Master The Incident Management Process
Master The Incident Management Process
Master The Incident Management Process
Restore services fast and minimize the impact of incidents
This success guide is a detailed explanation of how you can use ServiceNow ® Incident
Management to maintain the best possible levels of service quality and availability—even when
incidents occur. When an incident happens, following a solid incident management process will
help you restore normal service operation as quickly as possible and minimize the adverse
impact the incident could have on business operations.
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In this guide, you’ll find additional recommendations from ServiceNow Professional Services
beyond the specific out-of-the-box (OOTB) functionality. You may add additional functionality
to what’s offered, but you should only do so in scenarios when you will achieve a required
business outcome that can’t be achieved using an OOTB method. When you follow this
approach, your upgrade paths will be smoother, and you’ll be better able to expand your use
of the Now Platform ®.
This success guide will help you develop and maintain an effective incident management
process by:
• Explaining how to identify and diagnose incidents
• Explaining how to resolve incidents through resolution processes and known errors
• Defining when incidents require further investigation
• How to integrate other processes with incident management
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and/or other countries. Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Roles and responsibilities
The caller is the person being impacted by degradation to a service or someone who has
discovered an impact or potential impact to a service. A caller could be a member of an
operational support team. Alternatively, if the issue has been discovered automatically through
an event monitoring system, the caller may be captured against that system.
• Bring incidents to the service desk’s attention.
• Participate in the implementation of a solution or workaround.
• Confirm the team successfully resolved the incident.
ServiceNow role – No role is required, but the caller needs a login.
• Record, own, monitor, track, and communicate about incidents.
• Investigate and diagnose incidents.
• Provide resolutions and workarounds from standard operating procedures and existing
known errors.
• Escalate incidents to IT support.
• Communicate with the caller.
The SDA engages in the process by setting the Assignment Group field to the Service Desk group
and the Assigned to field to the individual SDA.
ServiceNow role – The itil role is required.
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and/or other countries. Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Second and third line – IT support teams
When the SDAs are unable to resolve incidents on their own, they must pass responsibility to
someone else with more knowledge and experience. Organizations will differ in how they
structure their support teams, but it’s a common approach to have second-line support teams
within the service desk reporting structure who specialize in particular services and are
considered the subject matter experts (SMEs) for these services. Escalating to the second line of
support still keeps the incident within the service desk.
The third line of support is typically the operational team responsible for the service. For example,
it might be database support, network support, application development, etc. These are the
teams with their main focus on delivering and maintaining that service.
Your organization may not have a fourth line of support (you may not need one). If you do, the
service is could be supplied by an external vendor after all internal support teams have failed to
resolve the issue.
Essentially, the higher the line of support is, the more knowledge and experience the support
group is expected to have on the specific service in question. Keep in mind that the high-level
support groups will also have less general knowledge across all services.
• Investigate and diagnose incidents escalated from the service desk.
• Develop workarounds.
• Resolve and recover assigned incidents.
• Create incidents after detecting a service failure, quality degradation, or a situation that
may result in one.
The IT support team engages in the process by changing the Assignment Group field to the
appropriate support group and the Assigned to field to the individual support staff.
• Coordinate the investigation and resolution of major incidents assigned to you.
• Assign tasks to other teams to investigate and resolve the major incident.
• Manage the communications during the major incident to both business and IT stakeholders.
• Conduct a review of the major incident once it’s resolved.
The major incident manager engages in the process by changing the Assignment group field to
the responsible major incident management group and the Assigned to field to the correct
agent within the assigned group.
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and/or other countries. Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Incident admin
The incident admin is the person assigned the incident_manager role within ServiceNow and is
able to configure certain elements of the incident process that do not require assistance from
the system admin.
• Configure incident properties.
• Configure major incident trigger rules.
ServiceNow role – The incident_manager role is required for incident administration. This role will
gain additional capabilities in future releases.
• Define the overall mission of the process.
• Establish and communicate the process’s mission, goals, and objectives to all stakeholders.
• Document and maintain the process and procedures.
• Resolve any cross-functional (departmental) issues.
• Ensure proper staffing and training for execution.
• Direct the incident management roles.
• Ensure consistent execution of the process across the organization.
• Monitor, measure, and report on the effectiveness of the process to senior management.
• Continually improve the process.
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and/or other countries. Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Inbound email – Inbound emails can generate incident records. ServiceNow does not
recommend this method since it cannot reliably collect enough information from the email in
order to create an incident that a team can work on.
