Ortho 1

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 The skeletal system consists of 206 a

bones which are connected at  Metacarpal
joints, muscles, and associated by  Carpals
ligaments, tendons, and bursae.  Phalanges
The functions of the skeletal system FRACTURE
are:  Kinds of fracture
o To support the soft tissue of o Closed/simple
the body and provide form o Open/compound
and shape  Classification of fracture
o To facilitate movement o Complete
o To protect the underlying o Incomplete
organs of the body  Typical bone fractures
o To produce blood o Greenstick: usually
cells/production occurring in children w/ one
(hematopoiesis) side of the bone broken and
o To store/storage/store the other side is bend
minerals for body use, o Spiral: continuously circling
especially calcium and w/ flat curves or series of
phosphorus curves that constantly
 The human skeleton is divided into circles around a central
2 main division: point
o Axial skeleton: the body o Comminuted: bone is
upright structure with 80 broken into fragments
bones o Transverse: lying or
 These bones found extending or going
in the midline of crosswise or at right angles
the body o Compound: broken bone
 Skull – 22 pierces the skin or comes in
bones contact w/ an open wound
 Vertebral o Vertebral compression:
column – reduced in spacing of the
26 bones applied pressure
(backbone)  Common symptoms of fracture
 Ribs – 24 + o Severe or local pain: dolor
8 = 80 o Tenderness
bones o Swelling w/ some degree of
o Appendicular skeleton: deformity
consists of the 126 bones of o Limitations of movement
the upper and lower limbs, o Paleness: pallor
as well as the pelvic girdle, o Warm to touch: callor
which are attach the limb to o Redness: rubor
the axial skeleton o Presence of asymmetry
 Pelvic girdle o Crepitus sounds: grating
 Lower limb sound upon movement of
 Femur extremities
 Diagnostic procedures
o X ray of the
o CT scan operator
o Physical examination  Open reduction:
 Principles of fracture management with the surgical
o Reduction, retention and operation by means
immobilization of internal fixation
 Closed reduction: or manipulation in
external order to achieve
manipulation the proper
sometimes bind the alignment
segments with the  Fragments
use of casts, molds, are joined
braces, traction (to w/ screws,
overcome the pull knots, nails,
of powerful wires or
muscles may be metal
used to achieve plates
realignment and o Rehabilitation &
other gadgets) recognition
 Skin/adhesi o Maintaining & restoring
ve/non function
adhesive:  Common complications
pulling o Compartment syndrome:
force is serious condition resulting
applied to from pressure within
the skin, different compartments
muscle & (these separate the blood
bones vessels, muscles, and
 Skeletal nerves) that cause
traction: decreased circulation to the
pulling area-usually the leg and
force is forearm. Can lead to
applied irreversible muscle
directly into weakness, infection, &
the bones amputation of the limb
by the use  Clinical
of manifestation
Steinman’s  Pain
pins &  Pallor
Crutchfield  Paresis/par
tongs alysis/paret
 Manual hesia
traction:  Pulselessne
pulling ss
force is  Cyanosis
directly  Numbness
applied by  Swelling
the hands
 Tingling  Maintenance/prom
 Treatment otion of the
 Bivalve: integrity of the
cutting the system of the body
cast on  Maintenance of the
each side. cleanliness of the
Done if the cast/promotion of
cast is too the integrity of the
tight, system of the body
causing  Maintenance of the
pressure cleanliness of the
and cast
restricting  2 kinds of bone procedures
blood flow o External fixation: placing a
 Fasciotomy: steel bar that is fixated
making parallel to a fractured long
incision bone
into the o Internal fixation: placing a
fascia to steel bar inside a bone to
relieve the serve as a replacement of a
pressure bone
 Pulmonary
 Fat
 Shock
 Care of the patient w/ cast
o Duration is at least one
o Factors that influence the
duration are:
 Age of the patient
 Part of the body
 Degree of injury or
affectation of the
o Nurse responsibility:
 Neuro-vascular
 Preservation of the
efficiency of the

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