Unit Design of Strip and Spread Footings: Structure
Unit Design of Strip and Spread Footings: Structure
Unit Design of Strip and Spread Footings: Structure
16.1 Introduction
Foundation is provided to transmit the forces and moments on a structure - mainly due to
self-weight, other dead weights, overlying fill, live load, wind and seismic forces on the
structure - to the soil. The transmission of load is either through shear resistance of bearing
strata-generally called bearing capacity of soil - or through frictional resistance developed
between the foundation unit and soil or by combination of both. Depending upon the depth
of bearing and type of transference of forces, all foundations can be categorized either a
Shallow Foundation or a Deep Foundation
Shallow foundations are those where transmission of loads are only through shear resistance
and normally laid at less than 3m depth; whereas deep foundation - such as piles, cassions,
diaphragm walls, well foundation etc. - are those which are themselves more than 3m deep
and transmit the loads to the soil strata through friction or through bearing at greater depth
on stronger strata or through combination of both.
Strip and spread foundations are shallow foundation type. A strip foundation, such as
foundation below a wall or a beam is a continuous longitudinal bearing; whereas a pad or
~ ~ r e a k f o u n d a t i omay
n be provided to transmit loads through bearing of an isolated column
or of two &more columns in a line.
Fixing Base Size: Superimposed loads transferred through a wall or colulnn is added with self-
weight of footing to obtain total load to be transferred to the soil. This total load is divided by
the safe bearing capacity of soil to deterlnine area of footing. In case of wall, the breadth of
f ~ < ~ r l lisl gequal to the calculated area, because the length for desrgn purposes is taken as
unltj The hase size of a rectangular footing is obtained by fixing one of its dimensions
~ l c r ~ gort h breadth) and the other is determined from the calculated area. For square or circular
footing, [lie dimension of side or rad~usis determined from the calculated area in the usual
of Depth
~d of Wall Footmg
P P -P
*PO =-=-----
A Uxl R
For spread or isolated R.C. rectangular footi~lgunder a single column (Figure 26.2)
Tile net upward reaction on footing causing bending moment and shearing force
p =-Y = ----
0 A LxB
The design R.M. at one of the faces of column i.e., say,at ,y-y section
* The self-weight of footing is considered uniformly distributed which is deducted while taking net
upward pressure.
I Similarly dcsi:n 13.hl. a1 1-1 scc!lon,
.'.7, =-
(a) Sectional Elevation
of Coxmete Wall Fodmg
For spread or isolated footing (Figure 16.4) from 'widc beam action' tlie shear force say at
section v-y
b) A column may punch through its Sooting due to ~ l l e a rdiagonal cracks formed aiong [he
xurraie> of a truncated pyramid or cone (Fig111.r: 16 5).
Figure 16.5: Two-way Action along the Surfzace of Truncated P~rartiidor Cone
The critical section for such punching shear action shall he a distance d/2 from the periphery
of a c o l u ~ n nshown in Figure 16.6.
TI! i s o l ~ t c dfooting under a single colurnn, rnaia reinforcements art: pro\. ided in both
or il~ngonaidirections ill tlrc form of a mesh. 111rct.tangular f,~oting,however, retnforcement
parallel to l o n ~ c :sitle
r arc distri'outed uniforinly; whereas out of total reinforccment, parallel
to ~ h shorter
r \id?, a portion of it is placed in cerlernl band of width eqnal to shorter side.
The above mentionrcl pnrriolz or rrrtio of total reinforcement may be obtnlned from equation
Keintorct:ment in cental band 2
7oial reinforccment in short direction (3 1- 1
wherc rJ = ratin of' long side to hhort side - -
A, = (;I) For supporting area of unlforrn ihickrtess (i.e. sapportixlg area geometrically
similar lo and concentric with the loaded area. A,) is equal to area of footing.
(b) In case of sloped or steppedfoottng, it is the area of the lower base of tlne
largest frustrum of a pyramid or cone contained wholly within the footing and
having for its upper babe, the area actually loitded and having side slope 6s
one vertical to two horizontal, and
If the permissible bearing stress is exceeded either in concrete of column or its supporting
member (pedestal or footing), the excess forces may. be transmitted from column to its
supporting member either by extending the longitudinal bars into the supporting member
or by dowels.