Walk-Up Experience – By visiting an onsite IT support location, users can create an incident using
the Walk-Up interface.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States
and/or other countries. Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Process overview
State – New
Figure 2: The incident management process flow for the New state
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When an incident is first created, it is in the New state. The incident is automatically assigned to
the service desk as the front line to review anything coming into the IT department for action.
In this state, the SDA opens the incident ticket and captures all known information about the
symptoms the caller experienced. Capturing sufficient and relevant detail at this stage is very
important—it helps with diagnosis if the incident requires escalation. The SDA should record the
description of the incident in the caller’s own words so they can use those terms again as they
work with the caller.
The SDA must complete these mandatory fields:
• Caller
• Business service
• Configuration item
• Contact type
• Impact
• Urgency
• Priority – This is automatically populated from the Impact and Urgency fields.
• Assignment group
• Short description
• Description
If the incident is raised through self-service or email, the end user only needs to provide these
details since they aren’t likely to know or understand most of the remaining fields in the incident
• Caller
• Urgency
• Short description
• Description
The SDA then reviews the information provided and supplements it with further details.
Process-critical attributes
There are a number of particular attributes captured in an incident that drive aspects of the
Incident prioritization typically drives the schedule of the incident through its resolution. In
particular, this will impact the service level agreements (SLAs) associated with the incident.
Priority is calculated based on the incident’s impact and urgency.
Be sure your customers are clear on how to define the different levels of impact, urgency, and
response and restoration time frames associated with the priorities. This information is useful when
you define SLAs—and it ensures consistency across the process.
• Impact – The effect that an incident has on business
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– For example, if the incident only impacts a single employee, its impact is low
compared to 500,000 paying customers with social media accounts.
• Urgency – The extent to which the incident's resolution can bear delay.
Priority is generated from urgency and impact according to this table.
It’s possible to automatically establish the priority of the incident based on the CI that’s identified
in the incident record. With this technique, the business criticality value of the CI is used to
determine the priority of the incident. For example, an online banking service is considered
critical to a financial organization. If the CI is related to the incident, the priority can
automatically set to Critical as a result. Using this technique, you can more accurately and
consistently prioritize incidents, since determining their impact and urgency can be subjective.
Incident assignment
Here’s the incident assignment process:
1. The SDA may already be aware of the correct group to assign the incident to—if so, they
reassign it to that group when it’s in this state. If you’re using automated assignment, that
also happens in this state, usually once the SDA populates the business service or CI.
• If the SDA needs to investigate and perform triage on the incident, that occurs during
the In Progress state. At this point, they assign the incident to themselves using the
Assigned to field and set the state field to In Progress.
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2. The new assignment group reviews the incident that shows up in their work list and assigns it
to one person.
3. The assigned person begins working on the incident and manually sets its state to In Progress.
This stops the clock on any response SLAs that are running since changing the state to In
Progress means someone is responding to the incident.
Heads up!
You must assign an individual to the incident in order for it to move to In Progress. This way, anyone
who needs an update or who wants to discuss the issue will know who is responsible for it.
State – In Progress
Figure 3: The incident management process flow for the In Progress state
During the In Progress state, someone is working on the incident. This state covers a large and
varied number of activities that are required in order to resolve the issue.
The person assigned the incident begins by investigating and triaging to establish the incident’s
cause and how to fix it. To help them resolve the issue, they can:
• Use the contextual search feature to display knowledge articles that match the incident or
are similar to its short description
• Refer to similar incidents and problem records
During this investigation and triage, they may discover that there is a better-suited group or
individual to address the issue. If so, they’ll reassign the incident. To do this, they’ll update the
Assignment group and Assigned to fields. This could involve passing the incident to second- or
third-line SMEs. Next, the new assignees receive an email notification to make them aware they
are now responsible for the incident.
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An incident could be reassigned multiple times while it’s in the In Progress state since multiple
different teams may need to be involved. When reassigning an incident, the Work note field is
mandatory because it explains why the incident is being assigned to the new group or individual
and what is expected of them.
Heads up!
Reassigning an incident will not reset the SLAs attached to the incident unless the SLA is specifically
tracking reassignment only. Given that, if an SLA only has one hour remaining before it breaches and
is reassigned to a new team, that team still has only one hour.
While the incident is in the In Progress state, everyone assigned to it must use the Work notes field
to update it and capture the actions they’ve taken and what they’ve learned.
When you need to provide an update to the original caller, use the Comments field. Updates to
the Comments field can be automatically sent to the caller. This saves the help desk staff from
having to update callers and the callers from having to chase down updates.
