Library Strategic Plan 2017-18
Library Strategic Plan 2017-18
Library Strategic Plan 2017-18
Ensure that the library Provide and 1. Increase number of days of 1. Increased loans of 1. Upgradation of Libsys 1. Increased loan of materials
services and resources maintain resource book loan facilities books from 8 to 20 software 2. Development of appropriate
continue to maximize collections which 1.1 Regular update on overdue days for textbooks 2. Purchase of 30 books collections in a wide range
responsiveness of the FIIB are responsive to status and 10days for all quarterly of formats
community the varying needs 1.2 Renew books for two other books days 3. 2-3 academic journal increase 3. Increased awareness and
of the community interval and re-issue books, in yearly bases usage of library services,
2. Collection Development if book not in 4. Purchase multimedia particularly by the student
2.1 Add subjective books (new demand resources group
and revised edition) 1.1 May-March 4. Increase knowledge on
2.2 Reference books like 1.2 Bi-Monthly (May- academic journals and
yearbooks and subjective March) current awareness
manual 2 5. User interference increase on
2.3 Bestseller fiction/non-fiction 2.1 Quarterly Library website
2.4 Add subscription of 2.2 Yearly
academic journal 2.3 Quarterly
(Recommendation from Faculty 2.4 Yearly
and students) 2.5 Yearly-July 2017
2.5 Organize Book Exhibition
3. Awareness program
3.1 Adding Students in Library
Committee-Taking regular 3.1 Quarterly
feedback 3.2 Quarterly
3.2 Regular workshop on e- 3.5 Yearly-New Batch
resources from service
3.3 Inter-library Loan facilities- 4. Weekly-Journals
DELNET Daily-Newspapers
3.4 E-books contents
3.5 Guided tour of new batch to
main library and stack room
4. Updates on current issue of
5. Accessibility of library
documents mainly books
5.1 Install web OPAC on
Library website 5. Full data update we will
5.2 Library Data upgradation by start with 5000 books in this
adding keywords and financial Year
maximum information about
book creator and
5.3 Spine labels and Barcode on
each and every books
Redesign of the library Declutter the main 1.1 Adding Language Lab in 31 June 2017 Purchase of furniture 1. Better aesthetics in the
spaces to increase their library, re-organize Library library
relevance as a place of shelves and 1.2 Adding two books shelves 2. Add terminals for
research and learning, seating, place 1.3 Increase sitting arrangement multimedia use
catalyse collaboration, to attractive stands of middle sitting 3. Informed future planning for
support experiential displaying current arrangement from 28 to 60 the development and
learning for students, and to materials to 1.4 2 Revolving Racks direction of library services.
provide pleasing address the needs 1.5 Posters and Portrait of
surroundings for students of the student renowned personality in
community Management
Organize the stack 1.6 Plants and Pots
room for ease of 1.7 Adding locker cabinet
use and safety of adjoining of library Entrance
physical assets
Outreach 1. Develop and 1. Google Survey form created and 1. Half-Yearly 5. Well attended set of library
conduct an annual circulate among FIIB Community outreach services, activities
community survey and programs
of both library 2. To update the students & Faculty 6. Satisfaction survey
users determine Members with latest date undertaken annually as per
satisfaction with information, news and research schedule
library services, resources 7. Enhancement of the weekly
and to identify 3. Provide the facility to access newsletter improving
community online e-resources platform-to interactivity, ease of use and
suggestions for library visitors (students, faculty reflection of current
new developments members, academicians, staff and community interests
and services visitor)
4. To handle specific requirement of
2. Analyze the students & teachers-any
research needs of knowledge resource
the Institute and
raise awareness of
the unrealized
research potential
of the library
collections to
activate greater
Records Management Develop and carry Digital Archive It is easy and cost effective way
out institutional 1. CIP reports-2016-18 batch to archive, share and manage
digital archiving onwards content in the cloud
Records of library 2. JD Summary, Course pack and
activities and Question Papers
resources Records of library resources
1. Acquisition of purchased and
gratis books
2. Exchange and subscribed
3. Magazines
4. Bills and Payments
5. Stock Verification reports
Records of institutional
1. Used cases studies
2. CIP reports, JD Summary,
Course pack and question papers
3. Photographs and videos of
major events
4. Major Notices-FIIB
Integrate into teaching, 1. Add extra book as per Help students to learn and
learning and research recommendation of faculty- research effectively
subjective books, novels or case
2. Helping researchers on
research article any other
information asked by faculty
members (if not available in
library, library can provide
information through library
networking with other libraries
3. Adding Multimedia resources
in Video Library
1. Inspirational or Motivational
2. Enroll students in Webinars
3. Video lectures