VDR 3 1 Dutton
VDR 3 1 Dutton
VDR 3 1 Dutton
Vision Development & Rehabilitation Volume 3, Issue 1 • April 2017
Figure 2: Case 2: Original diagram in Gordon Holmes paper (1918) (17) depicting the nature of the penetrating head injury
and the visual field in Sergeant K. (With permission of the British Journal of Ophthalmology.)
not see her daughter; and why she could see when the scene is moving. During the ensuing
water spiralling down the plug hole but not 7 years she has learned to move freely round
see her daughter in the bath. As these features obstacles. She can accurately catch rolling
indicated intact motion perception with absent balls and she can pick up a drinking glass as
static perception (the Riddoch phenomenon),14 if she were sighted when she taps the table,
she was invited to walk in figure of eight because the resulting ripples render the glass
fashion around a row of chairs. Much to her visible and accessible to reach for accurately.
surprise she could do so. A rocking chair was Her CT scan at the time showed strokes
recommended, and she still uses it to help affecting both occipital lobes and both
her see round the room, as she can only see temporal lobes, but her posterior parietal
Vision Development & Rehabilitation Volume 3, Issue 1 • April 2017
lobes were not affected. More recent fMRI uncertainly, and could not follow a passage
scanning reveals evidence of bilateral residual unless single sequential words were viewed
functioning middle temporal lobe tissue – through a slot in a piece of paper. Apart from
serving perception of movement – becoming impaired convergence and accommodation, his
active in response to moving imagery (Figure oculomotor functions were intact. He retained
1).15 As for the similar case DF, described by good visual memory and could correctly
Milner and Goodale,2 she has learned to read recognise objects, but could not reach out
by imagining she is moving a forefinger over and grasp them. When walking he consistently
each letter, despite not being able to see them collided with objects he could see. He was
consciously. unable to direct his gaze at someone speaking
MC has little or no occipital lobe tissue. with him face to face. When 4 to 6 coins were
Her type of vision has been described as placed inside his sighted area, he could not see
‘Blindsight’,16 which is conceptually the antithe nor count them all, tending to re-count ones he
sis of the pattern described in the introduction. had already identified.
This illustrates the nature and character of the This First World War account, graphically
visual functions served by the middle temporal shows that injury of the lower portion of the
lobes and posterior parietal lobes functioning posterior parietal lobes leads to loss of the
in harmony, but in the absence of occipital lower visual field in both eyes, accompanied by
lobe function. She can walk accurately through inaccurate visual guidance of movement (optic
her surroundings, which become mapped ataxia) and inability to see more than two or
in her mind when she starts to move, as the three items at a time (simultanagnosia), resulting
surroundings move in the opposite direction in profound impairment of visual search. In
with respect to her body. It is likely that essence the functions lost were those retained
the combination of her functioning middle by MC (case 1), while those retained were those
temporal and posterior parietal lobes allows she has lost. The clinical features described
her to do this in spite of the infarction and loss for this soldier are typical of those seen today,
of both occipital lobes. Once she had gained in varying severity in children and adults with
insight and understanding of the origin and bilateral posterior parietal dysfunction or injury.
nature of her residual non-conscious vision,
she progressively gained the confidence to use he woman who couldn’t find things
3. T
it to move independently without assistance. and felt clumsy.