When a fix is identified by the investigation, the individual assigned to it will apply the fix to
resolve the issue. The fix may be a permanent solution or a temporary workaround—either is
acceptable if it solves the issue at that time.
The identified fix could be from:
• A knowledge article
• A known error
State – On Hold
Use the On Hold state to indicate when an incident isn’t resolved yet and work on it is
temporarily paused while the person assigned the incident waits for another group or person to
take some action.
When you change the incident’s state to On Hold, the On hold reason field becomes
mandatory and provides these choices:
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• Awaiting Caller
• Awaiting Change
• Awaiting Problem
• Awaiting Vendor
ServiceNow recommends removing Awaiting Problem from the choices. Resolving an incident
should never be dependent on a problem.
The Service Level Management application makes heavy use of this state since putting
something on hold (Awaiting Caller) typically acts as the pause condition for all SLAs.
State – Resolved
In order to move the state to Resolved, the person assigned to it needs to give some further
details to explain what the problem was and how it was fixed. The mandatory fields are:
• Resolution code – This is a list of choices focused on the nature of the resolution provided, for
example, whether it was a workaround or a permanent fix. These choices aren’t intended to
explain how the incident was resolved.
• Resolution notes – This is a free-text field where you can describe the issue and how it was
resolved. This field was deliberately designed to be free text rather than a list of categories or
other items to choose from.
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Experience shows that there tend to be a large number of possible codes. These must be filtered
based on the CI related to the incident. If the filter is not applied, the person resolving the
incident has an overwhelming number of options, making the chance of selecting the correct
data significantly reduced. If they select the wrong data, it won’t offer value.
Expert tip
The effort involved in maintaining this level of related data is usually high, and the maintenance costs
invariably outweigh the business benefits of being able to report on it. As such, if you require codes to
track what the issue was and how it was fixed, you should only do it when you have a clear business
benefit to achieve.
Once the resolution information is provided, the caller receives email notification that the
incident is resolved and has seven days to disagree. If the caller believes the incident is not fixed:
1. The caller clicks the link to the incident in the email.
2. Once in the incident, the caller clicks the Reopen Incident button. They must complete the
Additional comment field to explain why they believe the incident is not yet resolved.
3. The state for the incident returns to In Progress and clears the Resolution code and Resolution
notes fields.
4. The person assigned the incident receives a notification containing the caller’s additional
If the caller agrees that the issue is resolved, no further action is required. The incident remains in
the Resolved state for seven days, after which the State field automatically updates to Closed.
State – Closed
No activities take place in the Closed state. Should the incident reoccur, a new ticket must be
raised. Once an incident is closed, it cannot be reopened. In addition, the associated SLAs
typically stop in this state.
State – Canceled
There are very few scenarios when an incident is genuinely canceled. This only occurs when an
incident was raised in error—usually prematurely, before realizing there is no real issue.
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Major incident management
When an incident’s impact on the business is considered critical, it’s considered a major
incident. You’ll manage these using an incident management subprocess that involves
additional activities intended to reduce or remove the impact as quickly as possible.
The incident manager coordinates the major incident’s activities through its lifecycle until it’s
resolved and:
• Uses incident tasks when multiple support groups and users need to work on the resolution
• Uses the major incident workbench to communicate updates on the progress of the incident
as they become available
• When the incident is resolved, conducts a review of the incident and performs any
necessary follow-up activities
Incident candidates
Users of the incident process may consider a particular incident to require major incident
management, but they cannot automatically promote an incident into this process since it will
trigger a number of actions and activities for other teams that they may not be aware of.
Incidents are initially proposed as a Major Incident Candidate so incident managers can confirm
whether it is truly a major incident. There are three possible ways to do this:
• Automatically via predefined trigger criteria – When these criteria are met, the incident is
immediately proposed as a candidate.
• Manually from an existing incident – Users can manually propose a candidate from an
existing incident by selecting Propose Major Incident from the drop-down menu.
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• Manually where no incident currently exists – If an incident does not already exist, major
incident managers can select the Create Major Incident Candidate option directly from the
left navigation menu.
Incident tasks
The incident remains assigned to the major incident management group for the remainder of
the lifecycle. As part of the incident’s investigation and resolution process, the major incident
manager designates actions and activities to other groups and individuals by creating individual
incident tasks from the Incident Tasks related list that’s only available for major incidents.
