Borishs Clinical Refraction Cap 5
Borishs Clinical Refraction Cap 5
Borishs Clinical Refraction Cap 5
of aspects of an object in the field of view. Over a wide Normal binocular vision with stereopsis (a type of
field of view, the sensory system determines the direc- depth perception) provides many visual advantages over
tion, achieves a single image from the two eyes, and pro- poor stereopsis or monocular vision in a variety of
vides information useful for judging the distance of the everyday or specialized tasks. Good binocular vision
object. The motor system closely coordinates the orien- and stereopsis critically enhance visual capability and
tation of the eyes at all distances and angles for both provide more than just depth perception. Binocular
stationary and quickly or slowly moving targets; it also visual enhancement is generally greater under condi-
coordinates with the accommodative system to main- tions of reduced visibility and is also present with tasks
tain a clear image. An efficient sensory and motor binoc- that apparently do not involve critical depth percep-
ular system provides single, clear, and comfortable tion.'-' Good binocular vision and stereopsis provide
imagery used for making a wide range of decisions both low-level (as in "camouflage breaking," or detect-
about the nature of the object of regard. ing figures against a background) and high-level (depth
An efficient and functioning binocular visual system ordering) comparisons of information available to each
requires proper function of the more fundamental por- of the eyes." As compared with monocular viewing,
tions of the visual system. For example, clear bifoveal binocular vision and stereopsis also help provide better
images are needed for high-resolution stereopsis. Clear motor control (e.g., when reaching for a target or com-
bifoveal images during near vision also require appro- pleting fine motor tasks); they also provide quicker and
priate convergence and accommodation. Convergence more accurate cognitive information (e.g., when esti-
and accommodation are controlled principally by mating the time to collision]." Jones and Lee" have
binocular vision and retinal image focus, respectively. shown binocular vision to be superior to monocular
Because convergence and accommodation must be vision in each of 10 widely varied tasks: (1) letter iden-
properly coordinated for clear vision and acute stereop- tification, (2) detecting camouflaged octopuses, (3)
sis, the systems are neurologically linked to each other. color discrimination, (4) bead threading using closed-
This neurological linkage allows binocular sensory and circuit Tv, (5) tracking a moving target using closed-
motor function to influence accommodation, and it circuit lV, (6) control of stance, (7) needle threading,
also suggests that each potentially affects the measure- (8) water pouring, (9) reaching with the hand invisible,
ment of the refractive status of the eye. Understanding and (10) reaching with the hand visible. Subjects per-
binocular vision is essential to fully grasp accommoda- formed each task more effectively under binocular than
tive behavior (Chapter 4). monocular conditions, although some of the tasks did
The purposes of vision are to identify and localize not involve stereopsis. In addition, subjects tended to
objects, and the anatomy and physiology of the brain demonstrate a greater binocular advantage in dim as
reflect this duality. I The purpose of binocularity is to compared with bright illumination.
enhance vision over what it would be monocularly and Likewise, Sheedy and colleagues? performed similar
particularly by way of stereopsis. Stereopsis, which experiments demonstrating improved binocular over
means "seeing solidly," contributes to the judgment of monocular performance when using pointers and
depth and distance and participates in the recognition straws (30%), threading needles, shuffling file cards,
of some solid objects. orienting small pegs in a grooved pegboard, and
146 BENJAMIN Borishs Clinical Refraction
performing a reading task (3%). No improvement to perceive objects more quickly and accurately than
occurred with video display terminal (VDT) letter would otherwise be the case. This advantage is most
counting or during a beanbag toss. Good binocular important in situations in which visibility or contrast is
vision and stereopsis provide information for optimal low and in which critical decisions must be made accu-
fine motor coordination involving reaching and rately and quickly. Brief exposure duration may expose
grabbing." Figure 5-1 is a stereogram showing three stereo anomalies.'
rising limbs of a small tree. The reader may view The binocular field of view also is larger than the
the stereogram with and without crossing the eyes (see monocular field of view. The normal monocular field
figure legend for instructions). If you were leaping to of view is approximately 60 upward, 60 inward,
0 0
the nearest limb, which branch would you select? 70 0 downward, and about 100 0 outward. I! The binocu-
Binocular vision provides improved performance lar field extends about 200 laterally and about 130
0 0
(speed and accuracy) over the lack of stereopsis present vertically. I! Laterally, this amounts to about 40 0 greater
with an endoscope during paranasal sinus surgery": horizontally and about the same extent vertically. This
other experiments also suggest superior binocular provides greater ability to detect and react to peripheral
performance over monocular for surgical tasks." stimuli.
Finally, individuals estimate time to collision more Poor binocular vision produces fatigue, blur,
accurately and quickly under binocular conditions than headaches, and eye strain. Anomalies of binocular
monocular conditions.' vision may reduce visual comfort and overall task
The loss of stereopsis during constant strabismus performance. 12 Binocular visual anomalies are seen
(crossed eyes) has little obvious effect on visually in individuals who possess two eyes but cannot use
guided behavior in most afflicted patients. The differ- them together (e.g., strabismus) or efficiently (e.g.,
ence for most everyday tasks is likely small (perhaps heterotropia/vergences dysfunction). Strabismus is
only a few percentage points), and it is often not notice- commonly referred to as "cross-eyed" or "walleyed,"
able. In addition, humans are well adapted to learning and individuals with this condition may have their
compensatory behaviors to eliminate or even enhance binocular capabilities (e.g., stereopsis) reduced or elim-
the performance of a task with monocular or other cues. inated and/or their field of vision limited.'? Strabismus
Pure binocular tasks are relatively rare in everyday life. may occur all the time (constant strabismus) or inter-
In summary, good binocular vision and stereopsis mittently. Other individuals who retain bifoveal fixation
provide more information than just depth perception.i" (heterophoria or phoria) may be unable to maintain
Good binocular vision and stereopsis allow the viewer clear, comfortable vision as a result of stresses related to
Figure 5-1
Stereogram of a small tree. The relative depths of the three vertical branches are ambiguous in monocular
vision, but they become obvious in binocular vision. The stereogram should be viewed by means of chi-
astopic (cross-eyed) fusion. Hold this book at a distance of 50 cm while fixating the tip of a pencil held in
front of the bottom of the stereogram at a distance of approximately 25 cm from your nose. The picture will
automatically come into focus after fusion and depth are appreciated. You may need to adjust the distance
of the pencil to obtain fusion; the pencil may then be removed. Normal or abnormal limits to accommo-
dation and vergence may prevent some readers from achieving fusion.
Fusion and Binocularity Chapter 5 147
Space Perception
Visual space perception is the subjective appreciation of
the spatial extent and locations of objects in space. The
Figure 5-2
visual system constructs a perceptual image of the world
from the optical images on the retinas. One's sur- The single eye of the mythological cyclops is a useful
roundings (e.g., "the real world") are known as object metaphor for human binocular vision. Not only do we
obtain single vision with two eyes, we also behave as
space, and the perceived version of it is known as visual
though we view the world from a point midway
space. Both object space and visual space have geome-
between the eyes.
tries that define left versus right up versus down, and
near versus far. Because visually based judgments of
object space are ultimately based on visual space, visual localization is also called absolute localization, because it
space must replicate object space as faithfully as possi- includes the ability to judge the locations of objects in
ble. Understanding the general principles of space units of measure, such as meters. A complete egocentric
perception is necessary for appreciating these visual location judgment must include two components: ego-
judgments. centric direction and distance. Stereopsis is one of many
contributors to the distance component of visual local-
The Cyclopean Eye ization. Stereopsis provides a compelling sense of depth
Like the Cyclops of Greek mythology (Figure 5-2), from binocular observation; it is not present while
humans see the world as though from a single cyclo- viewing with only one eye.
pean eye situated between the two anatomical eyes" The egocentric direction of an object is its direction
and located at the egocenter. The sensation of the cyclo- relative to the egocenter within the head. An egocentric
pean eye is so compelling that preschool children asked direction may be conceptualized as an arrow of indefi-
to view objects through a tube reflexively bring the tube nite length arising from the egocenter. A special ego-
to the bridge of the nose." Fusion is the sensory process centric direction is called straight ahead, and it is
that unites the eyes' images into one. The visual system analogous to a line originating at the egocenter and
requires binocularity to achieve binocular visual per- passing perpendicularly through the plane of the face.
ception (including stereopsis), and yet it achieves a Other lines originating from the egocenter and passing
single representation of a world viewed through two through the face obliquely would represent leftward,
eyes. rightward, upward, and downward.
The perceptual computation of the egocentric direc-
tion of an object begins with the determination of the
Visual Localization and Visual Direction object's image position on the retina. The sense of direc-
To localize an object means to judge its location relative tion assigned to retinal images is an inherent property
to some point of reference. When an object is localized of the spatially ordered connections of the retina with
with respect to the egocenter, that judgment is called the brain, which assigns a unique subjective direction
egocentric localization. Egocentric localization provides to each retinal point relative to other retinal points.
the answer to the question, "Where is the object in Uniqueness means that there are no two points on the
three-dimensional space, relative to me?" Egocentric retina that are associated with the same sense of
148 BENJAMIN Borishs Clinical Refraction
direction at anyone instant of time. The unique direc- (Chapter 31). When viewing with the amblyopic eye
tion associated with each retinal point is known as a [i.e., the dominant eye is covered), these patients move
local sign" or retinal locus. Local signs are ordered so that the eye so as to place an image of interest on an eccen-
neighboring images on the retina are perceived as neigh- tric retinal point rather than the fovea. This behavior
boring objects, and widely separated retinal images are accounts for a portion of the reduced visual acuity of
perceived as objects that are far apart. The local sign strabismic arnblyopes."
directional value of a retinal point, called oculocentric Oculocentric direction alone is not sufficient to
direction, is based on a set of coordinates that are con- reveal egocentric direction, because the eyes are con-
ceptually analogous to those used to define eccentricity stantly in motion. Egocentric direction is constructed
in the visual field. The fixation point serves as the origin from two pieces of information: (1) oculocentric direc-
of the oculocentric coordinate system, the vertical tion and (2) the direction of gaze of the eye. The ability
meridian of the visual field separates oculocentric left to sense the direction of gaze, called registration by
from right, and the horizontal meridian of the visual Morgan", may involve a contribution from eye muscle
field separates oculocentric up from down. Therefore, proprioception.":" but it is probably dominated by
oculocentric direction may be viewed as the quantifica- corollary discharge wherein brainstem oculomotor
tion of the location of an object within the visual field; neurons send eye-position messages to those parts of
like visual field position, it is measured in units of the brain that compute visual direction." The percep-
angular subtense. Oculocentric direction is not a per- tual calculation of egocentric direction from oculocen-
ceived direction as such but rather a factor used by the tric direction and registered gaze can be compared with
brain in the perceptual computation of egocentric direc- an algebraic summation process in which visual field
tion. In other words, all judgments of visual direction eccentricity represents oculocentric direction (rightward
are ultimately egocentric. is positive) and ocular rotation from the primary posi-
Local signs are not all equal. The ability to resolve tion of gaze (see Eye Movements) represents registered
differences of visual direction by comparison of local gaze (right gaze is positive). For example, the egocentric
signs is related to visual acuity, and it declines with direction of an object 2 degrees to the left of the point
retinal eccentricity. The absolute threshold of oculocen- of fixation (oculocentric direction = -2 degrees) with
tric direction is quantified by tasks that require the the direction of gaze at 10 degrees to the right of straight
observer to discriminate minimal differences of visual ahead (registered gaze = +10 degrees) would be +8
direction. An example of such a task is a Vernier acuity degrees. *
test, in which the observer judges the horizontal align- Patients with paretic strabismus may experience ego-
ment of a pair of vertical lines (one of which is always centric direction judgment errors when monocularly
higher than the other). fixating objects with an eye that has a paretic muscle.
The neural mechanisms that calculate oculocentric Paretic strabismus is the failure of one of the two eyes
direction are highly abnormal in amblyopia (a func- to align with its intended target because of partial failure
tional loss of vision in one eye usually caused by ani- of the extraocular muscles or the oculomotor nerves that
sometropia or strabismus). Amblyopic patients are innervate them (see Chapter 10). The monocular ego-
uncertain about the relative visual directions of foveal centric judgment error occurs because the eye moves to
images in the amblyopic eye; in most cases, they see dis- its intended fixation target only by the use of abnor-
torted foveal irnages.P:'" mally large amounts of innervation which, when regis-
A special local sign called the principal visual direction tered in space perception, gives rise to an exaggerated
elicits the sensation of "looking at" a particular object. egocentric direction for that target. This error is revealed
Therefore, the principal visual direction sense is associ- by the past pointing test." Patients with unilateral stra-
ated with the fixation point and the center of the bismus of nonparetic origin (i.e., patients who have a
anatomical fovea in those with normal vision; it follows deviated eye despite functioning extraocular muscles
that the principal visual direction is the origin or center and oculomotor nerves) also fail to accurately register
of oculocentric direction. When an off-foveal image the position of the nondominant (normally turned)
becomes an eye-movement target, the comparison of eye, even when the dominant eye is covered.":" The
the oculocentric direction of the off-foveal image to the cause of this behavior is unknown.
principal visual direction establishes the metrics of an
eye movement that would attain foveal fixation of that
target. Therefore, the principal visual direction guides 'The calculation of egocentric visual direction-a subjective entity-
foveal fixation in individuals with normal vision. In from the object space quantities visual field eccentricity and ocular
patients with amblyopia caused by strabismus (strabis- rotation is not an exact process, because oculocentric direction and
registered gaze may not precisely encode their object space
mic amblyopia), the principal visual direction may counterparts, In anomalies such as strabismus and amblyopia, the
reside at a peripheral retinal locus in the amblyopic eye, oculocentric direction and registered gaze values derived from the
thereby creating the clinical anomaly eccentric fixation defective eye can be highly inaccurate,
Fusion and Binocularity Chapter 5 149
Depth and Distance Perception cues. Figure 5-3 illustrates several monocular depth and
distance cues. Some monocular cues are based on the
The perception of three-dimensional space can be fact that an object's distance from an observer is
subdivided into two processes: distance perception and inversely proportional to its retinal image size. For
depth perception. Distance perception is the judgment of instance, linear perspective is triggered by the convergence
how far a given object is from the observer or from some of lines to a vanishing point; a perfect example of this
other object, and it includes the ability to judge dis- is the convergence of the rails in Figure 5-3; the separa-
tances in absolute units of measurement (e.g., meters). tion of the rails is inversely proportional to viewing dis-
Distance perception is not a relative assessment and is tance. The texture density cue provides depth information
therefore also known as absolute depth perception. Depth when the angular size of repeating patterns or textures
perception, which is also known as relative depth percep- (e.g., the gravel, railroad ties, and utility poles) dimin-
tion, is the perception of the relative nearness of one ish with distance. The known size cue allows the compu-
object to another or the evaluation of the relative depth tation of depth and distance on the basis of retinal
intervals between two or more points in space. image size and knowledge about the true size of objects
The following example illustrates the difference being viewed. For instance, the known size cue suggests
between depth and distance perception. An observer that the cab of the near locomotive in Figure 5-3 might
views a pencil on his desk located at a distance of 20 cm be approximately 4 m from the camera that created the
from himself, and he also sees a coffee cup on his desk photograph.
located 30 cm from himself. Depth perception tells the Luminance variations reveal depth in several ways.
observer that the coffee cup is 50% farther than the Shadows reveal three-dimensional relief in the presence
pencil, whereas distance perception reveals that the of directional light sources. The stack of unused rails in
pencil and coffee cup are separated by 10 cm. Depth the lower right corner of Figure 5-3 appears to stand up
information alone usually cannot reveal the absolute above the ground by virtue of the shadow it casts. Aerial
distance between objects or the distance of objects from perspective reveals depth over great distances by the
an observer. Therefore, depth information must be reduced contrast of images viewed through atmospheric
adjusted according to distance information to have light scatter; this effect is clearly illustrated in Figure 5-
value for visually guided behavior. In this example, if 3 by the faint contrast of the mountains in the back-
distance perception was able to show that the pencil is ground. The overlay cue reveals depth when the contours
20 cm distant from the observer, depth perception could of near objects occlude the contours of far objects; this
be used to perceptually calculate that the coffee cup effect does not depend on angular size or luminance
must be at a distance of 30 cm (30 cm = 20 cm + 50% variables. The nearer of the two locomotives in Figure
of 20 ern). 5-3 appears nearer not only because of its larger angular
Depth perception is a function of many factors. size but also because it obstructs a part of the camera's
Depending on the context, it usually includes more than view of the far locomotive.
stereopsis. Factors involved include binocular visual Looming, motion parallax, and the kinetic depth
factors such as retinal disparity (provides stereopsis and effect are monocular cues that stimulate depth and dis-
is very precise) and vergence alignment (gross); monoc- tance perception when motion is present. Looming is the
ular visual factors such as accommodation, looming, sense of movement in depth stimulated by a change in
motion parallax, and the kinetic depth effect; and pic- the size of a retinal image. Motion parallax is the sense
torial depth cues such as occlusion, perspective, texture of depth or distance stimulated by the differential
gradients, relative size, height in visual field, shadow, motion of retinal images of objects that are farther or
luminance, and aerial perspective." Stereopsis is a spe- nearer than the point of fixation. Head motion induces
cific type of binocular depth perception that is the result the retinal image motions. Motion parallax can be
of the horizontal separation of the two eyes and the sub- appreciated with this simple demonstration: hold the
sequent ability to recognize retinal disparity. index fingers of the right and left hands in the egocen-
Various attributes of images, known as cues, activate tric straight-ahead direction, one behind the other, and
depth perception and distance perception. A depth or move the head laterally to and fro. When the far finger
distance cue is an identifiable property of the optical is fixated it is perceived to be stationary, whereas the
images that is correlated with depth or distance. Because near finger appears to move in a direction opposite to that
the salience of a depth or distance cue depends on the of the head. When the near finger is fixated, the far finger
visual environment, the brain uses numerous distance appears to move with the head. The differential motion
and depth cues to optimize the reliability of space per- of the two fingers provides depth information. The
ception in any environment that might be encountered. kinetic depth effect provides another sense of depth based
Binocular vision activates several special cues to distance on the differential motion of portions of the retinal
and depth perception, but most cues do not depend on images. However, the retinal image motion in this case
binocular vision and are therefore known as monocular is caused by object motion rather than head motion.
