Plant Growth and Develpoment
Plant Growth and Develpoment
Plant Growth and Develpoment
What is Growth?
• It is a characteristic of living beings in which an irreversible permanent increase in size of
an organ or its parts occur. In smaller living beings, an increase in the size of a cell can
also be termed as growth.
Characteristics of Plant growth
• Plant Growth is Indeterminate
○ Plants retain the capacity of unlimited growth throughout life.
○ Meristems are present in plants that have the ability to divide and self perpetuate.
○ Open form of growth − New cells are always being added to the plant by
○ Primary Growth − Occurs due to root apical meristems and shoot apical
○ Secondary growth − Occurs due to the appearance of lateral meristems, vascular
cambium, and cork cambium later in the life of certain dicots and gymnosperms
• Plant Growth is Measurable
○ Growth is measured by measuring the parameters that are directly proportional to
increase in protoplasm.
○ Increase in weight (fresh and dry weight both), length, area, volume, and cell
number are some parameters.
○ Choice of parameters depends upon type of plant.
For pollen tube − length is the parameter
For water melon − cell size is used
For dorsiventral leaf − surface area is used
Phases of Growth
• Three Phases of growth − meristematic, elongation, and maturation
• Meristematic Phase
○ Cells rich in protoplasm
○ Cells possess large conspicuous nuclei
○ Cell wall − Primary, thin, and cellulosic with abundant plasmodesmatal
○ Constantly dividing cells at root and shoot apex are in this phase.
• Elongation Phase
○ Cells enlarge and show increased vacuolation.
○ New cell wall deposits.
○ Cells proximal to the merismatic zone (root and shoot tip) are in this phase.
• Maturation Phase
○ Cells attain their maximum size.
○ Wall thickening and protoplasmic modifications take place completely.
Growth Rate
Types of Growth Rate
• Growth rate: Increase in growth per unit time
• Plants show two types of growth—Arithmetic and Geometric—according to the increase
shown by the growth rate
• Arithmetic growth
○ Only one daughter cell continues to divide while others differentiate or mature.
○ Example − root elongating at a constant rate
○ Mathematically, Lt= L0 + rt
Where: Lt = Length at time, t
L0 = Initial length
r = Growth rate
○ On plotting length against time, a linear curve is obtained.
• Geometric Growth
○ Initial growth is slow (lag phase), followed by a rapid increase in growth
(log/exponential phase), followed by a phase where growth slows down
(stationary phase)
○ Example − all cells, tissues and organs typically show this type of growth
○ Mathematically, W1 = W0 ert
W1 = Final size
W0 = Initial size
r = Growth rate
t = Time of growth
e = Base of natural algorithms
○ On plotting the size or weight of the organ against time, a sigmoid or S-shaped
curve is obtained.
Ways to compare growth quantitatively
Differentiation, Dedifferentiation, and Redifferentiation
• Differentiation
○ In this process, cells derived from root apical and shoot apical meristems and
cambium differentiate and mature to perform specific functions.
○ Structural changes occur in plant cell (both cell wall and protoplasm).
For example, cells develop strong, elastic, and lignocellulosic cell wall for long
distance transport of water.
• Dedifferentiation
○ Process in which living differentiated cells regain their capacity to divide
○ For example: Formation of meristems such as interfascicular cambium and cork
cambium from fully differentiated parenchyma cells
• Redifferentiation
○ Process in which differentiated cells that have lost their ability to divide are
reformed from dedifferentiated cells
○ Redifferentiated cells have the ability to perform specific functions.
○ Just like growth, differentiation in plants is also open since cells arising from
same meristem may differentiate to form different structures depending upon its
Development − what does it mean?
• Includes all changes that an organism goes through during its life cycle
• Plasticity − Ability of plants to follow different pathways in response to environment or
phases to form different kinds of structures
Some examples are heterophylly in larkspur and Buttercup. In these plants, leaves have
different shapes based on the phase of life cycle as well as the habitat.
• Development can also be termed as − growth + differentiation
• Development is controlled by intrinsic as well as extrinsic factors.
○ Intrinsic − Genetic factors and plant growth regulators
○ Extrinsic − light, temperature, water, oxygen, etc.
