The document discusses the depth that footings should be placed for foundations. It states that footings should be below any organic soil, fill, debris, or muck. If the top soil is too deep, it can either be removed and replaced with concrete or compacted sand and gravel fill. The footing depth needs to reach soil with adequate bearing capacity for the design load. Minimum footing depths can be calculated using Rankine's formula, with deeper depths sometimes needed to limit the angle of load spread.
The document discusses the depth that footings should be placed for foundations. It states that footings should be below any organic soil, fill, debris, or muck. If the top soil is too deep, it can either be removed and replaced with concrete or compacted sand and gravel fill. The footing depth needs to reach soil with adequate bearing capacity for the design load. Minimum footing depths can be calculated using Rankine's formula, with deeper depths sometimes needed to limit the angle of load spread.
The document discusses the depth that footings should be placed for foundations. It states that footings should be below any organic soil, fill, debris, or muck. If the top soil is too deep, it can either be removed and replaced with concrete or compacted sand and gravel fill. The footing depth needs to reach soil with adequate bearing capacity for the design load. Minimum footing depths can be calculated using Rankine's formula, with deeper depths sometimes needed to limit the angle of load spread.
The document discusses the depth that footings should be placed for foundations. It states that footings should be below any organic soil, fill, debris, or muck. If the top soil is too deep, it can either be removed and replaced with concrete or compacted sand and gravel fill. The footing depth needs to reach soil with adequate bearing capacity for the design load. Minimum footing depths can be calculated using Rankine's formula, with deeper depths sometimes needed to limit the angle of load spread.
0 Me gusta Me gusta The footings should be carried below the top (organic) soli, miscellaneous fill, abandoned foundation, debris or muck. If the top loose soil or fill is too deep, two alternatives may be used depending upon the relative economy and the time available : (i) Removing the top soil directly below the footing and replacing it with lean concrete [Fig. 3.1 (a)] (ii) Removing the top soil in an area larger than the footing and replacing it with compacted sand and gravel fill. The area of the compacted sand and gravel fill should be sufficiently large to distribute the footing load, as shown in Fig. 3.1 (b). In either case, it is essential to reach the level of the strata which has the required bearing capacity adopted for the design of footing. FIG. 3.1. Sometimes, the top soil may be good and compact, and may have adequate bearing capacity. In that case it is desirable to keep the minimum depth of foundation given by Rankines formula: (Eq. 2.8) Where is the angle of repose, the values of which may be taken from Table 3.1.
Note: It is to be noted that q is the actual load intensity and not the safe bearing capacity of soil. Some times, the actual load intensity may be less than the safe bearing capacity of soil, requiring lesser mnimum depth. When footings are supported on very stiff soil, having very high safe bearing capacity, the minimum depth of foundation computed on the basis of safe bearing capacity would come out to be vcry large which is ridiculous. In such soils, the width of the footing (found from other considerations) would be larger than the one required from the bearing capacity considerations, thus giving rise to actual soil pressure lesser than the safe bearing capacity. TABLE 3.1. VALUES OF UNIT WEIGHT AND ANGLE OF REPOSE. Total Pageviews
276,932 Feed Enter your email address: Delivered by FeedBurner Search Follow @Engineershrb Builder's Engineer Builder's Engineer Builder's Engineer Builder's Engineer DEPTH OF FOOTINGS - FOUNDATIONS. | Builder's Engineer 1 of 6 8/28/2014 9:01 AM Categories: FOOTINGS The depth of footing should also be such that the rate or angle of spread of the load from the walI base to the outer edge of the ground bearing does not exceed the permissible value, as envisaged in Fig. 3.3(a). Related Post: FOOTINGS 1 comentarios: Post a Comment Comment as: Publish
