Notice Sub: Celebration of International Day of Yoga On 21 Kind Attention: Hods (Mba, Mca, Bba & Ba (J&MC)

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Sub: Celebration of International Day of Yoga on 21st June, 2019-(Delhi) – Reg.

Kind Attention: HoDs (MBA, MCA, BBA & BA (J&MC)

With ref. to D. O.No.M-16011/15/2019-Y&N (Pt.) from NSS Program Coordinator, Nodal

Officer (SBSI-2018) Professor in University School of Information, Communication &
Technology Chairperson, Centralized Career Guidance & Placement Cell E-209, E-Block,
GGSIP University Main Campus Sector - 16C, Dwarka, New Delhi-110078 dated 13th June,
2019; you are hereby informed NSS is organizing a Programme “Slogan Competition” for
celebrating “Festival of Yoga and wellbeing” on 21.06.2019 (Friday) at 09.00 am. The venue for
the same is Multipurpose Hall. All HoDs are requested to provide at least 10 students for
participating in the event.

Dr.Vishal Khatri
Head, NSS

Dr. Shambhoo Sharan

Sports In-charge

Dr. Monisha
Chair – Student Welfare

Copy to:
1. Director
2. Registrar
4. HoD BA (J&MC)
5. HoD BBA
6. HoD MBA
7. HoD MCA
Date: 17/06/2019

Sub: Festival of Yoga and Wellbeing 2019 on the Occasion of “International Day of Yoga”.

Timings of Festival Activities: -

1) 9:00 am to10:00 am (Yoga Asanas)

2)10:00 am to 11:00 am (Slogan Competition.

The Target Audience: Students, Teaching, Non-Teaching Staff.

Objective: An effort can be made to use these activities to attract the Youth and Children to
Yoga. The Contemporariness of yoga and it’s health benefits can be projected. Role of yoga in
education sector can be explored through these festivals by targeting children and young people.

Yoga at work place:- Multipurpose Hall, PG Block.

Dr.Vishal Khatri

Dr. Shambhoo Sharan

Sports In-charge

Dr. Monisha
Chair – Student Welfare

Copy to:
1. Director
2. Registrar
4. HoD BA (J&MC)
5. HoD BBA
6. HoD MBA
7. HoD MCA
Date: 14/06/2019

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