CBR Test.
CBR Test.
CBR Test.
DATE. : 12.06.2019
The California bearing ratio test is a penetration test used to evaluate the sub grade
strength of roads and pavements. The result of these tests are used with the empirical curves to
determine the thickness of pavement and its component layers. This is the most widely used
method for the design of flexible pavement.
The CBR test was developed by the California Division of High way to classify and
evaluate soil subgrade and base course materials for flexible pavement.
To determine the California bearing ratio by conducting a load penetration test in the laboratory.
CBR mould 152mm diameter x 175mm height with collar and base plate
Spacer disk
Surcharge weights
Expansion measuring apparatus
Penetration plunger
Loading machine
Dial gauge
Filter paper
Proving ring 10 kg capacity
California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test is method developed by California division of highway for
classifying and evaluating mechanical strength of soil-sub grade and base course material for flexible
pavements. The results obtained by these tests are used with empirical curves to determine the thickness
and its component layers. This is the most widely used method for the design of flexible pavements.
CBR value signifies the strength characteristics of the soil subgrade which is compacted to the MDD
using OMC.
If the CBR value obtained with the 5mm penetration exceed the valve obtain with the 2.5mm
penetration then this test is performed again and if the valve are still same then CBR value at 5mm is taken
as the final value. The test may be performed on undisturbed specimens and on remoulded specimen which
may be compacted either statically or dynamically.
Sample preparation -
Table No. 01
Force penetration curves
Force on plunger(kN)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
penetration of plunger(mm)
Graph No. 01
Ms + M w
Bulk density (𝛾) =
2095×10−6 𝑚−3
= 2104.06 kg𝑚−3
6 × 10−3 kg
= × 100%
31.2 × 10−3
= 19.23%
Dry density (𝛾𝑑 ) = 𝛾
= 19.23 × 2104.06 kg𝑚−3
= 1764.70 kg𝑚−3
CBR values
By the graph –
Penetration (mm) Force (kN) Standard force (kN)
2.5 3.39 13.70
5 4.78 20.55
CBR (2.5) = ×100%
= 24.74%
CBR (5.0) = ×100%
= 23.26%
8. Discussion
The CBR test is essentially an arbitrary strength test and hence it is mainly used to evaluate the
strength of soil subgrade. It can not be used to evaluate the soil properties like cohesion, angle of internal
friction or shearing resistance. The basic operations for conducting the CBR test are the same regardless
of variations of soil conditions and types of construction. The test essentially measure the soil resistance to
penetration prior to reaching its ultimate shearing value. It is generally used to classify and evaluate the
soil subgrade and base coarse materials for the flexible pavement. This test is empirical and the results
cannot be accurately related with any fundamental properties of the material.
When we were doing practical some errors were occurred. In this experiment the soils that we took
had some strong particles like small rock. So when we were doing experiment that particle affected our
readings. When we compacted dial gage reading was constant little bit time because of above reason. So
we are unable to get correct CBR value. We filled the mould and we should hammered 62 blows when
compacted. So we should want to get good soil sample for getting correct CBR value. And doing this
experiment we have to get dial gage reading by reader. So reader have to focus only dial gage reading if
he or she do mistake reading will be wrong. Then CBR value will not correct.
This CBR test is used for most applications. Some are like below.
The CBR test is one of the most commonly used methods to evaluate the strength of
sub grade soil, sub base, and base course material for design of thickness for
highways and airfield pavement.
This also use for the evaluation of subgrade strength of roads and pavements. The
result obtained by these tests are used with the empirical curves to determine the
thickness of pavement and its component layers. This is the most widely used method
for the design of flexible pavement.
Advantages –
Case base is more objective and formal than the expert’s interpretation.
Knowledge are represented in an explicit way.
Case can be defined for incomplete or badly defined notions.
CBR is suitable for domains for which a proper, theoretical foundations do not exist.
CBR is applicable in default of algorithmic method.
Easy knowledge acquisition.
Disadvantages –
CBR solves only the problem covered by cases.
CBR might use a past case blindly without validating it in the new situation.
Solution is time demanding.
9. Results
10. Conclusion
The CBR value of this experiment is higher. In 2.5mm and 5mm penetrations got higher
CBR value 24.74% and 23.26%. So we can say this soil has good bearing strength. And this soil is
good for the flexible pavement. The actual CBR value of soil is 24.74%.
11. References