A film about MC’s vision entitled ‘The Blind
Woman who Saw Rain’ can be viewed on You One of the authors was contacted for advice
Tube (https://youtu.be/9ABQ-U6V0tY). by a 58 year-old family friend. She felt there
was something the matter with her vision but
2. T
he soldier who could see but couldn’t wasn’t sure what. She was progressively losing
see. her ability to find items in a kitchen drawer, to
identify clothes in her wardrobe and to find a
In July 1917, Sergeant K sustained a prob friend in a group. She felt she was becoming
able rifle bullet injury through the lower part clumsy, and found it helpful if she ran her hand
of his posterior parietal lobes17 (Figure 2). He along a surface to reach for an item. These are
was ‘intelligent and well educated’. His visual typical presenting features of posterior parietal
acuities were 20/40 and J1 and he could see dysfunction. The rare diagnosis of posterior
stereoscopically. He had lost his lower visual cortical atrophy was mentioned as a possible
fields, and attended poorly to his right. He explanation, and strategies to help were
could only read single words very slowly and suggested, and immediately taken up and
Vision Development & Rehabilitation Volume 3, Issue 1 • April 2017
implemented to good effect. Two years, and His visual fields elicited using confrontation
three separate neurology consultations later, methods appeared full, but were difficult to plot
this diagnosis was finally made. Now, despite because he could not simultaneously perceive
normal visual acuities for single letters and both the central and peripheral targets. His eyes
intact ability to detect peripheral movement, were aligned but he showed jerky pursuit eye
she can see and identify only one or two items movements. Voluntary saccades to visual targets
at a time. At present her lack of visual function were difficult to elicit but he had no difficulty
resulting from her focal posterior parietal making saccades to commands, like ‘look up’.
pathology is frustrating but accepted. He could identify events in the ‘Cookie Theft’
Posterior cortical atrophy causes progressive picture from the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia
simultagnostic visual dysfunction culminating in Examination (used to assess simultanagnosia),
complete simultanagnosia. One item only can be yet took a long time to identify a pencil on a
seen at a time. Her visual guidance of movement cluttered desk. Brain imaging showed severe
is inaccurate. She is however, incompletely aware damage to both posterior parietal lobes (Figure
of the severity of her visual disability because the 3). His behavioural features, symptoms, signs
visual functions she has lost are non-conscious. and imaging were consistent with the diagnosis
Agnosia is not to know. Anosognosia is not to of a variant of Balint syndrome.
know that one does not know. Simultanagnosia
and optic ataxia tend to be anosognostic (which
is arguably a saving grace).
4. H
eart infection in a child that led to
bleeding into both posterior parietal
6. T
he boy who couldn’t, then could place 7. T
he teenager who played the piano
a peg into a peg board. using his thumbs to locate the keyboard.
One of the authors was shown and asked A 19 year-old man with multiple disabilities
to explain a pair of videos at a meeting. In the and visual impairment enjoyed creating his
first, a kneeling boy, known to have bilateral own ‘music’ at the piano. It was questioned
periventricular white matter pathology affect why he pushed his thumbs against the front of
ing his posterior parietal territory, was strug the piano whilst doing so. It was found that he
gling to place a peg into a peg-board. In the no longer needed to do this when his piano
second, taken a few minutes later, he easily stool was elevated so that his legs touched the
performed the task. A key feature had been piano instead of this thumbs.
Vision Development & Rehabilitation Volume 3, Issue 1 • April 2017
Again, this anecdote highlights that tactile visual impairment can have difficulty dual
supplementation of visual guidance adds data processing sight and sound. They can also have
that enhances accuracy of self-localisation in difficulty locating where sound is coming from.
surrounding 3D space. They can be taught simple strategies that help
them to overcome these difficulties.
8. T
he child who did not know where Inability to see fast movement (dyskine
sound was coming from, who lost topsia) is not uncommon and needs to be
moving balls and who wouldn’t look sought in children with this history. Slowing
at his mother when she was talking facial expressions, watching films without fast
to him. movement, and training ball skills with light slow
balls initially are warranted,13 and can all prove
A 10 year old boy with superior posterior effective. Playing in goal prevents the need to
periventricular white matter pathology, lower identify all the players, and approaching balls
visual field impairment and difficulty finding do not disappear, they simply appear to get
a toy in a toy box, or his mother in a group bigger.
of mothers waiting at the school gate, was
described as not being able to locate where 9. T
he baby who reached out for the
someone was calling from, and rarely if ever first time
looking at the face of those who talked to
him. When asked about this he replied that An eleven-month old boy had sustained
he could not locate the origin of sounds, and bilateral posterior parietal damage owing to
that he was unable to listen when looking at lack of blood supply to his brain during delivery
a face, and needed to look away towards an leading to hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy.
uncluttered area to hear what was being said. Despite apparently normal motor function,
He was given a mobile phone and taught he had never reached out for anything, and
how to use it when out and about so that he sat smiling with his hands by his sides. It
could find his family members who now phone was hypothesised that the explanation could
him rather than calling out. He was also taught relate to impaired posterior parietal function
how to glance, then turn and smile at his leading to deficient visual mapping of his
mother’s face once she has finished speaking. surroundings.
