Lesson Plan - LMM - Itl 608
Lesson Plan - LMM - Itl 608
Lesson Plan - LMM - Itl 608
Students will be able to graph equations in slope-intercept form.
Mathematical Practices
2 - Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
8 - Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
● Interactive Foldable
● Closing Activity
● Opening Activity
● Opening Activity
● Stations Game
● Opening Activity:
● Opening Activity:
● Grade Post-Assessments
1. Student Whiteboards
2. Expo Markers for students
3. Posters
4. Color Markers
5. Stations cards cut & laminated
6. Chromebooks for students
7. Foldables
8. Giant Graphs Laminated
9. Graph Paper
10. Pencils, Highlighters, Erasers
● Comprehension and Vocabulary Check-
● Pre-Lesson Assessment
● Opening Activities: Warm Ups on the concepts of slope and point coordinates along with
self check.
○ Quizlet
○ Quizizz
○ Khan Academy
● Whiteboards
● Q&A Sessions
● Poll Sessions: Use PollEv Online App(Yes/No Questions) as a tool to bring in 100% class
participation. Oral towards entire class to gage overall effectiveness of lesson.
Student data can be collected electronically through various platforms, via class oral
presentations, written homework assignments, and test scores. This data may be compiled
to gage progress and understanding.
Personal Reflection:
● Knowing that a strong understanding of the concept of slope and the Cartesian
Coordinate System is fundamental before introducing the point-slope formula.
● After stage 3 is completed, thorough assessment possible.
How effective?
● By the end of the week, students should be able to graph a linear equation from
point-slope form along with derive formula from given graph.
● Through Engagement and Assessment we will know how effective was this lesson.
Questions to ask ourselves: Were students engaged throughout the whole lesson? Were
they making connections? Were they participating enough? What type of responses were
they giving?
○ To know the effectiveness of the Technology tools, use the data tools on them.