• Two ways to compare growth quantitatively: By measuring (i) absolute growth rate and
(ii) relative growth rate
• Absolute growth rate:
○ Measurement of total growth per unit time
○ In the given figure, an absolute increase is shown in the areas of the leaves A and
B to form leaves A1 and B1.
• Relative growth rate:
○ Growth of a given system per unit time expressed on a common basis; e.g., per
unit of initial parameter
○ In the given figure, both leaves increase by 10 cm2, but a relatively greater growth
has occurred in leaf A.
Conditions for Growth
• Include: water, oxygen, nutrients
• Water:
○ Cell enlargement requires water.
○ Water provides medium for enzymatic activities.
• Oxygen:
○ Releases metabolic energy needed for growth.
• Nutrients:
○ Source of energy
○ Required for synthesis of protoplasm
• Temperature:
○ Plays an important role in growth. Any deviation from the optimum temperature
hampers growth.
• Environment signals (light and gravity)
Differentiation and Development in Plants
Differentiation, Dedifferentiation, and Redifferentiation
• Differentiation
○ In this process, cells derived from root apical and shoot apical meristems and
cambium differentiate and mature to perform specific functions.
○ Structural changes occur in plant cell (both cell wall and protoplasm).
For example, cells develop strong, elastic, and lignocellulosic cell wall for long
distance transport of water.
• Dedifferentiation
○ Process in which living differentiated cells regain their capacity to divide
○ For example: Formation of meristems such as interfascicular cambium and cork
cambium from fully differentiated parenchyma cells
• Redifferentiation
○ Process in which differentiated cells that have lost their ability to divide are
reformed from dedifferentiated cells
○ Redifferentiated cells have the ability to perform specific functions.
○ Just like growth, differentiation in plants is also open since cells arising from
same meristem may differentiate to form different structures depending upon its
Development − what does it mean?
• Includes all changes that an organism goes through during its life cycle
• Plasticity − Ability of plants to follow different pathways in response to environment or
phases to form different kinds of structures
Some examples are heterophylly in larkspur and Buttercup. In these plants, leaves have
different shapes based on the phase of life cycle as well as the habitat.
• Development can also be termed as − growth + differentiation
• Development is controlled by intrinsic as well as extrinsic factors.
○ Intrinsic − Genetic factors and plant growth regulators
○ Extrinsic − light, temperature, water, oxygen, etc.
Division Algae
Classification within Angiosperms
• Artificial system of classification
○ Given by Linnaeus
○ Based on vegetative characters and androecium structures
○ Gave equal importance to vegetative and sexual characteristics
• Natural system of classification
○ Based on morphology, anatomy, embryology, and phytochemistry
○ Given by George Bentham and Joseph Dalton Hooker
• Phylogenetic system of classification - based on evolutionary relationship
• Numerical Taxonomy
○ Based on all observable characteristics
○ Numbers and codes assigned to all characters
○ Easily carried out using computers
• Cytotaxonomy − Based on cytological information such as chromosome number,
structure, behaviour
• Chemotaxonomy − Based on chemical constituents of plant to resolve doubts and
Division Algae
• Includes chlorophyll-bearing, simple, thalloid, autotrophic, and largely aquatic
(freshwater and marine) organisms
• Some occur in association with fungi (lichens) and animals (on sloth bear).
• Size ranges from microscopic unicellular forms such as Chlamydomonas to colonial
forms such as Volvoxand to filamentous forms such as Ulothrix and Spirogyra.
• Massive plant-like bodies are seen in some marine forms (such as kelps).
Economic Importance
• Carbon dioxide fixation on earth is majorly carried out by algae.
• Important as primary producers of energy-rich compounds
Example − Sargassum, Laminaria, and Porphyra used as food
• Some brown and red algae species produce water-holding hydrocolloids.
Example − Algin (brown algae) and carrageen (red algae)
• Agar produced by Gelidium and Gracilaria is used to grow microbes and in preparation
of ice creams and jellies.
• Chlorella and Spirulina are protein-rich unicellular algae, used as food supplements.
