General Information Regarding Efficiency in Accordance With International Efficiency
General Information Regarding Efficiency in Accordance With International Efficiency
General Information Regarding Efficiency in Accordance With International Efficiency
General information regarding efficiency in accordance with International Efficiency
Efficiency classes and efficiencies according to
IEC 60034-30:2008, extension of the liability for defects
1 ■ Overview
Harmonization of the efficiency classes Minimum efficiencies according to IEC 60034-30:2008
Different energy efficiency standards exist worldwide for Rated Efficiency η in %
induction motors. To promote international harmonization, the IEC IE class
international standard IEC 60034-30:2008 (Rotating electrical IE1 IE 2 IE3
machines – Part 30: Efficiency classes of single-speed, three- Prated, 50 Hz Standard Efficiency High Efficiency Premium Efficiency
phase, cage-induction motors (IE code)) was created. This kW 2- 4- 6- 2- 4- 6- 2- 4- 6-
groups low-voltage asynchronous motors into new efficiency pole pole pole pole pole pole pole pole pole
classes (valid since October 2008). The efficiencies of IEC 0.75 72.1 72.1 70.0 77.4 79.6 75.9 80.7 82.5 78.9
60034-30:2008 are based on losses determined in accordance 1.1 75.0 75.0 72.9 79.6 81.4 78.1 82.7 84.1 81.0
with the IEC 60034-2-1:2007 standard. This has been valid since
1.5 77.2 77.2 75.2 81.3 82.8 79.8 84.2 85.3 82.5
November 2007 and replaces the IEC 60034-2:1996 standard
2.2 79.7 79.7 77.7 83.2 84.3 81.8 85.9 86.7 84.3
as of November 2010. The supplementary losses are now
measured and no longer added as a percentage. 3 81.5 81.5 79.7 84.6 85.5 83.3 87.1 87.7 85.6
4 83.1 83.1 81.4 85.8 86.6 84.6 88.1 88.6 86.8
IE efficiency classes 5.5 84.7 84.7 83.1 87.0 87.7 86.0 89.2 89.6 88.0
The efficiency classes are grouped according to the following 7.5 86.0 86.0 84.7 88.1 88.7 87.2 90.1 90.4 89.1
nomenclature (IE = International Efficiency): 11 87.6 87.6 86.4 89.4 89.8 88.7 91.2 91.4 90.3
• IE1 (Standard Efficiency) 15 88.7 88.7 87.7 90.3 90.6 89.7 91.9 92.1 91.2
18.5 89.3 89.3 88.6 90.9 91.2 90.4 92.4 92.6 91.7
• IE2 (High Efficiency)
22 89.9 89.9 89.2 91.3 91.6 90.9 92.7 93.0 92.2
• IE3 (Premium Efficiency) 30 90.7 90.7 90.2 92.0 92.3 91.7 93.3 93.6 92.9
• IE4 (Super Premium Efficiency) 37 91.2 91.2 90.8 92.5 92.7 92.2 93.7 93.9 93.3
45 91.7 91.7 91.4 92.9 93.1 92.7 94.0 94.2 93.7
55 92.1 92.1 91.9 93.2 93.5 93.1 94.3 94.6 94.1
75 92.7 92.7 92.6 93.8 94.0 93.7 94.7 95.0 94.6
Super Premium
High Efficiency * 90 93.0 93.0 92.9 94.1 94.2 94.0 95.0 95.2 94.9
efficiency NEMA Premium Efficient 110 93.3 93.3 93.3 94.3 94.5 94.3 95.2 95.4 95.1
EISA 2007 132 93.5 93.5 93.5 94.6 94.7 94.6 95.4 95.6 95.4
Premium Efficiency since 12/2010
160 93.8 93.8 93.8 94.8 94.9 94.8 95.6 95.8 95.6
NEMA Energy Efficient
EISA 2007 200 … 375 94.0 94.0 94.0 95.0 95.1 95.0 95.8 96.0 95.8
High Efficiency since 12/2010
Background information
Comprehensive laws have been introduced in the European
Standard Efficiency
Union with the objective of reducing energy consumption and
Low IEC motors NEMA motors therefore CO2 emissions. EU Directive 640/2009 concerns the
efficiency * defined in IEC/TS 60034-31 energy consumption or efficiency of induction motors in the
industrial environment. This Directive is now in force in every
IE efficiency classes in accordance with the output country of the European economic area.
All efficiency classes are stated with reference to 50 Hz data For further details on internationally applicable standards and
(unless specified otherwise). legal requirements, visit:
Measuring method according to IEC 60034-2-1:2007
for determining the efficiency
With the measuring method, the supplementary losses are no
longer applied as a percentage, but instead they are determined
with measurements (IEC 60034-2-1: 2007). The nominal efficien-
cies are therefore reduced from EFF1 to IE2 and from EFF2 to
IE1, even though there have been no technical or physical
changes to the motors.
Previously: PLL = 0.5 % of P1 added
Now: PLL = Individual measurement
PLL = Load-dependent supplementary losses
acc. to IEC 60034-30:2008
0.75 1.5 3 5.5 11 18.5 30 45 75 110 200 kW
1.1 2.5 4 7.5 15 20 37 55 90 132 375 kW