150 BENJAMIN Borishs Clinical Refraction
Figure 5-3
This photograph of a rail yard illustrates six monocular depth and distance cues: (1) linear perspective, (2)
overlay, (3) shadows, (4) aerial perspective, (5) texture density, and (6) known size. See the text for expla-
nations of these cues. (From Ball D. 1972. Portrait of the Rails, from Steam to Diesel, p. 54. Greenwich, CT
New York Graphic Society.)
Fusion and Binocularity Chapter 5 151
The geometry of the kinetic depth effect can be appre- depending on the angular units of P (e.g., degrees, prism
ciated by holding the hand upright, with the palm of diopters).
the hand parallel to straight ahead. Rotate the hand to At least two points in object space must be visible for
and fro about the middle finger as a rotational axis. The stereopsis to be appreciated. Geometric (or relative) dis-
index finger and little finger will be observed to be parity is the stimulus to stereopsis. Geometric disparity is
moving in opposite directions. The differential speeds the depth interval between two object points quantified
and directions of motion of different parts of the hand in angular units of measurement." Because the eyes are
are powerful cues about the interval of depth between laterally separated, the range of geometric disparities
the near and far limits of the hand. This cue is effective encountered by stereopsis is much greater in the hori-
for any rotating three-dimensional object. zontal dimension than in the vertical dimension. Hor-
Clinicians use motion parallax to judge the relative izontal geometric disparity (D) is calculated as the
position of objects when using a direct ophthalmo- difference of parallax angles (PI and P2 ) subtended by
scope. For example, if a clinician is focused on the iris two points (x and y) in object space (Figure 5-4, B):
and the object in question moves against the direction
of movement of the ophthalmoscope, the object must
be anterior to the iris and is most likely on the cornea.
An object moving with the ophthalmoscope would be Figure 5-4, B, shows a second way to calculate the geo-
behind the iris and may be in the lens or vitreous. metric disparity between points x and y: the difference
In a cue-rich environment, the visual system deter- between the parallax angles P2 and PI is equal to the dif-
mines distance from a combination of cues. Landy and ference between the longitudinal angles r and I. There-
associates" propose a two-step process for the percep- fore, D = r - I.
tual calculation of perceived distance from multiple Vertical geometric disparity can be defined as the dif-
cues. The first step, called promotion, converts the depth ference of a vertical angle subtended at the right and left
estimate from each depth cue into a perceived distance eyes by a given object." Vertical geometric disparity is
value; depth and distance cues may cooperate during zero for object points that are on the median plane but
the promotion process. The second step combines the nonzero for objects to the left or right of the median
promoted distance cues by a weighted average of those plane. The median plane is a vertical plane that separates
cues, as long as those cues are in reasonable agreement the head into equal right and left halves. Figure 5-4, C,
with each other. The weight assigned to each cue shows an observer from his right side. The observer
depends on the cue's importance in the visual environ- fixates an object Y in near vision, which is left of the
ment. If two strongly weighted cues present conflicting median plane. Because the right eye (dark lines) is
distance information to the observer, those cues are not farther from object Y than the left eye (shaded lines),
averaged but rather lead to the suppression of the rela- object Y subtends a larger visual angle in the left eye
tively weaker cue by the stronger cue. The binocular cues (angle L) than in the right eye (angle R). The difference
to depth and distance, including stereopsis, are involved of these two vertical angles is the vertical geometric dis-
in the cue combination process described above and are parity of object Y. Vertical geometric disparity can be
discussed in Binocular Contribution to Depth and appreciated by viewing the palm of the hand from a
Distance Perception. close distance (e.g., 25 cm) while the hand is held to the
left of straight ahead (keep the head straight while the
eyes look left). Look at the hand with one eye and then
The Stimulus to Stereopsis
the other. Careful observation will show that the hand
The lateral separation of the eyes provides each with is slightly larger as seen by the left eye than by the right
slightly different views of the world. This differential eye. When the hand is held to the right of straight ahead,
perspective, known as binocular parallax, elicits conver- it is seen to be slightly smaller by the left eye than by
gence eye movements and is related to the stimulus to the right eye. These size differences induce vertical geo-
stereopsis. The magnitude of horizontal binocular par- metric disparity.
allax (P) for any given point in object space (x) (Figure
5-4, A) is a function of the lateral separation of the eyes The Binocular Contribution to Depth
divided by object distance, and it is quantified in
and Distance Perception
angular units:
Because of the lateral separation of the eyes, most of the
P = 2 x arctan(a/d) x k geometric disparities that support stereopsis are hori-
zontal disparities. Horizontal geometric disparity is an
where a = one-half the ocular separation, d = the dis- effective depth cue in near vision, because the greater
tance of the object from the line connecting the nodal size of parallax angles in near vision causes greater
points of the eyes, and k is a conversion factor that varies geometric disparities. However, horizontal geometric
152 BENJAMIN Borishs Clinical Refraction
Figure 5-5
Different geometric disparities are subtended by an
c object in far and near vision. The parallax angles sub-
Figure 5-4 tended by the object are larger in near vision than in far
The geometry of horizontal binocular parallax (P) and vision, so the geometric disparity subtended by the
geometric disparity (D). Angular units of measurement pencil is greater. See the text for further explanation.
are used to quantify binocular parallax and geometric
disparity. A and B show the eyes from above the head;
C shows the eyes from a side view. Horizontal geomet- Theoretical arguments suggest that vertical geometric
ric disparity (D) = P2 - PI (or r - I) in B. Vertical geo- disparity should contribute to stereoscopic depth per-
metric disparity (D) = R - L in C. See the text for ception.":" Ogle" acquired systematic evidence for the
explanation. stereoscopic effect of vertical geometric disparity,
observing that the apparent slant of binocularly viewed
surfaces is altered by vertical magnification of one
ocular image. Ogle called this the inducedeffect, because
disparity alone does not provide sufficient information it was thought that vertical disparities had no direct
for the brain to calculate perceived distance. This is illus- stereoscopic effect but rather induced changes of stereo-
trated in Figure 5-5: an observer views a pencil pointed scopic values associated with horizontal disparities. It
away from himself in near vision and then in far vision. has also been observed that vertical disparity con-
The true length of the pencil is the same in near and far tributes to the apparent curvature of binocularly viewed
vision, and a normal observer perceives that distance surfaces." These observations, coupled with the theo-
interval to be the same. However, it is apparent that, retical arguments of Mayhew and Longuet-Higgins"
because the parallax angles (shaded lines) subtended by and of Gillam and Lawergren." strongly argue for the
the end points of the pencil are larger in near vision, the hypothesis that vertical disparity directly contributes to
geometric disparity between the end points must be stereoscopic depth.
larger in near vision. Accordingly, the horizontal geo- Mayhew and Longuet-Hlggins" and Gillam and Law-
metric disparity cue would by itself suggest that the ergren" also showed that there is sufficient information
length of the pencil is greater in near vision. The fact in the combination of vertical and horizontal geomet-
that this percept does not occur indicates that perceived ric disparities to allow the visual system to compute dis-
distance is not determined directly from horizontal geo- tance without using the known size distance cue. In
metric disparity. To use horizontal geometric disparity other words, vertical disparities may be able to promote
to judge this depth interval, it is necessary to know how stereoscopic depth derived from horizontal geometric
far the pencil is from the observer. Stereopsis derived disparities. Rogers and Bradshaw":" have confirmed
from horizontal geometric disparity is therefore a depth that textures sufficiently lateral from the median plane
cue that, like some monocular depth cues, must be pro- (e.g., 20 degrees) in near vision can promote horizon-
moted by distance cues to attain perceptual significance tal geometric disparity information to distance
for distance judgment. information.
Fusion and Binocularity Chapter 5 153
An observer viewing the images alternately with the two lar correspondence (see the next paragraph), this meas-
eyes would perceive the right eye image to be left of the ured retinal disparity is numerically equal to the devia-
left eye image (and, of course, the left eye image to be tion of the visual axes; the patient's heterophoria has
right of the right eye image). The closer-than-the- been measured. It follows that subjective heterophoria
horopter object subtends crossed retinal disparity, tests are direct tests of unfused retinal disparity, but they
because each image is perceived to be on the opposite are indirect tests of ocular alignment.
side of the body from the eye that perceives it. Crossed The retinal disparity assessed by the Maddox rod test
disparity arises from viewing objects that are closer than is used to assess the direction of the eyes when they are
the horopter. dissociated. The test effectively assesses the directions of
If an object were farther from the observer than the the eyes, but the reader should note that the test does
horopter, its images would fall nasalward from corre- not indicate stimuli that are closer than the horopter or
sponding points, thereby causing the observer to see the more distant than the horopter, because the stimulus is
right eye's image as rightward of the left eye's image in a single location being fixated by the observer.
(and the left eye's image to be left of the right eye's Retinal disparity should not be confused with fixa-
image). This object causes uncrossed retinal disparity tion disparity. Retinal disparity is a measure of the rela-
and indicates that an object is being viewed that is more tionship of the retinal images of an object with the
distant than the horopter. corresponding retinal points. Retinal disparity can be
Objects considerably away from the horopter result measured for any pair of eyes and does not require
in large retinal disparities and cause diplopia. Diplopia fusion. Fixation disparity arises from the stimulation of
is "double vision" and the percept of two different corresponding points within Panum's area (see Binocu-
visual directions associated with one object. Uncrossed lar Fusion) and is a different concept that requires
disparities elicit uncrossed diplopia (and an object fusion and indicates a micro-misalignment of the eyes.
closer than the horopter), and crossed disparities elicit Retinal disparity may be a stimulus to the motor system
crossed diplopia (and objects more distant than the of the eyes to fixate an object closer or more distant than
horopter). the previous fixation point. After the new stimulus is
Retinal disparity (or absolute disparity) cannot be fused, fixation disparity guides the function of the
measured easily in a clinical setting while the patient is motor system (see Binocular Motor Function).
binocular. However, retinal disparity is quantified rou- Normal binocular correspondence changes little in
tinely during dissociated vision in the form of het- most viewing environments." However, Robertson and
erophoria. In the Maddox rod test (Chapters 10 and 21), Schor" and Remole" observed that binocular corre-
the fixating eye views a small spot of light from a tran- spondence could change as much as 16 in individuals
silluminator or penlight (also a "muscle light"). The with normal vision during fusional stress stimulated by
nonfixating eye views the light through a Maddox rod, prism vergence testing. In other words, retinal points
which distorts the light into a vertical streak. The retinal normally disparate by as much as 16 could become func-
image difference of the shapes renders them infusible tionally corresponding points, whereas retinal points
(see Binocular Fusion for a discussion of factors that that usually correspond become disparate. This behav-
limit fusion). If the dissociated (bi-ocular) eyes main- ior is not abnormal, does not indicate binocular weak-
tained perfect alignment (zero heterophoria) with the ness, and does not significantly affect the interpretation
Maddox rod in place, the streak would remain super- of prism vergence tests.
imposed on the light, stimulating corresponding points In contrast with normal correspondence, anomalous
in the centers of the foveas. Most individuals do not retinal correspondence (ARC) occurs in some types of
have a heterophoria of zero and therefore do not con- strabismus and associates an identical sense of visual
tinue to point at the light when fusion is absent. In these direction with anatomically dissimilar retinal points.
cases, the eye viewing through the Maddox rod drifts to For instance, in a 106 left esotrope with ARC, the fovea
its phoric posture; it is not pointed at the light, and the of the fixating eye may retain the same sense of direc-
streak image falls on peripheral retina. In an exophore, tion as a nasal retinal point in the deviated eye 106 from
the streak falls on the temporal retina, stimulating a the fovea. ARC is less stable than normal correspon-
crossed retinal disparity (and crossed diplopia). In an dence, and the sense of direction of the deviated eye
esophote, the streak falls on the nasal retina, stimulating may easily and spontaneously change by many prism
an uncrossed retinal disparity. When the appropriate diopters. Testing for anomalous retinal correspondence
magnitude of prism is placed before the eye wearing the in esotropic strabismus is important, because its pres-
Maddox rod, the streak again appears superimposed on ence lowers the prognosis for the cure of strabismus"
the light; thus, the diplopia is being neutralized. The and alters the treatment methods (see Chapter 31).
value of prism that neutralized the diplopic retinal dis- There are both far (uncrossed) and near (crossed)
parity is assumed to be equal to the retinal disparity. If retinal disparity limits to the range of stereoscopic depth
it is also assumed that the patient has normal binocu- perception (see Figure 5-6) that is centered on the
Fusion and Binocularity Chapter 5 155
horopter. The depth range of stereopsis is smallest in sis. It may also process the retinal disparities that control
foveal vision and increases with retinal eccentricity.'? fine disparity vergence (see Disparity Vergence).
The disparity limits of the range of stereopsis can be The coarse stereopsis mechanism responds more
defined by the quality of the stereopsis that is judged. strongly to lower spatial-frequency patterns, large retinal
Stereopsis near the horopter elicits depth percepts that disparities (30' to 10 degrees), and moving or flashed
are more compelling than stereopsis elsewhere. These targets. It encompasses foveal and peripheral vision and
depth percepts are directly proportional to the geomet- can be activated by similarly or dissimilarly shaped
ric retinal disparity and are associated with single binoc- targets. It may also process the retinal disparities that
ular vision or small degrees of diplopia. Ogle" called control coarse disparity vergence (see Disparity Ver-
this type of stereopsis patent stereopsis. Objects farther gence). The stereoscopic motion-in-depth mechanism"
from the horopter elicit less-compelling depth percepts uses stereopsis to process changing retinal disparities of
in which only the direction of depth is distinguished objects moving toward or away from the observer. (This
(i.e., nearer than fixation versus farther than fixation) is the same mechanism as the processing of disparities
and in which the images are seen as moderately caused by stimuli from objects moving side to side or
diplopic." The latter form of stereopsis is called quali- up and down.) Regan" suggests that the stereoscopic
tative stereopsis. Objects having retinal disparities larger motion-in-depth mechanism is independent of those
than the limits of qualitative stereopsis cause only mechanisms that process static coarse or fine stereopsis.
diplopia. The small depth range of foveal patent stere- The independence is evident in persons who cannot see
opsis requires accurate oculomotor alignment for stere- stereoscopic motion in depth in isolated portions of the
opsis to function efficiently, so a strabismus patient binocular visual field but who can readily see static
having a small ocular misalignment has a significant stereoscopic depth in those same portions of the binoc-
loss of stereoscopic acuity (see Chapter 21). ular visual field." Most persons with this stereo-motion
The most remote distance at which stereopsis can blindness have otherwise normal binocular vision (i.e.,
resolve depth is limited by stereoscopic acuity and the straight eyes and normal stereoscopic acuity) and can
lateral separation of the eyes. That distance can be cal- extract depth motion percepts from the monocular
culated with the binocular parallax equation (see The looming cue."
Stimulus to Stereopsis), in which the stereoscopic Selective losses of coarse stereopsis function, called
threshold (in seconds of arc) is substituted for "P," "k" stereoblindness." have been identified in some indi-
is set to 3600, "a" is measured in meters, and the equa- viduals. This disorder might be more properly called
tion is solved for "d." For instance, an observer with a static coarse stereoblindness, because it is independent of
0.06-m interocular distance and a stereoscopic thresh- the coarse motion-in-depth anomaly while fine stere-
old of 20 seconds of arc could stereoscopically resolve opsis is maintained. Static coarse stereoblindness, like
a point as remote as 619 m as being nearer than infin- the coarse motion-in-depth anomaly, may appear in
ity. More distant objects would not be stereoscopically persons who have clinically normal binocularity when
discriminable from infinity. In practice, useful stereop- standard examination procedures are used." Some of
sis is limited to much closer distances, because thresh- these patients are incapable of perceiving stereoscopic
old stereopsis is not reliable. depth for all coarse crossed disparities; others fail to
detect coarse uncrossed retinal disparities. This asym-
metry suggests that static coarse stereopsis in individu-
Fine and Coarse Stereopsis
als with normal vision is further divisible into separate
Physiological, psychophysical, and clinical findings crossed and uncrossed mechanisms and that persons
suggest that stereoscopic perception results from the with static coarse stereoblindness do not have the use
combined activity of two physiological subcomponents of one of those mechanisms. Coarse static stereoblind
known as "coarse stereopsis" and "fine stereopsis. "43-45 observers usually have an absence of coarse disparity
The physiological bases for coarse and fine stereopsis are vergence response for those disparities to which they are
probably the magnocellular and parvocellular subsys- stereoblind."
tems of the visual pathways, respectively." At any given Coarse stereopsis anomalies occur in persons who
retinal eccentricity, the fine stereopsis mechanism have normal stereoscopic acuity and ocular alignment"
responds to higher spatial-frequency patterns, smaller and in those who have no known problem related to
retinal disparities «30 minarc I'] at the foveas), and to binocular vision. Although it is conceivable that such
stationary or slowly moving targets. Fine stereopsis persons experience difficulty in visual environments
dominates foveal vision, supports high stereoscopic that emphasize coarse stereopsis function, this difficulty
acuity, and must have similarly shaped and sized images has not been reported. Clinically significant binocular
to function. Fine stereopsis probably accounts for the vision anomalies such as constant early-onset strabis-
proportionality between stereoscopic depth and geo- mus often manifest as a loss of fine stereopsis (see
metric disparity that is characteristic of patent stereop- Chapter 21).
156 BENJAMIN Barish's Clinical Refraction
Not only does coarse stereoblindness coexist with stereogram (Figure 5-7, A). When properly fused, the
normal fine stereopsis, but fine stereopsis can also be image of a square stands out in depth from the back-
lost in patients who retain functional coarse stereopsis. ground. Here, stereopsis has revealed the presence of an
Rouse and colleagues" tested coarse static and motion- object (the square) that is otherwise invisible.
in-depth stereopsis in 11 patients with strabismus, To accomplish random-dot stereopsis, the visual
amblyopia, or both who had little or no fine stereopsis system must perform extensive interocular image dis-
as determined by conventional stereoscopic acuity tests. parity computations across considerable extents of the
Half showed strong perceptual responses to both types binocular visual field in a process known as global stere-
of coarse stereopsis stimulus. Conventional stereoscopic opsis. By contrast, when visual cues like color and con-
acuity tests likely underestimate the stereoscopic ability trast reveal the presence of a form as being distinct from
of many strabismic and amblyopic patients. 50 the background, disparity processing limited to the
immediate vicinity of the form is sufficient to reveal its
depth. The latter process, called local stereopsis, yields the
local and Global Stereopsis
depth seen in simple-line stereograms (Figure 5-7, B).
