Chennai Radha Engineering Works (P) LTD.: Near Miss / Incident Report & Investigation Form
Chennai Radha Engineering Works (P) LTD.: Near Miss / Incident Report & Investigation Form
Chennai Radha Engineering Works (P) LTD.: Near Miss / Incident Report & Investigation Form
1. Person(s) Involved:
Contact No: 78887991172 & 9075048859 Department / Section: Mechanical & operation
4. Treatment Given:
By Whom N
6. Describe the cause /potential cause of the near miss / incident / accident: -
1) Sudden jerks created during unloading could have caused main hoist LHO & RHO quick release link to split into two half
2) The material constituting the quick release link may also be weak.
Contributory Factors (refer to these when identifying the cause of the near miss / incident / accident)
Immediate Causes Substandard Acts
- Guarding - Operating without authority
- Defective tools or equipment - Disabling safety devices [ Y ]
- Hazardous arrangements - Using unsafe equipment
- Unsafe conditions - Non-use of Personal Protective Equipment
- Unsafe design - Non-use of PTW, lock out / isolation systems
- Housekeeping - Unsafe positioning (Y)
- Environmental conditions - Distraction / fooling about
June 2005
Has a significant hazard been identified? [No] Y/N
If yes, please investigate this hazard and update the Hazard Register in your department or section accordingly
8. Corrective Action: (What will be done to minimise the risk of this happening again)
Suggested Action Responsible
1) SUL operator were advised for do not open the grab during
Overload condition. Down the grab immediately. _ Operation
2) Load cell calibration to be done. _ E&I
3) Quick release coupling calibration to be done. _ MMD
4) Training required from OEM for better operation _ Operation
After investigation we found many observation points behind it which should be rectified immediately to avoid such type of
incidents reoccurring in future. We also discussed about all the above observation points to our SUL operators and Attenders in tool
box meeting & create awareness regarding this to avoid the same in future.
Signed: Mr. K. Senthil Kumar Position: Resident Manager- CREW BERTH-3A & 6A
Date: 25/03/2017
June 2005