacher is fully aware of what is respondents
happening in his classroom.
C. Student is with his teacher in 86. For which lesson objective will use
everything he teaches. the direct instruction method?
D. Both parents and teachers are A. Appreciate the movie seen
involved in the education of children. B. Use a microscope properly
81. Which is a proactive management C. Distinguish war from aggression
practice? D. Become aware of the pollutants in
the environment
A. Tell them that you enforce the rules
on everyone, no exception. 87. To encourage introspection, which
B. Set and clarify your rules and teaching method is MOST appropriate?
expectations on Day 1. A. Cognitive C. Process
C. Punish the misbehaving pupils in the B. Reflective D. Cooperative learning
presence of their classmates. 88. With indirect instruction in mind,
D. Stress on penalty for every violation. which does NOT belong to the group?
82. Which quotation goes with a A. Experiential method C. Lecture-
proactive approach to discipline? recitation
A. “An ounce of prevention is better that B. Inductive method D. Discovery
a pound of cure.” method
B. “Do not make a mountain of a mole.” 89. To nurture students' creativity, which
C. “Better to cheat than to repeat.” activity should be a teacher AVOID?
D. “Discipline is the key to success.” A. Ask “what if...” questions
B. Ask divergent thinking questions.
C. Emphasize the need to give right A. To distinguish distant and close
answer sounds
D. Be open to “out-of-this world” ideas. B. To contract a muscle
90. The following characterize a child- C. To run a 100-meter dash
centered kindergarten EXCEPT D. To dance the basic steps of the waltz
A. Focus on the education of the whole 96. The grade one pupils were given a
child diagnostic test in addition and
B. Importance of play in development subtraction
C. Extreme orientation an academic of whole numbers to find out if they can
D. Emphasis on individual uniqueness proceed to the next unit. However,
91. The last year of pre-service the results of the test were very low.
education of education is student What should the teacher do?
teaching. A. Proceed to the next lesson to be able
Student teaching is classified as to finish all the topics in the course.
A. Role playing C. Field trip B. Construct another test parallel to the
B. Simulation D. Demonstration given test to determine the consistency
92. Which terms refers to a teacher of the scores.
helping a colleague grow C. Count the frequency of errors to find
professionally? out the lessons that the majority of
students need to relearn.
A. Technology transfer C. Facilitating D. Record the scores then inform the
B. Peer mentoring D. Independent study parents about the very poor
93. For grades to made valid indicators performance of their child in
of students' achievements which mathematics.
process should be observed? 97. Which assumption underlies the
A. Adopting letter grades such as A, B, teacher’s use of performance
C, D objectives?
B. Explaining the meaning of grades A. Not every form of learning is
C. Defining the course objectives as observable.
intended learning outcomes B. Performance objectives assure the
D. Giving objective type of test learner of learning.
94. How can you exhibit expert power C. The success of learner is based on
on the first day of school? teacher performance.
A. By making them feel you know what D. Learning is defined as a change in
you are talking about. the learner’s observable performance.
B. By telling them the importance of 98. The principle of individual
good grades. differences requires teachers to –
C. By reminding your students your A. give greater attention to gifted
authority over them again and again. learners.
D. By giving your students a sense of B. provide for variety of learning
belonging and acceptance. activities.
95. Which among the following C. prepare modules for slow learners in
objectives in the psychomotor domain is class.
highest in level? D. treat all learners alike while in the
99. Which does not belong to the group underlies the given statements
of alternative learning systems? C. To state a generalization from data
A. Graded education given
B. Multi-age grouping D. To write a paragraph that observes
C. Multigrade grouping unity, coherence, and variety
D. Non-graded grouping 104. Teacher Celia always checks on
100. Which practice does NOT fit in a entry knowledge and skills before she
classroom that recognizes individual proceeds to her new lesson. On which
differences? principle is Teacher Celia's practice
A. Various modes of assessing learning
B. Accommodating students' learning A. Effective teaching proceeds from the
styles concrete to the abstract.