Stereopsis also contributes to pattern recogrunon. Tyler" argues that both the fine and coarse subdivisions
Under certain viewing conditions, the distribution of of stereopsis are engaged in local stereopsis but that
geometric disparities in the binocular image can reveal only the fine component participates in global stereop-
the presence of forms that are all but invisible to object sis. Clinical stereo tests based on global stereopsis
recognition and that do not require cues like color, require both fine and coarse stereopsis function and
contour orientation, or motion. A well-known example therefore are more sensitive to certain binocular anom-
of stereoscopic object recognition is the random-dot alies than tests based on local stereopsis alone. Many
Figure 5-7
Comparison of stereoscopic depth in random-dot and line stereograms. The stereograms should each be chi-
astopically fused according to the instructions in the legend of Figure 5-1. A, The random-dot stereogram
reveals a square standing out from the background. B, The square in the middle of the line stereogram also
stands out from the background after the stereogram is properly fused. The line stereogram is the more easily
fused of the two, because the local stereopsis computations required to appreciate the depth are less complex
than the global stereopsis computations necessary for random-dot stereopsis.
Fusion and Binocularity Chapter 5 157
patients with compromised binocular vision may double vision (diplopia), which is the opposite of
present with slightly altered local stereopsis (e.g., those fusion. Figure 5-6 shows the normal range of fusion in
with intermittent exotropia). Other patients have sig- the visual plane as related to the ranges of patent and
nificantly compromised binocular vision and essentially qualitative stereopsis." The range of stereopsis exceeds
lack local stereopsis (e.g., those with constant early- the range of fusion; in other words, not all objects per-
onset strabismus). The use of random-dot stereograms ceived stereoscopically are seen as single. The range of
(global stereopsis) and line stereograms (local stereop- depth in object space that is fused without the aid of
sis) for testing stereoscopic acuity is discussed in eye movement is known as Panum's space. The portion
Chapter 21. of retina that is optically conjugate to Panum's space is
known as Panum's area. Panum's area is defined as an
Stereoscopic Acuity area of the retina of one eye, any point of which gives
rise to a percept of singleness when stimulated simulta-
Stereoscopic acuity is the ability to discriminate very fine neously with a single point on the retina of the fellow
differences of depth as a result of geometric retinal dis- eye. The spatial relationship of Panum's area to Panum's
parity. Stereopsis is quantified as the minimum geo- space is illustrated in Figure 5-8.
metric disparity that elicits a sensation of depth. In Images fused in Panum's areas on noncorresponding
nonstrabismic observers, the process of fine stereopsis points raise a possible paradox, because a single object
determines stereoscopic acuity. The disparity threshold is formed that potentially has two different visual direc-
of coarse stereopsis is normally much higher than that tions: that of the right eye and that of the left eye. The
of fine stereopsis. Foveal stereoscopic thresholds as low visual system resolves this paradox by averaging the
as 2 seconds of arc can be observed in the most accu- right- and left-eye visual directions. As a result, the fused
rate of normal observers. 51 Disparities as low as 2 image has an egocentric direction that is intermediate
seconds of arc represent image displacements much between the directions of the right and left eyes. This
smaller than the diameter of foveal cones. Conse- directional averaging process is known as alielotropia."
quently, stereopsis has earned the distinction of being In individuals with normal vision, the ocular image
called a hyperacuity (vernier acuity, another hyperacuity, directions are averaged symmetrically; in those with
was mentioned under Visual Localization and Visual strong ocular dominance (e.g., in binocular anomalies),
Direction). The term hyperacuity implies that the
observer's visual performance is better than that pre-
dicted on the basis of the diameter of foveal cones.
Chapter 21 discusses the measurement of stereoscopic
acuity and the factors that affect it. The effect of image
defocus on stereoscopic acuity is also discussed under
The Effect of Blur on Binocular Vision.
Binocular Fusion
In addition to stereopsis, normal binocular VISIOn
provides a single perceived image for most objects. The
unification of the ocular images is called fusion. Fusion
ensures that binocular visual space is faithful to object
space and that the observer sees one thing when only
one thing exists. The term fusion is sometimes used to
represent two different processes: one being the con- Panum's area
struction of a single percept from two retinal images Figure 5-8
(also known as sensory fusion) and the other being ver-
Visual plane drawing of the geometrical relationship of
gence eye movement (also known as motor fusion). In Panurn's area (on the retina) to Panum's space (in
this chapter, the term fusion refers to the sensory process. object space). Point x in the left temporal hemiretina
gives rise to a percept of singleness when stimulated at
The Spatial Limits of Fusion the same time that anyone point in the Parium's area
of the right eye is stimulated. Visual lines extrapolated
Fusion is limited to the vicinity of the horopter in three- from the limits of the Panum's area in the right eye
dimensional space in the same way that stereopsis is reveal the far and near limits of Panurn's space by their
also limited. Fusion occurs when either corresponding intersections with the visual line of point x of the left
points or points with small to moderate retinal dispar- eye. The horopter is situated between the limits of
ities are stimulated. Large retinal disparities cause Parium's space. f, Fovea; F, fixation point.
158 BENJAMIN' Borishs Clinical Refraction
a book illuminated by an oblique light source. Because produce transient fusion when initially falling on
of binocular parallax (as a result of the separation of the corresponding points; however, to sustain fusion, the
eyes in the head), one eye may receive more reflected images must be similar. 59 Also, fusion may occur for
light from an oblique source than does the other eye some aspects of stimuli and not others. For example,
and, consequently, the book appears brighter to one eye targets with similar contours and textures but dissimi-
than the other; with binocular vision, the book appears lar colors (e.g., red and green) may elicit fusion of the
to have a luminance intermediate between the monoc- textures with stereopsis, even though the colors do not
ular extremes. Over time, differing retinal adaptation fuse.14 The differing colors appear alternately in percep-
also causes a shift of color perception called the tion in the form of color rivalry. The coexistence of
Bezold-Btiiche phenomenon, 56 in which the dimmer contour fusion and stereopsis with color rivalry is what
image appears pinkish-white and the brighter image makes it possible for red/green anaglyph methods to be
blueish-white. The resulting color difference is also used in binocular vision testing and visual training.
fused to an intermediate value. However, clinical devices employing red/blue anaglyph
Occasionally retinal image differences occur that are technology should be used with caution, because the
so great that the brain cannot reconcile the differences. large luminosity and focus differences between red and
When this occurs, one of two physiological responses blue targets may induce suppression rather than alter-
takes place: either (1) diplopia and binocular rivalry or nate perception and prevent the desired fusion and
(2) sustained suppression. When parts or all of the stereopsis (T. Richman, personal communication, April
ocular images contain high luminance contrast and 15, 1996). Fusion may differ over a visual field in that
chromatic contrast but are spatially different, the patient the fusion of similar images may occur in one portion
experiences diplopia and binocular rivalry. Binocular while binocular rivalry occurs in a neighboring portion
rivalry is the alternating perception of two different of the binocular visual field."
objects in the same visual direction. When rivalry Fusion also may vary as a result of luminance differ-
occurs, one eye's image dominates perception while the ences that occur in natural circumstances. Luminance
other eye's image is momentarily suppressed; however, luster occurs when an observer sees a large interocular
during the next moment, the dominance of the eyes is luminance difference in one portion of the binocular
reversed. Rivalry suppression is spatially limited to the visual field and little or no difference in the remainder
region of rivalrous contours, but the size of rivalry sup- of the binocular visual field. As a result of the rivalry,
pression regions increases with retinal eccentricity.57 the difference region is perceived to shimmer. Lumi-
These rivalry suppression regions are larger than nance luster occurs in nature when viewing a small
Panum's areas in the same part of the visual field and highly polished reflective surface such as a facet on a
are differently shaped (round) than Panum's typical diamond. The luminance difference arises because the
elliptical areas.58 Diplopia and rivalry may occur when facet reflects a narrow beam of light to one eye but not
multiple unfusible objects are visible in the visual field. to the other.
Diplopia and binocular rivalry are necessary elements When one ocular image has higher contrast and edge
of normal binocular vision and allow the visual system sharpness than the other in a patient with normal
to manage the images of objects situated outside of binocular sensory function, those aspects of the weaker
Panum's space. Because this diplopia and rivalry occur image that cannot be reconciled with the stronger image
away from the point of fixation in those with normal are continuously suppressed.v':" A common cause of
vision, it is not usually noticed. this behavior is uncorrected anisometropia (a difference
Large differences in color between the ocular images in refractive errors between the eyes of 1 D or more).
also induce binocular rivalry. When this occurs, the The degraded middle- and high-spatial-frequency fea-
observer alternately perceives the different colors. A tures of the blurred image have low contrast and are
natural stimulus for color rivalry can occur when spa- suppressed, whereas the low-spatial-frequency features
tially separated objects of very different color, far from of the two images, which are minimally affected by blur,
the horopter, happen to cast their images onto corre- have high contrast and are fused. The effects of blur on
sponding points. In clinical practice, color rivalry may binocular vision are addressed below under The Effect
be encountered by patients wearing red/green anaglyph of Blur on Binocular Vision and also in Chapter 21.
glasses as in the Worth four-dot test or in certain stere-
ograms. The colors in red/green anaglyph glasses are at
Theories of Single Binocular Vision
the threshold of color rivalry for the average normal
observer, so one normal observer may experience The question of how the brain derives a single perceived
red/green rivalry, whereas another may experience color image from two retinal images has long been debated.
averaging when viewing the same red/green stereogram. The question has been reviewed by Howard and
The process of fusion may vary over visual space Rogers." Ono,15 and von Noorden." Howard and
or time. For instance, dissimilar ocular images may Rogers have condensed the debate into four hypotheses:
160 BENJAMIN Borishs Clinical Refraction
(1) the mental theory, (2) the suppression theory, (3) Specification of the Direction of Gaze
the two-channel theory, and (4) the dual-response Eye movements are quantified by rotation of the direc-
theory. The mental theory, championed by Helmholtz, tion of gaze. The direction of gaze is most accurately rep-
claims that we see double at birth, even when images resented by the fixation axis, a straight line that extends
are on the horopter, but we learn to ignore one image, from the center of rotation of the eye to the point of fix-
just as adults ignore physiological diplopia to the side ation. When the fixation axis is perpendicular to the
of fixation. The adherents of the suppression theory plane of the face, the eye is said to be in the primary
argue that we alternately suppress the ocular images but position of gaze. All other directions of gaze are
retain stereopsis by extracting disparity from the eccentric.
remembered image of the suppressed eye and the visible The center of rotation is usually considered to be
image of the nonsuppressed eye. Howard and Rogers about 13 mm behind the cornea, in the anterior vitre-
present numerous pieces of evidence that weigh against OUS. Because the location of the center of rotation of
the mental and suppression theories. The two-channel the eye is difficult to determine outside of a laboratory
theory suggests that similar textures imaged onto corre- environment, the line of sight is used to define the direc-
sponding points stimulate rivalry in one neural channel tion of gaze in clinical settings. The line of sight is a
and simultaneously stimulate fusion with stereopsis in straight line that extends from the patient's point of fix-
another neural channel. When a texture activates the ation to the center of the entrance pupil of the patient's
fusion/stereopsis channel, that activity masks the per- eye (the pupil as seen by the examiner]." Because the
ception of rivalry happening in the rivalry channel. The entrance pupil is closer to fixation targets than the center
dual-response theory holds that similar images falling of rotation of the eye, the measurement of eye move-
on corresponding points are fused with stereopsis (i.e., ment demand at the entrance pupil slightly over-
the images are combined under the rules of luminance estimates the angular rotation of the eye. This
averaging, color averaging, and allelotropia) and without overestimation is not significant for most clinical
rivalry. Rivalry only occurs when dissimilar images fall purposes.
onto corresponding points. Hence, rivalry and fusion In addition to rotation, the eye makes small transla-
are viewed as mutually exclusive behaviors of a single tions (i.e., positional displacements) within the orbit
neural process under the dual-response theory. Howard that are associated with rotation. The impact of these
and Rogers conclude that the dual-response theory best translations on perception is minimal.
explains the available evidence, but they acknowledge
that the dual-response theory may only apply to achro- Eye Movements Supporting Foveal Vision
matic pattern mechanisms in vision, whereas chromatic Several types of eye movement support foveal vision."
mechanisms may follow different rules. This conclusion Saccadic eye movements are the fastest of all eye move-
would be in harmony with the fact that simultaneous ments, with velocities of up to 700 degrees per second."
fusion, stereopsis, and color rivalry are experienced by Saccades move off-foveal images to the foveas by means
patients viewing clinical red/green anaglyph targets. of a sudden shift of the direction of gaze. Saccades are
conjugate eye movements, and they rotate the eyes
equally and in the same direction. They can be reflex-
BINOCULAR MOTOR FUNCTION ive, responding to the sudden appearance of a target in
the peripheral visual field, or they may be purely vol-
Eye Movements
untary, produced at will by the observer, with or without
All human eye movements have one of two functions: a visible target."
( 1) to support the high resolution of foveal vision or (2) Smooth-pursuit movements are also conjugate eye
to prevent neural blurring of images due to retinal movements, and they keep the images of relatively
image motion." These functions are accomplished by slowly moving targets (up to about 40 degrees per
six types of movement, each type having discrete second )67 on the foveas. Smooth-pursuit eye move-
supranuclear neural control mechanisms and, to a ments are smooth rotations of the eyes rather than
degree, distinct clinical anomalies: (1) visual fixation, sudden shifts; they are stimulated when the observer
(2) vestibula-ocular response (VOR), (3) optokinetic looks at a moving target. Pursuit movements do not
nystagmus, (4) saccades, (5) pursuits, and (6) ver- occur for imagined or remembered stimulus move-
gences." Vergence eye movements in particular are ments. After a moving target is chosen as a fixation
prone to functional anomalies. This section briefly target, the resulting smooth movement is controlled
describes the various types of eye movements as a basis automatically as long as attention is held on the target.
for understanding the role of vergence eye movements, Therefore, smooth-pursuit eye movement is partly an
and it then discusses vergence eye movements in greater attentive response and partly a reflexive response, and it
detail. See Ciuffreda and Tannen'" and Leigh and Zee6 2 is a form of behavior called the psycho-optic reflex.
for comprehensive discussions of eye movements. Psycho-optic reflex movements may be distinguished
Fusion and Binocularity Chapter 5 161
from purely reflex movements (e.g., the pupil's response without the spectacles. The minimization of eye-
to light) that involve no conscious effort or control and movement demand by minus lens spectacles explains
from purely voluntary movements (e.g., saccades in the reduced VOR gain of spectacle-corrected myopes.
total darkness) that require conscious effort both to ini- Most persons rapidly adjust their VOR gains to main-
tiate and to sustain the oculomotor innervation. tain accurate VOR behavior through new spectacles."
Vergence-step movements shift off-foveal images to However, patients experiencing large changes of pre-
the foveas by suddenly changing the distance of gaze, scription (e.g., a new bifocal prescription with a large
and they require convergence or divergence. Vergence reading segment) or who have slower-than-normal VOR
steps are disjunctive movements, because the fixation adaptation may experience disorientation symptoms
axes move in different directions. Their neurological (e.g., slight dizziness, vertigo, nausea) because of con-
control somewhat resembles that of saccades, 68 but they flicts between visual and vestibular cues to motion per-
have much lower peak velocities than saccades (70 ception. The adjustment of VOR gain in these cases is
degrees per second)."? Vergence pursuit movements are usually completed over a several-day period.
also disjunctive movements that are analogous to When the body is rotated in space, the vestibular
smooth pursuits; they keep the images of objects slowly apparatus initiates vestibular nystagmus. This movement
moving in depth on the foveas. Vergence eye movements is composed of two segments: (1) a smooth and slow
are discussed in detail under Horizontal Vergence Eye motion of the eyes in the direction opposite to body
Movements because of their intimate relationship with rotation and (2) a saccadic movement in the same direc-
accommodation. tion as the body rotation. The smooth component
maintains momentary stability of the retinal image as
Eye Movements Supporting Stable the head turns (like the VOR), whereas the saccadic
Retinal Imagery movement resets the eyes to a new orbital position in
Vestibulo-ocular and optokinetic eye movements are preparation for another smooth motion.
conjugate eye movements that minimize retinal image If a stationary observer views persistent unidirec-
motion. Vestibular eye movements are stimulated by the tional movement of large objects (e.g., the passing
effects of head motion on the vestibular apparatus of scenery viewed from a train), optokinetic nystagmus
the inner ear, and they are purely reflexive. The VOR occurs. The optokinetic movement is also composed of
quickly responds to brief and unintended rotational two segments: (1) a smooth and slow motion of the
and translational head movements, such as those that eyes in the direction of target motion and (2) a fast, sac-
occur when walking or running." In so doing, the VOR cadic-like movement in the direction opposite of target
allows for the continuation of fixation on a point of motion. These two components serve the same purpose
interest that might otherwise be lost because of unin- as the analogous components of vestibular nystagmus:
tended head movement. The short latency of the VOR- maintaining stable retinal imagery. Leigh and Zee 6 2
16 msec 7°-allows it to react more quickly to head observed that vestibular and optokinetic innervation
position disturbances than visually elicited movements. serve complementary roles during whole-body rotation.