They are also known as space food.
• Major classes of algae:
• Commonly called red algae due to the presence of red pigment, r-phycoerythrin
• Mainly marine forms with bulk mass inhabiting warmer areas
• Occur in well-lighted regions i.e., close to the surface of water and also in deeper areas
• Red thalli of most of these species are multicellular. Some have complex body
• Food is stored as Floridian starch similar to amylopectin and glycogen in structure.
• Grow in moist, shady habitats
• Plant body is thalloid.
• Thallus is dorsiventrally appressed to the substrate.
• Leafy members have tiny leaf-like appendages on stem-like structures
• Predominant stage
• More elaborate than liverworts
• Consists of foot, seta, and capsule
• Capsule contains spores.
• Spores formed by meiosis
• Elaborate mechanism of spore dispersal
Example − Funaria, Polytrichum, and Sphagnum
Division Pteridophyta
General Characteristics
• The dominant plant body is sporophyte.
• First terrestrial plants to possess xylem and phloem
• Found in cool, damp, shady places
• Have well-differentiated true stem, leaves, and roots
• Leaves may be microphylls as in Selaginella or macrophylls as in ferns.
• Sporophytes bear sporangia, which develop in association with leaves called sporophylls.
• In some pteridophytes, sporophylls form distinct, compact structures called strobili or
cones (Selaginella, Equisetum).
• Sporangia produce spores by meiosis in spore mother cells.
• Spores germinate to form small, multicellular, free-living photosynthetic thalloid
gametophyte called prothallus.
• Major classes:
• Require cool, damp, shady places to grow
• Also require water for sexual reproduction
• Zygote produces well-differentiated, multicellular sporophyte.
• Spores produced within sporangia, borne on sporophylls, which form strobili or cones
• Male and female strobili may be borne on same tree (Pinus) or on different trees (Cycas).
• Megaspore mother cell divides mieotically to form four megaspores.
• Megaspore mother cell is a differentiated cell of nucellus. Nucellus protected by
envelopes is known as an ovule.
• Male and female gametophytes do not have independent existence, hence remain within
• Steps in fertilization:
Pollen grain released from microsporangium
Carried by air currents
Come in contact with ovules
Discharge of pollen content on mouth of archegonia
Formation of zygote
Development of naked seed
Division Angiosperms
• Large group of plants inhabiting a wide range of habitats
• The pollen grains and ovules are developed in structures called flowers.
• Seeds enclosed by fruits
• Range from tiny, almost microscopic, specimens (Wolfia) to tall trees like Eucalyptus
• Two main groups are:
○ Monocotyledons − having one cotyledon in their seeds
○ Dicotyledons − having two cotyledons in their seeds
• The male sex organ in a flower is a stamen.
• Each stamen consists of:
○ a slender filament
○ an anther at the tip
• The anther produces pollen grains by meiosis.
• The female sex organ is a pistil or carpel
• Each pistil consists of:
○ an ovary
○ a style
○ a stigma
• The ovary encloses one or more ovules.
• Within the ovule (the highly reduced female gametophyte) embryo sacs are present.
• Embryo sac is a seven-celled, eight-nucleated structure. Embryo sac contains
○ One egg cell
○ Two synergids
○ Three antipodal cells
○ One central cell
• The polar nuclei fuse to form a secondary nucleus (diploid).
• Pollen grains, after dispersal from anthers are carried by the wind or other agents to the
stigma of the pistil; termed as pollination
• In this case, diploid sporophyte is the dominant phase as it is free living and
• Gametophyte is single to few-celled.
• Example − All seed-bearing plants, gymnosperms, and angiosperms, some algae-like
Life Cycle
• Intermediate condition
• Both gametophyte and sporophyte are free-living and multicellular, but have different
dominant phases.
○ In Bryophytes, haploid gametophyte is dominant, independent, and
photosynthetic. It alternates with short-lived multicellular sporophyte totally or
partially and is dependent on gametophyte for nutrition and anchorage.
○ In Pteridophytes, diploid sporophyte is dominant, independent, and
photosynthetic. It alternates with short-lived haploid gametophyte, which is
independent of sporophyte.