C. Sharing from multiple perspectives B. Learning increases when the lesson
D. Uniform requirements is relevant.
C. Attention is essential for learning.
101. Why is it sound to encourage our D. New learning builds on previous
students to define terms in their own learning.
words? Because
105. The following terms refer to
A. students remember information better performance objectives EXCEPT
when they mentally process it in some __________ objectives.
B. they ought to connect the terms that A. teacher's C. learner's
they learn with other terms B. behavioral D. lesson
C. this is one opportunity to brush up 106. Which objective in the effective
with their English domain is in the lowest level?
D. defining the terms in their own words A. To accumulate examples of authority.
helps them memorize the definition B. To support view points against
faster abortion
102. Which is a classroom application of C. To respond positively to a comment
this principle: “ Students learn more D. To formulate criteria for honesty
effectively when they elaborate on new 107. Which statement on review is
information”. Ask your students to CORRECT?
A. write the principle five times A. It is a remedial measure for the slow
B. commit the principle to memory learners in class.
C. print the principle in bigger letters B. One of its purposes is to link the past
then put it in a place where they can with the new lesson.
read it C. It is repeating the lesson on the
time and again previous day to find out if students
D. identify an application of the principle learned the lesson.
103. With Bloom's cognitive taxonomy in D. Every lesson begins with a review
mind, which objective is in the highest 108. Edgar Dale found out that people
level? generally remember 10% of what they
A. To rate a project along relevance, read but generally remember 90% of
originally, and craftmanship what they do. What does this imply to a
B. To state the assumption that teacher's instructional planning?
A. Plan a detailed lecture and provide skill in the use of scientific methods
the students with your lecture outline. D. Artistic production for music or art
B. Give many reading materials to the subject
students. 114. Mrs. Panaligan developed an
C. Plan for an activity where students do Achievement Test in Math for her grade
the real thing. three pupils. Before she finalized the
D. Outline the lesson on the board. test, she examined carefully if the test
109. The practice of motivating students items were constructed based on the
before we proceed to our lesson proper competencies that have to be tested.
is in accordance with the law of What test of validity was she trying to
A. exercise C. readiness establish?
B. effect D. belongingness A. content-validity C. predictive validity
110. If the proportion passing for the B. concurrent validity D. construct
upper and lower group is .87 and .30 validity
respectively, what is the discrimination 115. Mrs. Trajeco wants to establish the
index? reliability of her achievement test in
A. .30 C. .57 English. Which of the following activities
B. .53 D. .87 will help achieve her purpose?
111. Mrs. Del Prado made an evaluation A. Administer two parallel tests to
of her students’ behavior. She also sent different groups of students.
questionnaires to the parents of her B. Administer two equivalent tests to the
students and interviewed the previous same group of students.
and present teachers of her students to C. Administer a single test but to two
get a global result of her evaluation. different groups of students.
What principle of evaluation did Mrs. Del D. Administer two different tests but to
Prado is applying? the same group of students.
A. Evaluation should be diagnostic 116. What does a skewed score
B. Evaluation should be used judiciously distribution mean?
C. Evaluation should be cooperative A. The mode, the mean, and the median
D. All of the above are equal
112. Zero standard deviation means that B. The mean and the median are equal
C. The scores are normally distributed
A. The students scores are the same D. The scores are concentrated more at
B. 50% of the scores obtained is zero one end or the other end
C. More than 50% of the score obtained
is zero 117. About what percent of the cases
D. Less than 50% of the scores falls between -1 and +1 in normal
obtained is zero curve?