Because the VOR serves to maintain fixation, it is sup- Vestibular innervation controls the initial nystagmus
pressed during saccadic eye movements, which serve to but then decays as optokinetic innervation gains in mag-
change fixation. nitude. The sum of the two innervations closely follows
The magnitude of eye rotation stimulated by a given target motion. Likewise, smooth pursuit and optoki-
head rotation is known as VOR gain. The VOR gain is netic innervations play complementary roles as the
calibrated by visual experience." Accordingly, it is stationary observer views moving scenery, with smooth
increased for near viewing distances, because a given pursuit generating the first few seconds of nystagmoid
head perturbation displaces the retinal images of near movement and optokinetic generating the remainder.
objects more than it does the retinal images of far The transitions of these complementary innervations
objects." A second factor that requires the adjustment from the first to the second are not generally visible by
ofVOR gain is new spectacles." Rotating the head while direct observation of the eyes.
viewing through spectacles requires more VOR-medi-
ated ocular rotation for hyperopic spectacles and less Vertical Eye Movements
VOR-mediated ocular rotation for myopic spectacles In most respects, vertical conjugate eye movements
than for no spectacles as a result of the prismatic effects behave like horizontal eye movements, but with slightly
of the lenses. In the case of hyperopes, plus lenses lower velocity, gain, and range of movement." With the
magnify optical eye-movement demands. When the appropriate stimuli, one can elicit vertical saccades, ver-
spectacle-corrected hyperope's head moves during the tical smooth pursuits, vertical optokinetic nystagmus,
fixation of a static object, the magnified eye movement vertical vestibulo-ocular reflex, and vertical vergence. At
demand requires a larger VOR eye movement to main- the cortical and collicular levels, a common visuospa-
tain fixation than would the same head movement tial map determines vertical and horizontal movement;
162 BEN.lAMIN Borishs Clinical Refraction
however, at the supranuclear level, separate neural logic of Hering's law is applied clinically in tests such as
centers control the innervations for the vertical and the alternating cover test in different fields of gaze"
horizontal conjugate gazes." (Chapter 10). For instance, Hering's law predicts that, if
one eye is stimulated to make a purely lateral gaze shift
Torsional Eye Movements while the other eye is occluded, the occluded eye should
Torsional eye movement is a rotation of the eye around the move in the same manner as the seeing eye. The failure
fixation axis. Torsional eye movements are purely reflex- of the occluded eye to make the same movement as the
ive under normal viewing circumstances. Two types of seeing eye reveals a damaged muscle or efferent nerve.
torsional eye movements exist: (1) cycloversion (conju- The failure of the eyes to make a conjugate rotation in
gate) and (2) cyclovergence (disconjugate). Cyclover- conjugate stimulus conditions is known as a noncomi-
sional movements are conjugate movements in which tant (or incomitant) movement. The alternating cover
the vertical meridians of the retinas are rotated in the test is used to measure the magnitude of difference in
same direction and by the same amount. Cycloversions the primary lines of sight. If Hering's law is sustained,
attempt to maintain the vertical meridians of the retinas an angle between the lines of sight measured in one
on the objective vertical when the head tilts toward a direction should be the same as in any other direction.
shoulder. In humans, cycloversions fall far short of By convention, a change of 10'" or more in the differ-
righting the vertical meridians of the retinas": the ence between the eyes may be regarded as an incomi-
normal perception of verticality during head tilt must tant deviation."
therefore arise from perceptual mechanisms. Although
cycloversions play a minor role in normal ocular
Horizontal Vergence Eye Movements
motility in humans, they serve as the basis of the
Bielschowsky head tilt test, which determines the iden- The purpose of vergence eye movements is to provide
tity of the offending extraocular muscle in cycle/vertical appropriate convergence and divergence for the eyes. In
muscle paralysis." In cyclovergence, the vertical merid- so doing, vergence eye movements put fixation targets
ians of the retinas rotate in opposite directions. on the horopter and keep them there. The vergence
Cyclovergence movements serve to compensate for response of the eyes is determined by a composite of
cydophorias." Cyclophoria is a tendency of the vertical several underlying vergence innervations, most of which
meridians of the retinas to deviate from parallelism in are evoked by "cues." These cues are identifiable features
binocular vision, which becomes manifest in the of the visual environment that usually correlate with
absence of fusion. target distance and are similar to those that evoke depth
and distance perception.
Herinqs Law of Equal Innervation Historically, two different views of the vergence
During the 19th century, Hering" proposed that the system were proposed, one by Maddox" and another by
eyes are physiologically yoked together like a team of Fincham and Walton." Maddox proposed that vergence
horses. Muscles having the roles of moving the eyes in eye movements are driven by the sum of four innerva-
the same direction (e.g.. the right eye's lateral rectus and tions: (1) tonic, (2) proximal, (3) accommodative,
the left eye's medial rectus) were postulated to receive and (4) fusional, with accommodation fundamental.
equal innervation. The law of equal innervation is the On the other hand, Fincham and Walton emphasized
motor embodiment of cyclopean vision, because that accommodation may be driven as a result of
the eyes receive a single motor command that alters the convergence movements of the eyes with vergence as the
cyclopean direction of gaze. The cyclopean direction of fundamental component. Clinicians use the accom-
gaze is the egocentric direction of the point of fixation. modative convergence in prism diopters ("') per diopter
The single motor command is subsequently split into (0) of accommodation ("'/0, or ACA) ratio from
equal right eye and left eye copies at a lower level in the Maddox's theory and, to a lesser extent, the convergence
brain. Hering also proposed that the yoking of muscles accommodation per convergence (0/"', or CAfC) ratio
is different for convergence movements and that the from Fincham and Walton. Maddox's theory was pre-
medial recti are yoked together. When convergence sented first and also has gained acceptance from clini-
occurs, the cyclopean eye receives a single command cal and research perspectives as a useful method for
representing the intended distance of fixation, which is considering ocular vergence function." The CAfC ratio
subsequently split into separate left-eye and right-eye is challenging to assess in a clinical setting and, thus,
components. Eye movements that require shifts in both the model of Fincham and Walton is less used. Modern
the direction and the distance of gaze are a result of a assessment of the ocular vergence system considers both
combination of yoked conjugate innervation and yoked accommodation and vergence as fundamental com-
disjunctive innervation. ponents of the vergence system"? and uses a dual-
Major deviations of oculomotor behavior from interaction model combining the ideas of Maddox
Hering's law invariably reveal a motor anomaly. The with those of Fincham and Walton.
Fusion and Binocularity Chapter 5 163
Maddox Model of Vergence Movements oculomotor system, and it is derived by measuring the
The function of the Maddox model components can be change in vergence related to the change in accommo-
summarized as follows. Tonic vergence serves to provide dation when fixation is altered from one distance to
a steady platform of innervation from which other ver- another (i.e., the far-near AC/A). The gradient AC/A is
gence innervations can be efficiently launched."? Proxi- also calculated by assessing the change in vergence
mal vergence adds additional vergence innervation for related to the change in accommodation of the eyes, but
near viewing when targets appear close to the observer," the distance of the target is held constant, and lenses are
Accommodative vergence also adds additional vergence interjected into the lines of sight of both eyes to alter
innervation for near viewing when accommodation the magnitude of accommodation. In the far-near AC/A,
responds to blur. Fusional vergence completes the con- proximal vergence affects the near assessment of ver-
vergence response by supplying any additional innerva- gence, but it does not significantly affect the distance
tion required to attain single binocular vision. Maddox's assessment. In the gradient AC/A, proximal vergence
model of vergence function served for many years as a affects both assessments (i.e., before and after the inser-
conceptual basis for understanding vergence eye move- tion of the lens pairs) of vergence equally, because the
ments and for solving clinical problems. The Maddox distance is held constant. The AC/A values calculated by
model is still basically correct, but it is now clear that these two means is usually different, with the far-near
the generation and integration of vergence innervation AC/A ratio being substantially higher. The difference in
is more complex than the Maddox model and involves AC/A ratios is usually attributed to the unbalanced
more interaction with the vergence system than was effects of proximal vergence.
once thought. Accommodative vergence in the Maddox classifica-
Tonic innervation causes the eyes to assume a posi- tion system is quantified by the AC/A ratio and, along
tion that differs from what would occur during death or with miosis of the pupil and accommodation, forms
deep anesthesia." The divergent position of the eyes in the near triad. (The convergence aspect of the near triad
death or anesthesia is a result of mechanical influences involves more than accommodative vergence, of
on the oculomotor system. Tonic innervation provides course.) Accommodative vergence in Maddox's
a neutral or starting position for the eyes and provides concept" adds to tonic and proximal vergence to further
the physiological resting position of the eyes. The bring the eyes into alignment with a near stimulus.
amount of tonic innervation to the eyes may vary, Accommodative vergence is most obvious when the
depending on the age of the patient, stress, the influence vergence relationship of the eyes changes as a result of
of drugs or alcohol, the nature of the visual environ- changes in accommodation when a patient views a fixed
ment (illumination level, retinal eccentricity of stimuli) target through different sets of lenses, and it is a
and previous visual experience." Tonic innervation common factor in the clinical analysis of vergence func-
biases the vergence system toward the resting position tion. Inappropriate levels of accommodative vergence
and is an important component in the determination of are frequently encountered in cases of binocular visual
oculomotor position. dysfunction.
Proximal vergence stems from an awareness of near- Fusional vergence is the final component of vergence
ness and is thought to provide convergence innervation in the Maddox classification. Fusional vergence is a flex-
to the eyes whenever a near object is being viewed." To ible and powerful component that alters the vergence
the extent that the object is actually where it is per- level of the eyes to achieve fusion. It adds convergence
ceived, proximal vergence therefore assists the oculo- to the system when tonic, proximal, and accommoda-
motor system by providing a portion of the necessary tive vergence do not provide sufficient convergence of
innervation to fuse the targets. In certain situations, the eyes for the stimuli. On occasion, tonic, proximal,
proximal vergence may contribute up to about 50% of and accommodative vergence may provide excessive
the necessary convergence for a near target." Proximal convergence of the eyes for a given stimulus, and
convergence is generally thought to be a result of dis- fusional vergence may act to diverge the eyes sufficient
tance estimation related to the apparent size or nearness to fuse the stimulus.
from the convergence changes,":" and it is not neces- Although it is not a pure assessment, fusional ver-
sarily related to the amount of accommodation. In gence is usually considered to be measured with prisms,
certain situations, an observer may incorrectly perceive and it is closely related to prism adaptation. As prisms
the nearness of an object. In these cases, proximal ver- in the line of sight of one (bar prism) or both (Risley
gence may actually be counterproductive by providing prisms) eyes are slowly increased (about 3d per second),
an inappropriate response of the system. the patient encounters a point at which blur occurs; the
Proximal vergence is frequently estimated by com- blur finding is generally considered to indicate the
paring the results of the far-near AC/A ratio to the limits of fusional vergence. The additional change in
gradient AC/A ratio (see Accommodative Vergence). The vergence after the target is blurred indicates additional
AC/A ratio is a fundamental aspect of an individual's vergence as a result of changes in accommodation, and
164 BENJAMIN Borishs Clinical Refraction
it precedes the loss of fusion with diplopia. The point diagram represent the combination of messages, such as
at which diplopia occurs-the bteal: finding-indicates the summation of motor innervation in the Maddox
the limits of accommodative and fusional vergence. model. The combination of messages is not necessarily
After diplopia occurs, a reduction of the prisms allows a linear summation." The construction of systems
an assessment of the magnitude of prism before the eyes models of accommodative and vergence function pro-
when recovery occurs. These vergence ranges (blur, vides a conceptual presentation of the interactions
break, and recovery findings) are used to assess positive between different portions of a system. As such, the
(convergence) and/or negative (divergence) vergences at model guides expectations about the relationship
any distance. between the factors involved in the normal and abnor-
mal workings of the oculomotor system for clinicians
Systems Analysis and research activities alike.
Systems analysis is the application of cybernetic princi- The following paragraphs present a model of ver-
ples to the analysis of systems such as that which occurs gence and accommodation function. Each step of the
in the motor response of the eyes during accommoda- process will be represented by expanded system dia-
tion and vergence. Cybernetics is the science of commu- grams demonstrating the neurological linkage of ver-
nication, organic processes, or automated mechanical gence to accommodation. Although this chapter is
or electronic control systems, and it provides a useful primarily concerned with vergence activity, accom-
way of conceptualizing accommodation and vergence modative elements are necessary for understanding
function. Systems analysis also provides simplifying accommodation/vergence interactions. The model
concepts such as gain and [eedbacn (to be described reflects vergence system function based on models in
later), which are useful for understanding both the the research literature,81,84-86 and it presents an overview
normal and abnormal function of the vergence system of binocular motor function to provide a logical basis
of the eyes. for understanding normal binocular motor function as
Complex models of vergence and accommodation well as binocular anomalies. Nonquantitative systems
function can be simplified by visualizing them in box analysis will be used to explain normal accommodation
diagrams called system diagrams (Figure 5-10). System and vergence function, to interpret the physiological
diagrams represent physiological processes, and they do basis of phorometric tests, and to describe the patho-
not necessarily represent anatomy, although they often physiology of two common binocular anomalies using
have anatomical implications. The precise anatomy is the model. System diagrams are also used to explain
often unknown, and the boxes represent physiological the behavior of accommodation and vergence during
mechanisms that accomplish tasks. Examples of physi- phorometry in Chapter 21, and they have been used
ological processes are the visual system neurons that as a tool for analyzing clinical problems." Accommo-
convert retinal blur into accommodative innervation or dation is discussed in detail in Chapter 4 and will only
the extraocular muscles that move the eyes. be addressed in this chapter as it relates to vergence
In a systems diagram, the lines between boxes repre- function.
sent communication paths between physiological
mechanisms. Sometimes this communication is accom- Disparity Vergence
plished by a discrete neural pathway. For instance, the Retinal disparity stimulates disparity vergence innerva-
line connecting the disparity vergence (DV) mechanism tion (or, simply, disparity vergence). Crossed retinal dis-
to the extraocular muscle (EOM) mechanism carries a parity stimulates convergence, and uncrossed retinal
message of disparity vergence motor innervation to the disparity stimulates divergence. Because disparity vergence
muscles by way of the oculomotor nuclei (the nuclei are is the only form of vergence innervation that directly responds
not shown). In other cases, the communication repre- to retinal disparity, it is primarily responsible for maintain-
sented by a line is non neural, such as the effect of ver- ing binocularity by reducing retinal disparity to a minimum.
gence eye movement on the retinal disparity processed All other forms of vergence innervation playa support role
by the disparity vergence mechanism. Circles in the for disparity vergence.
Figure 5-10
Simplified box diagram representing feedback control in disparity vergence. See the text for further expla-
nation. CD, Convergence demand; L, summation; rd, retinal disparity; DV; disparity vergence; dvi, disparity
vergence innervation; CR, convergence response.
Fusion and Binocularity Chapter 5 165
The stimulus for disparity vergence is retinal disparity. Disparity vergence is not a single physiological entity.
Retinal disparity is a measure of the distance of an Two antagonistic mechanisms-positive disparity ver-
object from the horopter. Any object not on the gence (i.e., convergence) and negative disparity vergence
horopter stimulates noncorresponding points. Retinal (i.e., divergence)-drive the eyes inward and outward,
disparity describes the spatial relationship of retinal respectively." Separate brainstem cellular groups called
images to corresponding points. An object closer to the convergence cells and divergence cells innervate positive
observer than the horopter subtends crossed retinal dis- and negative disparity vergence, respectively." The
parity, because each image is perceived to be on the number of divergence cells is significantly less than
opposite side of the body from the eye that perceives it. convergence cells, which may explain the lower ampli-
An object farther from the observer than the horopter tude and velocity of divergence movements. In addition,
causes uncrossed retinal disparity and indicates an both convergence and divergence exhibit behaviors
object being viewed that is more distant than the that suggest that each is further subdivided into com-
horopter. Retinal disparity is not the same as fixation ponents that are analogous to coarse and fine sensory
disparity. (Fixation disparity is a micromisalignment of function." Coarse disparity vergence is activated by
the eyes during fusion as a result of Panum's fusional large targets and large retinal disparities, and it responds
area.) to similar and dissimilar retinal images. Fine disparity
Disparity vergence is a psycho-optic reflex controlled vergence is optimally stimulated by small targets and
by the magnitude and sign of retinal disparity associated small retinal disparities, and it requires similar images
with the intended fixation point. Attention is necessary (like fine stereopsis). These two mechanisms share the
only in the formation of the intent to fixate the stimulus. responsibility for controlling vergence eye movement.
After the fixation point has been selected, the reflexive Coarse-disparity vergence innervation initiates large-
behavior of disparity vergence takes over and frees atten- disparity vergence movements and then dissipates,
tion from the act of convergence; this allows attention to earning it the alias transient disparity vergence. 59 Fine-
be concentrated on visual information processing. disparity innervation completes vergence movements
A misconception regarding disparity vergence that begun by coarse-disparity vergence, and it helps to
dates back at least to Maddox" is that it is stimulated maintain steady vergence, earning it the alias sustained
by double vision and that therefore its purpose is to disparity vergence. 59
restore fusion; this is why the term fusional vergence is The disparity-vergence mechanism may suffer partial
sometimes used to refer to this type of vergence. or complete loss of function analogous to that of the
However, binocularly driven vergence behaves as stereoblindnesses. Persons who are stereoblind for
though it is driven by retinal disparity, regardless of coarse disparities fail to produce coarse disparity
whether there is associated diplopia." For instance, dis- vergence movements from those disparities": fine-
parity vergence can be activated by retinal disparities disparity vergence behavior and stereoscopic acuity
that are too small to cause diplopia. Stark's observation are usually preserved in these cases. Some patients
clarifies the purpose of disparity-vergence eye move- with constant strabismus retain a limited capacity for a
ments, which is to place targets of interest on the disparity-vergence response." Because constant
horopter so that maximum stereoscopic acuity can be strabismus inevitably obliterates fine-disparity vergence,
achieved. This requires greater vergence accuracy than this residual disparity vergence is likely coarse-disparity
that required for fusion. Smaller magnitudes of diplopia vergence.
may initiate disparity vergence under some circum-
stances, but the origin of vergence innervation in the Feedback Control of Disparity Vergence and
face of a large magnitude of diplopia likely is voluntary Fixation Disparity
rather than reflexive (see Voluntary Vergence below). The generation of fine disparity vergence innervation is
Another common misconception regarding disparity modulated by a process called negative feedback. Nega-
vergence is that it is stimulated directly by stereoscopic tive feedback is a process in which a motor response
perception. In fact, disparity vergence can be activated reduces the stimulus that created it. For instance, crossed
by a single luminous point situated off of the horopter retinal disparity stimulates the production of positive
(and visible to one eye), whereas stereoscopic percep- disparity vergence innervation, which converges the
tion requires a minimum of two points in space (i.e., eyes; increased convergence subsequently reduces
geometric disparity) to be appreciated. Although stere- crossed retinal disparity. If the magnitude of the initial
opsis may not directly stimulate disparity-vergence eye convergence is not correct for precise ocular alignment,
movement, stereopsis may indirectly activate vergence the retinal disparity/vergence response sequence is reit-
by contributing to proximal vergence. Disparity ver- erated until retinal disparity is reduced to a minimal
gence innervation and stereoscopic perception may value. The process of negative feedback is described in
both be derived from the activity of disparity-detecting Figure 5-10. A patient switching attention from a far
binocular neurons in the visual cortex." point to a near point encounters a large positive
166 BENJAMIN' Borishs Clinical Refraction
convergence demand (CD). The retinal disparity (rd) innervation to maintain alignment (DVD = 5) would be
subtended at the observer's eyes by the near fixation expected to have 0.04'" (1.36 min of arc) of fixation dis-
target is the difference between the CD and the current parity. By comparison, normal reflex accommodation,
convergence response (CR). The difference operation is which is much less precise than disparity vergence, is
represented by the subtraction of the CR from the CD characterized by gains of less than 10.96 If a patient has
at the circle labeled "L." Because CR is initially zero, rd a large fixation disparity, it must be caused by a large
is large. The disparity vergence mechanism (DV) disparity vergence demand, a low disparity vergence
processes the retinal disparity and subsequently gener- gain, or some combination. Patients with nonstrabismic
ates disparity vergence innervation (dvi), which is sent vergence dysfunction often have both low disparity-
to the extraocular muscles (EOMs). The resulting CR vergence gain'" and larger-than-normal disparity-ver-
reduces retinal disparity by way of the feedback loop; gence demands, thereby causing large fixation dispari-
the feedback loop represents the ability of the conver- ties. Although fine-disparity vergence gain is not directly
gence response to change retinal disparity. The minus measurable in a clinical environment, it is inversely
sign at the summation circle indicates that positive ver- proportional to fixation disparity, which is clinically
gence reduces retinal disparity. This feedback process is measurable.