This has proved effective in helping to build up He was placed in a cot lined with a white
their relationship. sheet. A single toy was placed beyond reach.
When playing football he chooses to play in About twenty minutes later he had worked out
goal every time. He was asked what a ball looks how to move to reach for the toy. He picked
like when it is kicked. “It disappears for about it up and played with it. He had never done
a meter of course, then it comes back when it this before. Gradually his skills developed, as a
slows down” was his reply. On assessment he sequel to a range of parenting strategie,7 and
could not count fingers on a quickly moving he now attends mainstream nursery school.
hand, only identifying them when the hand It was not possible to know why this child
moved slowly. would not reach out. However, from the
The posterior parietal and middle temporal distribution of his brain injuries it was surmised
lobes together dynamically map the surround that he could have had simultanagnostic visual
ings for both sound and sight, and damage dysfunction and optic ataxia. Simplifying his
to this area can impinge on both functions. visual environment enabled him to locate and
Children with posterior periventricular white play with a toy for the first time, adding weight
matter pathology causing cerebral (cortical) to this hypothesis.
Vision Development & Rehabilitation Volume 3, Issue 1 • April 2017
10. T
he girl whose upward, but not down been told her vision had recovered. All tasks at
ward, reach and grasp are accurate school and at home involving visual search had
become impossible. She could perceive tiny
An 18 year old girl who had been born at 24 detail in an object or on a textured carpet but
weeks gestation approached one of the authors could not find a specified object in a room, in a
at a meeting where both were contributing. drawer or on a cluttered table. The apparently
She asked why she was clumsy. inexplicable paradox of her clear detailed
She was found for the first time to have no central vision but lack of global vision, were a
detectable visual function below thirty degrees cause of anxiety for Lea and her family.
from the horizontal. When asked to reach out Lea was offered and underwent intensive
for objects in her intact lower visual field she training for five half-days a week. She was trained
consistently did so inaccurately, with a wide to detect, orient to and grasp visual stimuli
gap between fingers and thumb as she did so. presented peripheral to central fixation with the
However, her reach in her upper visual field was aim of enlarging her attentional visual field. She
accurate, with a normal in-flight gap between was trained to pay attention to the global scene,
fingers and thumb as her hand reached out for in favour of the local aspects of shape and detail.
the proffered objects. Hierarchical stimuli (such as a big circle made up
In those with periventricular white matter of a circular line of small squares) were presented,
pathology associated with premature birth, and she was asked to identify and name each
lower visual field impairment is common. large shape while disregarding the small ones.
Not only can the peripheral lower visual field Reading training included tactile exploration of
be absent, but also the apparently intact raised letters and words while reading aloud.
paracentral lower visual field can have a After a few weeks, her simultanagnostic visual
reduced resolution.21 In our experience this can dysfunction had regressed almost entirely. She
be associated with inaccurate reach and grasp regained her reading skills and visual detection
in the lower visual field, but accurate reach in her peripheral visual field, and returned to full
and grasp in the intact upper visual field. This time schooling.
knowledge can be used to advantage. The dissociation between intact central
detailed vision allowing a child to see and
11. T
he girl who lost her ability to pick up a paper clip from a carpet, in the
perceive the whole scene, but could context of a major deficit in global vision, can
still see in minute detail be counter-intuitive for parents, teachers and
clinicians. Bilateral parieto-occipital damage
At age 9 Lea underwent cardiac surgery for a commonly is accompanied by acute cortical
complex congenital cardiac anomaly diagnosed blindness initially. Central visual function tends
before birth. Low cardiac output during surgery to recover, but in our experience, a spectrum
and probable cerebral emboli led to multiple of visual attentional dysfunctions can persist.
