Swot Analysis of PCEC

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Assignment NO 4

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Name : Irfan Ali Kahn
Reg No: fa15-bse-063
Topice :
SWOT Analysis of the China- Pakistan Economic Corridor

Submitted To:
Sir Tauqir Shams
Date :
Tittle: SWOT Analysis of the China- Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)

➢ Difficult to enter in Chinese
➢ Transportation cost is low market (customer)
(customer) ➢ Difficult to sale our own goods
➢ low cost fast internet service in market because Chinese
(customer) products are less expansive
➢ Establishment of research then ours (customer)
laboratory for biotechnology in ➢ Chinese product enter into our
Multan (customer) market (customer)
➢ Gwadar International Airport ➢ China use their own labors
(supplier) mostly (suppliers)
➢ Power Infrastructure Project ➢ China control over all the
China agreed for fast track projects(suppliers)
implementation of the 21,690 ➢ If the project in not complete in
MV energy project (supplier) time therefor the Chabahar port
➢ Fiber Optic Project. The main get advantage (rival)
aim of this project is to ➢ The volatile security situation is
establish safe, fast and reliable major impediment in the way
route for communication two of successful implementation of
countries (supplier) the multi- billion project.
➢ highway projects ranging to 1660 km
is under progress. This will enhance
the outreach of CPEC across South ➢ Poor Governance and lack of
Asia. (Substitute) consensus.
➢ Highway Projects (substitute) ➢ Lack of Transparency.
➢ The Chabahar port (India, Iran ➢ Geographical obstacles.
and Afghanistan with central ➢ Weakness of Gwadar to
Asian countries). (Rival) Generate Potential Economic
➢ The CPEC will provide a secure Incentives.
trade route to Pakistan so that its
market will increase Europe, Middle
East, Russia, Gulf States and Africa.
➢ CPEC empowers backward and ➢ Huawei (chains company)stole
affected areas of Baluchistan, FATA, personal data (technology)
North Sindh, Gilgit-Baltistan and ➢ Security Threat Today, Pakistan is
regions of North-West China facing extremism and terrorism
(economic) which is the main hurdle in the
➢ CPEC will help Pakistan to advance successful completion of CPEC
its economic interests(economic) project
➢ Chinese investment will increase ➢ Chinese nationals suspected of
GDP by over 15%. (economic) fake marriages arrested from
➢ The Pakistan-China Optical Fibre Islamabad(social issue)
Cable project provides 3G and 4G ➢ Chinese eat haram(social issue)
services to Pakistan (technology) ➢ Chinese nationals marry Pakistani
➢ Huawei(Chinese company) the girls to sell(social issue)
commercial deployment ➢ KPK government is against changing
of 5Gservices in the second half of original Gwadar-Kashgar route
2020 (technology) which is a western route and
➢ Learning Chinese language by demanded government to stop
people in Pakistani will play a amending the project.) (law and
pivotal role in communication and politics)
understanding China( demography) ➢ Language of both countries are
➢ Govt of Pakistan give Chinese different so it is difficult to
Pakistani nationality (law and understand what they say to each
politics) other. (demographic)
➢ Govt provide Chinese labor full ➢ Nationalist leaders of Baluchistan are
security (law and politics) also against CPEC and demanded
➢ Chinese nationals marry referendum to decide future of
Pakistani girls (social issue) Baluchistan. (law and politics)
➢ Joint Research Activities research ➢ The KPK province is of the view that
work would be based upon on the change has been made in CPEC
agriculture, fisheries, wildlife and project and economic benefits are
languages. (demographics) divert to Punjab by federal
➢ As a game changer opportunity government. (Economy)
which will help people of Pakistan
and China to improve their living
standard. (Social issue)
Conclusion: CPEC is a comprehensive mega project for Pakistan and China ,
and after successful completion Pakistan is expected to transform into a regional
economic hub and gateway for regional connectivity .Similarly , it extend generous
reward to china in terms of providing the shortest overland energy and trade rout to
middle East and Africa . Additionally ,Gwadar will provide a basecamp for he
PLA Navy to observe U.S and Indian naval activities .However ,after applying the
swot analysis framework we found that CPEC has more weakness and threat than
strengths and opportunities .We are not denying its opportunities and strength but
Pakistan and china must consider strategies to counter the weakness and threats of
CPEC on Pakistan’s part it is of utmost important for state to curb terrorism across
the country and develop institutions to cope with poor governance and corruption,
likewise the country needs to develop strong inter provincial cohesion over project
routes sand the federal government need to take into account the reservation of
smaller provinces .it is a necessary to disclose the terms and conditions of the
projects which have been set with china.
Regarding eternal threats china and Pakistan need to form a strong institutional
mechanism to monitor the pace of work and smooth transaction of committed
investment both also need to expand cooperation to oppose external threats in
Baluchistan province .
Both Pakistan and china need a strong commitment to finished projects according
to already settled timeline which will reduce extra expenditure and save them from

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