carried on continuously as fine-disparity vergence strives The fine-disparity vergence mechanism cannot keep
to reduce retinal disparity to a minimum. If the feed- targets on the horopter when vergence demands are
back loop is functions so that the CR of the eyes reduces high, despite its high gain. This is because the retinal
the retinal disparity, the feedback mechanism is disparity [i.e., fixation disparity) that stimulates fine-
described as closed-loop. If vergence were prevented from disparity vergence must rise proportionally with the
changing retinal disparity (e.g., by covering one eye), the demands placed on the disparity-vergence mechanism.
feedback mechanism would be described as open-loop. The purpose of some of the other vergence innervations
An open-loop system does not have a method to adjust discussed later (i.e., accommodative vergence, tonic ver-
the system output to achieve a balance. Open-loop gence, and vergence adaptation) is to supply a portion
systems are less stable than closed-loop systems, of the vergence innervation needed for sustained ocular
because a counter for the stimulus does not function. alignment, thereby reducing disparity-vergence
The negative feedback process poses a paradox: if dis- demand; this assistance is called bias. In this case, bias
parity vergence is entirely successful in reducing retinal is a good thing, because it reduces fixation disparity,
disparity, there is no longer a stimulus of disparity ver- thereby enabling a high level of stereopsis for most
gence, and fine-disparity vergence innervation dissipates. viewing distances. In individuals with normal vision,
In practice, retinal disparity is not reduced precisely to disparity vergence and its innervational biases are so
zero by fine-disparity vergence. A slight deviation of the efficient that fixation disparity may be undetectable
visual axes from perfect bifixation is maintained by the when the observer views fixation-disparity devices that
disparity vergence mechanism when disparity vergence incorporate binocular foveal fixation locks in the targets;
innervation is demanded. This deviation, called fixation such a target is the associated phoria target on the Barish
disparity (FD), causes a residual foveal retinal disparity vectographic near-point card II (Stereo Optical
(equal in size to the fixation disparity) that stimulates the Company).
continuous production of fine-disparity vergence inner- Coarse-disparity vergence is not controlled by con-
vation." In individuals with normal vision, this fixation tinuous negative feedback. The full magnitude of
disparity is too small to affect fusion or stereopsis. coarse-disparity vergence innervation is calculated
The fixation disparity needed to drive fine disparity ver- before the vergence movement begins, and it is not
gence is a function of the demand on disparity vergence recalculated until the next vergence eye movement takes
(DVD) and of the gain (G) of the fine-disparity vergence pIace.59 ,6H,98 Consequently, coarse disparity vergence is
mechanism: only calculated by the visual system intermittently (i.e.,
whenever a large disparity-vergence step is demanded).
Fine-disparity vergence maintains control of vergence
FD = DVD x innervation during the periods between coarse-disparity
vergence episodes.
Gain is a quantitative description of how efficiently
the fine disparity vergence mechanism converts retinal Reflex Accommodation
disparity into vergence innervation. Larger gains are The reflex-accommodation mechanism (RA in Figure 5-
associated with smaller fixation disparities. Normal dis- 11) is stimulated by blur, and the accommodation it
parity vergence gain is usually greater than 100,96 which generates serves to reduce blur. Because this is negative
accounts for the high precision of normal disparity ver- feedback behavior, the model of reflex accommodation
gence. For instance, an observer who has a gain of 125 looks similar to that of disparity vergence. Accom-
and must generate 5'" of sustained disparity vergence modative function is discussed in detail in Chapter 4.
Fusion and Binocularity Chapter 5 167
feedback loop
feedback loop
Figure 5-11
Box diagrams illustrating the similarity between the models of feedback control for reflex accommodation
and disparity vergence. See the text for further explanation. AD, Accommodative demand; L, summation;
RA, reflex accommodation mechanism; rai, reflex accommodation innervation; CM, ciliary muscle; AR,
accommodative response; CD, convergence demand; rd, retinal disparity; DV, disparity vergence mechanism;
dvi, disparity vergence innervation; EOMs, extraocular muscles; CR, convergence response.
feedback loop
feedback loop
Figure 5-12
The interaction of disparity vergence innervation with accommodation is added to the diagrams shown in
Figure 5-11. See the text for further explanation. AD, Accommodative demand; L, summation; RA, reflex
accommodation mechanism; rai, reflex accommodation innervation; CM, ciliary muscle; AR, accommoda-
tive response; CD, convergence demand; rd, retinal disparity; DV, disparity vergence mechanism; dvi, dis-
parity vergence innervation; EOMs, extraocular muscles; CR, convergence response; CAlC, convergence
accommodation/convergence ratio; cai, convergence accommodation innervation.
declines linearly from the age of 20 years until presby- and optimizing stereopsis. Figure 5-13 represents this
opia. 77 ,99, 100 At all ages, normal convergence accommo- synkinesis by a crosslink extending from the output of
dation generates less accommodative innervation than the reflex accommodation mechanism to the vergence
that needed for clarity. The balance of accommodative system, where the accommodative vergence innervation
innervation comes from reflex accommodation and is summed with disparity vergence innervation.
other accommodative biases. Accommodative vergence innervation is a product of
For convergence accommodation to serve as an effi- reflex accommodation activity and the accommodative
cient proportional bias for reflex accommodation, the convergencejaccommodation ratio (ACj A ratio). The
correct amount of convergence accommodation must ACj A ratio is a constant of proportionality, like the
be generated at each viewing distance. If the CAjC ratio CAjC ratio. The ACjA ratio is not simply the inverse of
were abnormally high or low, reflex accommodation the CAjC ratio but rather a separate neurological entity;
would not receive appropriate convergence accommo- its magnitude differs from the inverse of the CAfC ratio
dation assistance from disparity vergence. The CAfC in most persons. 101 The ACj A ratio describes the effect of
ratio may be abnormal in common nonstrabismic ver- accommodation on the vergence system. Higher ACjA
gence anomalies (see Pathophysiology of Common ratios indicate a higher gain of the system and a corre-
Binocular Anomalies below and Chapter 21). Measure- sponding larger affect of accommodation on the ver-
ment of the CAfC ratio is discussed in Chapter 21. gence system.
Convergence accommodation is the main link Studies of the ACj A ratio have used two methods to
between binocular vision and accommodation, and, quantify it: (1) the stimulus ACjA ratio method and (2)
therefore, with refraction. The effect of this link on the response ACj A ratio method. These are different
refraction is reviewed under Binocularity and the Deter- than the aforementioned far-near and gradient ACjA
mination of Refractive State below. ratios. In the response ACj A ratio method, measured
convergence is divided by measured accommodation. In
Accommodative Vergence the stimulus method, measured convergence is divided
Blur-driven reflex accommodation also produces synkinetic by the accommodative stimulus value without regard
accommodative vergence innervation. The resulting for the actual accommodative response. In this case, the
accommodative vergence helps align the eyes as accommodative response is assumed to be equal to the
reflex accommodation works to clear blurred retinal accommodative stimulus. For the sake of expediency,
images. Accommodative vergence, like convergence the stimulus ACj A ratio is usually recorded in clinical
accommodation, is also a proportional bias. In this case, settings, because it is easily measured and reasonably
the bias serves to minimize disparity vergence usage at conveys most of the significant information required by
all viewing distances, thus restraining fixation disparity the clinician. The response ACjA ratio can be deter-
feedback loop
feedback loop
Figure 5-13
The interaction of reflex accommodation with convergence is added to the diagrams shown in Figure 5-12.
The interconnection between accommodation and vergence is known as dual interaction. See the text for
further explanation. AD, Accommodative demand; L, summation; RA, reflex accommodation mechanism;
rai, reflex accommodation innervation; CM, ciliary muscle; AR, accommodative response; CD, convergence
demand; rd, retinal disparity; DV, disparity vergence mechanism; dvi, disparity vergence innervation; EOMs,
extraocular muscles; CR, convergence response; CAlC convergence accommodation/convergence ratio; cai,
convergence accommodation innervation; AC/A, accommodative convergence/accommodation ratio; avi,
accommodative vergence innervation,
Fusion and Binocularity Chapter 5 169
mined in a clinical setting, but it requires the measure- gradient method. Therefore, the gradient method is
ment of accommodative response during AC/A ratio generally used to determine the AC/A ratio if that ratio
testing by a technique such as Nott retinoscopy (see will be used to prescribe spherical lenses for their effect
Chapter 21). The response AC/A ratio is usually higher on vergence (e.g., bifocals for convergence-excess
than the stimulus AC/A ratio, especially in adult- heterophoria) .
hood. 9 9 , 10J The difference between these two different
methods of determining the AC/A ratios is due in part Dual Interaction
to the overestimation of accommodation in the stimu- Reflex accommodation is directly responsible for clear-
lus AC/A ratio test because of depth of focus. The ing the ocular images, whereas disparity vergence is
average stimulus AC/A ratio is approximately s.s- of directly responsible for aligning the eyes. However, the
convergence per diopter of accommodation (3.S tl/D), two mechanisms assist each other by way of the accom-
but it varies greatly among normal persons, from 1tl/D modative vergence (AC/A) and convergence accommo-
to 7tl/D.102 The response AC/A ratio changes modestly dation (CA/C) proportional biases. This mutual
before age 40, and the stimulus AC/A ratio does not assistance of convergence by accommodation and
change at alI.9 9 , 101, 103 In addition to the age effect small accommodation by convergence is known as dual inter-
reductions of the response AC/A ratio have been action. The dual interaction model appears to make the
observed after the correction of myopia.?" Otherwise, vergence and accommodative systems more efficient.
the AC/A ratio is stable. 105 Schor'?" suggested that a visual system with normal (i.e.,
Determination of the AC/A ratio is an important average) AC/A and CAfC ratios would need to generate
aspect in the diagnosis of binocular motor anomalies less sustained reflex accommodation and disparity ver-
and in the selection of appropriate therapy. The meas- gence innervation to view a given target than would the
urement of the AC/A ratio (discussed in detail in same visual system with no interaction between accom-
Chapter 21) requires the elimination of disparity ver- modation and vergence. A second role for dual interac-
gence innervation so that the action of isolated accom- tion may be to assist in the temporal coordination
modation vergence may be seen in the vergence between accommodation and vergence. Schor also sug-
response. Disparity vergence elimination is accom- gested that if the AC/A and CAlC ratios deviate signif-
plished by blocking fusion by presenting a disparity that icantly from average, abnormally high innervational
is too large to be fused (e.g., the von Graefe phoria demands would be placed on both blur accommoda-
method); by making the shapes of the ocular images tion and disparity vergence. These high innervational
unfusible (e.g., the Maddox rod test); or by complete demands likely would cause discomfort symptoms. Blur
occlusion of one eye (e.g., the cover test). Either of two and diplopia would be perceived if image defocus and
methods can be used to alter the accommodative stim- retinal disparity were large.
ulus: the gradient method or the far/near method. The
gradient method uses a lens-induced blur stimulus to Tonic Vergence
accommodation, whereas the far/near method employs The ciliary muscle and the extraocular muscles are
a change of target distance to create a blur stimulus. innervated by tonic innervations. Tonic vergence inner-
Because the far/near method uses a stimulus with a per- vation converges the eyes from their divergent anatom-
ceived distance that also changes (with one distance typ- ical position of rest-approximately 17tl horizontally in
ically a proximal stimulus), it is not a pure AC/A ratio those with normal visionv-i-to the tonic vergence
test, because it is contaminated by proximal effects. The resting state, which is approximately 3tl to s- convergent
patient's accommodative response to the far/near AC/A from straight ahead in those with normal vision." The
ratio stimulus is determined by a combination of blur anatomical position of rest is the vergence angle the eyes
and proximal cues. In ernmetropes, the blur cue appears would assume in the absence of any muscular innerva-
to dominate the accommodative response when both tion. The tonic vergence resting state is the vergence
blur and proximal cues are available, 106,107 so the angle determined solely by tonic vergence innervation.
AC/A ratio determined by the far/near method proba- Tonic vergence innervation can be viewed as a fixed
bly accurately represents the blur AC/A ratio. The prox- innervational bias; therein lies its value to binocular
imal cue appears to control accommodative response in vision. Because disparity vergence innervation is pro-
young myopes whose refractive error is progressing, 108 portional to fixation disparity, disparity vergence could
so the proximal cue probably dominates the AC/A be overwhelmed if it were required to provide all of the
ratio in progressing myopes when the far/near AC/A innervation to converge the eyes. Without tonic inner-
method is used. If the proximal cues do not stimulate vation, disparity vergence would be required to muster
accommodation and vergence in the same manner as the necessary convergence all the way from the anatom-
the blur cue, the vergence/accommodation ratio ical position of rest to achieve and maintain the appro-
determined by the far/near method would differ from priate vergence for a given stimulus. To attain alignment
the vergence/accommodation ratio measured by the using only disparity vergence would require a significant
170 BENJAMIN Borishs Clinical Refraction
magnitude of fixation disparity, even at remote viewing gence similar to tonic innervation. Tonic innervation
distances; stereopsis and binocular function would does not stem from visual stimuli to any significant
likely suffer. Because the visual system has no opportu- extent. The adaptive processes function as a result of the
nity to support vergence angles more divergent than par- response of the eyes to a visual stimulus. Adaptive ver-
allelism in a natural environment. the visual system can gence processes are important for adjusting to prisms
afford to establish a fixed amount of tonic innervation that would otherwise overload the system and decrease
to bring the eyes approximately to parallelism without its functionality.
the use of disparity vergence. Therefore, little or no fix- The vergence adaptation mechanism generates a
ation disparity is experienced in normal far-point binoc- vergence innervation bias that serves to reduce fixation
ular vision because of tonic vergence. disparity by replacing disparity vergence innervation
Tonic vergence is incorporated into the systems after the completion of a vergence response to a new
model in Figure 5-14 as the box labeled "lV." lV is near demand. Vergence adaptation is stimulated by accommoda-
the right end of the model, because there is no evidence tive vergence and disparity vergence motor innervations, not
that tonic vergence directly stimulates other innerva- retinal stimuli. 87, 111 Consequently, retinal disparity and
tional mechanisms. There is no input to lV, because blur stimulate vergence adaptation only if they activate
tonic vergence innervation is not influenced by other disparity vergence innervation, reflex accommodation
mechanisms in the accommodation and vergence innervation, or both. For instance, a patient who accu-
systems. Tonic accommodation maintains a steady 1 0 rately converges (fuses) through prisms for a sufficient
level of accommodative innervation,"? and it is placed period of time will adapt their vergence to that prism.
at a corresponding location in the accommodative If the same patient fails to fuse through the prism, ver-
system diagram, for similar reasons. gence would not adapt to the prism, despite the con-
tinuous retinal disparity and diplopia experienced by
Vergence Adaptation the patient.
The oculomotor system has developed mechanisms to Although disparity vergence movement is often com-
adjust to ongoing stimuli. These adjustments (or adap- pleted in less than a second, vergence adaptation usually
tations) reduce the stress on the system by allowing it requires minutes to fully adapt to a new magnitude of
to compensate for factors that initially cause stress. This disparity vergence innervation. Moreover, once the
adaptation reduces the overall requirements for ver- adaptation mechanism has adapted vergence to a new
feedback loop
feedback loop
Figure 5-14
Tonic accommodation innervation (tai) and tonic vergence innervation [tui] are added to the model shown
in Figure 5-13. These innervations are summed with their respective fast stimulus-driven innervations. The
sum of fast and tonic innervations yields the accommodative and vergent innervations that drive accom-
modation and vergence. See the text for further explanation. AD, Accommodative demand; L, summation;
I?A, reflex accommodation mechanism; raj, reflex accommodation innervation; CM, ciliary muscle; Lraicai,
summed reflex and convergence accommodation innervations; TA, tonic accommodation mechanism; Lai,
summed accommodative innervations; AR, accommodative response; CD, convergence demand; rd, retinal
disparity; D\I, disparity vergence mechanism; dvi, disparity vergence innervation; Ldviavi, summed disparity
and accommodative vergence innervations; TV tonic vergence mechanism; Lvi, summed vergence innerva-
tions; EOMs, extraocular muscles; CR, convergence response; CAlC convergence accommodation/
convergence ratio; cai, convergence accommodation innervation; AC/A, accommodative convergence/accom-
modation ratio; avi, accommodative vergence innervation.
Fusion and Binocularity Chapter 5 171
vergence demand, it learns to recognize that demand so then summed with the concurrent sum of the accom-
that a subsequent reappearance of that demand can be modative vergence and disparity vergence innervations
met by a more rapid adaptation response.l" This learn- (~dviavi) and with tonic vergence innervation (tvi). The
ing phase of the adaptation process can take much sum of all vergence innervations (~vi) produces the
longer than the adaptation itself. vergence response that is visible to the examiner.
