Notice Sub: Celebration of International Day of Yoga On 21 Kind Attention: Hods (Mba, Mca, Bba & Ba (J&MC)
Notice Sub: Celebration of International Day of Yoga On 21 Kind Attention: Hods (Mba, Mca, Bba & Ba (J&MC)
Notice Sub: Celebration of International Day of Yoga On 21 Kind Attention: Hods (Mba, Mca, Bba & Ba (J&MC)
Dr.Vishal Khatri
Head, NSS
Dr. Monisha
Chair – Student Welfare
Copy to:
1. Director
2. Registrar
4. HoD BA (J&MC)
5. HoD BBA
6. HoD MBA
7. HoD MCA
Date: 17/06/2019
Sub: Festival of Yoga and Wellbeing 2019 on the Occasion of “International Day of Yoga”.
Objective: An effort can be made to use these activities to attract the Youth and Children to
Yoga. The Contemporariness of yoga and it’s health benefits can be projected. Role of yoga in
education sector can be explored through these festivals by targeting children and young people.
Dr.Vishal Khatri
Dr. Monisha
Chair – Student Welfare
Copy to:
1. Director
2. Registrar
4. HoD BA (J&MC)
5. HoD BBA
6. HoD MBA
7. HoD MCA
Date: 14/06/2019