bilateral infarctions in the parietal and occipital This includes the condition of peripheral
lobes. Good recovery of vision followed a short global attentional dysfunction – yet with
period of cortical blindness and she returned to persisting capacity to detect single peripheral
school a few weeks later. She had been a gifted moving targets – ranging to full-blown Balint
pupil pre-operatively, but post-operatively she syndrome in which only single entities can be
could no longer read and could not visually seen (simultanagnosia) and visual guidance of
encompass a complete page of a textbook, the movement is profoundly impaired (optic ataxia).
class or the playground, despite normal visual The intensive visual training Lea received was
acuities. Lea found this stressful as she had accompanied by good recovery. There is need
Vision Development & Rehabilitation Volume 3, Issue 1 • April 2017
for clinical trials to standardize and evaluate EXPLANATION AND DISCUSSION
the efficacy of this approach. Taken together, the case histories described
show that the combination of apparent
12. T
he 17 year old boy with multiple dis clumsiness, impaired visual search and evident
abilities and visual impairment (MDVI) discomfort in crowds are highly suggestive of
who looked around for the first time bilateral posterior parietal dysfunction, or injury.
in a bright monochromatic tent. When we became attuned to this clinical picture,
it was remarkable how common this disorder in
Tom is 17. He has profound quadriplegic its various guises turned out to be.9,18,23,24
cerebral palsy and is registered blind due to Without one knowing, the posterior
CVI. He is sociable, and responds well to sound, parietal lobes serve the essential function of
but is startled by sudden fast movement. For creating a moment-to-moment 3D mental
most of the day he used to hold his head down, non-conscious emulation of the surrounding
which was ascribed to poor head control. He moving visual scene that facilitates visual
rarely used his limited vision. guidance of movement amongst the entities
However, when surrounded by a fluorescent that make up that scene.2,25 These entities are
orange ‘tent’ for the first time at age 17, he given their conscious identities by interplay
lifted his head to look around and laughed with with the image libraries within the temporal
pleasure, something he had never done before. lobes, while attention to and choice of these
As a sequel to daily 15-20 minute sessions in the identified items, is mediated by the prefrontal
tent, he became motivated. He concentrated on area of the brain.1,2 To ensure accurate visual
single items, and he reached out and touched guidance of movement, the centre of this
a slightly moving tambourine. He also began emulation is coincident with and relates to the
to track it in his more functional left visual field. midline of the body. Head and eye movement,
Within a week he had started, for the first time, supported by extraocular muscle6,26 and neck
to hold his head up. Later he became able to do proprioception27 to stabilise the imagery with
this outside the tent as well.22 respect to the body, serve to extend this field
A year later he can still only focus on single of perception. The vertical and horizontal
items in the ‘tent’, providing evidence that he orientation of the scene is integrated with the
can only process one item at a time owing to balance (labyrinthine) system,27 while coincident
profound simultanagnosia. Tom has now gained timing to events in one’s surroundings is
a better posture, holds his head up to view his supported by the motion perception brain
surroundings and can now locate light and areas including the middle temporal lobes, the
colour movement in a multisensory room. He upper mid-brain and cerebellum.25
has also developed more engaging behaviour In our clinical experience posterior parietal
in communal activities. dysfunction degrades this non-conscious emu
It is not possible to test for objective evi lation, potentially resulting in inaccurate visual
dence of simultanagnosia in those with profound guidance of movement and/or incomplete
learning difficulties, but Tom’s markedly visualisation of the scene, in any combination
improved use of vision after a trial of removal or degree, depending on the nature and extent
of all pattern and clutter in a monochromatic of the functional deficit.