The code specifies the following criteria to be complied with for extended longitudinal
bars or dowels:
'I'otaI load (P + P') = 880 kN/m
(P + P') 880
Area of foolinplm Icngh; A = = -= 4.4 1 1 1 ~per 111 w~cI[II of I o ~ l i ~ l g
P 200
Y 800
Nct upward pressure, Po = - = -- - - 181.81 kN/1n2= 1Xl.Xl x 10-'N/lnln2
A 4.4~1
:. Provitle 4 . 4 in widtll strip rooting.
I L~o/errni~zt~~ron
of Deplh
l'ron~ I l e ~ ~ d i nhIoment
g Conside~-ation
111111y111 Po
( c ) Shear Ferce h g r a m
181.81 x ( 2 - d )
7,.= -- ---
Lxd lxd
For M 15 concrete p, = 0.72 % for which T~ = 0.334 N/lnmz and for L)>300 (assumed) k = 1,
per~nissibleshear stress k~~ = 1 x 0.334 N/lnmz
. get
Equating T~ 2nd T ~ we
= 0.334 (in lnln units)
1000 x d
or tl = 704.04 > 650 lnrn
1Jsinp $22 bars and a clear cover of 40
I --x 1 2 x~1000
I sp;lcing ior g 16 bars = - 09.20 ~nln
= 9% - 22 x 140 - 1283 nun
droll 4 x 0.6
Pl~ovicllng60 l n ~ noC end cover length ol'bar beyond the lace of w:~ll(i.c. crillcal hection lor
1 1
bcntling) = - (H - h ) - 60 = - (4400 - 400) - 60 = 1940 > 1283 ~ n l n Hence O.K.
2 2
1)esign a sc]u:~ret'ooting for a column ol'cross- section 400 x 400 m m which transl'ers a load
o l XOO kN i n c l r ~ s i ~ ~sell'-wciglit
eof of footing. 'l'he safe beal.ing capacity of boil is 245 kN/m2.
1Jsc M 20 concrete aod Fe 250 stecl.
FixingBase Size
Total Load, (P + P'j = SOfl kN
Self-weight of footing = -- - -72.7 kN
. li
(assuming self-weight = lOC.'7
01 superimposed load)
Hence ks = 1
Equating and ks T~
(-212.51xd2 -170.008d+603.313)
= l ~ 0 . 7 1 5x 1000
4(0.4 + d) x d
or d2 + 0.4276d - 0.2255 = 0
or d = 0.30698 m = 306.98 mm
Providiilg $16 bars and 40 m ~ nclear cover to bottom layer of reinforcement,
D= 306.96 + -+ 16 + 40 = 370.76 mm
Hence provided D = 375 mm
Effective Depth for upper layer of reinforcement
d U = 3 7 5 - --16-40=311mm
Effective depth for bottom layer of reinforcement
62 db=311+16=327mm
oi'upper layer
Prov~tP~ug40 1n1n ccl:e covcr, le~igthavailable bcyo~iLItlae clllical srclion tor bending (1.c.
beyond the lace of ~olurnn)
:. Total av:~il:lble length inclntling 90" belid at end5 of bars = 6x5 + 128 = X I 3 > 700 mrn
Hence O.K.
Clieck,foi-Bdul-ing Stress
=-- lo' -. -- 5 Nlmmf < 10 N/mm3 Hence O.K.
400 x 409
.I.h e detniling o C the rooting has h e c ~ shown
i in Figure 16.14.
1)r.sign a r e c l ~ u ~ g u lI'ooting
i~r (or a rec1angul;kr coiulnn of 300 x 400 rnrn cairyllig ;i load or
500 kN. 'The safe he:iring capacity ol',\oil is 150 kN/m3. Use M 30 coi~crctei111d lze 250 steel.
Scll-wciglil 01 l'oot~nga,P'
(Aasuining I O1;i 01' hupcrilnposed load = 50 kN
l'o~allioacl ( P + P ' ) = 550 kN
P + P' -
Area of looling = - 3.67 in'
1) 150
Ahsunling - ratio of footiiig same as that for column
sigu Strip
I I ~
:utl Iiootings
I)e(rrrrzination of Depth
(i) From Bencling Moment Consideration
i DeLyisn
a) Design B .M. at y-y vide Equation 16.23 and Figure 16.15
(2.25 - 0.4
Then from Equation 16.5
0.1?69Xi0.925 - d )
= 0.39
or d, = 277.197mm
Breadth of loaded area parallel to L