Vergence adaptation is not generated equally from The vergence system modeled in Figure 5-15 does not
fast vergence innervation arising from different sources, generate excessive vergence innervation when vergence
such as accommodative vergence, coarse-disparity ver- adaptation innervation is added to fast vergence inner-
gence, and fine-disparity vergence. 113 This behavior has vation because of the negative feedback loop. Because
clinical implications when one must decide whether a the feedback property of disparity vergence is monitor-
patient should receive a prism correction as opposed to ing retinal disparity during vergence adaptation, any
a spherical lens correction for a binocular anomaly (e.g., tendency for excess vergence innervation (~vi) is met
esophoria). The patient's vergence adaptation mecha- immediately by a reduction of disparity vergence inner-
nism may adapt very differently to the spherical lens vation. As a result, the sum of fast and adaptive
than to the prism, even though the lens and prism innervations remains approximately constant while
might have equivalent short-term effects on vergence. adaptation progresses. Because vergence adaptation is a
These behaviors justify the incorporation of vergence slow process requiring several minutes for completion,
adaptation into the dual-interaction model of vergence it adds little to the initial vergence response to a near
and accommodation as shown in Figure 5-15. The box viewing distance. During the several minutes after a
labeled "VA" represents vergence adaptation. An analo- change to a near viewing distance, adaptive innervation
gous construction is shown for accommodative adapta- accumulates and replaces the fast vergence innervation.
tion (AA) because of physiological evidence that it Thereafter, adapted vergence innervation-as a percent-
serves a similar purpose in the accommodative system." age of total vergence innervation-may be larger than
Vergence adaptation is stimulated by corollary inputs of fast vergence innervation. When the eyes return to far
accommodative vergence innervation (avi) and dispar- vision, the sequence of events just described is reversed:
ity vergence innervation (dvi). The innervation pro- the initial response to far vision is mediated by negative
duced by the vergence adaptation mechanism (vai) is (divergent) disparity vergence innervation, which is
feedback loop
feedback loop
Figure 5-15
Vergence adaptation (VA) and accommodation adaptation (AA) mechanisms are added to the model shown
in Figure 5-14. Accommodative adaptation innervation (aai) and vergence adaptation (vai) are stimulated
by corollary discharges from both reflex accommodation and disparity vergence, and they are added to their
respective fast and tonic accommodations. See the text for further explanation. AD, Accommodative demand;
L, summation; RA, reflex accommodation mechanism; rai, reflex accommodation innervation; Lraicai,
summed reflex and convergence accommodation innervations; TA, tonic accommodation mechanism; tai,
tonic accommodation innervation; l:ai, summed accommodative innervations; CM, ciliary muscle; AR,
accommodative response; CD, convergence demand; rd, retinal disparity; DV; disparity vergence mechanism;
dvi, disparity vergence innervation; Ldviavi, summed disparity and accommodative vergence innervations;
Tv; tonic vergence mechanism; Wi, tonic vergence innervation; Lvi, summed vergence innervation; CAlC,
convergence accommodation/convergence ratio; cai, convergence accommodation innervation; AC/A,
accommodative convergence/accommodation ratio; avi, accommodative vergence innervation; EOMs,
extraocular muscles; CR, convergence response.
172 BENJAMIN Borishs Clinical Refraction
later reduced as vergence adaptation adapts to far vision. minimum of 15 minutes (the "adapted" phoria meas-
The magnitude of vergence adaptation innervation in ured through the prism prescription). If the prism pre-
any given viewing situation depends on the dynamic scription is to be successful, the adapted phoria should
behavior of the vergence system. Under rapidly chang- equal the corrected phoria. * A significant difference
ing viewing conditions, almost all changes of vergence between the adapted and corrected phorias indicates
are controlled by disparity vergence (assisted by accom- that the patient has adapted his or her vergence to the
modative and proximal vergence). Slowly changing or prism, and the prism prescription will probably fail.
static vergence behaviors are likely dominated by adap- Likewise, the systems model suggests that, if a patient
tive vergence. This influence of dynamics on vergence was prescribed spherical lenses to reduce high phoria
adaptation also strongly influences the response of (e.g., minus lenses for exophoria), the lenses would
patients during phorometric tests; this is discussed only have a lasting effect on vergence if accommodation
under Accommodation and Vergence Physiology does not adapt to the lenses. The accommodative adap-
During Phorometry and in Chapter 21. tation effect on vergence may be evaluated by compar-
Accommodative adaptation interacts with reflex ing heterophoria immediately after the application of a
accommodation in much the same way that vergence tentative spherical lens prescription to the phoria after
adaptation interacts with disparity vergence." When the a minimum of 15 minutes of wearing the tentative
eyes look from far to near, reflex accommodation ini- prescription. A significant difference indicates accom-
tially clears the ocular images and is slowly replaced by modative adaptation and suggests that the lens pre-
positive adaptive accommodation innervation. Accord- scription may fail to correct a vergence imbalance. Lens
ingly, accommodative vergence is reduced when accom- or prism additions intended to treat vergence should be
modative adaptation replaces reflex accommodation. considered for their potential effect on vergence and
The restoration of far-point accommodation is initially accommodation before being prescribed.
controlled by sustained negative reflex accommodation,
which must cancel residual positive adaptive accom- Proximal Vergence
modation innervation acquired from prior near vision. Proximal vergence and proximal accommodation are
In time, negative reflex accommodation stimulates the triggered by any cue that elicits depth and distance per-
adaptation of accommodation to a low level that is ception. In other words, the stimulus to proximal inner-
appropriate for far vision. vation is perceived nearness. The proximal mechanism
Patients with anomalous binocularity often have serves as a source of proportional bias innervation for
insufficient vergence adaptation.P"'" If vergence adap- both reflex accommodation and disparity vergence,
tation is totally absent, a patient may accept prisms pre- helping to minimize blur and fixation disparity as
scribed to partially or completely compensate for the targets move closer. Maddox's concept" of the oculo-
binocular stress and reduce the load successfully. motor system primarily considered proximal vergence
However, some symptomatic patients have unidirec- effects and largely ignored possible proximal accom-
tional defects of vergence adaptation that can null the modative effects.
potential benefit of a prism prescription. McCormack ll G Proximal vergence initiates large vergence step move-
applied base-in (BI) prism to neutralize the exophoria ments, as when looking from a remote distance to a
of two symptomatic patients with simple convergence reading distance, 107.119 and it assists vergence when track-
insufficiency. Their vergence systems adapted to the Bl ing objects moving smoothly in depth.P"!" The ver-
prism, thereby reinstating their high exophoria. North gence initiation role of proximal vergence is an
and Henson 114 and Schor and Horner'" have shown that important component of vergence eye movements,
convergence adaptation is absent or inefficient in these because large shifts of viewing distance pose accommo-
patients. Prism prescription would fail in asymmetrical dation and vergence demands that are beyond the range
adaptation cases like these; therefore, prism as a treat- of reflex accommodation and disparity vergence.Pv'"
ment for binocular anomaly should be used with Proximal vergence likely contributes only a few per-
patients who do not adapt to it'" or with those who centage points of the static near response when dispar-
adapt only partially. ity and blur cues are available.Pv'"
Tentative prism prescriptions are frequently checked Proximal vergence, like disparity vergence, is a
to determine the extent of any adaptive response before psycho-optical reflex. When an observer fixates a near
the prisms are being prescribed in permanent form. Ver-
gence adaptation stimulated by prism (i.e., prism adap-
tation) is assessed by comparing phorias between two 'Vergence adaptation does convert horizontal heterophoria to
measurements: (1) immediately after prism application orthophoria. The small lateral physiological heterophorias measured
in most individuals with normal vision are correlated with stable
(this is the "corrected" phoria measured through the binocularity and minimum fixation disparity and, accordingly, are
tentative prism prescription) and (2) after the patient maintained by vergence adaptation.'!"!" Vergence adaptation to
has worn the tentative prism prescription for a vertical disparity tends to reinstate vertical orthophoria.
Fusion and Binocularity Chapter 5 173
feedback loop
Figure 5-16
Proximal innervation is added to the model shown in Figure 5-15. The apparent nearness of a visual target,
called proximal demand (PD), generates proximal motor innervation by way of the proximal mechanism
(PX). That innervation is sent to the accommodation and vergence systems in accordance with the value of
the proximal convergence/accommodation ratio (PC/A), and it is summed with the other fast accommoda-
tion and vergence innervations. See the text for further explanation. AD, Accommodative demand; L, sum-
mation; RA, reflex accommodation mechanism; tai, reflex accommodation innervation; Lraicai, summed
reflex and convergence accommodation innervations; TA, tonic accommodation mechanism; tai, tonic
accommodation innervation;, summed accommodative innervation; CM, ciliary muscle; AR, accom-
modative response; CD, convergence demand; rd, retinal disparity; DV; disparity vergence mechanism; dvi,
disparity vergence innervation; Ldviavi, summed disparity and accommodative vergence innervations; Tv;
tonic vergence mechanism; wi, tonic vergence innervation. Lvi, summed vergence innervation; EOMs, extraoc-
ular muscles; CR, convergence response; CAlC, convergence accommodation/convergence ratio; cai, conver-
gence accommodation innervation; AC/A, accommodative convergence/accommodation ratio; avi,
accommodative convergence innervation; pai, proximal accommodation innervation; pci, proximal conver-
gence innervation.
vergence dominates near VISIOn, there is no vergence sient innervations that bring the near target within range
adaptation to support vergence stability and accuracy. of positive reflex accommodation and positive fine-
Thus, patients habitually resorting to voluntary innerva- disparity vergence, which complete and sustain the
tion to gain clarity and singleness (e.g., convergence- oculomotor responses. All of this activity, including
insufficient patients) can be expected to experience dual interaction between disparity vergence and reflex
reading problems, discomfort symptoms, or both." accommodation, is normally completed within 1
second. The transition to near vision drives reflex
The Near Response of Accommodation accommodation and fine-disparity vergence innerva-
and Vergence tions from their small negative magnitudes at a far point
When accommodation and vergence are switched from to the modest positive magnitudes required to hold
far vision to near vision, most of the elements described accommodation and vergence at 40 cm. The demands
earlier are activated. The sequence of innervational on reflex accommodation and fine disparity vergence at
events may be followed in Figure 5-16. Because tonic 40 cm will be less than the nominal 40-cm stimulus
vergence and tonic accommodation innervations by values of 2.50 and IS"', because tonic accommodation
themselves would place vergence and accommodation and tonic vergence provide some of the positive motor
at an intermediate distance of gaze, far-point vision is innervation needed for near vision. Beginning with the
maintained by the use of small amounts of negative onset of the near response and continuing for the next
reflex accommodation and negative disparity vergence several minutes, the vergence adaptation and accom-
innervation that cancel the tonic innervations. The modative adaptation mechanisms gradually build their
response to a near target (e.g., a 40-cm near-point test innervational responses to replace some of the positive
card) is initiated by proximal innervation, which brings reflex accommodation and sustained disparity vergence
the near target within range of coarse-disparity vergence. innervations that initially provide clear and single
Coarse-disparity vergence then adds additional tran- vision at 40 cm.
Fusion and Binocularity Chapter 5 175
Regaining far vision after a period of sustained near cantly within 30 minutes will usually wear vertical
fixation initially demands the generation of negative prism successfully. 130
accommodation and vergence innervations to overcome Vertical vergence has no known direct neurological
the positive adaptive innervations accumulated at a near link with horizontal vergence or accommodation and
point. This process begins with transient negative prox- therefore does not significantly influence the determi-
imal vergence followed by negative coarse-disparity nation of refractive error. However, a sufficiently large
vergence, negative sustained-disparity vergence, and global vertical disparity reduces stereopsis.!" Also, hor-
negative reflex accommodation. After several minutes izontal vergence may be impaired by the presence of a
of far fixation, these negative innervations stimulate the large global vertical disparity.':" These effects probably
adaptation of accommodation and vergence to the result from a disturbance in the processing of horizon-
lower values of adaptive innervation typical of far tal retinal disparity when the retinal images are verti-
vision, thereby reducing the need for large magnitudes cally misaligned. Of course, a sufficiently large vertical
of negative sustained disparity vergence and negative disparity between the images results in a complete loss
reflex accommodation innervation. of fusion. The interaction of vertical imbalance with
horizontal vergence indicates that the clinical analysis
of and prescription for horizontal vergence require the
Vertical Vergence Eye Movements
appropriate consideration of vertical vergence.
The vertical vergence system is composed of three basic
components: (1) disparity vergence, (2) tonic vergence,
and (3) vergence adaptation. Vertical disparity vergence PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF COMMON
is stimulated by the presence of global vertical retinal BINOCULAR ANOMALIES
disparity (a constant disparity extending over the binoc-
ular visual field), and it is able to elevate (supraduction) Systems analysis has generated a clearer understanding
or depress (infraduction) one eye relative to the other of the causes of convergence insufficiency and conver-
by a few prism diopters. The vertical vergence range is gence excess heterophoria. These anomalies are dis-
an order of magnitude smaller than the range of hori- cussed in detail, because they are the most common
zontal vergence [i.e., instead of a 20 d or so to break in binocular anomalies encountered in clinical practice.
horizontal vergences, the vertical vergence break finding Figure 5-16 may be helpful for following the discussion
is often 3-5 d ) . Large vertical disparity vergence ampli- of these anomalies. The complete pathophysiology of
tudes are not required in individuals with normal many other nonstrabismic anomalies, such as fusional
vision, because the switching of gaze between far and insufficiency and basic esophoria, is poorly understood.
near vision does not alter global vertical retinal dispar-
ity. Vertical disparity vergence is controlled by negative
Simple Convergence Insufficiency
feedback, so vertical fixation disparity is expected when
vertical disparity vergence is active. Convergence insufficiency is generally regarded as a syn-
Vertical vergence exhibits adaptive behavior when drome that includes an exodeviation of the eyes at the
challenged with a prolonged and fusible vertical ver- nearpoint, relatively little or no deviation of the eyes
gence demand. m , 13o, 13! Vertical vergence adaptation, like with distance fixation (generally a small exophoria), a
its horizontal counterpart, is probably stimulated by relative deficit of positive relative convergence, and a
vertical disparity vergence innervation, and it sums with receded nearpoint of convergence. 134 The syndrome pro-
vertical disparity vergence innervation to produce the duces a variety of symptoms such as ocular fatigue,
vertical vergence response. Vertical vergence adaptation headaches, and asthenopia."
attempts to reinstate the habitual vertical phoria, which North and Henson!" observed that patients exhibit-
is usually-but not always-zero. Vertical heterophoria ing the clinical characteristics of simple convergence
is often accompanied by defective vertical vergence insufficiency (high near exophoria, low AC/A ratio, low
adaptation. Prismatic prescriptions for vertical het- positive relative convergence, and excess accommoda-
erophoria are usually worn successfully by the patient tion in near vision) had poor or nonexistent convergent
who does not adapt to vertical prism. 130 132 Testing for adaptation. Schor and Horner!" confirmed North and
vertical prism adaptation should be performed before Hensons' observations, and they added the observation
the prescription of vertical prism to identify those verti- that simple convergence-insufficient patients had
cal heterophores who will fully adapt to vertical prism. unusually rapid adaptation of accommodation as well.
The method for testing vertical vergence adaptation is Schor and Horner proposed that this adaptation asym-
much the same as for horizontal, but it should be metry might be a major cause of simple convergence
extended to 30 minutes of prism-wearing time, because insufficiency. The logic behind their proposal is as
vertical prism adaptation is slower than horizontal follows. Rapid accommodative adaptation would
prism adaptation.i" Patients who do not adapt signifi- replace reflex accommodation nearly as fast as the latter
176 BENJAMIN Borishs Clinical Refraction
is generated, thereby reducing accommodative vergence ology of convergence excess. The logic for their proposal
to abnormally low levels. This would reduce overall con- is as follows. The accommodative adaptation mecha-
vergence; in addition, it partially explains the large near nism does not adapt to near vision, so reflex accommo-
exophoria observed in these patients, and it is respon- dation must carry a larger percentage of the near
sible for the low AC/A ratios. The loss of proportional sustained accommodative load. The higher-than-normal
vergence bias from accommodative vergence is com- reflex accommodation effort causes excess accommoda-
pounded by highly inefficient vergence adaptation, tive vergence by way of the AC/A synkinesis. The effect
which fails to adapt to disparity vergence and accom- of the excess accommodative vergence innervation on
modative vergence innervations. Therefore, inefficient binocular alignment is compounded by the unusually
vergence adaptation also contributes to these patients' strong and rapid adaptation of tonic vergence to near
near exophoria and low measured AC/A ratios. vision. The excessive accommodative vergence and
Frequently, these patients have a rather low lag of vergence adaptation responses are offset by negative
accommodation in near vision. This near accommo- disparity vergence innervation to maintain ocular align-
dative excess associated with simple convergence ment. By contrast, individuals with normal vision use
insufficiency may be explained by abnormally high positive disparity vergence in near vision. The negative
convergence accommodation activity. The high conver- disparity vergence innervation causes negative conver-
gence accommodation activity is the result of high gence accommodation innervation by way of the CAfC
disparity vergence activity necessitated by insufficient synkinesis, which increases the lag of accommodation
accommodative vergence and vergence adaptation. Neg- already made large by insufficient accommodative adap-
ative reflex accommodation offsets the excess conver- tation. This increases the demand for positive accom-
gence accommodation within its capacity to do so, but modative innervation from the struggling reflex
often negative reflex accommodation is overwhelmed accommodation mechanism. The additional reflex
by excess convergence accommodation, thereby leading accommodation response to the effects of negative con-
to manifest overaccommodation in near vision. vergence accommodation then triggers the generation of
The adaptational anomalies are probably the causes additional accommodative vergence through the AC/A
of simple convergence insufficiency, but they are not synkinesis, thereby further destabilizing the vergence
likely these patients' only physiological problems. Such system. The ability of convergence-excess patients to
patients also usually have low gains in both reflex maintain clear and single binocular vision ultimately
accommodation 136 and disparity vergence." Moreover, depends on the gains of the reflex controllers and the
some of these patients seem unable to use voluntary degree of abnormality of the adaptive mechanisms.
innervation to assist the weak reflex controllers." The pathophysiology of convergence excess suggests
The Schor-and-Horner hypothesis for simple conver- that visual training aimed at boosting accommodative
gence insufficiency explains the success of vision train- adaptation should lower accommodative vergence activ-
ing for these cases. The magnitude and rate of ity and therefore solve the problem. Studies of the train-
convergence adaptation can be increased significantly ability of accommodative adaptation have not been
by vision training. m.138 Improved positive vergence performed. However, it is well established that training-
adaptation reduces the demand on disparity vergence induced changes of the AC/A ratio are small and tran-
and concomitantly reduces excess convergence accom- sient. 139 •140 Because the AC/A ratio is determined in part
modation. Moreover, accommodative facility training by accommodative adaptation, the lack of success in sig-
increases the gain of reflex accommodation, 136 and nificantly changing the AC/A ratio by visual training
vergence facility training increases the gain of disparity suggests that accommodative adaptation may not be
vergence." alterable by visual training. Convergence-excess het-
erophoria is most successfully managed by plus lenses
for near vision, which reduce reflex accommodation
Convergence Excess
and therefore excess accommodative vergence.!"