tent, gives compelling evidence that this The posterior parietal lobes thus recon
phenomenon is present. His newly found figure visual information received via the
capacity to look around when not inside his dorsal stream from the occipital lobes2 and
tent, indicates that this ability is transferable to from the middle temporal lobes that process
the world outside of it too. moving imagery.25 They create the non-
Vision Development & Rehabilitation Volume 3, Issue 1 • April 2017
conscious virtual, dynamic three-dimensional •
Frontally mediated choice of attention
pictorial and auditory3,4 mental emulation of and action, linked to the capacity to plan
the structure of our surroundings that enables and predict outcome
us to move accurately without collision and
injury. This constantly changing data-set is Any of these functions can be disturbed
integrated and cross-referenced with: and each needs to be considered in anyone
• Synchronous input from the two eyes. who has suffered brain injury affecting their
(Asynchrony leads to the Pulfrich perception of where they are in visual space.
phenomenon, where the apparent vectors The clinical presentations of posterior
of moving targets are not coincident with parietal brain injury described in this selected
their actual vectors.)28 series of clinical vignettes can be drawn
• The automatic reflex protective visual together to provide a concept framework that
system served by the upper mid brain gives a practical working model for recognising
and thalamus29 difficulties consistent with posterior parietal
• Conscious visual storage and analysis of brain injury, in order to understand, conceive of
what things are, served by the temporal and implement salient customised strategies to
lobes, connected to the occipital lobes deal with the resulting issues for each affected
via the ventral stream adult or child, as each is unique.
• Predictive visual memory input allowing Initial history taking from a close family
one to move amongst moving targets member or friend is essential, because those
such as in a crowd with injury or dysfunction of the posterior
• The internal ‘plumb line’ (vestibular) parietal lobes can rarely describe their visual
input from the utriculus and sacculus of difficulties. The non-conscious nature of their
the inner ear that creates the percept visual dysfunctions means that although the
of what is vertical and horizontal - even resulting behavioral features are evident to
when the eyes are closed those who know them well, those affected
• The dynamic movement input from the often find it very difficult to understand and to
semicircular canals of the inner ear that describe their own visual difficulties.
detect and accord knowledge of the Subsequent careful observation of behaviors
rate and direction of one’s change of under the circumstances described in the
momentum history, serves to both corroborate and charac
• Accurate timing – to integrate with one’s terise the nature and degree of the specific
relative movement through the environ disabilities identified. For each of the cases
ment – accorded by the cerebellum described, environmental adaptation and
• A dual proprioceptive system – tailored compensatory strategies proved highly
n from the body’s muscles that inform effective. While targetted rehabilitational train
of the position in space of body parts, ing also proved effective in case.11 An additional
and fundamental approach that was particularly
n from the extra-ocular and neck mus effective for case,5 was in depth explanation of
culature, which relates the relative what became her erstwhile anosognostic visual
positions of the head and eyes in difficulties. Now that Nicola understands the
relation to the body, thereby stabilising origin and nature of her difficulties she has been
image location with respect to the body, motivated to work on her lifestyle and to devise
despite head and eye movement.6 multiple strategies of her own to enable her
to deal with her difficulties constructively. This
process has been life enhancing not only because
Vision Development & Rehabilitation Volume 3, Issue 1 • April 2017
it has been empowering, but it has allowed 4, 9 and 12 describe published material. The
Nicola to share her new knowledge about her remainder are published material co-written by
vision with friends and family, who are also the first author.
empowered to make salient accommodations Each of the authors contributed case material
which have now become second nature. The for this paper and were involved in the design
whole family has benefitted. of the overall paper. Thay have all edited the
The posterior parietal lobes perform myriad manuscript and approved the final version.
rapid computations to create the non-conscious None of the authors is aware of any conflict
moment-to-moment internal representation of of interest. Additional information about CVI is
our surrounding environment enabling us to available at: http://cviscotland.org.
parallel process vast amounts of information
to create the ever-changing emulation through REFERENCES
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Vision Development & Rehabilitation Volume 3, Issue 1 • April 2017