Incident alerts
The Communication tab within the workbench includes a set of predefined communication
tasks to complete. These tasks use the incident alert feature and are created when you initiate
the task from the workbench. The major incident manager populates the content of the task
and assigns it to the relevant individual for action.
When the tasks are closed, this is reflected in the workbench.
Conference calls
The Conference tab is only displayed if you’ve purchased and enabled the Notify plugin. You
can initiate conference calls directly from this tab.
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Major incident reviews
Once the major incident is in the Resolved state, the major incident manager reviews what
happened. This usually involves understanding the root cause and concluding whether any
steps can be taken to avoid the situation reoccurring. The manager captures any lessons
learned during this review as well. If the review is comprehensive, the manager can create and
assign incident tasks. Once the review is complete, the incident can be closed.
Expert tip
Don’t create a catalog item in your Service Catalog when callers have these types of questions—the
request, requested item, and catalog task structure is too complex for this need. If the customer
doesn’t want to use the Service Desk Call feature, capture this interaction with an incident record.
When using the category field, set the field to Inquiry/Help to distinguish it from a true incident.
Other processes
Change management
For many incidents, the solution will require work on a service, hardware, or software.
Conducting this work requires raising a change record. To do this, select the Create Normal
Change or Create Emergency Change option from the drop-down menu.
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Emergency changes typically require a related incident record to prove that they’re urgent
enough to bypass the full process and lead times. You can also do this from the change record
using the Incidents Fixed by Change related list.
In some cases, a change was implemented that resulted in an incident. An incident record can
be created from the originating change record to show the cause and to link the chain of
events together. To do this, use the Incidents Caused by Change related list.
Problem management
Problem management is the subsequent process for incidents that require further investigation to
find the root cause. You can generate problem records directly from the incident record, which
will copy over key data. To do this, select Create Problem from the drop-down menu.
There could be many incidents associated with a single problem—the more incidents you have,
the clearer the scale of impact becomes. It may be that when the problem was first
encountered, the number of associated incidents was low, so the team decided not to pursue a
permanent fix. But as the number increases and the impact widens, you may review that
decision. You can add multiple incidents to the problem using the Incidents related list.
If a workaround exists for the problem, log it in in the Workaround field of the problem record
and click Communicate Workaround. This automatically pushes the workaround into all
associated incident records.
Once the problem is fixed, all associated incidents can be automatically closed.
Configuration management
The configuration management system underpins all incident management activities. It not only
hosts the incident and other service management records, it contains details of the infrastructure
vital to efficient call handling.
The CMDB is used in the incident management process by relating CIs, including business
services, to the incident. This allows you to use Dependency Views to display the relationship
between the selected CI and other CIs related up and downstream.
Knowledge management
Knowledge is a vital part of the incident process. It’s available using the contextual search
feature embedded in the incident record and record producers to display relevant knowledge
articles as the incident is being created. Contextual search uses the text entered into the Short
description field or other text fields to find close matches in the knowledge base, then displays
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• Rules for requesting services
Process governance
Key performance indicators (KPIs) evaluate the success of a particular activity toward meeting
its critical success factors. You can successfully manage KPIs either by repeatedly meeting an
objective (maintaining the KPI) or by making progress toward an objective (increasing or
decreasing the KPI).
The Benchmarks feature in ServiceNow gives you instant visibility into your KPIs and trends, as well
as comparative insight relative to your peers’ industry averages. You can contrast the
performance of your organization with recognized industry standards, and view a side-by-side
comparison of your performance with global benchmarks. Benchmarks offers the following ITSM
• % of high-priority incidents resolved
• Average time to resolve high-priority incident
• Average time to resolve an incident
• % of incidents resolved on first assignment
• Number of incidents created per user
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Item Purpose
Operational data
Active incidents that require visibility, oversight, and possible management intervention are best
tracked on a dashboard or homepage that is monitored by the service desk and incident
management team.
Item Purpose
Pie chart of active incidents, by This data shows the priority distribution of the current
priority workload and allows you to drill down into detailed
List of active major incidents This data gives you high visibility into the major incident
events in progress.
List of active incidents that have See a quick view of the incidents that need immediate
breached an SLA attention to prevent further degradation of resolution
List of incidents reactivated from See a quick view of the incidents that need immediate
caller feedback attention to meet their resolution target (and provide
customer satisfaction).
Table 3: Some operational KPIs and their purpose
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The takeaway
As you move forward with the incident management process, keep these things in mind:
• Provide training tailored to user’s roles.
• Build champions to help you coach and mentor.
• Have measurement and reporting available from the start to measure process performance.
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