The chief clinical characteristics of convergence excess
heterophoria are moderate to high esophoria in near
vision, a high AC/A ratio, and a significant lag of accom-
modation in near vision." Convergence excess
heterophoria is caused by excessive sustained accom- OPHTHALMIC TESTS
modative vergence innervation. Schor and Horner!"
The Effect of Blur on Binocular Vision
observed that the excessive accommodative vergence
innervation is associated with insufficient adaptation of Stereoscopic acuity is degraded by reduced contrast and
tonic accommodation and unusually rapid adaptation image blur, and unilateral blur is more devastating on
of tonic vergence. They proposed that these tonic adap- stereoscopic acuity than bilateral blur.':": 143 The physio-
tation asymmetries are major factors in the pathophysi- logical basis of the additional stereoscopic loss caused
Fusion and Binocularity Chapter 5 177
by way of innervational mechanisms that are normally the physical size of the eye might be or what the sizes
conjugate (e.g., saccades), gaze-specific adaptation vio- of the retinal images might be.
lates Hering's law of equal innervation. Anisometropic spectacles may cause aniseikonia. For
Although gaze-specific adaptation of versional eye instance, the more myopic eye of most anisometropic
movement innervation is not easily observed in a clini- patients is larger than the fellow eye!": this condition is
cal setting, the vergence aspect can be observed clini- called axial anisometropia. Regardless, these patients have
cally. Sethi and Henson 153 and Schor and associates'f equal ocular image sizes (iseikonia) when their vision
proposed that gaze-specific adaptation of vergence is has been corrected with contact lenses. 156 * Iseikonia
accomplished by the creation of vergence adaptation persists because the retina of the relatively larger myopic
innervation that varies with the field of gaze. Therefore, eye usually stretches during ocular growth to match its
one can monitor gaze-specific adaptation by testing larger optical image. I57 As a result, a given target acti-
phorias in different fields of gaze, as in the prism adap- vates the same number of local signs in each eye. Axial
tation test. When a patient completes gaze-specific anisometropes usually have aniseikonia when their
adaptation, the oculomotor system will have created a refractive error is corrected by spectacle lenses.
heterophoria that is invariant with field of gaze when For those anisometropes who have aniseikonia, the
the phoria is measured through the patient's ani- aniseikonia is associated with retinal disparities that
sometropic spectacle prescription. Henson and increase with visual field eccentricity. The variation in
Dharamshi 150 observed that gaze-specific adaptation is disparity is not reduced globally by vergence eye move-
most rapid in those fields of gaze in which more visual ment. If the rate of increase of these disparities exceeds
activity occurs. Their observation suggests that gaze- the rate of increase of Panum's areas with eccentricity,
specific adaptation is probably responsible for the V peripheral diplopia and rivalry occur. The magnitude of
pattern of normal horizontal heterophoria wherein aniseikonia that exceeds the allowable increase of
lateral phorias are more "eso" in down gaze than in the peripheral retinal disparity is approximately 7%.158
primary position of gaze. In other words, down-gaze Because binocularity in the presence of large aniseiko-
"eso" is probably created by gaze-specific adaptation nia is unstable, vergence alignment is usually lost, and
stimulated by the frequent use of the eyes for close foveal diplopia ensues.
viewing when in down gaze. Aniseikonia caused by spectacle lenses can be classi-
Anisophoria occurs when gaze-specific adaptation is fied as overall or meridional. Overall aniseikonia is a
not able to neutralize disjunctive eye-movement uniform enlargement of one eye's ocular image relative
demand. Patients whose oculomotor systems cannot to the other, and it is typically caused by spherical ani-
achieve gaze-specific adaptation in response to new ani- sometropia. Meridional aniseikonia is an enlargement
sometropic corrections have noncomitant heterophoria. of one eye's ocular image (as compared with the other)
Symptomatic vertical noncomitant phoria is relatively in a specific meridian, and it is typically caused byastig-
common in the lower field of gaze of wearers of new matic anisometropia. These forms of aniseikonia may
anisometropic spectacles. If gaze-specific adaptation is occur in combination, and they may have differing
unable to neutralize a vertical imbalance, vertical phoria effects on stereoscopic space perception. The patho-
in down gaze will be evident. The magnitude of the physiology of the aniseikonic distortion of stereopsis,
heterophoria is predictable from the anisometropia and which is described later, explains the visual experience
the eccentricity of down gaze.!" Chapter 31 discusses a of the aniseikonic patient, and it is the basis of the
method for testing gaze-specific adaptation in down testing of aniseikonia by the Space Eikonometer (dis-
gaze. Patients with insufficient gaze-specific adaptation cussed in Chapter 32).
may require a slab-off prism to wear anisometropic The stereoscopic consequences of aniseikonic retinal
spectacles comfortably.!" disparities can be appreciated by analyzing object
planes. An object plane is a flat surface that is pierced at
Aniseikonia its center by the cyclopean direction of gaze. A particu-
Aniseikonia is a difference in the size of the ocular larly important object plane-the gaze-normal plane-
images, and it commonly occurs with visual distortion, is perpendicular to the cyclopean direction of gaze
headaches, and discomfort. Iseikonia is the condition of (Figure 5-17). The perceived orientation of an object
equal ocular images. Ocular image size is the size of an plane is influenced by the combined effects of horizon-
image as perceived by the observer. (Retinal image size is tal and vertical disparities subtended by textures on the
the geometrical size of the image on the retina and does surface of the plane (see The Binocular Contribution to
not involve perception, only optics.) Ocular image size
is determined by the number of local signs spanned by
a retinal image. Therefore, the ocular images are per- • Because contact lens corrections are close to the principal planes of
ceived as equal if the retinal images cover the same the eyes, they usually have little effect on retinal image sizes (see
number of local signs in each eye, irrespective of what Chapter 26).
Fusion and Binocularity Chapter 5 179
the left eye instead of the right eye causes the opposite
stereoscopic distortion.
This geometric effect produces ocular images similar
to those experienced by an observer with normal vision
who views, during symmetrical convergence, an objec-
tively rotated object plane that is closer on the left and
farther on the right. The horizontal aniseikonic dispar-
ities would be indistinguishable in these two situations,
and the average vertical disparities would be zero in
both cases. The normal view differs from the aniseikonic
view in that the normal observer experiences a gradient
of vertical disparities across the horizontal dimension
of the rotated object plane, with the vertical disparities
being larger at the near end of the plane and smaller at
the far end of the plane. The horizontally aniseikonic
observer does not experience the vertical disparity gra-
dient. Verticaldisparity gradients-or the lack of them-
become perceptually significant when very large
binocular targets are viewed in near vision."
The induced effect is a stereoscopic distortion caused
by vertical disparities associated with vertical aniseiko-
Figure 5-19
nia. When a x 180 meridional magnifier is placed before
the right eye during symmetrical convergence, the When an observer with normal vision views, in right
gaze-normal plane appears to be rotated about a eccentric gaze, an object plane that is tangent to the
Vieth-Muller circle, the retinal images are horizontally
vertical axis, with its right side closer than its left side.
equal, but the right-eye image is taller than the left-eye
Hence, the induced effect is qualitatively the opposite of image. The observer with normal vision correctly judges
the geometric effect. The induced effect creates approx- this object plane as closer on the right and farther on
imately the same amount of slant as the geometric effect the left. These retinal images are similar to those seen
for small and moderate magnitudes of aniseikonia by an observer with normal vision who is viewing a
«4%), but it generates relatively less slant than the gaze-normal plane in symmetrical convergence through
geometric effect for larger aniseikonias." When a verti- a x 180 meridional magnifier placed before the right eye
cally larger right eye image causes the induced effect, the or by an aniseikonic observer with a right vertical ani-
ocular images are similar to those experienced by an seikonia. See the text for details.
observer with normal vision viewing an object plane in
right gaze that is farther from the cyclopean eye on its
overall image size differences when viewing a gaze-
left side and closer on its right side, paralleling the
normal plane in eccentric gaze.
Vieth-MOller circle and the longitudinal horopter
The oblique effect stereoscopic distortion is observed
(Figure 5-19). The associated ocular images are hori-
when the axis of meridional aniseikonia is in an oblique
zontally equal, but the right-eye image is taller. The
meridian. Figure 5-20 shows a simulation of the left and
induced effect images differ from those caused by a
right retinal images when magnified in the 45- and 135-
slanted object plane in eccentric gaze, because the latter
degree meridians, respectively, by oblique-axis aniseiko-
presents a gradient of vertical disparities to the observer
nia. When the targets in Figure 5-20 are fused (see the
in addition to the average vertical size difference.
legend of Figure 5-1 for the method), the gaze-normal
The ocular image of one eye is uniformly larger than
plane appears to be slanted away from the observer at the
that of the other eye in overall aniseikonia. Small or
top of the plane and closer to the observer at the bottom
moderate overall aniseikonia does not distort the appar-
of the plane, as shown in Figure 5-21. The oblique
ent gaze-normal plane, because the opposing geometric
stretching of the retinal images tilts the horizontal and
and induced effects arising from horizontal and vertical
vertical meridians of the images toward the elongated
aniseikonia, respectively, cancel each other out. Larger
meridians of the images. The differential rotation of the
overall aniseikonia generates a geometric effect distor-
vertical meridians, called declination * can explain the
tion, because the induced effect fails to respond pro-
portionally to larger magnifications. Geometric effects
associated with large overall aniseikonia may not appear 'Cylinder lenses cause meridional magnification (as well as blur).
Declination can be observed by viewing a textured surface through a
practically significant, because such large aniseikonia
minus cylinder lens held away from the eye. Rotating the cylinder
usually causes a failure of stereopsis and sometimes of lens about its optical axis declines the vertical and horizontal
fusion. Individuals with normal vision experience meridians of the surface toward the axis of the cylinder lens.
Fusion and Binocularity Chapter 5 181
(-) Declination
Figure 5-20
These distorted checkerboards simulate the effect of oblique aniseikonia on the retinal images or the effect
of meridional magnifiers whose axes are placed at 135 and 45 before the left and right eyes, respectively.
0 0
Declination is the tilt of the vertical meridians of the images. The tilt of the top of the vertical meridians away
from the nose (toward the temporal visual field) is referred to as a negative declination. When the targets are
chiastopically fused according to the instructions given in the legend of Figure 5-1, the fused target will
appear to be rotated about a horizontal axis as if it were farther from the observer at the top and closer to
the observer at the bottom. The tilt of the distorted targets may be compared with the vertical orientation
of the frame containing retinal images that are not distorted. The distortions of the checkerboard targets,
which have been enlarged to better illustrate their shapes, cause large retinal disparities when their images
are fused at 40 em. Fusion may occur more easily if this figure is viewed from a greater distance.
oblique effect stereoscopic distortion. When the Although object planes are useful for analyzing
observer foveally fixates the center of the fused object stereoscopic distortion, they are not useful as a clinical
plane, the vertical meridian lines above the fixation test, because monocular depth cues contained in them
point are displaced to the temporal visual fields (nasal may interfere with aniseikonic stereopsis. Gillam 159
retinas), subtending increasing uncrossed disparities observed that, when the quantity of linear perspective
with vertical eccentricity. Accordingly, the gaze-normal depth cues in a binocular target was increased, stereo-
plane appears to tilt away from the observer at the top. scopic distortion induced by size lenses was reduced. The
Similar reasoning accounts for the apparent tilt of the conflict between stereoscopic slant and perspective slant
lower portion of the object plane toward the observer. apparently caused the suppression of stereoscopic slant.
This oblique effect cannot be explained by invoking the Longstanding suppression of aniseikonic stereopsis
geometric and induced effects, because the horizontal (stimulated by conflict with veridical monocular depth
and vertical sizes of the retinal images are equal. and distance cues) likely causes the reduced stereoscopic
Oblique-effect stereoscopic distortion is additive with acuity observed in some of those aniseikonic patients
the geometric and induced-effect distortions. The retinal who retain fusion. Aniseikonic distortions caused by
images caused by oblique magnification are similar to stereopsis are clearly visible in a device known as the
the images seen by an observer with normal vision "leaf room," a small room that has interior walls that are
viewing an object plane rotated about a horizontal axis. covered with leaves" (Figure 5-22). The room is visually
182 BEN.lAMIN Borishs Clinical Refraction
--- --
, -"'"
F ' \ __ __
----\', C'
<, B'
__ C _-I
'\ F - ~\- - B
Apparent ~
shape of ~ \
-----\-y -------,
room ..../
,; \ I
""E' :\\
------ -cP' - A
I, magnifying lenses that stretch the retinal images in the
I, 45- and 135-degree meridians of the left and right eyes,
respectively. The Space Eikonometer is a practical clini-
cal alternative to the leaf room for viewing stereoscopic
distortion, because it presents a stereoscopic environ-
ment with minimal monocular cue contamination (see
Chapter 32).
Moderate aniseikonic disparities fall within the range
of normal stereopsis and are similar to disparities
encountered by individuals with normal vision, but
they still may cause symptoms in some patients. • When
aniseikonic stereoscopic distortion is visible to the
patient, it alters the apparent orientation of the ground
and of large vertical objects such as trees.' This illusory
Figure 5-22
perception causes symptoms of spatial disorientation,
The leaf room. This room which accentuates the stereo- including dizziness, nausea, and vertigo. More often
scopic perception of visual space, thereby revealing
than not, aniseikonic patients do not experience spatial
stereoscopic distortions. (From Ogle KN. 1950.
Researches in BinocularVision, p 144. New Yorl?: Hafner. distortion during casual viewing circumstances, even if
By permission of Mayo Foundation.) they have meridional aniseikonia.!" Suppression of ani-
seikonic stereopsis by more veridical monocular depth
cues probably explains this lack of perceived distortion.
analogous to a random-dot stereogram, but it covers the Nonetheless, many aniseikonic patients experience
entire binocular visual field. The highly textured walls of headache and eyestrain as a result of their condition,
the leaf room place a much greater weight on stereopsis
than monocular depth cues, and so they reveal stereo-
scopic distortions that may be suppressed by monocular 'The prismatic effects of anisometropic spectacles, discussed
depth cues in other visual environments. An example of previously, can also cause symptoms. The discussion that follows
pertains to the effects of aniseikonia (not prismatic effects).
the appearance of the leaf room in aniseikonia is
t Stereoscopic distortion may emerge because the aniseikonic
depicted in the perspective drawing of Figure 5-23. The patient enters a visual environment rich in disparity cues and weak
observer has an oblique effect distortion induced by in monocular cues, such as a forest or a rolling grassy field.
Fusion and Binocularity Chapter 5 183
even if they do not experience visual distortion."? The binocular vision via the associated accommodative
physiological basis of these subjective discomfort symp- convergence.
toms is unknown, but it may be the anisophoric effects The binocular refraction testing environment also
of anisometropic spectacles.!" supports supplemental far-point testing of stereopsis,
When aniseikonia is induced by magnifying lenses in sensory fusion, and fixation disparity. There are few effi-
individuals with normal vision, those observers adjust cient alternatives for testing those functions outside of
the relationship between disparity and stereoscopic binocular refraction. See Chapter 20 for a complete dis-
depth to reduce aniseikonic distortion. 162-165 This cussion of the binocular subjective refraction.
adjustment is probably the result of an alteration of the
depth cue averaging process (see Depth and Distance Exophoria and Refraction
Perception), in which the weighting factor for stereo- Large far-point exophoria may induce excess accommo-
scopic depth is diminished and the weighting factors for dation during far binocular vision, thereby lowering
monocular cues are increased. The reduced stereoscopic binocular visual acuity relative to monocular acuity.
weighting factor presumably persists even in the Berish!" suggested that these patients might be using
absence of monocular depth cues, thereby causing voluntary accommodative vergence to supplement their
reduced distortion in clinical stereopsis-based tests of disparity vergence and therefore create voluntary synki-
aniseikonia. Whether patients with naturally occurring netic accommodation, which results in blur. An alter-
aniseikonia or with postsurgical pseudophakic ani- native explanation is based on the hypothesis that these
seikonia are able to make similar adjustments of the dis- patients have defective convergence adaptation. The
parity/depth relationship has not been determined. high far exophoria of these patients suggests that either
they have no convergence adaptation or that the con-
Binocularity and the Determination of vergence adaptation capacity they possess has been
depleted by the effort to converge the eyes from a highly
Refractive State
divergent tonic posture to their exophoric posture. In
Binocularity During SUbjective Refraction either case, the result would be the same: disparity ver-
Binocular vision can have a powerful stabilizing effect gence innervation would be used to converge the eyes
over accommodation and therefore can prevent over- from their vergence resting state to parallelism, thereby
minused refractions in many patients when binocular generating significant amounts of synkinetic conver-
refraction methods are used. The reason for the stabi- gence accommodation innervation and blur. This
lization is that, when an accommodative response is behavior complicates the refinement of spherical lens
triggered by overminus, it activates excess accommoda- power, which is usually performed at the conclusion of
tive convergence innervation. Compensatory negative the refraction, while the patient is binocular. One solu-
disparity vergence innervation is recruited to offset the tion to this problem, for the sake of refraction, is to
excess accommodative vergence innervation to main- apply BI prism before the binocular refinement of
tain alignment of the eyes. Negative convergence accom- spherical lens powerv" (see Chapter 20); this would
modation (synkinetic with the negative disparity reduce the positive disparity vergence and convergence
vergence) then cancels some or all of the initial positive accommodation. The amount of BI prism could be
reflex accommodation response. As a result, the eye does selected on the basis of the far-point associated phoria
not accommodate to the tentative overminus lens, so (i.e., the minimum prism that eliminates fixation dis-
blur ensues, thus leading the patient to reject the over- parity; see Chapter 21).
minus. In essence, binocularity partially inhibits mani- The ultimate solution to the problem of far-point
fest accommodation during the binocular subjective blur caused by exophoria is slow convergence visual
refraction at distance. training, which is known to improve the rate of vergence
During the monocular subjective refraction, with one adaptation. m,m Rapid vergence adaptation would
eye occluded, the accommodative vergence stimulated reduce sustained convergence accommodation in far
by overminus turns the occluded fellow eye inward vision. Alternatively, BI prism has been proposed as a
without disparity vergence compensation. Therefore, permanent solution for far-point exophoric blur under
the reflex accommodation response to overminus is the presumption that it reduces exophoria. 166 However,
completed, thereby allowing clear vision through the the prism would have to be evaluated by the prism-
overminus. Thus, overminus occurs relatively easily in adaptation test to ensure that inefficient (slow) diver-
the monocular subjective refraction, because the patient gence adaptation does not reinstate exophoria over
does not have to maintain single binocular vision by time.!"
exerting fusional divergence. In addition, binocular
refractions of patients with large far-point exophorias Refraction with Base-In Prism
should be completed with caution, because the visual Various noncycloplegic procedures are available to relax
system may encourage overminus to achieve single accommodation during refraction for cases in which
184 BENJAMIN Borishs Clinical Refraction
cycloplegia is contraindicated (see Chapter 20). Base-in view the clarity of the edges of the letters when
prism is sometimes used to help relax accommodation the practitioner wishes to accurately assess the
during the delayed plus refraction procedure.!" This patient's accommodative response.
type of prism relaxes accommodation by activating 3. The refracting room should be well lit. This aids
divergence, and, with it, synkinetic negative convergence the perception of the remoteness of the letter
accommodation. The relaxation effect of BI prism adds chart, further discouraging proximal
to any relaxation accomplished by negative reflex accommodation.
accommodation induced with plus lenses. The benefit 4. The tentative far-point refraction should be
of using BI prism with prolonged fogging procedures is placed in the phoropter and the Risley prisms
compromised by prism adaptation, which reduces neg- inserted with an initial value of 0"'. The initial
ative disparity vergence and therefore negative conver- binocular sphere should be adjusted to the
gence accommodation over minutes of time. minimum plus that induces sustained far blur.