113. Which of the least authentic mode A. 48% C. 82%
of assessment? B. 68% D. 96%
A. Paper-and-pencil test in vocabulary 118. What is the mean of this score
B. Oral performance to assess student’s distribution: 5, 6, 6, 7,7, 8, 8, 8, 9,10?
spoken communication skills A. 7.5 C. 6 & 7
C. Experiments in science to assess B. 8 D. 7.4
119. Which is a characteristic of an A. Median C. Mean
imperfect type of matching test? B. Mode D. Range
A. An item may have no answer at all. 124. In the context of grading, what is
B. An answer may be repeated. referred to as teacher's generosity
C. There are two or more distracters. error?
D. The items in the right and left A. Rewarding students who perform
columns are equal in number. well.
120. Teachers are encouraged to make B. Being overgenerous with praise
use of authentic assessment. Which C. Giving high grades as compared to
goes with authentic assessments? the rest
A. De-contextualized drills D. Giving way to students' bargain for
B. Unrealistic performances more quiz.
C. Answering multiple choices test items 125. Which one holds true of anecdotal
D. Real world application of lessons records?
learned. A. Combining facts with interpretation
121. Which of the different types of test B. Writing objective, descriptive
covers a wide variety of objective? behavior with case
A. True – false C. Multiple choice C. Describing behavior in natural setting
B. Matching D. Essay D. Describing behavior in a laboratory
122. Study this matching type of test. setting
Then answer the question below. 126. Which statement about standard
__1. Measure of relationship A. Mean deviation is CORRECT?
__2. Measure of central tendency B. A. The lower the standard deviation the
Standard deviations more spread the scores are.
__3. Measure of reliability C. Percentile B. The higher the standard deviation the
rank more spread the scores are.
__4. Measure of position D. t-score C. The higher the standard deviation the
__5. Measures of variability E. less spread the scores are.
Spearman rho D. It is a measure of central tendency.
WHICH IS A WAY TO IMPROVE THE 127. After doing the exercise on verbs,
ABOVE MATCHING TEST? Teacher Mercy gave a short quiz to find
A. Add five items in both columns out how well the students have
B. Add one or two items in the right understood the lesson. What type of
column assessment was done?
C. Add ten items in both columns A. Summative Assessment C.
D. Add one or two items in the left Diagnostic Assessment
column B. Formative Assessment D. Placement
123. Here are raw scores in a quiz: 98, Assessment
97, 95, 93, 89, 87, 85, 80, 15,14, 13. To 128. Who among the teachers below
get a picture of the group's performance, performed a diagnostic assessment?
which measure of central tendency is A. Teacher Tess who asked questions
MOST reliable? when the discussion was going on to
know who among her students
understood what she was trying to B. How does a pupil’s test performance
stress. in reading and mathematics compare?
B. Teacher Gilbert who gave a short C. What type of remedial work will be
quiz after discussing thoroughly the most helpful for a slow-learning pupil?
lesson to determine the outcome of D. Which pupils have achieved mastery
instruction. of computational skills?
C. Teacher Siena who gave a ten-item 133. A class got a mean raw score of 50
test to find out the specific lessons and a S.D. of 5 in an 80-item Physics
which the students failed to understand. test. If Gerson is a member of the class
D. Teacher Michelle who administered a and his score is 60, which of the
readiness test to the incoming grade following describe his performance?
one pupils. A. Gerson scores 2 standard deviations
129. You are assessing FOR learning. below the class mean.
Which of these will you likely do? B. Gerson missed answering correctly
A. Giving grades to students 40% of the test items.
B. Reporting to parents the performance C. Gerson scores 2 standard deviations
of their child. above the class mean.
C. Recommending for new policies in D. Gerson scored better than 60% of his
grading students. classmates.
D. Assessing the strengths and 134. Teacher Nicolle discovered that her
weaknesses of students. pupils are weak in comprehension. To
130. Which is TRUE of a bimodal score further determine in which particular
distribution? skill(s) her pupils are weak, which test
should Teacher Nicolle give?
