Sun in Leo in 4th House
Sun in Leo in 4th House
Sun in Leo in 4th House
Your birth under the fixed sign of Leo suggests a magnanimous and proud nature. In the
zodiac, Leo symbolizes the individual's struggle for personal development -- specifically in the
house where Leo starts (the cusp). Leo is a fire sign, and it is ruled by the Sun -- the
provider of life-sustaining energy. It is the Sun's duty to give warmth, light, and life. In our
solar system the Sun is the hub for each of the orbiting bodies of planets.
You like to be at the center of everybody's attention, and while you radiate your energy
outward, you love to receive admiration or affection. It is therefore easy to flatter you and
for you to have favorites. You can be quite faithful and honorable, but at times vain and
bossy. A position of power may heighten your self-confidence even further. You may come
into a position of leadership, which might require much responsibility on your part. As a fixed
and active fire sign, people born under this sign show a tendency to adopt the dominant role
in partner relationships. Leonian women who defend their children can be as vicious as a
lioness defending her cubs.
Home life and personal independence are always important issues for you. You need to be
creative, both on a spiritual and a physical level. The sign of Leo is assigned to the heart.
This means that you can give with both hands: your time, your money, and your knowledge
-- without sparing a minute to think of yourself. Your guardian angel seems to appear just
when the need arises. New opportunities open up for you in exactly those moments when
you feel no solution is in sight. Just as the Sun brightens the darkest corner, you are pulled
out into the light.
You are intensely drawn to the opposite sex. However, it is advisable for you to keep your
fiery, love-thirsty temperament under control or you could get hurt. Quite subconsciously,
you may tend toward an opinion in which the outcome justifies the means. Wealth is
important to you as a means of getting closer to what you have in mind. Be careful not to
appear too trusting, since you tend to believe that others are just as honest as yourself. If
this is the case, try to develop your intuition.
You do not like repeating things. When you have grasped what a conversation is about, you
may become very stubborn without due consideration to other people's needs. You may also
have a highly developed sense of drama, so great that the disguised role you initially played
gradually becomes a reality for you. Self-esteem is an essential ingredient in your life. On a
higher level, you are probably prepared to do everything in the manner that you feel is
correct, even if this means foregoing public applause. If you are drawn into a restrictive
situation, you run the risk of denying or neglecting your job. You are courageous and
prepared to take risks, but you never go about things in an unfair way. If success is on your
side, you are omnipotent, but you may have difficulty in admitting any inferiority. If you have
not yet learned how to be humble, it is very important for you to do so.
This position of the Sun emphasizes your home life, family property, a nurturing parent, and
emotional security. The Sun will portray how you apply your sense of being towards these
areas. This placement enhances the memory of early childhood experiences and acts as a
guide toward future conduct. You are perhaps quite traditional in outlook. Unless you were
the only or youngest child, you would have been keen to look after brothers and sisters. Any
tendency towards introspection may spring from a need to find yourself and establish who
and what you are. It's likely that material acquisitions are less important to you than your
mental development and spiritual growth.
Some individuals with this placement experience either a strong father figure or an absent
one. Should either of these scenarios be the case, you will need to process the Karma
associated with it and balance the masculine potential within yourself. You will feel a need to
build your home life in such a way that you are in control and earn respect. It may be, too,
that you feel your best when you work at home. The influence of the fourth house often
means you will have to wait until the second half of life to experience security and
contentment. Whatever life's experience, try to recognize that the spirit is one's true home.