Administration of Special Libraries
Administration of Special Libraries
Administration of Special Libraries
1. Service sphere
How many departments will the library serve?
i. If single department, the library is within that unit.
ii. If entire organization, the library is positioned from which it
can build and maintain effective communication with all the
departments it will serve. It is sometime placed in the
administrative services division, management division, or
may stand independently.
2. Immediate future plans
The organizational position of the library should be determined
according to the ultimate goal of service.
3. Communication patterns
The library’s position should ensure that it is an integral part of
the organization’s communication system. It must be perceived as
part of the network by which information is relayed through the
organization. With these, it can serve more effectively and
4. Reporting relationships
Here are some examples:
i. Corporations – reports are directly toward a high ranking
officer, to head of division, or to director of research and
ii. Academic libraries – reports are toward the library director.
iii. School libraries – reports are toward the principal or school
iv. Institutions or associations – reports are toward the chief
administrator, the executive secretary or director or the
The three (3) functions that are most central to the operations of special libraries,
or even other types of libraries are:
1. Acquisition
Published information (print or non-print; electronic; information
sources that are publicly available like books, journals, and vertical
files materials; CD-ROM; microforms; maps; and so on)
Internal information (information or material produced or generate
internally like research reports, technical memoranda, working
papers, correspondences, newsletter, etc.)
Outside resources
2. Organization
Cataloging and classification
3. Dissemination
Readers’ services
Reference and research service
Current aware service (CAS) – routing, acquisition bulletin, library
display, newsletters, selective dissemination of information (SDI)
The following table features the various functions in special library (or in any
other library) according to certain degree.
Keeps informed in
the information
needs of the
Selects and
Gathers research
materials pertinent to
collections in line
a query and submits
them to requester
Expands public
information needs
relations and
Develops a card or marketing activities.
contacts with
computer-based Prepares selective
dealers or jobbers
catalog with bibliographies
Begins acquiring
subjects Undertakes
special collections
Adopts a published comprehensive
Creates and
INTERMEDIATE classification literature searches
scheme Distributes lists of
complete order
Adopts a published current literature
subject heading list (sometimes with
Reviews and
for cataloging and abstracts to clients)
indexing Has broad familiarity
library collection
with nationwide
Prepares selection
library resources in
certain related or
Establishes regular
pertinent subjects
system for
Participates in library
evaluation of
Selects and
provides access to
Does formal Creates internal Locates, synthesizes,
research on users’ subject evaluates and
needs organization summarizes
Establishes systems information
contacts with Integrates internal Prepares critical
experts’ and and external bibliographies
MAXIMUM dealers’ databases Prepares and
collections Indexes, articles evaluates
Adds other reports, and other comprehensive
specialized materials in depth literature searches
collections using a software Distributes library-
Responds to Prepares abstracts prepared abstracts of
certain of published current information
SPT 102: Public/Special Librarianship
2nd Semester AY 2019-2020
People who will man the special library will include professional and clerical stuffs
who are usually employees in the organization.
Since the daily functions of the library require clerical and routine work (receipt
and routing of publications, typing, filing, data entry, clipping, etc.), the
organization may hire a clerk to do all these tasks.
SPT 102: Public/Special Librarianship
2nd Semester AY 2019-2020
There must be a clear understanding of the role of the library in the organization,
how it achieves its aims, how it is used by clients (degree and nature of use), the
kind of collection, how its staff operates and its future plans.
In the planning process for space and equipment, the participants are the
librarian, architect and/or space planner or interior designer, and the
management. Here are things that must be taken into account.
Budget is considered as the library’s primary planning and control device. The
librarian prepares the annual budget and usually exercises full control over its
allocation and implementation.
The budget process, structure and planning, will depend upon the type of budget
the organization or institution employs. There are several variation in budget
Print and non-print materials
Membership in professional associations
Electronic resources
Cataloguing tools
Photocopying equipment
Travel and continuing education
Parcel organization
Grants and donations
Fee-based services
SPT 102: Public/Special Librarianship
2nd Semester AY 2019-2020
Evaluating the library’s collection and services are needed to be able to monitor
how far the library has gone in fulfilling its objectives. Therefore, evaluation
should be related to objectives.