Find us on Facebook Engineers 738 people like Engineers. Facebook social plugin Like Like Labels FOUNDATIONS (134) PILES (61) WATERPROOFING (58) STRUCTURES (51) SOILS (47) FOOTINGS (30) SITE EXPLORATION (30) BUILDING (29) PAD FOUNDATIONS (18) STRIP FOUNDATIONS (18) CONCRETE (15) RAFT FOUNDATIONS (14) DRILLED PIER FOUNDATIONS (13) RETAINING WALLS (10) EXCAVATIONS (9) SURFACE SPREAD FOUNDATIONS (9) Popular Posts Design Example 3: Reinforced Strip Foundation. The load-bearing wall of a single-storey building is to be supported on a wide reinforced strip foundation. A site investigation has revea... Example: Pile cap design. A pile cap is required to transfer the load from a 400 mm 400 mm column to four 600 mm diameter piles, as shown in Fig. 14.30 . Pile caps... BORING METHODS - SITE EXPLORATION. The following are the various boring methods commonly used: (i) Auger boring. (ii) Auger and shell boring. (iii) Wash boring. (iv) Percus... COMPONENTS OF A BUILDING: Sub-structure and Super- structure. A building has two basic parts: (i) Substructure or foundations, and (ii) Supers1ructure. Sub-structure or Foundation is the lower p... TIMBERING OF TRENCHES - SOILS. When the depth of trench is large, or when the sub-soil is loose, the sides of the trench may cave in. The problem can be solved by adopting... ECCENTRICALLY LOADED FOOTINGS. The footings are so designed and proportioned that the C.G. of the superimposed load coincides with the C.G. of the base area, so that the f... LIVE LOADS IN A BUILDING: on floors, on roofs. Live loads, also called as super-imposed loads, consisi of moving or variable loads, due to people or occupants, their furniture, temporary ... FOUNDATIONS FOR BLACK COTTON SOILS. Black cotton soils and oher expansive soils have typical characteristics of shrinkage and swelling due to moisture movement through them. Du... Design Example 5: Pad base axial load plus bending moment (small eccentricity). A column pad base is subject to an axial load of 200 kN Design Example: Trench Fill Strip Footing. Strip Footings - Typical Examples. DESIGN OF COMBINED FOOTINGS BY ELASTIC LINE METHOD. DESIGN OF COMBINED FOOTINGS BY RIGID METHOD (CONVENTIONAL METHOD). PROPORTIONING OF CANTILEVER FOOTING. COMBINED FOOTINGS AND MAT FOUNDATIONS. SAFE BEARING PRESSURE FROM EMPIRICAL EQUATIONS BASED ON CPT VALUES FOR FOOTINGS ON COHESIONLESS SOIL. EMPIRICAL EQUATIONS BASED ON SPT VALUES FOR FOOTINGS ON COHESIONLESS SOILS. DESIGN CHARTS FROM SPT VALUES FOR FOOTINGS ON SAND. Effect of Size of Footings on Settlement. COLIN DALE said... wot a load of gobbledegook.. put it in plain english ? May 19, 2014 at 12:22 PM DEPTH OF FOOTINGS - FOUNDATIONS. | Builder's Engineer 2 of 6 8/28/2014 9:01 AM Newer Post Older Post Home (dead) plus 300 kN (imposed), and a bending moment of 40 kNm. To suit site constrai... Grillage Foundations - Description. Grillage foundations consist of a number of layers of beams usually laid at right angles to each other and used to disperse heavy point load... Powered by Blogger. Blog Archive 2014 (27) 2013 (158) 2012 (304) December (121) November (134) ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF DRILLED PIER FOUND... TYPES OF DRILLED PIERS. DRILLED PIER FOUNDATIONS. BEHAVIOR OF LATERALLY LOADED BATTER PILES IN SAND.... p-y CURVES FOR THE SOLUTION OF LATERALLY LOADED PI... NON-DIMENSIONAL SOLUTIONS FOR VERTICAL PILES SUBJE... THE DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION: Laterally Loaded Pile. WINKLER'S HYPOTHESIS: Solutions for Laterally Load... BEHAVIOR OF LATERALLY LOADED VERTICAL AND BATTER P... UPLIFT CAPACITY OF A PILE GROUP. NEGATIVE FRICTION ON PILES. SETTLEMENT OF PILE GROUPS IN COHESIVE SOILS. VERTICAL BEARING CAPACITY OF PILE GROUPS EMBEDDED ... PILE GROUP EFFICIENCY. NUMBER AND SPACING OF PILES IN A GROUP. UPLIFT RESISTANCE OF PILES. BEARING CAPACITY OF PILES FOUNDED ON A ROCKY BED. 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EXCAVATIONS: Well point system. EXCAVATIONS: Ditches and Sumps. October (49) Builder's Engineer | Based on the Design by Tricks-Collection | Unlimited Entertainment like TV Shows and Movies collections DEPTH OF FOOTINGS - FOUNDATIONS. | Builder's Engineer 6 of 6 8/28/2014 9:01 AM