The BI refraction procedure described below is based 5. Base-in prism is increased at a rate of 2'" per
on systems-analysis principles and may be useful for second until the edges of the 20/100 Snellen
those patients whose reflex accommodation does not letters are cleared. The letters become clear
respond well to myopic blur. Ong and Ciuffreda 168 because of the relaxation of accommodative
reported that patients with transient far-point blur after response induced by negative convergence
near work may have low negative reflex accommodation accommodation. If no magnitude of fusible BI
gain and that patients who are developing late-onset prism affects the clarity of the letters, either of
myopia (after age 15 years) have low negative reflex two possibilities exist: (1) the patient has no
accommodation gain. Saladin" observed that low latent hyperopia, or (2) the CAfC ratio is very
accommodative gain is often found in patients with low. If other indications still suggest the
binocular anomalies such as convergence insufficiency. presence of latent hyperopia, the low CAlC ratio
The low gain of negative reflex accommodation in these hypothesis may be true. If so, BI refraction
patients may impede refraction by preventing fogging should be abandoned in favor of techniques
procedures from relaxing accommodation. Negative using blur to relax accommodation.
convergence accommodation can relax a limited 6. Plus sphere is added in 0.25 0 increments until
amount of accommodation in those patients, despite the sustained blur is reestablished.
their poor response to blur. Low reflex accommodation 7. Steps 5 and 6 are repeated until BI prism no
gain for myopic blur can be identified by a poor longer restores letter clarity. The plus is then
response to plus lenses during the accommodative facil- reduced to restore sustained far-point clarity
ity test (see Chapters 10 and 21). * while the patient continues to view the 20/100
Here are the steps used in performing a BI refraction: letters through the BI prism. It is important not
1. The procedure should be performed at far point. to exceed the BI-to-break prism value during the
A near target is not recommended, because it procedure, because a break of fusion indicates a
elicits an unknown amount of proximal loss of disparity vergence innervation and
accommodation that is not directly affected by consequently the loss of negative convergence
plus sphere or BI prism. Proximal accommodation. As a result, the patient will slip
accommodation opposes accommodative back into an accommodative excess posture.
relaxation stimulated by sphere and prism. Moreover, steps 5 and 6 should be accomplished
2. Snellen letters containing middle spatial as quickly as possible. If the patient is allowed to
frequencies (e.g., the 20/100 or 6/30 line) fuse through BI prism for too long, vergence
should be used as an accommodative target to adaptation will replace negative disparity
optimally stimulate reflex accommodation. vergence and its associated negative convergence
Reflex accommodation responds more efficiently accommodation.
to middle spatial frequencies than to high 8. When the maximum plus has been extracted
spatial frequencies. 169, 170 The success of from this procedure, the BI prism should be very
accommodative relaxation procedures ultimately slowly reduced to zero. A rate of BI prism reduction
depends on the ability of reflex accommodation that induces blur is too fast. It may be necessary
to hold far-point clarity after it is attained by the to allow several minutes of time to eliminate the
procedure. The patient should be instructed to BI prism. There are two reasons for slow prism
reduction. First, time is provided for
accommodative adaptation to adjust to the lower
levels of fast accommodation innervation induced
•Accommodative facility training can restore the gain of negative
reflex accommodation in these patients, IJ6 which should help in by prism; this helps to maintain relaxed
maintaining far-point clarity. accommodation. Second, if BI prism is suddenly
Fusion and Binocularity Chapter 5 185
removed after vergence has partially adapted to it, binocular vergence angle is a measure of the amount of
a sudden and large increment of positive disparity fusional (disparity) vergence innervation active during
vergence will be required to negate divergent binocular vision and that a test of relative convergence
adaptation and maintain fusion; this causes measures the amplitude of fusional (disparity) vergence.
synkinetic positive convergence accommodation The following control-systems explanation of accom-
and therefore reinstates far-point blur. Slow modation and vergence behavior during phorometry
reduction of BI prism allows the vergence system tests shows that these tests are more complex than the
to readjust to the far-point vergence demand Maddox model explanations would suggest. The reader
without inducing significant positive convergence may wish to consult the first section of Chapter 21
accommodation. The return of adaptive vergence regarding phorometric test methods before reading this
to its habitual far-point value can be verified by section, and it may be helpful to refer to Figure 5-16
determining that the far-point phoria has while studying the explanations.
returned to its habitual value or, better yet, by
demonstrating that far-point fixation disparity has Heterophoria
returned to its habitual value. Heterophoria, or "phoria," is the misalignment of an eye
9. After step 8 has been completed, the entire that occurs when binocular sensory fusion is blocked.
process can be reiterated to ascertain more plus, In far-point vision, normal heterophoria is nearly zero.
if necessary. The far phoria is determined by the tonic vergence
There are several limits to the use of BI prism to relax resting state and negative accommodative vergence. The
accommodation. The first of these limits is the CAfC tonic vergence resting state is the vergence angle dictated
ratio, which varies among patients with normal vision. by tonic vergence innervation alone. It is measured in
Patients with low CAfC ratios experience little change the absence of visual stimulation and averages 4.8 6
of clarity from divergence, regardless of how much BI eso.'" The difference between the far phoria and the
prism they accept. If the practitioner chooses to verify tonic vergence resting state has been explained as
that a low CAlC ratio is compromising a BI refraction, follows.!" First, the tonic accommodation resting state
a CAlC ratio measurement method like that described focuses the eye at approximately 66 cm (1.5 D)172; this
in Chapter 21 can be used, but BI prism would be state is the accommodative response in the absence of
applied rather than BO prism. A second limit of BI visual stimulation. Second, for an emmetropic (or cor-
refraction is the limit of divergence. Because negative rected ametropic) patient to attain far-point clarity, he
convergence accommodation innervation is a product or she must cancel the tonic accommodation innerva-
of the CAfC ratio times the magnitude of negative dis- tion with negative reflex accommodation innervation.
parity vergence, patients with limited divergence ability Third, the negative reflex accommodation innervation
may not experience much change of accommodation, generates negative accommodative vergence innervation
regardless of the CAfC ratio. A 20-year-old latent hyper- by synkinesis. Fourth, the negative accommodative ver-
opia patient with a typical 1:10 CAlC ratio and a 56 BI gence innervation diverges the eyes from their tonic ver-
vergence break limit can relax a half diopter of accom- gence resting state; the resulting vergence angle is the
modation by the initial attempt at BI refraction. The far-point heterophoria.
third limit of BI refraction is vergence adaptation, which The vergence angle observed during a near phoria test
was mentioned earlier. Finally, this procedure is not also involves multiple innervational factors. Blocking
compatible with fogging methods, because significant binocular fusion eliminates disparity vergence innerva-
fog masks the small incremental changes of accommo- tion, but the magnitude of the heterophoria that is
dation brought about by vergence. revealed is not just a measurement of the disparity ver-
gence innervation that was eliminated. Because of dual
Accommodation and Vergence interaction, the loss of disparity vergence innervation
initiates simultaneous changes of accommodative
Physiology During Phorometry innervation, which may mask the decay of disparity ver-
Phorometry consists of those tests of heterophoria, rel- gence innervation. For the sake of discussion, these
ative convergence, and relative accommodation that are changes may be analyzed from the time of onset of
accomplished with the aid of a phoropter or trial frame, cover test occlusion (a normal exophoric observer is
Risleyprisms, and Maddox rod. For many decades, these assumed). Occlusion of one eye causes that eye to tum
tests have served as standards for the testing of accom- outward from the direction of the target. The decay of
modation and vergence, whereas the Maddox model of disparity vergence innervation brings about a synkinetic
accommodation and vergence has served as a frame- decay of convergence accommodation innervation,
work for explaining patients' responses to these tests. thereby necessitating an increase of reflex accommoda-
For instance, the Maddox model postulates that the dif- tion to maintain clarity. Simultaneously, proximal ver-
ference between a heterophoric vergence angle and the gence innervation is slightly reduced by occlusion
186 BENJAMIN' Borishs Clinical Refraction
because of the loss of binocular input to distance per- accommodation. It might appear that a never-ending
ception.!" The synkinetic loss of proximal accommoda- loop of accommodation/vergence interactions might
tion innervation would require additional increases of cause accommodation and vergence to assume extreme
reflex accommodation innervation to maintain clarity. values for even a small value of prism. However, equa-
Increases of reflex accommodation innervation that tions published by Schor'?" suggest that normal reflex
were stimulated by the loss of convergence and proxi- accommodation and disparity vergence innervations
mal accommodation innervations would activate addi- stabilize at values that allow clarity and singleness for
tional accommodative convergence innervation by modest degrees of prism. The speed of this dual inter-
synkinesis, thereby offsetting some of the decay of dis- active process in individuals with normal vision is vir-
parity and proximal vergence innervation brought on by tually as fast as the rate of prism application. Sustained
occlusion. Hence, the movement of the occluded eye to perceived blur occurs when convergence accommoda-
its heterophoric posture is determined by the simulta- tion innervation exceeds the offsetting capacity of
neous and oppositely directed changes of proximal and negative reflex accornmodation.!" Diplopia occurs
disparity vergence innervation on the one hand and when the limits of both positive disparity vergence and
accommodative vergence innervation on the other. The voluntary vergence have been exceeded. In patients with
net magnitude and direction of movement (and, there- abnormally high or low synkinesis ratios, the innerva-
fore, heterophoria) is determined by patient-dependent tion required to maintain alignment and clarity during
AC/Aand CAlC ratios and proximal processing. Accom- a relative convergence test may be many times larger
modation and vergence probably do not change their than the value of the prism itself and therefore causes
adaptive states during the brief period used to measure abnormally low findings.
heterophoria (up to 30 seconds). Vergence adaptation contributes to the vergence
response during the relative convergence test. Vergence
Relative Convergence adaptation is stimulated by the increase of fast vergence
Historically, the term relative convergence was thought to innervation as the prism magnitude is incremented. The
refer to a measure of the limit of convergence while percent contribution of adapted vergence innervation to
holding accommodation constant. The limit is revealed total vergence innervation is strongly influenced by the
when blur or diplopia ensues. Accommodation is not rate of prism application. If prism power is incremented
truly constant during such tests, even when the patient at the disparity vergence speed limit (i.e., fusion is main-
experiences subjective clarity. Therefore, the term is used tained), little vergence adaptation occurs because of the
to refer to the ability to change the angle of convergence inherently slow rate of vergence adaptation. If a slow
while maintaining subjective clarity. rate of prism application is used, vergence adaptation
For the sake of discussion, positive relative conver- innervation may contribute a significant percentage of
gence is analyzed, and it can be assumed that similar the total vergence response. Vergence adaptation during
arguments apply to negative relative convergence. It is the relative convergence test has two immediate conse-
also assumed that convergence is stimulated by quences. First, because adaptive vergence innervation
smoothly incrementing variable-power prisms at a rate does not innervate accommodation via synkinesis, it
of change of 2'" per second, which is optimal for does not upset the accommodative response. Hence,
disparity vergence.!" Base-out prism displaces the clarity is more easily achieved if adapted vergence inner-
retinal images temporally, thereby producing a crossed vation supplies the required vergence innervation.
disparity that stimulates positive disparity vergence Accordingly, the range of clear vision in the relative
innervation via feedback control. Positive disparity ver- convergence test is increased by vergence adaptation.
gence generates synkinetic convergence accommodation Second, when adapted vergence innervation assumes a
innervation via the convergence accommodation synk- higher percentage of the vergence innervation load,
inesis. This additional accommodative innervation, if more disparity vergence innervation is relieved of its
unopposed, would blur the ocular images. Negative load. This untapped disparity vergence reserve is then
reflex accommodation innervation is recruited to offset available for response to additional prism, and it there-
the excessive convergence accommodation and main- fore increases the range of single vision. I ? 5 Because the
tain clarity. This negative reflex accommodation then prism rate alters the outcome of relative convergence
reduces accommodative vergence innervation via the tests, it is important to use a consistent rate (e.g., 2'" per
accommodative vergence synkinesis. This reduction of second) to obtain results that are comparable with
accommodative vergence is usually less than the initial published standards.
disparity vergence stimulated by the prisms. However, The contribution of vergence adaptation to a relative
the reduction of accommodative vergence, if unop- convergence test may be observed in the phoria meas-
posed, would cause ocular misalignment and diplopia. ured immediately after the relative convergence test.
Consequently, additional positive disparity vergence After positive relative convergence, the phoria may be
innervation is recruited to maintain ocular alignment, several prism diopters more eso than the phoria meas-
and it synkinetically generates more convergence ured just before the relative convergence test. After a
Fusion and Binocularity Chapter 5 187
negative relative convergence test, the phoria will be ally robust adaptation of tonic accommodation 115_
more exo. Although adaptive effects usually indicate behave in this manner. Hence, a consistent rate of
strong vergence function, they nonetheless may bias the lens application is desirable for the relative accommo-
results of subsequent phoria or vergence tests, especially dation test. A rate of 0.25 0 per second is useful,
if a positive relative convergence test is performed because normal reflex accommodation can follow the
first.176 lens changes, whereas accommodative adaptation
Relative Accommodation The relative accommodation tests usually show blur
Relative accommodation tests (e.g.. the positive relative before diplopia, and usually diplopia is not observed at
accommodation and negative relative accommodation all. This behavior again points to the relative weakness
tests) stimulate not only accommodation but also ver- of reflex accommodation when accommodation and
gence by way of dual interaction. For the positive rela- vergence mutually interact during phorometry. In other
tive accommodation test (minus-lens-to-blur). concave words, the capacity of reflex accommodation to respond
(minus) lenses stimulate positive reflex accommodation to the combination of minus lenses and negative con-
innervation via feedback control. Positive reflex accom- vergence accommodation is less than the capacity of
modation generates additional accommodative ver- disparity vergence to offset accommodative vergence.
gence innervation via the accommodative convergence Those capacities are directly related to the gains of reflex
synkinesis. This additional vergence innervation, if accommodation and disparity vergence.
unopposed, would cause diplopia. Negative disparity
vergence innervation (i.e., divergence innervation) is Summary of Phorometry
recruited to offset the excessive accommodative ver- The heterophoric vergence angle is governed by varying
gence innervation and maintain alignment. Negative amounts of tonic, accommodative, proximal, and adap-
disparity vergence then reduces convergence accommo- tive vergence innervations. The disruption of binocular-
dation innervation via the convergence accommodation ity that reveals heterophoria eliminates disparity
synkinesis. The reduction of convergence accommoda- vergence innervation, but it also alters accommodative
tion, if unopposed, would cause a lag-induced blur; vergence innervation by way of dual interaction. Hence,
consequently, additional positive reflex accommoda- the magnitude and direction of heterophoria are deter-
tion is recruited to maintain clarity. As is seen in the mined by both the vergence and the accommodation
relative convergence test situation, the innervational systems.
interplay stabilizes in a short time. Tests of relative convergence and relative accommo-
Accommodative adaptation can play a significant dation place opposing demands on accommodation
role in relative accommodation tests. Accommodative and vergence. 81 prism and minus sphere demand
adaptation contributes to the relative accommodation increases of negative disparity vergence innervation and
response in two ways. First, as accommodative adapta- positive reflex accommodation innervation, whereas 80
tion assumes more of the accommodative innervational prism and plus sphere demand increases of positive dis-
load, reflex accommodation is released, thereby becom- parity vergence innervation and negative reflex accom-
ing available for additional response to minus lenses. modation innervation. All of these tests are affected by
Second, accommodative adaptation reduces accom- adaptational behavior and therefore are time sensitive.
modative vergence and subsequent dual interaction The innervational mechanisms that control the out-
effects, thereby blocking the growth of negative conver- comes of phorometry tests are so complex that it is
gence accommodation. These contributions depend on perhaps impractical to attempt to analyze their individ-
the speed of the relative accommodation test. Accom- ual actions in a clinical setting. A more useful approach
modative adaptation is minimal when the patient is may be to view these tests as nonspecific probes of
rapidly responding to the minus lenses, but it is more accommodation and vergence plasticity, correlating
important when positive reflex accommodation nears their limits to published standards of normality such as
its innervational limit. Near that limit, the patient is Morgan's "expecteds"!":':" or graphical analysis (see
observed to require more time to clear minus lens incre- Chapters 21 and 22).
ments. The slow response is caused by the patient
waiting for accommodative adaptation to develop, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
which eventually clears the target. Hence, the range of The authors thank Dr. James Saladin for his thoughtful comments
relative accommodation is increased if time is provided about the revision of this chapter.
for accommodative adaptation to occur. If accom-
modative adaptation is strong and the positive relative
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