A. The group tested has two different
groups with two highest frequency A. Standardized test C. Placement
B. The scores are neither high nor low. B. Aptitude test D. Diagnostic
C. Most of the scores are high. 135. Here is a test item:
D. Most of the scores are low. “The improvement of basic education
131. Which of the following situations should be the top priority of the
may lower the validity of the test? Philippine government. Defend or refute
the position”.
A. Increasing the number of items
measuring each specific skill from five to Under what type of question does this
ten. test item fall?
B. Simplifying the language in the A. Low-level C. Analysis
directions for the best. B. Evaluative D. Convergent
C. Removing items from a mastery test 136. Who among the teachers
that everyone answers correctly. described below is doing assessment?
D. None of the above
A. Mrs. Mallorca who is administering a
132. Which of the following questions test to her students.
indicate a norm-referenced B. Mr. Ancheta who is counting the
interpretation? scores obtained by the students in his
A. How does pupil test performance in test.
our school compare with that of other C. Ms. Carino who is computing the final
schools? grade of the students after completing
all their requirements. activities revolve around the said
D. Mrs. Murcia who is planning for a premise. What theory underlies this?
remedial instruction after knowing that A. Essentialism C. Progressivism
students perform poorly in her test. B. Existentialism D. Realism
137. The mode of a score distribution is 143. Religious rituals in the classroom
23. What does this mean? and in the school programs prove the
A. There is no score of 23. deep natural religiosity of the Filipinos.
B. Twenty three is the score that occurs Which philosophy has greatly
most contributed to this tradition?
C. Twenty three is the average of the A. Buddhism C. Hinduism
score distribution B. Confucianism D. Islam
D. Twenty three is the score that occurs 144. With a death threat over his head,
least Teacher D is directed to pass an
138. Which is the most obvious and undeserving student. Which will a
familiar way of reporting variability? utilitarianist do?
A. Range between highest and lowest A. Pass the student. Why suffer the
scores threat?
B. Standard deviation B. Don't pass him; live by your principle
C. Standard error of the mean of justice. You will get reward, if not in
D. Distribution of raw scores this life, in the next.
C. Pass the student. That will be of use
139. Mrs. Manalo who is a high school to the student, his parents and you.
teacher in science would like to D. Don't pass him. You surely will not
measure the specific learning outcome like someone to give you a death threat
“recalls chemical formulas”. What is the in order to pass.
most appropriate objective test item to 145. "Specialization is knowing more
use for measuring it? and more about less and less". Hence, it
A. Test-retest C. Matching Type is better to be a generalist, claims
B. True-false D. Multiple test Teacher Nelcy. Which philosophy does
140. Which philosophy approves of a Teacher Nelcy subscribe to?
teacher who lectures most of the time A. Existentialism C. Essentialism
and requires his students to memorize B. Perennialism D. Progressivism
the formulas used in solving problems? 146. Scouting and Citizen’s Army
A. Progressivism C. Pragmatism Training (CAT) give training in
B. Realism D. Idealism character-building, citizenship training,
etc. which leads to social order. What
141. The Department of Education gives philosophy supports this?
greater emphasis on the development of
basic skills. What is the philosophical A. Existentialism C. Progressivism
basis for this? B. Perennialism D. Social
A. Essentialism C. Perennialism
B. Existentialism D. Pragmatism 147. Teacher Mylene demonstrated the
technique on how to group students
142. Teacher Joan views his students according to their needs and interests.
as unique, free-choosing and Which philosophy is manifested in this
responsible individuals. All classroom activity?
A. Essentialism C. Realism
B. Progressivism D. Social
148. Teacher Angie puts so much
significance on values development and
discipline. What could be her
educational philosophy?
A. Idealism C. Progressivism
B. Pragmatism D. Realism
149. What philosophy is related to the
practice of schools acting as laboratory
for teaching reforms and
A. Essentialism C. Progressivism
B. Existentialism D. Social
150. What philosophy of education
advocates that the curriculum should
only include
universal and unchanging truths?
A. Essentialism C. Perennialism
B. Existentialism D. Pragmatism

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